Now we take a peek at The Rube's earlier subject in his daily diary. Even though Marion started writing his journal around only about a century ago, it has grown so much that he chooses to hire his former nanny to type them down in his powerful personal computer - since he couldn't trust anyone else at that time and Lena wasn't even part of his family yet - encrypts all of it and then finally stores it into a small but large-data USB drive.
Presently, he keeps this precious item on his person as long as he is dressed. He dares not to use an online journal due to security reasons. Currently, he is using Grammarly, purely due to the author's intense attention to detail. In this instance, the writer's main concerns were spelling and tenses, since he is proficient in several languages due to his many businesses and international contacts and he is always afraid that his use of the English language would be affected negatively due to this.