Chereads / Krea and Zi Adventures / Chapter 5 - Think Fast

Chapter 5 - Think Fast

Der spun his arms around and made a fortress with all the sticks on the ground. It blocked the path. He waved for us to come on. We heard it being attacked. My heart was beating fast but I was ready this time. We ran fast and Krea was zooming above us.

There was a mystical in a tree about a quarter of a mile from where we were practicing. The trees were even closer here and then there were little green blocks stuck to them. They shot an arrow at a block and hit it perfectly. They looked at us suspiciously as we went by. They jumped up higher in the tree when they saw we were being chased by three crazy girls.

Leaves were swirly wildly as leaf girl followed us, determined to fight. The dirt scraped as the other girl glided by. I heard a whip and turned around, it was aiming at Krea.

"Krea watch out!" I shouted.

Krea flew into a tunnel off the path and the dashed chain hit it with a thunk.

"OMG." Shouted Krea, echoing through the tunnel. She flew out the other side of the tunnel. I heard the chain again slashing through the air, aiming for my legs. I jumped. She is not going to trip me today!

I didn't see poison girl... I looked at Der running beside me. He glanced at me and said-

"Y'all got to talk this out."

"What... Der this is your fault!" I said wide eyed.

I looked back and saw poison girl in a tree. A green vapor flew down towards us and I held my breath. Der tried to manipulate it, but it wasn't his power to control.

"Stop this." He said to them.

Poison girl smiled and shook her head no. The two half girls floated to a stop near the tree their friend was in. Krea turned around midair. We were all looking at each other.

"I'm tired of this." I said.

"Haha. Well get used to it." The girl with the black dashes now had a blue fireball in her hand going back and forth effortlessly.

Poison girl stopped the green trash from coming any closer and said-

"How about... y'all leave Der with us."

"What." I said. "Um no."

Der said "Y'all go back home. I will stay."

Krea shook her head no. "Der we is not leaving you." She looked at me and I nodded in agreement.

"This is my business, okay. I got this." He stood up straight and said "I am sorry for ignoring y'all..." I saw his jaw twitch and I almost busted out laughing.

The girl with the leaves looked at me and frowned. "That's not good enough." She said. "My feelings were really hurt." She slowly smiled and the leaves around her were rustling.

I thought about my nails and how they were no use against these long range attackers. Krea can only fly so far... Der is the only one that have a fighting chance. OMG.

Poison girl vapor was suddenly everywhere. What. I was feeling lightheaded. Someone grabbed my hand and it was Krea. She tugged for me to come on and she half flew me out of there as I ran as fast as I could...

Der will be okay, I thought. We made it out of the mist and I coughed a little bit. Ew.

"We have to find a hiding spot." Said Krea. Her straight hair was flying wildly. It seems her glow never leaves now...

I nodded and we came upon a clearing after about five minutes. There were Mysticals here! Wow.

"Um let's blend in here." I said, glancing around.

There were obstacles everywhere. I saw some booths with what seemed like equipment. The air was filled with magic, and, I saw a sign not far from us that said "Safe Zone", with park rules underneath.

Someone zoomed towards us, yet it looked like they were walking.

"Welcome to Park Terji for Mysticals!"

Krea and I looked at each other. I cannot believe this! This is so exciting, despite the drama.

The greeter was buzzing with a yellow aura that looked electrifying.

Me and Krea looked at each other. We both smiled and almost giggled. They said-

"It appears you two are new here."

We both nodded.

"Let me show you around. I am Eagil. What are your names?"



"Okay, follow me."

I thought about Der. Krea hesitated as if she was too. I hope he is okay... Oh he will be fine... I shook my head and me and Krea followed Eagil.

He led us to a corner of the clearing where there were a group of people sitting down in a circle. It seemed like a meeting was going on.

"Here are our trainers. They each delve in different areas of magic. Welcome Krea and Zi." He waved his arm at us and the mysticals said-

"Greetings Krea! Greetings Zi!"

We both said "Hi!" and waved. This was something new. This was something I can get used to...

Eagil turned to us and led us to another corner. Me and Krea looked at each other and giggled. This was so exciting! If Der don't hurry up and come on...

There was a very small building here. He opened the door and waved for us to go through. It was super dark with tiny speckled light floating everywhere, like stars. What are we getting into...

He closed the door and the whole building started spinning. Wow I'm glad I took my medicine today. There was nothing to hold onto. We could see each other through the tiny lights and I saw Krea glowing. Eagil said-

"Krea, it appears as if you are one of the Starnia's that are out there. I know of your parents."

Krea furrowed her brow.

"Really?" She said.

"Yes. They go through the galaxy making sure our solar system is in order."

Krea looked at me. I didn't know what to say.

"What." She said in disbelief. Her glow intensified and she floated into the air. Her eyes lit up pure white and her hair had a metallic sheen to it!

"It appears as if your parents are in need of help. I am a part of the squad of Mysticals that help protect the planet. Zi, your parents are a part of it too." Eagil said.

I nodded... I don't know where we were headed to but the building stopped. I wonder where we are...

Krea landed gracefully.

"We are going to help you Krea."

She let out a few tears. Her parents are a part of this great squad and somehow, they are in need of help. What kind of trouble is this...

I gave my best friend a hug. Eagil opened the door and we were led into this place that looked like a scene out of a science fiction movie.

There were computers and other technology that was foreign to me in here. Wow. I saw other Mysticals walking around. They had emblems on their chest that had the letters GP on it.

"We are the Great Protectors." Eagil said.
