Chereads / dropped! / Chapter 2 - 2nd Blood

Chapter 2 - 2nd Blood

"They smell… familiar."

Rolan looked at the two bodies he first saw when he awoke. He had came across them again since he chased the wolves past them earlier.

After awakening his vampiric powers, he could now smell much better than he could already, being able to make out the unique smell of a male and female, along with another scent.

"Is that smell on them supposed to be the thing that attacked us? The thing that made me into a vampire? Well, it's a female, and I like the smell, so goin by the usual tropes in media… it's my mama vampire."

Rolan sniffed around but found no other trace of his 'mother'.

"Did she teleport? The scent cuts off adruptly. I guess I'll know when I find her some other time…"

Not spending much more time on the mystery of his vampire mother, Rolan walked back in the direction he was originally walking and walked…

He walked for hours. Making note of his surroundings in order not to get lost. He doesn't know much about survival other than what little he learned while playing games, but he knew just going in one direction, namely in the direction of either west or east, wasn't a bad idea.

Rolan chose East, hoping to find out if he'd find a country of Asian-like aesthetics.

"Well, I don't hear or smell anyone, but that sound… it's water, right?"

Luckily, Rolan came across a river before long and decided to wash himself of blood, since meeting people covered in it was a bad idea.

He stopped in front of a circular pool that the river met before continuing further into the forest and took the chance to look at himself in the reflection.

With his enhanced eyes, he could make out a handsome face with blonde hair and brown eyes, which caused him to smile.

"At least I ain't ugly."

Rolan took off his linen shirt and brown hide pants and boots, then dipped himself in the cold river, washing all the blood away.

"Lucky that dude had a change of clothes… and also…"

The young man looked down and smirked. "Not a bad size for it being flaccid…. Hmm…"

Rolan began thinking of lewd things and soon enough felt his member getting harder. He looked down and widened his eyes and rubbed his chin, admiring his size, comparing it to an outstretched index finger and thumb.

"At least nine inches. A girl would definitely need two hands and maybe some help from her girlfriend with this one."

Rolan flicked his erect penis and banished his lewd thoughts and continued to wash himself before trying his best to dry himself with large leaves.

"I hope they weren't this world's equivalent of poison ivy…"

He put in the new clothes and wringed out his old ones that were wet from a quick wash and put them in the bag.

"Now it's just a matter of upstream or downstream." Rolan looked up the river and down, neither direction giving him any hint of finding society.

"Well, the water has to end somewhere. If it ends without hitting anything, I'll just go upstream."

Rolan walked downstream.



Holy mother of God, what is that?

Rolan regretted his decision to walk downstream after only a day of walking.

He hid behind a boulder while holding his breath as what looked to be a mix of a feathered pterodactyl and a bengal tiger the size of a bus drank the river water.

At first, Roland was happy to find shelter in the form of an old, overgrown temple, but his hopes for a peaceful rest were dashed by a white monster craning up its neck to look around.

I'm lucky the wind is blowing against me still! If that bastard caught a whiff of me, I'm dead…

Rolan was confident with the wolves, but this monster was different. It looked nothing like he was used to seeing and all of Rolan's insticts told him to just stay away.

Rolan peeked around once he stopped hearing the sound of the monster lapping up water and saw that the beast went back into a sleeping position, it's head tucked under its wing.

With that chance given to him, Rolan turned around and slowly creeped away.


"Just my fucking luck!" Rolan shouted as the beast immediately sprung up to attack him, seemingly faking its earlier sleeping position.

He just barely dodged out of the way of the claws of the bengal-pterodactyl monster.


The monster seemed to giggle at Rolan's actions as it bared its fangs, staring Rolan right in his eyes.

Is this mother fucker laughing at me?!

The monster tilted its head for a moment before opening its jaws to snap at Rolan's neck.

He ducked under the monster and dashed beneath it, aiming to pierce the monster in the chest.

"Take this!"


His clawed fingers simply bounced off the monster's feathered pelt, doing barely any damage.

"Are you serious?! What's this boss-like thing doing here if those wolves were, like, level one trash?!"


The monster laughed as it stood on its hind legs and used its wings to lift itself up and back, facing Rolan head on again.

"Bastard…! I'm not gonna die so fucking soon! Not again!"

Unbeknownst to himself, Rolan unconsciously deactivated his 'vampiric' powers, his deer-like eyes forming a vertical pupil and turning a glowing golden color, his fangs extending beyond normal and his nails becoming as sharp as steel.

The monster seemed to notice this change and laughed more, seemingly enjoying the situation.

Knowing he wasn't gonna get away from this monster, Rolan decided to attack once again, aiming for where he thinks is a ligament in the creature's forearm.

The monster dodged the attack quicker than what it's size would suggest and nicked Rolan's shoulder, leaving a shallow cut.

"Aah! Wha—?!"

Rolan felt the hair on the back of his head stand on end as he looked back and stared at the giggling monster.

This thing…! It's playing with me…!

For the first time in his entire being, Rolan felt a dreadful fear hit his stomach.

He had to escape.

Rolan quickly turned and sprinted to the inside of the old temple, tossing his bag away.

The monster gleefully trotted, following Rolan without any rush to its movement.

Hoping the old temple was too small for the large monster, Rolan looked behind him once he went inside.

In spite of this hope, the beast broke through the small stone doors and crumbled the entry way, still staring intently at Rolan.

"Oh, fuck off!"

Rolan tried to run away, but was smacked by the monster's tail, slamming into a stone statue of a large snake.


With his chest crushed in from the impact, Rolan coughed up a glob of blood and clenched his teeth.

"No way…"

Rolan looked up from the ground and saw the monster looking down at him, no longer giggling.

"Wh-what? Why're you not laughing anymore, shit head?"

The monster narrowed its eyes and used a paw to turn Rolan around and on his back, exposing his bloody and tattered torso.

Without hesitation, the monster took a small bite of his belly, slurping up his intestines slowly, as if taunting Rolan.

"AAAAAH! FUU- !!!"

Rolan yelled out in pain as the monster dug into him and tried to punch it's eye, but the monster easily avoided his claws and bit his hand off. It then went back to eating his organs as if nothing concerned it.

"Fuck! Fuck! You're dead! I'm gonna kill you!"

Rolan yelled out, the entirety of his eyes slowly turning red.


His mind losing consciousness, Rolan's body went into a feral state, his own blood rising into thin streams of liquid red.

The monster looked at this confused.

But soon, the monster began coughing, Rolan's own blood inside of it trying to make its way out.


The monster roared in confusion and anger, but before it could crush Rolan's skull, the streams of blood restrained the beast, piercing its limbs as the blood held on.

Rolan, still feral, stood up, his belly half gone, pieces of liver and stomach dripping to the ground. With teeth bared, and eyes red, Rolan outstretched his hand and gripped an invisible object.

The streams of blood holding the beast crawled it's way to its neck and held its head in place.

The unconscious body of Rolan grinned as it drooled in anticipation. He pounced on the restrained monster's neck and sunk his long fangs deep into its flesh.

Greaaah! Kreeeee!!

The monster tried struggling out of the blood ropes, but to no avail. Rolan continued to unconsciously suck the monster's blood, elwith each gulp making the blood ropes stronger.

Dozens of minutes passed as the monster eventually hung limp, dead and drained of its own blood.

Rolan, still unconscious, detached himself from the neck of his tormentor and stumbled back.

The stone statue of the snake behind him glowing mysteriously.

As the blood ropes untied themselves from the monster and back into Rolan, his body near-instantly regenerated, the glow of the snake statue getting more intense.


Rolan fell back and the instincts that took over him faded, leaving Rolan totally unaware of a now living snake that slithered its way to his chest.

The white snake looked at Rolan's unconscious face, it's tongue rhythmically pooping in and out.

It layed its head down on Rolan's clavicle and went to sleep.

A few hours pass, and a figure appeared, looking from the entrance of the old temple.

The figure was clad in black robes and a necklace with a snake symbol on it adorned their neck. They ran up to the body of the monster and after seeing that it was dead, looked at the young man laying unconscious.

The figure furrowed their brows and took up their double sided axe, ready to slay the intruder that dared ruin the temple.

Then they noticed the white snake laying on Rolan, and stopped their swing.

The figure dropped their axe in the grounds and bowed to the slumbering white snake.

"I apologize for raising a weapon against your chosen, Kami-sama."

The figure then gently picked up Rolan by the back of his legs and and shoulders, then walked out of the old temple to their home.