The place Sybilla stops to visit is a very majestic building as I expected. It looks like a small castle amidst the line of simple white buildings that's a bit hard to look at considering how exaggeratedly decorated it is. I have no doubts that this is the shop Sybilla is looking for. Sybilla enters the store without further ado while scanning the golden accessories line up as displays in the store before nodding her head seemingly fully satisfied. Emmy, who looked at me earlier with some guilt as she scratched her head, has flown right away beside Sybilla excitedly pointing at the accessories. Maybe because I'm a guy but I somehow feel that I will never understand a woman's satisfaction in shopping for the rest of my life… This might sound rude to guys who says they understand these females though. The bracelet I bought Emmy is a simple one with thoughts that this should not overshadow her own charm but the ornaments in this shop looks too exaggerated to the point that using one would make a picture of an accessory wearing a human instead. Speaking of which… It has the same vibes as the bracelet currently worn by Sybilla. [Please come in, deeear customers…!?] Just as I'm casually looking around the store, a female clerk moves closer to us while looking at Sybilla with sparkles in her eyes. [I've never seen someone as beautiful as you, dear customer….! Our accessories will definitely make the dear customer much brighter and will be a great compliment to your beauty! If you'd allow, would you let me guide you around the store?] [Ara, that sounds nice~. You're quite the sweet talker, no?.] [Of Course not! Please!] …I mean, if a girl who looks like Sybilla chooses to wear a dress, she'll definitely look like a princess from some hidden palace. Emmy seeing the spectacle takes a step back and looks at me. [Uhh… I do understand what the clerk said but just being beside Sybillasan and realizing how far our gap is as a woman is really painful for my heart…] [Why bother comparing yourself, she's someone no human will ever be able to reach so just give it up. Even a noble lady would not stand a chance.] [No human, you say…] Emmy's gaze then shifted to somewhere far away. [What's up?] [Uun, I actually thought of one adventurer that can perhaps stand toe to toe with Sybilla-san.] …Really? A woman that can compare with Sybila… Not of a noble but… an adventurer? [It's around the time Russell left the party when a mage approached Vince but she's just so pretty like she's the goddess that breathed into life, what's more, compared to Jannet, her… "Combat power's" are just so astounding. She's even taller than me… and on top of it… haa.] Emmy raises both of her hands up to her chest and gestured in the air like she's grasping some really big spherical objects. ….Oi, oi, you're telling me someone out there is taller than you Emmy with chests that are even bigger than Jannet? What kind of woman is that? There's just no way that such a person is just an adventurer. …But, huh? wait a minute. [Did Vince even put up his guard? Knowing him…] [Vince saying 'no' to Katie-san is impossible you know. She wears clothes that expose too much skin too so Vince was like ogling her all the time… Ah, the person I'm talking about earlier is Katie-san.] [Katie, huh.] I've never heard of such a name before… Well, nothing comes to mind either based on how Emmy described her so she's probably not someone I know. But, it's the first time I'm hearing this. Is there any reason why Emmy hasn't talked about Katie or other new people until now, I wonder? [Knowing Vince, I can definitely picture him doing his best to get to her good side just from the way you described her but… This is the first time you actually talked about her so I'd like to ask if your relationship with her is alright.] …I might have been insensitive with that question. Just hearing my question, Emmy lowers her head with a pained expression. However, what she said in response is rather… unexpected. [We've been really good with each other, you know… She taught me a lot of things after all, and she's always been kind while saying she really admires me. She talks to herself a lot but, I can't really say she has any flaws inside and out, she's such a great person…] If that's the case, then why would you've made a painful expression…? I still have a lot of questions but then — a scream reached our ears coming from the second floor which is certainly from Sybilla! [–Russell! Emmy-chan!] Sensing the stiffness on her voice, me and Emmy look at each other before we rush towards the second floor to find Sybilla. [Can't you even provide a simple explanation!?] Sybilla is being aggressively talked to by a different person from the clerk we met earlier. Judging from the temperament of this man, he must be the store's manager of someone equivalent. [Like I said, dear customer. I am sure that this is the accessory that I have heard about.] (manager) [That isn't enough of a reason to do something rude such as accusing me directly!] (Sybilla) Emmy who's just beside me earlier immediately steps in between the two of them. [I'm an adventurer here in Seiris, the Emmy. This girl beside me is my party member but did she cause you any sort of matter?] [Ho-holy knight-sama!] The man who's reaching out to hold Sybilla has his hand held tightly in place by Emmy and is now perfusing in cold sweat. …Since Emmy's taken hold of that hand, rather than the man exerting all of his effort, it would be wiser for him to just give up since his arm is as good as stuck inside the ground. I take this opportunity to move beside Sybilla. [Did something happen, Sybilla?] [I, of all people, am being suspected of using a Seiris' fake money.] Fake money, a counterfeiting, you say…!? Sybilla usually doesn't carry actual money with her. She's the type of person who pays using her adventurer tag in all of her purchases after all. She even says that cash is so behind and it's already the age of cashless transactions. I put my foot forward to speak with the store manager but Sybilla's hands stops me from going further. [Russell.] [What now.] I keep my eye towards the man Emmy is holding as Sybilla moves her face closer to me and… whispers in a little tiny voice. [We finally have our lead. Let's go with the flow and listen to the story and let them keep suspecting.] …What does she mean? Lead? Is this counterfeit sham related to Sybilla's objective? I still have my doubts but better leave things to her. [Anyway, why don't you let me speak with the person who's saying I used counterfeit money. We might not know but perhaps I can help to solve this problem, no?] […I – I understand…] The manager lets out a deep breath as Emmy finally releases his arm before he guides us towards the back of the store.