Chapter 16 - Screptl Weapons

"The second part is fun but also dangerous. You have to be careful because if you aren't you might lose your arm somewhere in the 19th century..." Megami explained.

"What do you mean?" Orgo asked but had a feeling he wouldn't get an answer.

Megami grabbed the 3 black and white taped EM and put them in front of her. She then grabbed another EM from her inventory. It was big and rectangular in shape and looked to have 3 replicate squares on the inside that were made by 2 borders separating them. She then grabbed 2 of the black and white taped EM then grabbed two screwdriver with a smooth round end.

"What are those?" Orgo asked.

"I'm glad you asked mister." Megami said with a mischievous smirk. "These are named Left Space Driver and Right Space Driver. I call em' LD and RD. LD has a rune for left spatial coordinate perception and RD has right spatial coordinate perception. It will take waaay to long to explain it since it involves the Space magic vs True Space theory which is a whole topic so... What were we.. oh yeah. Anyway, they have the property of moving towards a strong time element and have different effects depending on the property of the time element." Megami explained. She dumped the end of the rods in the water. One turned red-black and the other turned blue-black.

"Hm. I had a few skirmishes with some space users in the past. From what I understand.. There should be slight alterations to the formula to make them have different effects, right?" Orgo deduced.

"Yeah. Hand made everything myself. Had to redo these more than three times." Megami said as she held up the RD and LD. "Annoying ass space magic" Megami mumbled. Despite what she said she loves magic and making magic tools.

Megami dumped the red-black liquid into the square on the right side and the blue-black liquid into the square on the left side. She then moved to the last EM.

"The time element is the easy to do and hard find. What you need is a time shard." Megami said as she took a white-clear crystal out of her bag. She then opened the crystal as if it was a locket. Inside was a pulsing liquid that was black like oil. Megami dumped the Liquid into the EM and the liquid in the EM started to come in and out of reality.

"Wow... I've never seen anything like it." Orgo said as Reaper,Shine, and Shadow put up a barrier. "Why-"

"Because, look." Shadow said and pointed towards Megami. She had a strained face as if she was uncomfortable.

"You don't have to put up a barrier." Megami said " I just feel uncomfortable with this last part because it feels like goes against my nature. I guess Chaos doesn't mix well with time and space elements. "

Megami dumped the EM contents into the middle square and lifted the barriers in a quick motion. The space elements rushed to the time element the remained unmoving. They fused as cracks formed in a sphere around it for at least a meter. After a minute if fully fused into a small square. It had the luster of the night sky. Megami had a feeling it was actually reflecting the night sky in a different time period. It was only a theory though.

"Done. Now the last parts. I think you have seen enough and should get some experience." Megami said while hiding the wicked smile that was forming on her face.

Reaper, Shine, and Shadow felt a serious rise in temperature and felt pity and worry for Orgo.

"Ok! What do I do?" Orgo asked when he got to the table.

"Ok. You see the last 4 EM'S?" Megami said.


Megami ripped the tape off of them. "Let's start."

Orgo felt a sudden anxiety as he noticed Reaper carrying Shine and Shadow to a far corner. Shine and Shadow gave him a thumbs up. He now realized that he stepped into hell. He wasn't far off.

Megami gave him a seed, A golden colored driver she called the Center Space Point Driver or PD, Another pill capsule, and a white-clear crystal syringe. "Use each one in a different EM like I did before." She ordered.

Orgo did as she said but used the syringe how it was meant to be used. The EM with the seed was vibrant forest green, the EM with the PD turned black-golden, the EM with pill capsule used turned black with red, blue, and orange dust flowing inside, and the EM that used the crystal syringe turned black like oil but it formed a whirl pool in the center while cracking formed inside it.

"My guess is that these are the life, space, dark, and time elements." Orgo said.

"Can you guess the type for the time and dark elements?" Megami asked.

"For time it would be motion and for dark.." 'I see red so I know infection is there and the blue signifies purity so maybe immunity? But what does the orange mean and why would you put infection and immunity in the same formula?' Orgo thought

"I have no Idea." He concluded.

"And here I thought that you knew a thing or two about dark magic." Megami sighed

"Shadow, can you explain what this is?" Megami asked.

"F-from what I know, the red means infection, the blue means immunity, and orange means heat. I have no idea how those tie together." Shadow said with confidence which got him a mithril chisel thrown at him.

"Heat is what melts things. Immunity and infection are like yin and yang, they create balance. As the heat spreads to everything and the balance maintains it causes a fusion." Megami explained.

"The Dark element of fusion?!" Orgo said surprised. He never heard of the dark element being able to do a perfect fusion.

Megami dumped the Motion EM into the Fusion EM. She then dumped the Life then Space in. The liquid mana turned blood red with dark grey dust spinning in a circle. Megami didn't mind this and mixed everything into the blood red substance. The final product caused the EM to enlarge by 3 times. The EM was grey, red, and blue and the liquid mana was spinning whirlpool with what looked to be stardust being stationary despite the movement of the whirlpool.

It defyed physics, it was like something made by the gods... Orgo realised it then. The metal he tried to forge felt like that time he tried to forge his friends divine blade made by the gods. He theorized that this could help him forge the divine blade.

"I call this the Screptl forge. It allows you to forge Screptl. It takes a lot of work to make, worthy of a metal made to be as powerful as the gods. It can conduct divine creation magic that absolute beings use perfectly, it is insanely hard to break and it can't melt, and on top of that it can cut magic and matter like butter, the only downside is that it is as heavy as osmium." Megami said as if it was a hot guy or dreamy girl.

Megami looked at Orgo with a face that told him to move. He walked over and grabbed Shadow and Shine but was stopped from moving further by Reaper. "You must stay here for your own safety. She will be forging Screptl. If you need to go somewhere then just ask now."

"I need to close the shop." Orgo responded.

Megami summoned a wall of metal around her so she wouldn't be disturbed. Orgo walked to the door and closed the shop to wait for Megami to finish. It didn't take 3 days like she originally said. It took 3 and a half weeks before she left with a strange looking sword that had a long handle like it could be used as a short staff with a sheath on. She put a round sheath on the blade that made the weapon look like a staff.

"Finally done." Megami said with a sigh of relief from the heat. "Who knew making a weapon would be entirely different from forging robot parts. I didn't even receive a skill from this. I now have a sudden admiration for weapon smiths." Megami walked out of the shop exhausted. She made sure to thank Orgo and give him an extra gift ("Book of Screptl") as thanks for letting her use his forge.

In the end despite her exhaustion she walk straight to the castle.

"Hey. Can I meet your king?" Megami asked a huge minotaur with an equally imposing axe.

"Who's there?!" He said lifting his axe for attack.

"Man and people call me tall. I wonder is this is how they feel?" Megami said, remembering how she was six feet tall in her second life. She reveled as she remembered that she is still six feet tall.

The minotaur looked down to the source of the voice. "Oh. Sorry, I forgot how small most are. I'm usually guarding the Demon King but here I am as punishment.

Megami was still exhausted and didn't really care at that moment so she used her physical strength to run to the kings room, completely escaping everyone's sight. It only took 2 minutes but it lasted forever to her. "Finally. Once I ask him for a room to sleep in I can finally start becoming an official commander for the army!" Megami pushed open the door that had a demon helmet and a star on it but that was all she paid attention to before kicking open the door a little too hard. The doors flew to the center of the room where the Demon King was flirting with a dark elf on his lap.

"Give me a room and the demon army command and I'll leave you alone! I am to fucking tired for your goddamd arguments so just give! We'll talk it over later!" Megami shouted using her attributes. The Demon King didn't find her threatening so he just pointed left.

"Straight, left on the second hallway, second door." He said and saw her disappear.

"That's dangerous you know." The dark elf worried.

"I can handle it. I am a CALAMITY after all. No one can beat me." He replied heartily.

'From that strength alone I can tell she isn't a normal person. This lovable dolt just can't tell.' The dark elf sighed as she lamented. 'She couldn't be another CALAMITY could she? No, even that is too far of a chance.'

26 hours later the whole demon castle got the shock of their life from a hellish roar that originated from within. The demons knew a CALAMITY had awoken from slumber.

"Man, that was a good nap." Megami yawned with a pleased smile on her face.