Chapter 173 - From Friends, to Lovers

The moment I held out the golden fruit I received from Alice, Kuro's

mood clearly changed.

Her expression disappears and her golden eyes look at me without any

quivering at all.

Seeing the different aura around her, I stopped speaking any further,

keeping my silence… before Kuro slowly turned her face down.

[…F- Fufufu… Ahaha… Ahahahahahaha!!!]

[ ! ? ]

Black smoke erupts from Kuro's body, who started laughing like a

madman, and it instantly envelops the entire room.

The smoke that seems to swallow up the entire space makes my vision

instantly turn all dark.

What is this? What is this place…

I found myself standing in a pitch-black space where I couldn't see what

is up and what is down. I couldn't even tell if I was really standing in

place or if I was loating.

It was so jet-black that I couldn't even read the distance between us, but

somehow, I could clearly see my own body. The space that could be

described as abnormal was inexplicably suffocating.

Along with the sensation that my body was being constricted by the air

itself, I could feel my body trembling slightly.

Before I knew it, the golden fruit that I should have been holding in my

hand had disappeared, and out of the corner of my eyes, a pair of golden

eyes suddenly appeared in the pitch-black landscape.

"Arehh~~? You look much better than I thought? Hehhh… A barrier

made by those kids huh… Fufufu, hahahaha!!!"


An eerie voice, as if tainted with madness, echoes in the space, using a

voice that should have been familiar, but sounds unfamiliar at the same


"…Ahh~~ Finally… Finally… It's been a long time~~"

Her eyes licker in the black space along with a mocking voice.

What in the world is she talking about? Alice said that Kuro would reject

me… but Kuro's behavior is far from what I imagined rejecting was.

"Countless times, countless times have I failed… But I'm glad, Kaito-kun.

That a "success" inally happened."

[…Suc… cess?]

I don't know what she's talking about… What I do know is that an

inexplicably heavy and frightening air is surrounding my body.

It's as if I'm stuck in the belly of a monster, so intimidating that I feel that

resisting here would be pointless… I'm not supposed to be before her

killing intent, and Kuro is supposed to be laughing, but I feel like my

knees are about to collapse.

Kuro said that I was better than I thought I would… That means that this

feeling right now is already mitigated by the Defensive Magic that Alice

and the others have prepared for me… With this amount of pressure, it's

already been reduced? How powerful… could Kuro's true power be…

"…Kaito-kun~~ Have you ever played the domino toppling game?"


"Yes, domino… Did you know at what moment that game is the most

fun? It's at that moment when you can inally topple them."

[…Guhh… Ahh…]

More and more pressure assaulted my body, and I could even hear

something creaking.

Perhaps, the barriers Alice and the others put up for me are letting out

screams… If I didn't have these barriers, my consciousness would have

been reaped away a long time ago.

"The baby bird I raised with great care, as if it were my own child…

Seeing them grow out the most beautiful wings there is… I was really

looking forward to that moment when I can inally "tear them off"!!!"

[…What… are… you…]

"However, not everything works your way. You see, I'm quite particular

with my hobby… So, I cravingly wanted to tear apart only the most

beautiful wings… The moment of "your confession towards me", the

moment you sprouted the most beautiful wings!!!"

[…A- Aaaahhhh…]

At that moment, that was inally released.

In an instant, my thoughts were painted black and I was struck with a

fear that makes me want to scream… A pure, intense killing intent.

It far surpasses the one I received from Isis-san, and the word death is

being intensely burned into my head.

As if I'm paralyzed in my sleep, my body won't move, and the discomfort

is accompanied by intense nausea, as if the fear itself is crawling over my


"Fufufu, it's no use. Kaito-kun… If I wanted to, all that Defensive Magic

you have wouldn't do you any good… It's also no use expecting Shiro

would help you here. This space that I made isn't a place Shiro can


[Gfuu… aaaahhhhh…!?]

With her cold words, the feeling in my left hand—— disappeared.

When I moved my gaze, I saw that my left hand… No, everything beyond

my left elbow were gone.

There's no pain… However, I can't feel any sensation of my hand being

there either. It's as if I was swallowed by a jet-black space, as if my hand

didn't exist right from the start…

"Don't worry… I'll make sure to properly feel your deliciousness… Eating

you little by litter, one piece at a time…"


It wasn't just my hand that changed.

Along with Kuro's words, the sensation gradually disappears from my

toes… beginning to disappear into the black space.

What is this? What's going on? What the heck is going to happen to me…

"…You're going to die."


Kuro's words weren't a lie. I didn't have to think about it to understand

that Kuro was serious about killing me.

Rather my body understands that, my thoughts inally begin to think

about death.

…I'm going… to die? Ahh, I see… I'm going to die huh…

I wonder why though… It should have been something frightening, I

should have been thinking about not wanting to die… Is my mind broken

already? I ind myself accepting those words without any resistance at


I feel as if not only my body, but also my thoughts are being eaten by the

black space… feeling helpless, without anything I can do.

It's dark and cold… How much of my body is left now? Is all of my body

already gone? Why don't I feel anything? Has even my senses… already

disappeared? The only thing I can feel is the cold…

"…Hey, Kaito-kun? How is it like to feel the taste of despair?"


Despair… I see, so this feeling is called despair… Ahh, that's right.

Thinking about it now, It's a feeling that I remembered before.

It's that dark gloomy feeling… I felt it in that dark, cloudy skies peeking

through the crevices… and the feeling of Mom and Dad's body getting

colder inside the car.

It's scary… cold… making me feel afraid… and freezing.

"…Hey, can you let me hear your inal words? Your inal words dyed in



My inal words? I see… My inal words huh… I'm going to be killed by

Kuro now. What will I say to Kuro, who is about to kill me?

I can't get my head to think straight anymore… I can't think of anything…

I don't want to think about anything…

In the midst of my fading thoughts, the last words spontaneously slipped

out of my mouth as all the things in my vision were being dyed black.

[…Kuro… Thank you… for everything.]

Ahaha… Even I'm astounded. Even in this situation, I can only feel

gratitude for Kuro.

I'm sure I'm quite afraid of dying, but I personally can't help but feel

neither anger nor fear for Kuro… I'm sure I'd be okay with that even if

Kuro were to kill me… for I'm deeply in love with her…


Immediately afterwards, the entire space shook greatly.

And my body, which should have been on the verge of disappearing and

losing its senses, suddenly began to feel heat.

The fear that had enveloped my body, the icy coldness… Everything

disappears in an instant, and my vision opens up all at once, revealing

the pair of golden eyes loating in the black space.

And it's not just me that has changed.

The golden eyes are also shaking for some reason.

"…hy… Why… WHHYYYYY!!!"

[ ! ? ]

A scream too loud, with a voice that isn't eerie unlike before, as if it's

illed with strong emotions.

"I've already done this much!!! Why aren't you "scared" of me!? What

aren't you "getting away" from me!?"

[…Ku… ro…?]

"Why!!! Even though you're going home anyway!!! Even though you're

going to disappear anyway!!! Why are you making me waver this



With a mournful voice that sounds like it was crying out, and with each

voice, the jet-black space greatly shook, as if this darkness represented

Kuro's heart.

…I see, this place is… With these emotions Kuro is releasing at me right

now… is the true emotion that is most hidden beneath her heart.

That means, what she did just now was just an act… Hahaha, she really is

quite an outrageous fellow.

Perhaps, I've been inluenced too much by my Sympathy Magic, and she

successfully guided my emotions so that I would believe that she meant


And then, little by little, she made the killing intent stronger and

adjusted it to make me experience fear as if I'm close to my death…

making me feel afraid.


" ! ? "

Thereupon, once again… As if she suddenly remembered it, powerful

killing intent was released by Kuro, and my body shook violently even

though the wind wasn't blowing.

However, it's alright. My body didn't disappear… And I can properly

move! My mind also isn't broken anymore!!!

"…D- Don't come here… Don't come here…"


In the jet-black darkness where I can't even ind my own footing, I took a

deinite step forward.

Towards "a different direction" than the golden eyes I see in front of


The frightened Kuro's voice convinced me. Those eyes are just

dummies… and Kuro is just down this path.

I couldn't even see in front of me in this black space, but for some

reason, I could clearly see where Kuro was.

One step after another, I moved myself forward… and reached out to the

darkness where I can't see anything.

Feeling my hand touch something, I grabbed it and pulled it closer.


[ ! ? ]

With a small voice, the one who emerged from the jet-black darkness

was…"a black-haired Shiro-san"?

No, it doesn't matter what she looks like. She is Kuro.

As Kuro had a shaken expression on her face, with all of my strength… I

tightly hugged her close.

[…Kuro, I love you.]

[ ! ? ! ? ]

I put all I could think of into that single phrase and confessed to Kuro.

Kuro's body twitched, but she didn't seem to resist.

[Since I came to this world, your smile has always been a source of

encouragement to me. I want to be together with you, who always have a

happy smile on your face, Kuro.]

[…Kaito… -kun.]

[No matter what Kuro says and does… I'm not afraid of you. I also

wouldn't leave you… Hey, Kuro? My own treasure… I've found it, you

know? I love you… More than anyone… More than anything…]

[ ! ? ]

Hearing my words as I hugged her tightly, Kuro's body suddenly relaxed.

At that moment, the black space cracked and shattered, and the scenery

returned to my familiar room.

It's not only the scenery that has returned, Kuro is also back to her

familiar silvery-white haired young girl form, her shaking body clinging

on my clothes.

[…Idiot… You're an idiot… Even though I've seriously made you see it,

Kaito-kun… Forcibly making you feel fear… Even so, you're still not

afraid of me…]

[…Unnn. I guess I am.]

[Idiot… Idiot… idjet… idjet… I love you… I also… love you! I love you,


Tears lowing from Kuro's eyes, saying the phrase "I love you", she leaped

towards me.

Burying her tear-illed face in my chest, as her small shoulders tremble, I

gently hugged Kuro.

[…I'm sorry… I'm sorry… I made you feel scared…]

[Not really, I don't mind. The one who was really scared… was Kuro,


[…Unnn… I was scared… If Kaito-kun confessed to me… I would never be

able to… give up on you again… and if Kaito-kun were to disappear… I

would never be able to smile again…]

[I won't disappear. I promise… I won't take away Kuro's smile.]

[…Kaito… -kun…!?]

After hearing my words, Kuro clung to me more tightly than before and

then… slowly looked up and looked at me with her teary eyes.

[…Kaito-kun… I love you. I love you so much.]

[Unnn. I love you too, Kuro.]

Telling our feelings to each other again, Kuro quietly closed her eyes.

And after stroking her silver-white hair, which shimmered in the

moonlight coming through the window, I slowly lowered my body… and

placed my lips on her little lips.

With my confession over and all things cleared up, Kuro and I are now

lovers but… I'm absurdly embarrassed!? What do I do!? I can't look

straight at her now, you know!?

When I suddenly feel embarrassed by the fact that we've reached a point

where I feel like I just want to scream in agony, Kuro smiles out of

nowhere, taking out the golden fruit I gave her earlier.

[Kaito-kun, who gave you this?]

[…Eh? Errr, it's Alice but…]

[Fufu, I see… Then, do you know the "meaning" of giving this to me?]

[Eh? Meaning?]

Come to think of it, in the end, I still didn't know what that golden fruit

was for, and when I tilted my head and asked Kuro, she smiled back.

Thereupon, with a faint blush on her cheeks, Kuro tells me with an

impish smile on her lips.

[Presenting the golden fruit is the act of "marriage proposal" for the


[Ehh? Eeehhhh!?]

[You would give her the golden fruit, and when the recipient eats it, it's a

success. I've heard that the Humans have also been doing it for years, so

I thought you already knew about it.]

[I- Is that right…]

That freaking Alice, why the heck did she give that to me!? Doesn't that

mean I was apparently proposing to Kuro before I could confess to her…

The heck is that, it's making me more embarrassed just thinking about


In front of me, who is feeling the heat gathering on my face, Kuro

spontaneously brings the golden fruit to her mouth and takes a bite…

wait, eeehhhh!?

[Wait, K- Kuro!?]

[Ahh, this is quite fresh. Isn't this quite delicious?]

[N- No, you don't just comment on its deliciousness in this situation…]

Kuro eating that fruit means that she accepts my proposal… Ah, this is

no good, I feel like my face is getting hotter and hotter.

After gazing at me in amusement, Kuro spontaneously walks up to me

and gently hugs me.

[…Ahh… Finally… I've inally found you.]


[…It's been a really long time… I've inally found someone who will

"treat me as an equal"…and would "stand next to me"…]


Tears lowed from Kuro's eyes again, and she gently hugged me as if I

were her treasure.

Kuro said there's something she's been looking for for a long time… and

now, she's found it…

[…Kaito-kun… I'll tell you everything… about me… what I wanted… my

everything… I will tell you about it, Kaito-kun.]


As she clung to my body like a spoiled child, Kuro leaned her body on

me, while I hugged her back.

I feel a sense of joy as if my heart was being gently wrapped in

happiness, while stroking her hair that is comfortable to touch.

[However, for a little bit… Really just a little bit… Wait for me.]


[Right now… I'm brimming with the emotion of love for Kaito-kun… that

I can't think of anything other than Kaito-kun. I can't think of anything at


[…It's alright. I'm not in a hurry, and I will always be here with you… so

it's alright even if we take it easy.]

[…Unnn. Kaito-kun… I love you… I love you… No matter how much I say

it, it isn't enough to convey my feelings. Kaito-kun… Thank you for

coming to this world… and meeting me…]

Feeling the deinite warmth of my beloved in my arms, my heart was

illed with a peaceful happiness.

Dear Mom, Dad—— The mysterious demon girl who met me in another

world and saved me. She's gentle, childish, yet somehow mature, and

always has a lovely smile on her face, she who I love the most… And

from today onwards, my relationship with such a person made a big step

forward—— from friends to lovers.