As soon as the trio returned to the world of the living, a half-naked Doron suddenly punched the ground, and cracks formed on the ground, showing how powerful his blow was.
This, of course, scared the Hermes and Iris as they did not expect Doron to have such physical strength.
'Is it because of the bath?' Hermes thought as he looked at Doron.
"Are you okay?" Iris asked with concen, she knew that something happened in that river that Doron was not telling her and she was fine with it. They had just met in a day, and if Doron just started telling her what happened in that river with all honesty, then she would of course question if Doron was still okay.
'His majesty must know what is happening.' Iris thought as she looked at Doron who had just stood up and was clenching and unclenching his fists.
"Could you summon the power roulette again?" Doron asked as he turned to look at Iris with a smile that gave both her and Hermes a bit of a scare. 'This is not Doron' Iris was now firm in her belief but tried not to let it show on her face.'I would try and contact his majesty.'
"No, unless you are in danger" Iris said, as asking him why was just stupid when she knew he won't answer her at all.
"But we are" Doron said as he smiled a very sadistic smile.
'They were in danger?' Hermes and Iris both thought as they looked at each other.
Hermes was also a bit skeptical about what Doron said. He was a god, nothing around a distance of 5km, could escape his senses unless the threat he was talking about was hiding in another dimension or were blessed by a high levelled god than hi--, shit!.
Hermes looked at a tree not to far away as he could see it, faintly but he was able to notice it. The branches of the tree was being shaken by the wind, but for the fact that a particular branch did not move a single inch, spoke volumes.
"You dare spy on me!?"
Hermes yelled as he summoned his scepter and pointed it in the direction of the tree and a portal appeared beside the unmoving branch and what looked like a man wearing dark robes was later seen, holding for his dear life as he was being sucked into the portal.
Seeing that their comrade was in troubl and that the god could detect them now, several black robed figures around them, circling them, but it was easy to tell they were scared.
The god they were seeing was not part of their plans at all.
They were told that only Doron and Iris would appear, so what of the god?, did the informant think he was a cabbage on the road side? or some kiind of coseplayer? , even though he was a messengar, a god was still a god.
"You must give me a very good explanation to this" Hermes said scanning the group.
The men and women of the group kept mum as they looked at who could be assumed to be thier leader.
"We are very sorry, we di--"
Was all everyone heard as they looked in shock to see a half-naked man standing were the leader was just a momnt ago as they looked past the man and saw their beloved leader embedded in a tree about 30 meters away from their location.
The man on the other hand that delivered the blow kept clenching and unclenching his fists like he what he just displayed was normal to do.
'It seems my body also suffered form the incident, it's like a glass cannon right now, so much power but I can't use them freely like before or I might die in this mortal body and my soul would also face the same state as the mortal. I need strength' Doron thought. 'If what she said was true, then I have alot of time on my hands, but not enough to fool around '
The shout from one of the black robed men briught them back from their daze as they stared at the half-naked man with killing intent.
"Attack him!"
The black robed men and women drew what looked like swords, other spears, whiles others took out guns, and took aim at Doron.
Iris was about to dispose of them, but felt a hand on her shoulder holding her back.
"Aren't you curios, to know his strength?" Hermes asked with a mischevious smile.
Iris looked at Doron who seemed to be getting prepared to fight. She then remembered the killing intent she saw when Doron found out that she had a lover before him. She wanted to know if he truly killed others, or that was how his anger was, though she doubted a human that had not killed before to suddenly be able to gain kiiling intent.
Doron who was already ready to start his attack as he observed the black robed men and women.
Unlike the previous ones that attacked his other personality, these ones were more human, as they did not instantly raise their hands like fools and pointed it at him to start firing those their lasers. Now that he thinks about it, can he survive if those lasers hit him? Rather, what would happen if he was hit by those lasers?.
There where 14 people that surrounded them... Well 13, since their leader was now a decoration on the tree not too far away from them.
Four of them were holding guns, and the rest swords, only two were holing spears.
Doron looked at where the gun holders were positioned and saw that the gun holders were standing with a sword holder besie them, so if he attacked them, a bullet and a sword would welcome him.
Doron felt the ground under his feet and a plan formed.
He raised his legs and stomped on the ground with all his might, sending debris around him as he crouched down on the ground as sounds of bullets fired were heard as Doron went for the gun holder behind him.
His movement was so sudden and how he was able to quickly move like coiled spring that was suddenly realesed was also surprising.
The gun holder that was being targeted quickly took aim and fired at the moving the target infront of him. Her visibility was low due to the debris flying around, and the thought of the bullet hitting one of her teamates crossed her mind, but she did not have a choice.
As she fired her third shot, something blue came into her vision as her training kicked in and she dodged.
The sword users also saw the attack and poised to cut the blue thing in half, only for their swords to phase through and their the blue balls hit them.
The swords men looked at each other as the pain they envisioned happening was nowhere to be felt at all.
But that lapse in their actions cost them.
Two shots, two dead bodies, two busted heads, two men down and one woman.
Doron looked at the dead bodies with a lifeless gaze as he looked at the rest with a sick smile. Why?.
"You are not humans"
Yes, their attackers were not humans at all, and the blue blood flowing out of the dead bodies was proof.
Doron was not really keen on killing humans at all, he was to protect them, not start mass genocide. So at first he was just going to knock them out, but the lady gun users when she knocked on the ground by him, coughed out blue blood.
The rest quickly snapped out of their daze as their plan was already half seen through as they became anxious after losing three members.
As they were ready to shoot, Doron was already using one of their dead comrades as a meat shield, this made the rest hesitate as they could not pull the trigger. They were trained, yes, but from where they came from, they were not trained to be ruthless to even their teammates, so none of them could pull the trigger.
Hermes and Iris that were already far from the battle, were looking at this battle with a critical eye.
Iris was of course reading the moves of Doron.
As he used one of their members as a meat shield, he fired a blue magma ball to those on his right and dashed to the left where one of the spear users was, Iris knew that Doron could not use a gun like a pro all of a sudden, as his aim was not really good, so he opted for getting closer to his enemies.
But what he did next made her confussed, as he threw the dead body in his arms to the front of the circle and dashed back to his right catching the spear user of guard as he was already waiting for Doron.
The dead body that was now in the middle of the formation suddenly explode like a squished tomatoe, as blue blood and bone fragments with inards flew outwards, hitting everyone, except Doron who had already picked up another corpse and used it as a meat shield.
The unlucky ones got hit with bone fragments and suffered some injuries, whiles the others were just bathed with blue blood.
Nobody expected this as before they could recover, Doron had already killed one more swords man and another gun user, as the other spear user had managed to escape in time.
But that was not all, as before they could fully recover and process what was happening, another corpse exploded infront of the third gun user and his guards.
Three shots, one dead, two mortally injured injured as blood crept out of their stomach and chest.
Now there where only five of them remaining.
One gun user, two spear users, two swordsmen.
The spearman who escaped was on the left side of Doron, and the remaining on his right.
Doron was a bit oit of breath as those movements and using two diffrent powers at the sametime was draining for him.
'I need to train this body at all cost!' He screamed in his head as he used another meat shield on his right and pointed the gun at the spearman on his left.
The stalemate lasted only a minute until another corpse exploded to Doron's right, making the group of four look in that direction as the female gun user was the one that exploded.
Before they could recover their composure, a corpse was already in their face and exploded.
The spearman on Doron's left was also distracted and he was luckily shot in the leg.
'Tsk, was aiming for his stomach.'
He ignored the spear user and went for the remaining four to his left.