Chereads / Rising of a New Reaper / Chapter 2 - Fate of the Reaper

Chapter 2 - Fate of the Reaper

In the distance laid a man who just woken up. The man looked at his surroundings to assess a few things. But one thing still bothered him. It was that he didn't know what his name was or where he was. He began to wonder what his acti8 name was but eventually gave up since he got no results.

He lifted himself off the ground. He wiped the dirt that was stuck onto his clothes off himself. He looked around at his surroundings. His curiosity started to get the better of him. He started to look and find clues about where he and who he was.

Each step he took echoed throughout the area. He looked everywhere to get a clue but he came up with nothing. He noticed a red liquid flow towards him so he looked where it was coming.

He saw a body crushed under concrete. He felt something was amise. But he started to fear what caused this incident. So he left it alone. As time passed, he found more clues as to where he was. Throughout his little adventure, he found some papers that included information to where he was.

It said that he was in some abandoned building up in Northern California but he found no information about himself. As he read some of the papers he noticed a glimpse of light shining towards him. He went towards it since it got him curious on to what it was.

He inched towards the bright light that shined onto him. As he got close he saw a mirror, he then went towards it. But he soon got startled and dropped to the ground. This was due to what he saw in his reflection.

"Is this what I look like?" He spoke his first words since he woke up.

His voice was smooth and deep. If he spoke to any woman he could bag them in a instant. He looked again to fully see his own body in detail.

He had pitch black hair with glimpses of white all over the tips of his hair. He had a short black stubble beard which looked a month old. He looked towards his body. He had a wide shoulders, a six pack, thick biceps and forearms that bulged through his clothing. He also had thick legs. He was astonished at what he saw.

"I wonder how I got these. Wait... Are those cybernetics?" He spoke in confusion.

He observed carefully at his cybernetics. He soon found 2 blades that emerge from his forearms. He found more but he couldn't figure out the uses of them. He was about to fiddle with them but he soon started to hear voices.

He twisted his head towards the direction of the voices. He wanted to know more information about the place he currently was in. He slowly walked towards it. Once he arrives, he saw two police officers. He wondered why they were here.

"Why did you bring me here? I mean the others wanted to come but you chose me captain." Spoke the officer.

"Well I needed to show you the ropes. I can't have a rookie that doesn't know anything, Right?" Explained the Captain.

The Rookie nodded in agreement.

While the man was eavesdropping, he felt something was amise. He started to feel liquid slowly decending on his skin. He looked towards his chest and found a blade peeking out of it. He then heard words coming into his ears.

"I finally got you! You fucking psycho!"

He looked towards the right. He saw a person smiling in relief. He felt everything was fading away like someone blowing out a candle in a dark room. But suddenly he felt something was off. He felt like something was taking over him. He felt afraid. He never had felt this feeling before.

Yet it felt natural to him. It slowly took over him like death finally had reached him. The fear he had before started to disperse. A smile crept slowly over his mouth and replaced his clenched lips. A noise of deployment echoed. An after image showed itself. Before the person behind the man reacted, his head collapsed towards the floor.

The body went limp and fell after the head. Blood dripped out from the body. The stench of iron reaked immensely. The man stood over the body with blades that were stained by the blood of the victim. The feeling of relief flowed throughout his body. The feeling was addictive.

It first started as a simple chuckle but then formed to a laugh. The laughs of the man caught the attention of the officers. They ran towards the direction of the laughs but they never expected a man like this.

Fear started to cover the officers as the man stared at them like livestock. The captain soon figured who the man was.

"Shit! Fuck! Get the hell out of here rookie!" Yelled the captain.

"Why!?" Asked the Rookie.

'These fucking rookies now a days.'

" Dumbass didn't you read the brief. This fucking psycho is Strat or as people know him as, The Living Reaper, get the hell out of here befor-

Before he finished his sentence, Strat appeared in front of the captain. He immediately slashed through his neck. Blood splattered all over the rookie who witnessed the death of the captain. The Rookie wanted to run but yet he couldn't.

It was the fear he felt at the moment was overwhelming for him. Even if he could run, he just stood there like he was glued down to the ground. Strat slowly came towards the rookie. With each step the rookies fear started to elevate.

Once Strat was there he just looked at the rookie in the eyes before stabbing him in the stomach. He then twisted the blades while still inside, he started to move them in a horizontal direction. Strat did it slowly so the pain would last longer. The rookie cries of pain filled the room.

When Strat heard the rookies pleading for death, he felt a satisfying sensation flow through his body. It was strange but addicting at the same time. Once he was finished with the rookie, he retracted his blades and then slowly sat down onto the stained floor. He stood back up once he heard the rookie moving still.

Strat went over to the rookie, grabbed his arm and ripped it off. The torture session yet again started once more. Strat stripped off the rookies skin, burned the muscles, and grabbed the rookies gun to shoot him.

He felt even more satisfaction in doing the things he did. Strat sat on the ground once he was finished. He started to smell the air in which reaked of iron. He loved the smell. He felt tired. His eyes closed and everything went dark.

*Unknown POV*

"Have you set the charges?"

"Of course I did."

"Let's fucking hope you set them right since we got a psycho in the area we got to kill."




" GO!"


" GO! GO! GO!"

*Third POV*


" FUCKKKK! MY HEAD!" Yelled Strat as he flew to the wall in front of him.

"Go! Go! Go! Capture the psycho!" Yelled the leader.


Next Chapter: Bloodshed