[…That's it. That makes every person living in this city suspicious.]
After Sybilla says so, with the exception of the three of us, everyone around
started to seem different.
I look at Emmy whose face is stricken with fear and anxiety looking back at
Sybilla then claps her hands all of a sudden.
[Maa, there's nothing we can do about it even after knowing so. We even
don't know since when did the demon lord started to mix in with the people
but the fact that he is still in Seiris after all this time must mean an
obsession keeps him tied in this place, no?]
[Putting the city aside, what should we do?]
[Looking at it objectively, finishing off the demon lord seems too
troublesome at this point, don't you agree? The probability of the demon
lord assassinating us in broad daylight surrounded by lots of people is low
as well. That's why I put the issue of the Demon Lord aside in my head.
There's a probability it can transform but if that's not the case then
assassinating us would lead its disguise to break and with Emmy's
presence, there is a high chance for it to fail. When that happens, then the
demon lord will not be able to step in this city anymore.]
…To be able to think so much up to this point… Apart from being able to
completely read the situation in a bigger perspective, she also notices that it
is useless to be too wary against the demon lord.
[That's just how as far as I can predict things given the circumstances…
Predictions are different to prophecies. I am not a prophet so I really can't
guarantee a bull's eye. However–]
Sybilla appears to be defeated for an instant before she resumes her words.
[–Prophecies aren't derived from a person's intellectual ability but on a skill
instead. That's why in certain sense, it is dangerous to solely rely on
probabilities. I only think given the circumstance and arrive at possibilities.]
After saying those words, Sybilla started to walk once again.
Emmy stares at Sybilla's back before she whispers in a small voice.
[It seems she's taken responsibility for what happened.]
[…Responsibility? THAT Sybilla?]
[Un. She might be blaming herself for putting us in danger even though we
are supposed to rest. That must be why she really isn't in the mood to enjoy
herself… I really wanted to swim with Sybilla-san earlier but she just stood
still watching over us and it felt so lonely…]
I can tell that the two of them have gotten really close to each other and of
course wanted to play together.
Emmy… I can clearly see how much you care about Sybilla.
I also felt today that even though Sybilla smiles, her mind lies elsewhere in
a far away place.
…Certainly, considering the fact as well that the previous dusk magi was
defeated by the demon lord of the third dungeon of Seiris, there must be a
heavier sense of responsibility on her shoulders.
In a sense, putting some of the responsibility due to an external factor to
Sybilla could be acceptable but… Because she was not able to predict and
avoid a certain thing from happening, she is blaming herself and is taking
full responsibility.
This side of you, just how high and mighty do you think of yourself.
We kept our mouths shut as we chased Sybilla's back and returned to the
We have a buffet of seafood for dinner and I enjoy it and eat with relish
together with Emmy. To be able to eat this much seafood, I can't help but
feel envy to the people living here in Seiris.
Maybe because me and Emmy played too much today but we are so hungry
we pick up food after the other that it makes me think that perhaps we are
the only ones who ate all the servings.
Seiris' dishes have completely dominated our palates.
But if we ended up eating the same dishes everyday no matter how
delicious it is, perhaps the meat and vegetables in the village will become
the dishes I will start to miss.
That must be what it means to get sick of the taste of the food.
…Even at this time, Sybilla hardly spoke a word.
The sun has completely set when we return to our room.
I, Emmy, and ofcourse… together with the usually rowdy and talkative
Sybilla who is now completely silent, the three of us entered the room with
an awkward atmosphere.
At the same time, it made me realize once again how our party is
completely centered around Sybilla.
[…Fu, fufufu….]
Hearing a laughter so sudden from behind us, Emmy and I turn around
That's… The thing that both of us have been waiting for all this time back
in the city, Sybilla's fearless smile.
[Russell, Heal and Cure.]
[Got it.]
I use recovery magic as Sybilla said and I can feel my tiredness from
playing all day as well as the fatigue fading all away.
…I am starting to really get worried but still I had fun earlier with Emmy.
Looking at her right now, she seems so energetic that it's hard to believe
she's been sweating and screaming earlier in the morning.
[Well then, could both of you please fully equip yourselves and follow me.]
Listening to Sybilla who has gotten her confidence back along with her
reliable words, we started to follow behind her into the night with
completely different feelings earlier.
The place we headed to is the beach.
A beach without anybody else apart from us three.
[Wa. So pretty….]
In the pitch black sky floats a big full moon.
The reflection of its image from the face of the sea continues to sway as its
moonlight extends all the way to the shore.
Then suddenly, Sybilla walks up beside me.
[It's fine for Russell as well to say 'pretty' to the moon, you know?]
[Why does it sound like I have to get your permission before saying so…
For the record, the moon really is beautiful.]
I don't know why but Sybilla nods her head before moving away after I
gave my impression.
I can't discern for what it's worth as I look onto Emmy who meets my gaze
while tilting her head. Sybilla looks satisfied though so I guess that's just
We start to walk for the meantime.
In a sandy beach where landmarks are not spread around, the surrounding
appears to be hardly different from one another. The best bet to use as a
mark are the traces of the stalls or buildings nearby to identify one's own
Just how far did we walk from where we started.
Below a steep cliff that people who like to bathe under the sun would hardly
ever approach, Sybilla's footsteps begin to halt.
[Fu, fufufu…]
In a place where there is not even a single thing, she starts to laugh
unreasonably as if she's having too much fun.
It really makes me doubt if she really is a goddess as I try to avert my gaze.
No matter how I look at it, I just see a random dangerous woman in front of
…But, considering how closed up Sybilla was for the rest of the day, there
must be a reason why she started to laugh happily.
[I was outplayed several times already but to not be able to know
immediately why I was defeated is something that can never ever be
permitted, no?]
[Outplayed, you say… Is this related to the demon lord?]
[Yeah. Well then, Emmy-chan]
Sybilla uses the back of her hand to tap a boulder.
[Could you please move close to this place for me.]
And as Sybilla said, Emmy move close to the boulder before she
involuntarily muttered [ah-] with a small voice.
[You've noticed it, no?]
[I can feel air below my feet….]
Emmy then puts her hand on to the rock without Sybilla saying so. Then…
The wall of the cliff starts to screech.
Sybilla looks at Emmy with her arms crossed and starts to speak.
[Needle Rabbit. A monster from the second dungeon. Due to the incident
this morning, the guards and the gatekeeper are desperately investigating
that place.]
[Which should be the obvious choice of action.]
[Precisely, it is the obvious choice… After all, if you want to hide a tree,
you put it in a forest!]
At the same time Sybilla raises her voice at the end of her words, Emmy
with the power she has gotten from the Sun Goddess' blessing, uses all of
her strength and has blown the boulder far away!
As for me… As for how the monster was able to get into the beach without
anyone noticing and as for where it had come from… The answer for all of
these questions lies on to the spectacle right in front of my eyes.
That guy, the location he chose to hide the needle rabbit is a place in the
city where a dungeon spawns the very same monster.
[They're of the same species of monsters after all so it's normal for us to
ignore such a possibility, isn't it~ That's right– The possibility of the
existence of the Seiris fourth dungeon!]
What appeared below the place where the boulder Emmy has pushed off is
a dungeon entrance nobody has ever known before.