Well you do have me sebas I'll always be your friend okay no one can ever separate us from now on if they try to I'll hurt them emotionally cause I'm not as strong as you are now come on big guy no more sad stories about our moms dying soon let's go get some ice cream come on now
Okay okay I'm coming jeez you sound like a teenager
No I do not sound like a teenager you sound like one
How your voice is lower than mine
Ugh let's just forget it let's get some ice cream wait flavor in three two one
Chocolate under,vanilla on top with orea Sprinkle's and chocolate source with a chocolate in the middle in a sugar cone both said at the same time in shock
Sebastian:how does she like the same ice cream as me she knows every last detail about it too coiukd it be I'm finding myself falling again
Maria:how does he know my favorite ice cream flavor not even my brother and sister knows about it he know every last detail about it could it be I'm finding myself fall again
Both thought to themselves
So...they both said in awkwardness
You go first maria
So you have the same favorite ice cream flavor as me what a crazy coincidence