That afternoon:
I put away my stuff in the room Xavier Had allotted for me and immediately had Jean show me to the lab they had on the campus.
It wasn't as fancy as the one I was used to in the Baxter building, but most usually aren't. But it was equipped with tech that was tuned towards mutants and their powers, making my job a lot easier.
The doors opened as Rouge walked in looking around, "you wanted to see me?"
"Oh hey Tutu, sit," I pointed at a chair as I walked up to her with a notepad.
Rouge looked at me wearily as she sat down, "what's this about?"
"I told you didn't I? I'm going to find a way to cure you," I told her, "now, tell me, when did you powers first activate."
Rouge blinked, "ah, I was, ah, kissing my boyfriend."
"Why do you need to know that?!"
"Because, if you used though that means it is also a surface on your body that can absorb another person's life force," I said noting the actions down.
Rouge growled, "tongue."
"Oh, kinky," I chuckled.
"How exactly are you going to help me?" Rouge asked quickly.
"No clue," I replied jotting down several points.
"What? Then how do you know that you can even help me?!"
I shrugged, "no clue. But I'm going to try," I smiled.
Rouge rubbed her temples, "God help me you're crazy."
Kurt and Kathy appeared in a poof of smoke, "stop stealing my stuff!" Kathy cried out as she snatched a hairbrush out of Kurt's hands.
"Hey! It's mine! I bought it!" Kurt snatched it back.
"Yeah right, like you-" Kathy stopped as as realised where they where, "ah, hey."
Rouge sighed, "hey Kitty."
"What ah...what are you guys doing?" Kathy asked.
"I'm trying to figure out Grumpy's powers," I explained as I picked up a scalpel, "now, hold still."
Rouge's eyes went wide at the sight of the sharp surgical tool in my hand, "what are you going to do with that?"
"Oh this?" I looked at the scalpel before smiling, "I'm going to cut you open and harvest your kidneys! Whahaha!"
"What?!" Kurt gasped in horror, "no! I'll won't let-"
Kathy hit him up the head, "he's obviously joking Kurt."
Rogue groaned, "kill me now."
I chuckled, "sorry, whenever I see someone so unbelievably depressed I can't help cracking jokes. As to the scalpel," I pressed it on my skin and made a small cut on it. I took a sucker and took the blood out, watching as my wound quickly healed itself.
"Alright, show me your arm," I asked her.
Rouge blinked, "why?"
I sighed, "because I need to figure out how your powers work."
"I told you how it works! People touch me and they die!" Rouge cried out.
"Yeah, but I need to know how that happens, now, arm," I motioned her to roll her sleeves up.
Sighing she did just that. I grasped her arm and slowly put the drop on her skin and waited. I looked at her, "nothing?"
Rogue shook her head, "no. Now what's this supposed to do?"
"This proves that your body conducts powers not through blood but through something else," I scribbled away on my note pad, "my best guess? Skin to skin contact must transfer something...but what? It's not blood so...what is life force anyway?" I hummed to myself before turning to Rouge, "hey Tutu, tell me, when you're absorbing someone, what does it feel like?"
She grumbled at the nick name, " feels like a rush of power. Suddenly I remember everything they do, I can see everything they see and know whatever they know. It's's amazing."
I frowned, "wait...did you say you gain their memories?"
Rouge nodded, "yeah, why?"
"Well then that means….oh! Oh that's brilliant! Oh why didn't I see this before, that's freaking amazing!" I began scribbling things down on my note furiously, "this makes perfect sense!"
"What does?" Rouge asked.
"Five bucks says he's mad," Kathy whispered.
"YOu're on," Kurt whispered back.
I cackled, "YI figured out how your powers work! You see the skin is extremely absorbent, it's actually one of a kind when compared to the rest of your organs. But it has something else, nerves. Nerves attached to every millimeter of it's surface. And, each nerver is connected to the brain.
"The way I see it, you're like an electric eel, or a reserve electric eel. You absorb someone's life energy, or to put it in a more scientific way, you take in their bio-electricity and then use it for yourself. This is why you don't just absorb their energy, but their memories, which is stored..."
"On the brain," Rouge realised, "s-so how do you fix it?"
"Well, I can't," I smiled.
"What?! But you said-"
"I know, but I can't do it unless I experiment on you for days upon days together, which I'm sure you wouldn't like. But, I do have a way you can control it," I looked around the lab, trying to find what I'm looking for, "my solution isn't permanent, but it should help you out a little."
The three mutant teenagers were quietly watching me scourge through the lab, trying to find the equipment I needed.
Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…
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