Chereads / I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning But The World At Peace / Chapter 276 - The God Realm Recruited Me Again

Chapter 276 - The God Realm Recruited Me Again

Now then, how should I describe her current state of mind… Is it like a

turtle with its arms and legs retracted into its shell, or like a curled up

hedgehog, with its hair of spike, threateningly protruding over its

body…? What is clear is that she currently has no intention of opening

up to us.

Think, I should think of a way! Due to Fate-san's character, there's no

way she would listen to me if I just tell her to work without thinking

about it. It would be more ideal if I make her work on her own accord,

but I think that is quite a difficult task.

On the other hand, if I don't talk to her, I won't be able to get a clue on

how to handle this situation. I guess I should gently approach her first

and try not to provoke her…

[…Fate-san, are you alright?]

[U- Uuuu… Kai-chan…]

When I called out to her as gently as possible, a teary-eyed Fate-san

glanced at me through the gap in the blanket.

I guess it's safe to say that she's still on MAX alert, so my first mission

here is to get Fate-san's face out of the blanket.

[…Kai-chan won't torture me anymore, right… I did my best, didn't I?]

[Y- Yes, I think Fate-san is doing a great job.]

[Right!? I mean, I've already worked two days in a row! It's the "longest

time I ever worked". I've worked hard enough!]

Isn't your longest time ever hurdle too low!? This woman really hates

working that bad huh… She has been saying that she wants to be a

NEET, but I think she's NEET enough already.

N- No, this is no good… If I say anything negative, the mission

immediately fails. This is where I have to firmly reply and lift up Fatesan.

[That's right. Fate-san worked really hard… I wasn't able to see you

personally while you were working, but you were really cool when you

entered the city!]

[…R- Really? I… was cool?]

[Yes. Of course… The usual Fate is cute and wonderful, but I also

thought the serious Fate-san had a different kind of charm.]

[R- Really… Ehehe… I see~~]

To be honest, I think I was being exaggerated and lifting her too much,

but it seems like Fate-san was happy to receive my praises, as Fate-san

looked up from under her blanket with a bashful smile on her face.

Alright! The first barrier has been breached… She had somehow peaked

out her face, so I think she's becoming a little less cautious.

However, just this is no good. I shouldn't get carried away by just

achieving this, and it isn't a good time to be on the offensive just yet…

So I should slowly lure her into my range.

[I think seeing Fate-san work would be wonderful but… Fate-san

doesn't want to work anymore, right?]

[Unnn. I don't wanna work anymore~~ I just want to laze around. Work

is boring…]

[Right? Fate-san is the Supreme God, so you would have to do lots of

work… Moreover, it's quite terrible that it's being dragged on for so


[It's really as you say! It was supposed to end yesterday!!! I really hate

the word overtime!]

As I was earnestly affirming Fate-san and showing her that I'm on her

side, little by little, she's getting on board with what I'm saying. The

flow of the conversation is good… However, I would need to make

another push here.

First of all, I think I need to get Fate-san's mind back to the point where

she might be able to do some work.

Fate-san seemed almost uninterested in others, so she wouldn't be

moved by something like the senators, Shea-san and Heart-san being in


Then, what I should do here… is to cite something fun for Fate-san to


[But, Fate-san. I need to remind you of one thing.]

[…What is it?]

[Fate-san, after you finish your job here, we're going on our date here,


[U- Unnn. That's right.]

The date is no longer an option at this point. To be clear, I don't think

she's the kind of person who would work without bait, so I think this

level of concession is a necessary expense as a bargaining chip.

[Since we're going on a date, we would want it to be fun, right?]

[That's obviously correct…]

[However, I'm just a mere human… so I think some people would be

bothered about it.]


Continuing to speak in a slightly depressed voice, I tried being careful

so that Fate-san doesn't take it as something solely her fault.

[What if Fate-san got Chronois-san mad for not doing her job… I'm sure

that I will be thinking about it while we're on our date. It would be nice

if I could properly put that aside as Fate-san does, but I think it would

be difficult for me to do so.]


[That's why I'm a bit scared. I was looking forward to it so much. I was

really looking forward to my date with Fate-san, so thinking that I may

not be able to truly enjoy our date is…]


I'm not lying at all. I may be exaggerating it a bit… but I thought that it

would be fun going out with Fate-san, so I certainly was looking

forward to it.

It's also true that if Fate-san doesn't do her job, I will be concerned

about it.

[K- Kai-chan… is looking forward to our date that much?]

As I told her my woes while showing a bit of exaggerated distress, Fatesan slowly pulls her upper body out of the futon.

It's here! The opportunity that I've been waiting for!!! This is the time I

should attack! Let's press on and push further!

[Yes… In fact, I even prepared a "present" to give Fate-san on our date.]

[Present!? Kai-chan would give me one!?]

…Sorry, that one's a lie. H- However, if I dash off to buy her one while

Fate-san was working, it won't be a lie, so there's no problem.

[Yes. I want to have the best date with Fate-san as possible. A date that

both Fate-san and I can truly enjoy…]

[…U- Uuuuu…]

[That's why, Fate-san. Just for today, will you hold out for a bit more for


[U- Unnnn… I- I don't know…]

She started wavering! Good, the flow of things is good… I need one

more push, and I need to take out one more decisive card.

However, piling up more things regarding our date would be difficult, so

is there anything else I could use?

T- That's right…

[If Fate-san comes home tired from work… Errr, should I give you a


[A massage!? Kai-chan would touch my body!?]

[Y- Yes, well… It's just going to be a massage though…]

I feel like I've moved the conversation to some weird direction, but my

suggestion that I would give her a massage after she diligently did her

work seemed to have piqued Fate-san's interest more than I expected,

and Fate-san bounced off the blanket she was covered in and got up.

[…I- I guess it can't be helped… In order for Kai-chan to support me in

the future, I have to properly make a good investment upfront… For

Kai-chan's sake, well, I don't mind trying a bit longer…]

[T- Thank you!]

[Fufufu, alrighty, I'm motivated! Now then, I'll go quickly finish


[Ah, yes. See you later.]

It seems that I was able to successfully turn on Fate-san's motivation

switch, as she ran out of the room at great speed.

It's not that I don't feel like I've exaggerated lots of things but… for the

time being, should I say that it's Mission Complete?

As I was thinking about this while looking in the direction where Fatesan departed, I felt hands suddenly placed on both of my shoulders

from behind me.

[…Eh? Shea-san? Heart-san?]

[…How much do you want? I'll pay you how much you want, and I will

also ensure that you'll be treated well.]

[…Being able to make God of Fate-sama work… What a rare and

wonderful talent you have. We can't let your talent be buried under the


[Huh? Eh?]

While grabbing my shoulders with their firm grip, Shea-san and Heartsan turned their eyes, which were filled with tremendous vigor,

towards me.

I mean, this might even be the first time I've ever seen Shea-san make

eye contact with me.

[…If you want, it's fine if you want to be the No.2 under God of Fatesama's subordinates.]

[Yes! You'll be treated with the best possible treatment! I urge you to

come to the God Realm!!!]


Those words sound like a very sincere and sorrowful plea… Fate-san…

How often do you usually push your work towards your subordinates?

Even Shea-san was looking at me with bloodshot eyes, you know?

Dear Mom, Dad—— I feel like this has happened to me before. To be

specific, I remember being told the same thing by one of the Supreme

Gods. It really seems like everyone is feeling troubled in regards to Fatesan, and because of the same reason——– The God Realm recruited me
