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Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

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Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: A Normal Camping Trip

"Who is on firewood duty today?"

"I think it was Doron's turn?"

"Doron? Then where is he?"

In a camping site, a group of young adults could be seen setting up their tents. Some where busy slacking about; mostly the girls, some where busy making sure that they hadn't forgotten anything during their preparation, whiles others where making videos yo post on their socials; again, mostly the girls.

The tents where arranged in a semi-circle shape, allowing everyone to see if someone was coming through the path that lead to their camping ground, and also served as an easier way to escape from bears, wolves and the likes. The guys assured the girls that nothing like that would happen, but it's better to be safe than sorry right?.

This was their third day camping and they all just got back from a hike, so everyone was hungry and exhausted. At first they wanted to set camp on top of a mountain, so they had all packed their tents, but upon getting there, they realised that they were not the only ones with the idea, so they had to come back and reset their tents, painful.

Now someone was supposed to go out and fetch some firewood for them to keep warm, since the sun was about to set, and cook something to eat.

"Where the f, is he then" Josh, the unofficial leader of the group was a bit pissed right now as Doron was nowhere to be found, and if the camp supervisor finds out that one of them was missing, then it would just be a wasted camping trip. Josh ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair and sighed, as he looked at his buddy Drake; Who was already praying that Josh wont't send him into the now slowly darkening forest.

"Can you go out and look for him or something?" Josh asked, as Drake looked at him with a pleading look. "Why can't you go?".

"Uh, becasue I need to stay here and supervise, duh" Josh said it so casually like what Drake asked was a stupid question on it's own. How could he, Josh, go out of his way and look for some guy he never knew about until now, if not for the fear of getting in trouble for losing a classmate, he would not have cared... and because he did not like the great outdoors, it was taking every fibre of his being and the those cute girls, from running away and booking himself a hotel room, and let his classmates enjoy the great outdoors.

Drake just sighed and asked. "Can I take someone with me?"

At first he was not down to the idea of going to the woods alone. I mean look at those trees, they look so creepy, and the fact that he had watched a lot of horror flms where the actors either got jumped by a group of deranged men or got eaten by some weird monster in the woods. The point is, the woods is a very scary place.

"Of course not, you are the only person that's not doing anything" Josh retorted.

"Fine" Drake did not even think of arguing, he was already privileged to not being given any work to do, unlike the other guys. So he might as well do this.

Josh looked at Drake's disappearing figure as he headed into the now dark forest and shuddered. He could not imagine himself in that position at all... Well that was one guy down, three more to go and he might have some alone time with the ladies, hehehe... But where is Julia tho? Where is Jim too?.

Josh looked around and realised that apart from this Doron Guy that was lost, there were also two more that were missing. 'I guess I would have to send another person to look for them, but who?'

Drake was now scared, like really scared for his life, the forest was more scarier than he had imagined. This was not how it was during the day time! How can a serene and beautiful forest turn into some kind of dark forest from those princess films? Maybe some ogre will just jump out and carry him away or something, or some moody vampire girl... Wait, that part doesn't sound bad at all... What am I thinking?!.

Whiles Drake was in denial about how he wanted to die in the dark forest. The man they were looking for was rather facing the full brunt of the forests dark side.

Doron could not understand what was happening at all, one minute he was collecting firewood, the next minute the whole forest got quite and then booom, here he is looking at what could possibly be a wendigo. Why was he not running for his life and screaming his lungs out? Reason is simple... The roots of the trees held him in place, yes, the trees were keeping him hostage. That is a story even a mad man won't believe.

"Choose, choose, choose, choose"

Doron had been hearing the same word from the wendigo over and over again... But how was he even sure it was a wendigo in the first place?

It had the skeletal head of a deer as it's head, it stood about 3 meters tall with a humanoid upper torso and what looked like a goats lower body, it's hands looked to be made of branches and the moldy smell it emitted was tear jerking; the smell was that bad. Doron did not know how he had not died by now, or even passed out from the smell.

Now the thing that made him angry to the point of not knowing if he should still be scared or not, was the fact that, he bloody did not know what this creature wanted from him!... I mean, at least tell me what am supposed to choose from!!.

Doron looked at this towering abomination and felt like crying. Bro, please, I just came to take some firewood, I did not know it would make you angry, I can drop it down if you want.

"Choose, choose, choose" The wendigo kept uttering the same words over and over again. It's voice sounded like that of a man and woman talking at the same time in perfect sync, Doron then realised that his vision bacame a bit blurry as one wendigo became three and it increased to five and then to seven. In his blurry vision, he could have sworn that he even saw what looked like children wendigos, if you consider smaller wendigo's of about 1.5 meters as children.

""Choose, choose, choose"" They all kept saying the same words and Doron felt like his head was going to explode. His vision blurred, his head ached, his mouth became dry, his throat felt like it was on fire and his ears rang.... He had passed out.

Drake finally got over his mini denial as he headed deeper into the woods looking for Doron. Of course he could have called his phone, or maybe yelled his name... Those were of course dumb ideas. Drake saw himself as a smart guy, as he consoled himself with reasons he was not doing any of that.

Firstly, what if Doron was in the hands of bad guys;Doesn't have Doron's number on his phone, and his call puts him in greater danger?; Also forgot to check the chat group of his class, due to fear.

Secondly, what if he starts shouting like a fool and then those men attack him?; Scared because the forest looks too scary, and is afraid of attracting too much attention.

Drake was even scared to bring out his phone, talk more of taking it out and putting it on silent. As he walked deeper into the forest, he started hearing some weird noises infront. Drake froze, he was now very scared... really scared.

Normally, he would have called out, 'who is there?' or 'is anyone there?'. This time... He ran back in the direction of the camp site. Not today, maybe when the forest was bright enough, but now, it's time for a tactical retreat.

Inside the forest

"Someone's coming" A female voice said.

"Chill, it might just be a rabbit or something" A male voice responded.

"It sounded big" The female voice said, with some fear in her voice.

"The only big thing here is my little brother between my pants, hehe" The male joked as he tried unzipping the girls pants.

The female just rolled her eyes as she allowed him do what ever he wanted... the joke on the hand was a bit dry tho.

As things were getting a bit heated, and the last piece of clothing covering her sacred place was about to came off, she saw someting glowing in the dark, it seemed like eyes starring at her and her partner menacingly.

"Jim" She called as she held his hands from pulling her panties down.

"what?" Jim, asked with a hoarse voice as he could not hold on any longer, also, he was scared of getting blue balled again... Yes, it was not the first time.

"Look" The female did not mind his eager, and slightly fretful expression as she pointed behind him. Jim looked behind at where she was pointing at and was shocked. There it was, some flashing lights, like the eyes of a menacing creature, starring at them like they were it's new prey.

"Maybe the eyes are just fireflies?" Jim said looking at his partner with a strained smile. Even she knew that he was just looking for an excuse, so as to not scare himself.

"Let's go back to the camp" she said, as she quickly wore her jeans back on and zipped it.

Jim seeing this felt like crying. 'Another blue balls, why god? why?'.

His partner did not wait for him, as she quickly left the scene in fear. Now that she thought about it, the forest looked much more scary than she had imagined.

Jim also followed behind with a bulge in his pants that hurt like hell... He had never been in hell, but... you get the point.