Chapter 10 - History

The months passed and Eren became two years old. During those months Eren struggled to learn as much as he could about the concept of magic in this world. It can't be helped it was a very sweet temptation for a former scientist like himself. However, what he could find was extremely limited. It seems all the maids and workers around him warned against divulging the secret. Having seen this, Eren started to learn to read through children's books. He will learn about the magic from the best when he is two years old anyway. Thus, when he was two years old, he flew through the stairs and came to his grandfather's study. When he got close, he heard his father speaking to his grandfather. 

"Father, are you sure you want to tell him everything now?" Henry asked.

"Henry he is like neither you nor me. Because he is born with two soul cores his soul would be a lot stronger than even his strongest peers. Didn`t you see his intelligence? All of this is due to his soul strength. And not just that, we do not have any choice." Willam replied.

"Even then, this is too risky."

"Well, not doing is far riskier and you know it." William said and looked at the door "We have our little genius here it seems."

When Eren heard this sentence, he knew that he was exposed so he knocked and came in. He looked quizzically at his grandfather. It seems, to have a double core was not something like a disease as he thought. It has something to do with the soul and the soul is related to magic. He needs to learn about this. He has a hunch that this situation has something to do with his rebirth here. He looked at his grandfather and said "Grandfather you promised me you would tell me about magic when I was two years old. and here I come. Now please tell me. You can start by telling me what having two cores means. I heard it now." 

William sighed and looked at Henry. When he saw his relucted approval he turned towards Eren and said "Come sit, it might take a while to tell everything you want to know. I want to know where you got your curiosity from." He showed the chair across from the one Henry sitting.

Eren sat on the chair with difficulty because he still had a two-year-old body. William started to speak when Eren sat "First of all Eren before we talk about magic let's make sure that you know who we are and where we are. We have been the ruling family of the oldest dynasty in this world from its birth to today. I was the king of the Star Dynasty before your father and now he is the king of this strongest country. Our family has been the only one to rule this big country for 1200 years despite all kinds of mutinies and wars. Do you know why? Because we are strong and the strong has a say in this world. I am going to tell you what makes our family strong later. 

Before the Star Dynasty was founded, there was hardly any order. Countless little kingdoms and tribes populated the world. There were countless and endless wars back then. There were also many monsters in certain locations which made already hard life harder for the people. And then when Morgan Star came into the picture order was established. He conquered many kingdoms and eliminated all the monster-infested lands. You may have guessed by now. He is the founder of the Star Dynasty and the ancestor of our family. He was not just the founder of our country but also technically he was also all the countries surrounding us. They were all part of our dynasty at the initial phase of our history, but they have long been independent. Although they are also claiming Morgan Star was their ancestor, it is just empty talk. After all, what made our family and consequently our dynasty was what Morgan left behind for his family members, information on how to use magic effectively."

Eren interjected here and asked "But how could he by himself found the dynasty and set the order such that it effectively lasted more than a thousand years? No matter how strong he was this is near impossible."

Hearing this William smiled and continued "You truly are extremely intelligent. Yes, he of course did not do all the work by himself, but he was by far the strongest magic user people saw until then. What made him strongest, however, was his endless amount of magic theory information. Back then people did not even know about body forging. They thought of them as retards among the magic users. Morgen came and collected such individuals and nurtured them like today how we nurture them. He was too a bodyforger. He then founded the Star Dynasty with the help of such people. Many noble families here in the capital city are their descendants. After he founded the country, he left his descendants many books containing information about the use of magic. It was these books that made our family prosper until now. It is enough about history. Let's talk about now. 

Even though he left all the information in books, he did not make all the information about magic available to his descendants at once. He put test mechanisms on the library so that the information would become accessible little by little. He was a clever man he knew that leaving all the information accessible at once may make his descendants much more powerful at first but in the long run after the information spread, we would no longer have an edge in terms of technics. He did so that we would always be a little stronger than the rest. It all worked well until now and although we benefited from his heritage everything has an end. Except for the last part of the heritage, we got all the information available during the last 1200 years. And unfortunately, this situation we are in is not a secret anymore. All the surrounding countries have animosity against us either because of envy or historical reasons.

We are still the most powerful one right now, however, we are on the decline while other countries are on the rise. We also started to see provocations made toward us during these years. So Eren do you know why I told these to you? Do you understand?" William asked.