I put my pillow on my face and screamed my anger out, I got tired and went to bed...
The next morning, I woke up. "OH HECK NAH!! I'M LATE!" I yelled. I went to the bathroom to wash up and get ready. I brushed my hair, put it in a ponytail, and got my backpack. I went downstairs to fill up my water-bottle, and then I rushed to the car. I breathed heavily, "Gosh, i'm going to be 14 minutes late."
I arrive at school and I sat down and put my stuff away. Got my notebook out, and wrote the assignment. The teacher clapped 3 times and we clapped back. "Class, we have a new student coming in today. Please welcome him." The new guy came in and when we got to know him people didn't like him. After we saw him (Preston), we went back to doing our work. Later on in the day, it was time for P.E., and that's the part where we have all the drama come in. The gym teacher picked our teams by either telling us "team 1" or "team 2" I was in the team 1 group. The game we were playing was capture the bean bag, and the other teams jail guarder was Graylin.
new person: Graylin
I got tagged and went to jail, I was talking with her and telling her that Liana seems like she's stealing my friends or not wanting to be my friend and stuff like that. "Oh my gosh, I feel bad" She said. "No, you don't have to be," I replied. Someone got me out of jail and now I was jail guarder on my team. Graylin got tagged and went in jail. I talked to her and everyone on her team was getting people out of jail and I didn't notice. While my team yelled at me, Liana came up to me crying and yelling, "Why are you spreading rumors about me now!?!?!"
I replied, "I didn't spread rumors about you," I also cried. She got mad and said, "Yes you are!" And she walked away like nothing happened.
What happens next? Find out in the next chapter!