Chereads / Can I be a tamer in HP wizardry world? -Fanfic- / Chapter 29 - ch 29 A night of trouble

Chapter 29 - ch 29 A night of trouble

September 17 1988, Saturday 7:00 pm- Lee's studio

"Who order the kung po crispy pork?... How about the beef with mixed vegetables?.... Oh king prawn curry? They have them?... can I exchange it with my lamb and mushrooms?.." I'm currently handling our Chinese takeout to the kids in Lee's studio.

We saw the opening ceremony of the 1988 Olympics held in Seoul. We held a viewing in Lee's studio. Actually the ceremony already aired earlier in the day but we still held a gathering since Taekwondo was featured as a exhibition sports.

Seeing the opening ceremony that featured a mass demonstration of taekwondo with hundreds of adults and children performing moves in unison, really pumps us who practice the sport.

Sadly there is no Korean restaurant in Ottery so we settled with Chinese takeout from a restaurant near by.

Luke is checking if everyone had there food and handing out chopsticks and plastic spoon and forks. When he was sure that everyone have thier food, he sat in front me and was gonna dig into his sweet and sour chicken with a fork when I nonchalantly said, "You know Mei said they often use chopsticks at home..."

Luke's hand stops and he put the fork aside and reaches for a chopstick while glaring at me, "You can be a jerk! You know that, right!?"

"Yah... but you just make it so easy. You know!" I chuckle. I then asked, "How's your Mandarin coming along?"

"It's getting the--....!! You red.. red head. foodie jerk.!!" He grimance while shouting with red cheeks. I just laugh. The guy borrowed my Basic Mandarin book when he saw me talking to MeiMei's mom in Chinese.

When Luke started using the chopsticks, he keeps messing up. At one instance the sauce in his plate was flicked and flew to my face.

I got frustrated and yelled, "USE THE FORK, LUKE!" He finally gave up and use a fork.

After our banter, we concentrate on eating. I look up on the screen on Tv and just take in a moment thinking, 'Haa, 1988.. three years left before the canon. I still have one more slot for my Beast Space. Naji was a welcome surprise..'

As I take another spoonful of my curry(that I strong-armed from someone), I look back on my roster of conttracted beast plus Naji...

-- highlights of the last year --

I turned eight! I still attend school like a normal kid and play around. I often hang around the Fleming's and read books that interest me. Mostly about ingredients in potioneering, magical beast and plants.

Nick tried to teach me a bit of transfiguration and alchemy using a wand. His lessons focus more on the basic rules pertaining to casting magic like Gamp's Law and the likes.

Penny focus on teaching me some "common sense" about the magical communities. She also insisted in teaching me on how to write using quills and I just have to say, 'It was f*cking frustrating! There were a lot to consider just for your penmanship to be consider as legible!'

With regards to Taekwondo, me and Luke are already 1st Dan (Il Dan) Black Belt. I initially choose it among the many disciplines because of my memories playing Tekken in Playstation. I remember whenever I use Hwoarang, his strength is more on his feet leaving his arms free to defend or to grapple.

I'm thinking of incorporating my magic using a wand and my hand base abilities I got from my contracted beast with fast footwork and explosive kicks of taekwondo.

Speaking of my contracted beast. Grace is basically the same except that she became a full fledge adult in size. I checked an encyclopedia about horse breeds and she looks like a majestic Orlov Trotter with a full white body and a light golden mane and tail.

Grace became very creative when she uses her light bending abilities. When she saw the others were flying, she created a floating race track that follow where she steps. She can now gallop in air.

Gavel on the other hand loves to smash things with his horns. His favorite move is jumping 20-30ft above his target and dive straight down head first. He even coats his whole body with lightning for massive and lethal damage. Add to that his now bison size body, the result looks like when Thor smashes his hammer to the ground.

Reza and Naji quickly became full fledge adults. Reza is now 5 feet tall(when standing and neck stretch up) and have a wingspan of more than 8 feet. Her plumage is mostly white except for her supercilium(the feather that start at the base of her beak that terminates in the slender, dangling crest, and bluish-black streaks on the front of the neck) which is deep blue in color. It matches the Lapis Lazuli stone on her chest.

Like a phoenix, she often release flames when flapping her wings. Except hers are ghostly white flames. She is still learning to teleport under Nana's supervision.

Naji is ... well... became unique. He looks like a barn owl that has the height and wingspan of a Cuban Giant Owl. His face and body is white but the feather in his back is golden with a tint of red shine.

In addition, Naji can turn invisible, has sharp golden talons that can also electrocute an adult. To top it off, he can breathe a stream of red fire. 'How the heck will I explain this guy to everyone!'

Thankfully Nana asked Penny to register Naji in the French ministry as thier "accidental" creation. The couple just thought that Naji was Dora's creation and her gift to me so they complied. There was a lot of questions but at the end of the day, they can't deny that Naji is still technically an owl. Just a bit special.

I'm reserving my last slot for a dragon. I already reached the point that I became a top commodity for others to exploit. I might as well have something to deter and fight my enemies with.

I just can't find an animal with thier bloodline. I even saw a snake that has runespoor bloodline but I passed it up. The 'world' even 'sent' me animals with bloodlines such as Nemean lion, Aspidochelone (Island size turtle), and a rabbit that Siri says has Crumple-Horned Snorkack bloodline.

I just thought, 'Where are the dragons!?'

-end of last years summary-

While we're watching the replay of the opening ceremony in the TV, the door of the studio opened and a young boy rush in sweating. When Luke and I turned to see who it was, we're surprised to find Kyle.

Kyle look around the room and when he saw us, he yelled, "Guys, come quick. Something happened to Turtle!"

Me and Luke just jumped and run toward the door, not making time to excuse ourselves to everyone.



7:36 pm , Otter Vets

Good thing the vet was near Lee's studio. We were able to be there in just five minutes. We enter the reception area where we found MeiMei's family of three with Jeanne patting Mei's back.

"Waaahhhhhhh.!!" Mei was crying her lungs out. When she saw us, she lunge at Luke like a canon ball. Me and Kyle immediately held Luke's back so he won't toppled over.

When we saw her burying her face in Luke's jacket, everyone had an amused look..well except for Daniel, MeiMei's dad.

Kyle, Jeanne and I just smiled at each other. I thought, 'Damn it, where's my camera when I need it. Does this clinic have a CCTV or something..... huh?...hmmmm?.'

As I jokingly look for a camera that I know is not in trend yet, I observe the clinic. It was clean,and is eerily quite. 'Isn't this a vet clinic? Where's the noise? Or that funky smell that places with animals often have?..and is that orange I smell?'

While I was wandering those questions, a guy came in wearing a lab coat. He look at the people in the reception area and smiled at us and said, "Hello, hello... Who fed a large chicken bone to thier very obese little Shih tzu?" The guy then held a stainless tray with a chicken bone that is covered with saliva.

I was shocked when I recognize his face. The guy look like Alex Pettyfer, the lead actor in 'I am Number Four'. I can't miss that face because I was so frustrated that they canceled the follow-up movies for the franchise.

Daniel quickly came to his senses and answered, "Is the dog alright?" He didn't anwer the guy's question since Mei just calmed down.

"No worries, he's just exausted. Thankfully theres no signs of blood but we'll keep him for the night just to be safe." Said the guy with a smile. I kinda felt off for some reason with his nonchalant attitude of handling a patient's family.

"Just a quick reminder, the recommended portion for a shih tzu is 2 cups of dog food per day." The guy in the white coat added still smiling.

Mei who finally calmed down asked, "But Turtle always have 2 cups..?"

When I heard that, I immediately said " 2 cups a day Mei... A DAY!.. how many times does Turtle have a meal?"

*sniff*sniff* Mei replied, "He eats whenever we eat. Breakfast, lunch and dinner... theres also snacks." She said it with a new found confidence.

I quickly look at Daniel and his wife who quickly averted my gaze. I sigh and patiently said, "So 3 meals a day, two cups per meal plus snacks?"

Kyle, Jeanne, Luke and me have a look of realization.. """"So that's why he's so fat!""""

*clap!* The guy in the lab coat clapped his hands to get our attention, "Ok, now the mystery is solve. Parents, I believe you need to remind your princess on how to properly take care of her dog." He look at the two adults still with a smile.

I really felt weirded out by this guy, but still I asked, "Can we see Turtle before we go?" I'm thinking, 'I'll just slip one drop of my Spring Water and it will be good as new'.

He look straight at me and just said,"No."

Now I'm just creeped out at this point. But out of no where Daniel and his wife stood up andsaid, "Thanks Doc, we'll come back tomorrow. Come now kids we'll drive you guys home."

My friends went out the door without any fuss. I just followed them out but look at the lab coat guy one last time. He is just giving me a warm smile and waving at me.

When I was out the clinic, I saw everyone is already entering Daniel's car. He look at me and said, "Come now Marshall, I'll drop you off on the way."

"No thanks Sir, you go ahead my stuff is still at the Taekwondo studio. I still have to get it and Luke's as well." I just replied and waved at them. I didn't wait for thier reply and just run toward Lee's place.

I only heard the sound of the car engine starting while I just kept running.


After I got mine and Luke's bags from the studio and said my farewells. I started making my way back to the vet clinic. I just can't stop thinking something was weird in that place.

From a far, I can still see the lights from the clinic's window and front door. When I'm at the door, I tried to ready a electric charge in my right hand just in case.

I open the door and came in. Everything is still the same. It is still very quiet. I made my way to the side of the counter and I saw a lady that's wearing a scrubs uniform on the floor. Laying motionless.

'F*ck!' I made my way to her side and checked her pulse in the neck. 'Whew.. she's okay.' Just to make sure, I asked Siri what's her status...

Siri: No physical injuries... under magic induced sleep.

I let out a sigh of relief and immediately analyze my situation. I looked at the door the guy in lab coat came from. I 'see' faint trace of bright red orange glow coming from the door.

Its weird ...but instinct tells me there's no danger behind it. I concentrate for a second and sense the surronding. Other than the door, there's no other area with trace of magic.

'I know this is stupid.' I got up. I dispelled the electric charge in my right hand and calmly walk into the door.

~end chapter ~