The hunter plunged into darkness.
*Nightmare frontier*
In front of the teenager lay a mountain valley full of tombstones, some places were covered with plants and white flowers.
From time to time, one could see fissures in the ground, extending down to the poisonous lake below.
On the upper tiers one could see shaggy monsters with their heads turned 90 degrees; if you looked closely, they periodically emitted discharges of electricity.
Also on the hills were humanoid figures. It seemed as if an additional layer of skin had grown on top of their bodies, covering faces as well.
A little later it turned out that these giants are capable of tearing out a huge piece of stone with their bare hands and throw it at the hunter with perfect accuracy.
At these moments, Crowley was helped by a secret tool in the form of a claw. Despite the weight of the projectile, a beast roar successfully repelled the attack.
During one of the attempts, a spider with a human face pushed the teenager to the lower tier with insane screams.
{Someday I'll get this thing. }
But that's a story for the future.
A shocking discovery awaited the hunter on the lower tier. A massive head, consisting of many remains of messengers, bloody clothes, almost completely identical to the clothes of the Doll from the hunter's dream.
Already in the distance he could hear the creatures singing. When approached, Crowley's head experienced incredible pain and was filled with strange thoughts; after prolonged exposure, the hunter's brain was torn into pieces, bringing instant death.
Fortunately, if creature dies, effect will cease immediately.
{Is this my personal nightmare? One of the few individuals who provides me with unlimited support in this world now looking suspicious... }
In the poisonous swamp on the lower tiers, creatures vaguely reminiscent of mollusks swam. Despite their small combat power, the creatures' main weapon was a powerful poison.
Even if it came into contact with the skin, the hunter's limbs began to turn black in a matter of seconds. Then death came.
Having finished clearing the swamps, Crowley received two more blood stone chunks and a set of Caryll runes.
The hunter came out into a large open area. In front of him was a leaning tall tower. There were two types of statues on it: some depicted hunched creatures with eyes on their backs, others were an absolute copy of the Great One Amygdala.
- For some reason this reminds me of Babyl Tower... How long has it been?
Speaking of Amygdala, right now she jumped from the tower and appeared before hunter with clearly not good intentions.
The fight began. And ended, a set of eyes that appeared from the head of the divine creature released rays of energy at the hunter, which pierced the target in several places.
*Instant death*
- Monsters that remind you of me? Don't be afraid, good hunter. I was created to love you. I will never harm you.
The doll's hands hugged the hunter.
- The place where you discovered these creatures is one of the worlds created by the Great Ones, usually called nightmares. Don't take anything you find there seriously.
- Now go to Gehrman, the prey you met this time is extremely strong. You will need his advice.
- Amygdala? Many rays from the eyes? You know, monsters are known to be not the best shooters, you will have to move to the limit of your capabilities throughout the battle, stopping means death.
Having received the necessary advice, Crowley prepared to leave the hunter's dream.
Suddenly Gehrman's voice was heard from behind.
- If after many attempts you feel on edge, you should take a long rest. Sometimes hunting goes much easier after a break.
- I'll remember this... Thank you, master.
The fight with the Great One was unlike anything teenager had experienced before that moment. No restrictions.
Acid, rays from the eyes, her own severed limbs in form of weapons, crazy attacks covering almost the entire area of the battlefield.
In general, every fight was at the limit of possibilities.
In the center of the arena stood a teenager with green cat eyes that were gradually returning to their usual appearance.
Tears were streaming down his face, his body was covered in acid burns, and there were several ray holes that had recently healed under the influence of blood.
In his right hand was another sacred chalice.
{ I think I'll take Gehrman's advice and find a place to stay. What about the university? I'm sure they have a large library. }
On his way to the university, Crowley found himself seeing many incarnations of the Amygdala hanging outside churches.
{Have they been here all this time? If so, then why didn't they attack? Perhaps the exception is the monster that was in the nightmare.
Each time there are more and more questions, but no more answers. Perhaps there are clues among the university records. }
*Byrgenwerht University*
The cleanup was quite easy; the fly people died under the furious onslaught of the hunter. The only problems were caused by giant centipedes and brainsuckers that could use arcane magic. Fortunately, both creatures were deprived of melee skills.
Standing in front of Rector Willem, Crowley held in his hands another arcane instrument, the use of which covered the weapon with secret energy.
- Mr. Willem, I've been wanting to talk to you for a long time, my name is Cheshire Crowley.
The teenager extended his hand for introduction.
- Ah... Ha....
In response, the old man from whose head there was a growth sticking out only waved his staff towards the lake.
{That means he lost his mind too... It's a pity..}
- Now I won't go in that direction, dear rector. But I'll be back, I promise.
The teenager's back moved away in the direction of the university library.
Thus began the hunter's well-deserved rest. He spent most of his time reading books, sometimes alone, and sometimes lying next to a doll/old man sitting next to him in a stroller in the backyard of the workshop.
Periodically, in order not to rust, the teenager went into ancient labyrinths-memories with the help of chalice obtained from monsters.
At other times, Crowley chose to continue his studies with Gehrman, learning the characteristics of different types of creatures and honing the skills of old hunters.
39. Beasts are vulnerable to fire and slashing damage.
Kins to electricity and piercing.
Nightmarish creatures to arcane. Hunters to poison.
In one of his conversations with the old man, the teenager mentioned the situation of Rector Willem.
- Lost his mind, you say... I know, perhaps my request will be too difficult for you, but Crowley, put an end to his suffering.
- Okey, I'll do it.
Gradually, the hunter's knowledge accumulated, answers to the questions posed gradually found themselves.
40. Increasing the level of insight increase reading speed and memory.
{ So, the Ancients have a benevolent nature and often fulfill the requests of mortals? Is she acting this way because of that bigot? }
{Ancient blood was found by university scientists in the underground city of Pthumeru? Every great man loses his child and then looks for a surrogate?}
{The creature at the bottom of the lake is made from a little girl using a child torn from a dead Great One?! What kind of monsters decided to carry out these experiments?!}
*Several years later*
Crowley, rested from the endless hunt, stood in the place where the rector of the university once sat.
- Is it time to continue?
Death count - 12231.
Books read - 3100.
Body empowerment - 7.4x.