Items Ranking (Technique/Pills/Weapon/Tailsman/Potion/ETC…)
*From low to high
1.Common Rank
2.Uncommon Rank
3.Rare Rank
4.Epic Rank
5.Special Rank
6.Unique Rank
7.Fantasy/Illusion Rank
8.Legendary Rank
9.Mystic Rank
10.Mythical Rank
11.God Rank
*Items are restricted. In Lower Realm only up to Legendary Rank Item can be carried and in upper Realm only till God Rank item are allowed.
About Bloodline: - Bloodlines are always granted by high level being to low level being which grant them power which are nerfed version of higher class beings. Most power are related to their physique. Any being that reached level of celestial can grant bloodline, but condition is granter should be at least a major realm more. As for the class that it is named same as cultivation like blood of celestial or blood of heavenly or divine etc…
Physique Rank:- (*From high to low)
1.Exotic Rank Physique (Highest possible rank of any physique which is mostly bestowed by verse contain the name of God with multiple/major authority due to this reason when this physique holder reaches Divine Extinction, they can easily break through Transdescent being and due to having multiple/major authority they can become Exotic being)
2.Transdescent Rank Physique (Gives user potential to become Transdescent rank since it contains authority like exotic Physiques)
3.Divine Rank (This Physique contain Strongest Races physique and some when exotic rank being grant his legacy and bloodline and the granted person have affinity, they can get this rank physique)
4.Heavenly Rank (Lesser Race Physique or granted physique by exotic to less affinitive person or Transdescent Rank with good affinity)
5.Celestial Rank (It has two sub rank Physique Low Celestial and High Celestial)
6.Immortal Rank (It has three sub rank Physique Low Immortal, Mid Immortal and High Immortal)
7.Common Physique (This Physique also formed by Energy of Heaven and Earth)
Talent: -
It means that person have ability to reach that level of cultivation. This thing is not absolute as even person have less talent with time and resource, he can breakthrough next level.
There is multiple way to increase talent like granting bloodline or fusing souls or using treasures.