Chereads / Hunter’s Sexy Snippets / Chapter 311 - CAM SLUT MOM part 1 By DirtyMindedMinx

Chapter 311 - CAM SLUT MOM part 1 By DirtyMindedMinx

The sound of a door creaking and slamming shut let me know that the one person watching my preview "show" had left. BeaverMan415 was still there, but I didn't count him. He was always there. He popped onto my channel a couple days after I first started this pointless effort to make some money, and, since then, every time I was online he was there. I'd never heard a peep out of him, gotten a single message, or (most obnoxiously) earned a single token from him. I'd ask him at least ten times a day if he wanted to go private, but never got a response. Fucking loser.

While I was deciding between waiting to see if anyone else showed up or going to take a dump, the tinkling sound of someone entering my virtual room perked me up.

'wut u do?' PussyLvr69 wrote in the message window.

"I do it all, pussy lover," I said into my headset in as sexy of a voice as I could manage at ten o'clock in the morning. "I have different outfits and toys, anything you want, lover."

'fuck ur ass wit dildo while u piss,' he typed back.

Goddammit. They never just wanted something normal. I'd refused to piss on cam several times already, but I was getting to the point where I couldn't afford to be precious with what little dignity I had left.

"Oh, yeah, pussy lover, I'll fuck my horny ass for you--"

"Holy shit, Mom! What the hell?"

A cold jolt of panic shot through me when I heard my son's voice behind me. I slammed my legs closed and covered my tits.

"Why aren't you at work?" I screamed.


"Again! What the fuck?"

"Hey, at least I'm not sitting around jacking it to porn all day like you!" He stomped off toward his room.

"Jesse, you get back here!" I scrambled for something to cover up with. I heard my son's bedroom door slam at about the same time as the door on the computer slammed. So much for Pussylvr69 and my one decent shot at making a few bucks today.

I wrapped the towel around me that I keep nearby in case I squirt and marched down the hall to Jesse's bedroom. I barged right in.

"Mom! Get out of my room," he yelled, slumped on his bed about to light a cigarette.

"If I don't come up with six-hundred and fifty dollars by next Monday this ain't gonna be your room any more. Yeah, that's how close we are to being foreclosed on, sonny boy."

"Jesus, Mom, go put some damned clothes on."

I was so spitting mad I didn't even care if anything was showing.

"And now you go and get your ass fired! The only skill you got is pumping gas, and you can't even fucking do that right!"

"At least I had a job," he shot back and lit up.

"What do you think I was doing in there, huh? I was trying to make some money to pay for the goddamned roof over your ungrateful head."

"Give me a break, Mom, you're fucking disgusting. I saw what you were doing."

"And do you know what? Men pay to see me do it. Yeah, perverted fucktards like you, who can't get a real woman, shell out good money to see what I got."

"Okay, then, how much have you made at it so far?"

The little shit. "I told you I don't want you fucking smoking in my house!"

"It's not going to be your house in another week, so what do you care?" Jesse flicked his ash onto the carpet and took another drag. "How much, Mom?"

"Forty-six bucks so far."

"Ha," he laughed at me. "My mom, the high-class internet hooker."

"Hey, it's better than being homeless out on the street. At least it's something. More than what you're bringing in around here."

"Quit bitchin'. I'll get something else."

"Yeah, right. Just like you were going to go to auto mechanic school? Or how you were going to get your electrician's license?"

He crushed his cigarette out on the windowsill next to his bed. "And how's your G.E.D. coming along, Mom?"

"I don't have time to put up with your bullshit."

"That's right, aren't you supposed to be shoving something up your ass for a nickel just about now?"

"Fuck you!" I hissed, gripping my towel tighter around me as I turned to leave. "And I'm not going to let you talk to me that way. I'm still your fucking mother, you little bastard!"

I slammed his bedroom door, then slammed my bedroom door. I shut down the computer and almost ripped the wires out of the wall. Instead, I collapsed on my bed and cried like a stupid little bitch for the next hour. I heard Jesse leave at some point. Eventually, after I'd cried all I could, I went to the kitchen for a drink.

I didn't bother to get dressed. What difference did it make? Jesse was right, I wasn't much better than a whore. And a lousy whore at that. Couldn't even pay my goddamned bills. I opened the refrigerator to find that the six-pack of Natty Ices I'd bought the night before were gone. That thieving little fucker.

I fetched the half-empty bottle of cheap vodka from the back of the broom closet where I kept it hidden. That boy had been driving me to distraction for the past eighteen years, but I still loved the bastard. He'd always had his daddy's good looks, but lately I could see it in him more like a man instead of a boy. I thought this daddy and me would be together forever. Those were some wild days back then. Back when I had a body men would fight to get their hands on.

My first swig of vodka went down hard, but it felt good by the time it hit my belly.

I woke up on the sofa some time the next morning. The empty vodka bottle was on the floor and Jesse had apparently thrown one of our tattered old afghans over me. I was still naked underneath. There was peanut butter stuck in my hair. My head was twice too big for my skull and I had to piss like a racehorse. If this wasn't rock bottom, I was pretty damned close to it.

It was slow going, but I got myself cleaned up and put together. I sat in front of the computer for a long time before getting up the ambition to turn it on. I had on a lacy red bra with holes for my nipples to show through, and a matching pair of crotchless panties that I got from Frederick's of Hollywood. I logged in, checked my balance ($46.75), and clicked the "Available" button.

It took less than a minute before BeaverMan415 arrived. I flipped the bird at my webcam. I just sat there waiting. A few anonymous users flitted in and out. 10incherTX entered, typed 'sorry not into necrofilia," and left. Another bird to the camera. I tried rubbing my nipples and clit a little. That usually could at least get me somewhat in the mood for the day's degradations. After a few minutes, my pussy was still dry as a bone. I thought this was going to be easy money. Get paid to orgasm? Hell, yes, sign me up! What a fucking joke.

'You look sad today, Monique.'

I stared at the text in the message box for a few seconds not quite grasping what I was seeing. The message was from BeaverMan415.

"Oh, um, no, I'm not sad. It's just that I'm so super horny right now."

'You don't have to pretend,' BeaverMan415 wrote. 'Who was that in your doorway yesterday?'

"Don't worry about him," I said dismissively. My heart was racing at the possibility of making some actual money. This guy wouldn't be spending all his time in my preview room if he didn't like something about me. "Let's talk about us. Should we go private?"

'Mabye. Who was he?'

"It was just my son. He wasn't supposed to be home, but...oops!" Come on, I had to get this guy in a private show. "What would you like me to do for you, BeaverMan?"

'Is your son there now?'


'I'll pay 50 tokens to see him looking at you dressed as you are now.'

It could never just be something normal, could it? "Too bad he's not here."

'100 tokens.'

Holy shit. I stared at the message on the screen. A hundred bucks just for letting my son look at me in this trashy outfit. It was crazy to even consider it. But a hundred fucking bucks.

"Give me a minute." I took off my headset, put on my robe and went to Jesse's bedroom.

He was still asleep. I knew this was a bad idea, but I had no choice. I nudged him awake.

"Leave me the fuck alone," he growled into his pillow.

"Jesse, wake up, I need your help. A man wants to pay me a hundred dollars for you to look at me in my underwear."

"Are you still drunk?"

"No." I tugged his arm. "C'mon it'll only take five minutes and we can make an easy hundred."

"I don't want to see my mom in her underwear."

"You saw me naked last night, didn't you?"

He didn't have a smart answer for that. He turned his head and looked at me with one bleary eye. "You do realize how fucked up this is."

"I know. They're all a bunch of demented freaks online, but if we don't get this money you're going to be sleeping under a railroad bridge next week instead of in a nice cushy bed."

"Uuuugh, okay, okay. Five minutes, that's it."

Jesse followed me back to my room wearing just his boxers and a wife-beater. If I'd only known then what we were getting ourselves into.

I sat down and put my headset on. I cringed a little when I noticed that all my "tools of the trade" (dildos, bottles of lube, a few butt plugs, etc.) were scattered around in plain view. Fuck it, nothing I could do about it now.

"Hi, BeaverMan, look who I found."

'Welcome back, Monique. I'm glad to see you have company. Requesting a private session...'

The computer made a happy warbling sound that I'd only heard twice before.

"Monique?" Jesse scoffed at my stage name. "You are so lame."

I hit mute. "Just be nice and play along. Let's get this over with." I pasted on a big smile and clicked accept.

The screen shifted and reconfigured itself. I had one window where I could see myself with Jesse standing next to me, and another window that was black. BeaverMan415 apparently didn't have a webcam, or he didn't want to be seen. Probably for the best.

"We're ready on this end," I said into my microphone.

There was the sound of coins dropping into a slot and 100 tokens were racked up to my account. It was all I could do to keep myself from squealing out loud.

"All I have to do is look at you? That's the deal?"

"That's it, son."

"Okay, Mom." He wasn't taking this seriously at all.

I took a breath. "Here goes." I opened my robe slipped it off my shoulders and sat back.

"Whoa, wait a minute." Jesse covered his eyes and turned away. "You said you'd be in your underwear. You didn't tell me your stuff would be showing through everywhere.

I quickly hit mute again.

"Don't fuck this up, Jesse. He could complain and get his money back or even get me kicked off the site." I suddenly felt very self-conscious exposed in front of my son the way I was. "It's not like you haven't see a naked woman before. Just pretend like I'm one of those sluts you're always running around with."

I put my smile back on and unclicked mute. "Sorry about that."

'Is there a problem?'

"No, my son is just a little shy about seeing me like this for the first time."

'Show off your bra for him. Then do the same with your panties - front and back.'

I nodded and fixed my hair to stall for time.

'And I want to see him watching you the whole time.'

"We got it. Here we go."

I adjusted the camera, then had Jesse sit down on the edge of my bed as I positioned my chair across from him. He didn't look too thrilled, but he wasn't resisting. I began moving my shoulders in a sensuous way. I ran my hands up to my chest and cupped my breasts. Jesse watched me without expression. I brushed my fingertips across my nipples, bared by the peek-a-boo holes. My son's eyes followed my motions. I played with the shoulder straps a little and went back to tweak my nipples again. I didn't know what else to do so I moved to the next stage.

I stood up and swayed my hips a little. Jesse probably couldn't see much through the slit in my panties except for a few curls of hair down there. I toyed with the waistband, acting like I was going to pull them down, but not going through with it. I moved my hand over the front of the panties, trying not to make direct contact with myself. After a minute more of this sort of teasing, I turned around.

My ass used to be my best feature. It wasn't what it used to be, but it was still a pretty respectable butt. I continued my best imitation of a stripper sway and displayed my backside to my son. He could probably see a fair bit of butt crack through the opening in my panties. I'd done a lot of humiliating things in my life, but never in front of Jesse. I hoped that he understood I was doing this for him more than I was for myself.

When I thought I'd done enough, I got back into my chair and turned to the computer again.

'Very nice. Did that make your son hard?'

"He wants to know if you got a hard-on?"

"No!" Jesse insisted a little too strongly and moved his arm across his lap.

"Yes, I think looking at his hot mommy gave him a nice big chubby."

"Mom, shut up," he whispered angrily.

'Ask him to take it out and show it to you.'

"He wants you to take it out," I relayed to Jesse.

"I'm not letting this guy look at my dick. No fucking way."

'I want to see your mother looking at your dick. 50 tokens.'

I hit mute. "Jesse, 50 bucks just to whip it out for a minute. So what if some guy in his parents' basement in Cleveland can see it. Just do it." Unmute.

"Hey, BeaverMan. My, my, you are a naughty boy. I can't believe you're making us do this. It's so bad." The sound of coins dropping made me giddy inside.

Jesse stood up, but seemed reluctant to go further.

"Don't be bashful, son, let Mommy see that nice cock of yours."

He made a sour face that luckily couldn't be seen on camera. I gave him a look that told him he better do what I wanted or there'd be hell to pay. He rolled his eyes and fished his penis out through the opening in the front of his boxers.

I was surprised to find a strange tingle run all over my body. I've seen more than my share of cocks over the years, and I didn't expect to have any more of a reaction to my son's dick than I would to any other part of him, but it was having an unexpected effect on me.

Jesse was only half hard, his thick shaft curving downward, his fat cockhead hanging heavy at the end. I obviously knew he wasn't a little boy anymore, but I never imagined his cock being that big and...manly. I didn't like the way seeing his junk was making me feel. I was his mother -- it wasn't supposed to be like that.

'How do you like your son's cock?'

"Oh, it's so big and sexy," I gushed, trying to ooze sensuality.

'If I wanted something fake, I would be watching porn. Be real.'

I knew even as I was playing it up that I was coming across like a bad porn actress.

"Okay, ehm, well...I do like it." For the first time in a long time I felt myself blushing. "It's pretty big, which is good. For me, size does matter. I haven't seen a strong, young cock in a while, so that's nice. You've got an impressive tool there, son."

"God, Mom," he cursed under his breath.

"Take your balls out, too."

"He didn't ask for that."

"I know, but you should do it anyway." I didn't admit that it was mainly because I wanted to see them. "Fifty bucks should at least buy some balls."

Jesse scooped his nutsack out of his shorts and let them dangle there in the open. I wondered if BeaverMan was stroking his cock to all of this.

"Lift your dick up so we can see them," I told my son, sounding more like a proud mama than an online sex worker.

I was actually surprised when Jesse did as I asked without complaining. I figured he'd be running out of the room by now. I got a good look at his balls. They were hanging loose, and apparently he kept them shaved clean. I'd never seen manscaping like that in real life, and I had to admit it had a certain appeal. I couldn't help thinking how nice they might feel against my cheek. I shook my head, trying to remember this was my son's dick I was looking at.

"Beautiful balls, son. I bet the girls love sucking on those, don't they?"

"Yeah, whatever, Mom." His annoyance with me was thick in his voice.

'Monique, touch your son's penis.'

"He wants me to touch it," I said to my son and almost started reaching for his cock.

"Fuck no," Jesse protested. "This is getting too weird."

'50 tokens to let your mom touch your penis.'

I looked up at Jesse, silently pleading with him to take the money.

"A hundred tokens," Jesse countered, leaning in close to my headset to make sure our voyeur could hear him.

'For 100 I want to see your mom give you a handjob.'

"It's one fifty for a handjob, buddy."

My head was spinning a little as they carried on this rapid-fire negotiation. I'd lost control of the situation. No one seemed to even consider that I might not agree to any of this.

'Very well, 150 token.' Coins dropped. 'I'll make it 200 if you cum on your mother.'

"Two hundred it is," I cut in, worried things might escalate beyond the crazy place they'd already arrived at. "C'mere, big boy. Let Mama get her hands on that big thing of yours."

Jesse looked at me and ran his fingers through his sleep-matted hair. He seemed a little confused by what just happened. He was apparently realizing that he'd gotten himself in deeper than he'd intended. I was afraid he was about to come to his senses and spoil the deal. I was also disturbingly worried I wouldn't get a chance to touch my boy's enticing cock.

"Don't worry about it, honey," I said, trying to reassure him. "Hell, I'm sure you were going to jerk off this morning anyway, this'll just save you the trouble."

"So you're okay with me blowing a load on you, Mom?"

I would normally have expected him to say something like this to me as an accusation, but there was a certain amount of tenderness in his voice that almost made it seem like he cared about what I thought.

"Two hundred," was the only explanation I could give him.

He shrugged and stepped closer. I reached out and took a firm hold of his cock, wrapping my hand around his thick shaft. I wondered if he noticed how much my hand was shaking. I began stroking him and he quickly grew fully hard. It seemed impossibly strange to be touching my son in this way, but at the same time it felt perfectly natural. I had a warm tingle in my chest.

"How's that?" I asked in my seductive online voice.

Jesse just grunted noncommittally.

"You like the way Mommy touches your big-boy cock?"

"C'mon, do you have to say that shit?" he rasped under his breath.

I didn't have to talk dirty, but I was hoping it might earn us an extra tip at the end of the session. Plus, I had to admit, I was actually getting turned on for the first time since I'd started showing off my cooch online.

"I never knew my son had such a big beautiful cock." I'd suspected as much, but it was perversely gratifying to be able to confirm it in the flesh. "And look at those sexy balls."

I cupped my hand up under his nutsack and fondled his loose-hanging balls. Absolutely delightful. Every mother should be allowed the privilege to play with her son's cock like this at least once. I'd jacked off a long line of dicks over the years, but this was the first time it felt special for me.

"Mommy wants your cum," I vamped. "Are you going to shoot your big load all over Mommy's tits?"

Jesse looked down, his eyes focusing on my nipples poking out through my frilly bra. He had to be noticing how hard they'd gotten since he first saw them. That warm tingle spread from my chest to a spot down between my legs when I noticed that he was looking at my tits with carnal hunger instead of disgusted contempt. Jesse licked his lips, probably without being conscious of it. I suspected my son wanted to suck my nips. The thought disturbed and excited me in equal measures.

"I let you see Mommy's titties." I jerked my son faster, squeezing his balls as I did. "I let you see my pussy. Now I want to see your cum, baby. I want to see it."

He was rocking slightly in rhythm with my pumping hand. My son was getting close. This was too bizarre. I tried to focus on the fact that it was nothing more than a simple business transaction. Two hundred dollars. Mortgage, electric bill, groceries, gas. Two hundred dollars. A one-time thing just to get by. Two hundred dollars.

"Oh, fuck," Jesse moaned.

I felt my pussy throb when he did that. He was getting off on me jerking his cock, and I was getting off on doing it. Who the hell was I trying to kid? Two hundred dollars? I'd probably have done this for free if given the chance. I'd never thought about my son in an explicitly sexual way before, but now that I had his manly cock in my hands I couldn't imagine why I hadn't. He was young and handsome, a bit rough around the edges, but he had a great body and very kissable lips. I don't know why I'd never considered the stud living under my own roof on any of those long, lonely nights when it was just me and my fingers.

"That's it, baby, cum for Mommy." It was all I could do to resist taking his cock in my mouth and sucking him off. I gave his nuts a gentle twist and jacked him faster. "Give it to me! I want your cum!"

"Shit, Mom...I'm..." His cockhead swelled. "I'm gonna..." He didn't have to finish what he was trying to say. A moment later it was obvious.

A thick, white jet of cum blasted out of his cock and hit me in the center of my chest with a forceful splatter. The warm jizz felt amazing against my skin. I barely had enough presence of mind to grab one of my titties and angle his dick at it. The next spurt shot out and landed on my nipple. I turned my shoulders to offer him the other one. Another pulse of goo squirted onto my frilly bra, but the final shot coated my nipple in that precious pearly cream.

I continued stroking him softly and more cum oozed from his cock and dripped down onto my bare thigh. My cunt was convulsing with desperate desire by this point. If I was with a regular guy I'd be throwing my legs up in the air and shoving that cock deep inside me. But this was my son. I had to make sure I didn't do something that would permanently destroy our already rocky relationship.

"Oh my, you got your cum all over Mommy," I said in mock distress. "What a naughty son you are." I leaned in and rubbed the head of his cock against my cheek, wiping his cum onto my face. "You made such a big, nasty mess."

We heard the sound of the final 50 tokens we were owed dropping, then a creak and a door slamming shut. So much for BeaverMan415. So much for a tip.

Jesse pulled back, yanking his cock out of my hand and tucking it back into his boxers with some difficulty.

"I get half that money," he insisted gruffly.

"No problem." I sat back in my chair, not bothering to close my legs. "Your half should just about cover your share of the bills this month, so I'll just go ahead and put it towards that for you."

His jaw clenched and his eyes flashed with impotent anger. Jesse looked at my cum-covered tits, then down at my lust-swollen pussy peeking through my crotchless panties.

"Sick fucking whore." He spat the words at me and stormed out of my bedroom.

"I love you, too, sweetie!"

I waited until I heard his door slam before I grabbed my biggest dildo and began fucking myself like I'd never fucked myself before.

Somewhere in the back of my head I was calculating how many more times I would have to jerk my son off on camera to get caught up on all our bills. Imagine how much we could get if he let me suck his cock. The thought of Jesse's cock in my mouth was enough to make me cum like the sick whore my son accused me of being. I didn't bother trying to be quiet about it, and I'm sure he heard my orgasmic screaming in his room down the hall.

I sat there limp and satisfied, my son's cum still glistening on the tips of my tits, my pussy dripping, and realized that I had no choice but to convince my son to do this with me again.


I was a shitty mother. I should have felt guilty for exploiting my own son by using him in my X-rated cam show as a way to make enough money to pay our long overdue mortgage bill, but I didn't. A good mother would have deeply regretted doing something as immoral and depraved as that. Although, I suppose a truly good mom wouldn't have jerked her son off until he shot a big load of cum all over her tits in the first place.

Alright, so I was a shitty mother. So what. It's not like anyone was getting hurt. He was eighteen years old and could make his own choices. No one was forcing him. I'm sure he got his jollies out of it. My son could call me a sick fucking whore all he wanted, but he obviously didn't have any difficulty busting a nut for his mother. Even so, just because I didn't feel guilty for doing it, doesn't mean I shouldn't at least feel ashamed for enjoying it as much as I did.

I sat in front of the computer and waited for it to boot up. I had my hair done nice, and my makeup all fixed. I looked like I was ready for a night on the town even though it was only ten in the morning. The computer didn't crash like it usually did during the first few attempts to get it started. The day was looking good already.

As I logged in to the cam site, I adjusted the bustier I had on. It was a cheap piece of crap that I found on clearance at that punky Hot Topic store for kids, but it squished my tits up so they looked bigger and firmer than they really were. I also had on a black pair of thong panties that turned into pussy floss within a minute after I put them on.

I couldn't resist checking my balance. $313.50. This was what I'd made after the site took its cut. Not bad for a handjob. Just seeing that number was enough to get me wet. All it took was a single, fifteen-minute private session to bank almost half of what I needed to avoid foreclosure for another month. Time to get to work and earn the other half.

A couple minutes after I activated my preview room, BeaverMan415 was there, as usual. I put my headset on and adjusted it.

"Morning, lover," I said, realizing I was using my porn voice. I adjusted to something closer to my natural tone. "Are you going to play with me today?"

I waited, staring at the text message box, but there was no response. In the meantime, a few more visitors had popped in.

"Hi, Thin Willy, what turns you on?"

'u teh 1 that fucks herr son?'

"Ah, no, I don't fuck my son." What the hell? How did he know that I did anything at all with my son? "But I'll fuck this nice big, black dildo for you, if you like." I picked up the toy and licked it seductively.

ThinWilly77 went poof. Asshole. I picked the next name on the list, CraigUK, and tried to entice him into a private show with no luck. This routine went on for the next couple hours. I couldn't lure anyone into going private, but I at least managed to pick up 20 tokens by flashing my twat wedgie and showing off the buxom pin-up girl tattooed on my ass. I was doing better than usual, but this just wasn't going to cut it. I had to make some more money quick or my life would be fucked (or, to be precise, more fucked).

I thought it was odd that three other people asked about my son. I tried not to dwell on the thought of the way Jesse's cockhead swelled just before his cum shot out onto my chest. I shook my head and reviewed the short list of visitors loitering in my preview room hoping for a free peek at something. BeaverMan was still there, not saying a thing.

I took a break and went to the bathroom. I didn't bother putting on a robe as I normally would when Jesse was home, but after what he'd seen yesterday it didn't seem to matter. He was still sound asleep in his room anyways. The lazy bastard.

The one advantage of the pussy floss underwear is that you don't have to pull them down when you take a piss; it's easier to just pull them to the side. I had a good long pee, wiped and went into the kitchen. It was too early for a drink, but I checked to see what we had anyway. No beer; I'd polished off the vodka the other night; and the wine box was sitting in the recycle bin. I checked the cabinet over the stove and found a nip bottle of cinnamon schnapps. I looked at the time on the microwave. 11:54. Close enough. I cracked the top and downed it in one shot.

"Jesus Christ, Mom. Put some fucking clothes on. I don't want to see your wrinkly old ass first thing in the morning."

If I had been a good mother, my first instinct would have been to cover up. I didn't bother.

"Then when do you want to see it?" I wasn't able to get a laugh out of him with that. "And, by the way, it's first thing in the afternoon, you lazy prick."

Despite his apparent distaste for seeing his mom's half-naked body, he couldn't resist checking out my boosted up tits and barely covered snatch.

"Whatever." He got the milk out of the 'fridge and grabbed the box of Lucky Charms. "How would you like it if I walked around here with my dick hanging out all over the place?"

"Be my guest." I tossed the empty mini-bottle into the sink on top of the pile of dirty dishes already there. "Mommy thinks your little dinky is cute, honey, you should show it off more," I teased, using my baby voice.

"Gross." He poured the milk and began scooping up a spoonful of candy posing as a nutritious breakfast. "At least shave that hairy fucking bush."

I looked down at my crotch. My pubic hair was spilling over the top of the micro-thong, and there were curls peeking out either side. "Fuck you, ya little shit, I trimmed it this morning."

"Coulda fooled me, Sasquatch."

I had to admit that it was getting me kind of hot to be showing off my pussy hair right there in the kitchen with my son stealing glances at it when he thought I wouldn't notice. Or maybe it was just the cinnamon schnapps making me feel warm all over.

"Listen, we have to talk. Don't roll your eyes at me, this is serious."

"I know what you're going to say, and I already told you I'm going to look for a job today. Lay off, already."

"That's good," I said as I sat down at the table across from him. "But I wanted to talk about something else."

"Okay, what?" His eyes lingered on my artificially ample cleavage.

"About what happened yesterday."

"Let's not and say we did." He looked down into his bowl and resumed shoveling.

"We made a pretty good chunk of change out of it."

"I made it, you kept it."

"Don't be a douche. You know what that money is for. And I damn well did my part to earn it."

"You weren't bringing in shit shaking your ass for the camera until I joined in."

"Alright, I can't argue with that." It was impossible to gauge which way he would go on this, so I just came out with it. "And that's why I want you to do another show with me."

"For fuck's sake, Mom." He dropped his spoon and pushed his bowl away. "It's bad enough you roped me into your fucked up sex perversions once, and now you want to do it again? How fucking sick are you?"

"Hey, I'm not doing all this to get my rocks off. It's not like that, Jesse. It's about doing what I have to do to provide for this family."

"Yeah, great friggin' family you got goin' here, Mom."

"Listen, you know what's at stake. You obviously couldn't have been too disgusted by it all or you wouldn't have blown your wad as fast as you did yesterday." He didn't have a snarky comeback for that. "You only have to put up with it for fifteen or twenty minutes, and we'll get to keep the house. Plus you get a free handjob out of the deal. What's so bad about that?"

He looked at me and shook his head. "If it's no big deal, why don't you go call Grandpa to see if he'll come over and finger your snatch on camera in front of the whole fucking world."

"Wanna know why? Because your grandfather lost interest in doing that to me around the time I turned twenty-one." My heart sank when I heard myself saying that. I'd never told anyone about the things he'd done to me growing up.

"Jesus, Mom..." Jesse took a moment to compose his thoughts after that little bombshell. "Okay, look, I understand that we need the money. But I'm only doing this until we make enough for the mortgage payment, or I get job, whatever comes first."

"That's all I'm asking."

"And I want a cut. If you're going to pimp me out like this, then I at least want to be able buy enough whiskey to forget that I my own mom is jacking me off for a bunch of faggot pervs."

"If that's how it has to be. Twenty-five percent sound fair?"

"Yeah, whatever."

"You do realize by taking that money for yourself that we're only going to have to do more shows to make up the difference."

"I'm getting a job today, so it won't matter."

"All right, then, let's go. It's show time, sonny boy."

"Right now?"

"You've been staring at Mommy's tits all this time, you must be good and hard by now."

"Damn it, what's with the mommy crap? I'm not fucking twelve years old, you know."

"I know, but the faggot pervs pay extra for it."

I led my begrudging son to my bedroom and set things up. We would start a group show as soon as we raised 300 tokens. It only took about five minutes of teasing and enticing before the tokens started coming in and more users started appearing and staying. Even ThinWilly was back. We were stuck around the 200 token mark until BeaverMan415 finally stepped up and donated 100 to the cause, making him the high bidder.

My tummy was all aflutter. I was trying not to acknowledge how much of that excitement was from the anticipation of getting my son's cock back in my hands. A good mother would have stayed focused on the money, not on the impending cum bath she was about to get from her handsome boy.

I started the show by playing acting like I was a stripper for Jesse. I sat him down and seductively moved my body in front of him. The questions from the peanut gallery started right away, and I had to field them while I did my thing.

"Yes, he's my real biological son." I danced around between Jesse's outstretched knees as he sat there looking stoic. "His name is...Cody." He shifted uncomfortably as I squeezed my titties through my cheap lingerie. "He's 18, I'm 44." I wiggled my butt at "Cody" like an over-the-hill lap dancer. "No, we're not going to fuck. Mommy's going to give her baby boy a nice handjob instead." I faced him and gyrated my way through a little bump and grind routine. "C'mon, Cody, take it out for Mommy."

Jesse, with clenched jaw, shucked his boxers down and kicked them aside. His cock stood straight up. He could act like he wasn't enjoying this all he wanted, but that hard-on was telling a different story. "That's right, Dark One, my boy does have a nice big cock." It made things a lot easier not having to pretend to be turned on like I did when I was doing one of these shows alone.

Over the next ten minutes, I got him out of his wife-beater, leaving him completely naked, and I stripped out of my bustier. My saggy boobs didn't look as impressive without the support, but I got a kick out of being topless in front of Jesse. His stubborn demeanor slowly shifted to curious lust as the show went on. I got on with the main attraction before we began to lose any customers. If they stayed to the end they were more likely to throw in a tip.

I knelt down between Jesse's legs and took his cock in my hand. It was hot and hard. I was too nervous yesterday to fully appreciate it, but he really did have a fantastic tool. I always knew my boy would one day become a man, but I never expected to experience it in such a hands-on way. I tried to ignore the ache of desire in my pussy.

"I love stroking my baby boy's cock. Does that feel good, Je...Cody?"

"Yeah," he grunted. I nudged him and gave him a look. "Yeah, Mom, I like it when you jerk me off." He wasn't making any effort to sound convincing, but at least he said the words.

I stroked him in various ways, changing hands or grips every so often. I played with his balls, squeezed his cockhead, and rubbed it against my cheek once. I could tell by his breathing that he was getting close.

"Does everyone want to see my son cum all over his mommy's titties?"

There was a chorus of agreement from the half-dozen spectators. The image of them all beating off in front of their computers flashed through my head and gave me a little thrill.


I looked and was surprised to see that it was BeaverMan who dissented.

'Have him jack off into your mouth.'

My heart jumped when I read that. BeaverMan was high bidder, which traditionally meant he was entitled to a special request. And, I was sure there would a nice bonus from him if we did it.

"They want you to cum in my mouth." I watched closely for Jesse's reaction, hoping he would go along with it.


"There's a special request for you to jerk off into my mouth, so..."

I continued to move my hand up and down his shaft as he worked the proposition through in his head. He didn't seem immediately repulsed by the idea, but he wasn't leaping at the opportunity either.

"You're okay with that?" he asked, sounding like he couldn't believe I would even consider doing something so profane.

I shrugged like it was no big deal. "Not like I haven't done that sort of thing before."

"But not with..." He was probably too close to getting off to want to argue me out of it. "If you're cool with it, then why the fuck not?"

He stood up, grabbed his cock and started jacking himself off. I suddenly felt a little intimidated kneeling in front of my son as he loomed over me with his angry prick just inches from my face. I became keenly aware of just how big he really was, both in stature and in cock size. If he decided to push me down on the floor and fuck me, there wouldn't be much I could do to stop him. My heart raced.

"You want me to cum in your mouth, Mom?" he demanded, sounding more pissed off than turned on.

"Yes, I want my baby boy's cum."

"I'm going to fuckin' do it, Mom." This came across almost as a threat. "I'm really going to fuckin' shoot my load right in your slut mouth."

"Do it, baby. Mommy wants your cum." I wondered if he could tell that I really meant it.

He put his hand on top of my head and stroked faster. His eyes flicked between my face and my naked tits. I pulled on my stiff nipples, hoping that would encourage him.

"Open your mouth."

I tipped my head back and did as he ordered. Jesse moved in closer and angled his hard-on so that his cockhead hovered just above my open mouth.

"I'm going to cum, Mom!" His tone was less harsh, more aroused. "You ready?"

I knew he was giving me a chance to back out before it was too late, but I had no intention of missing what might be a once in a lifetime opportunity to taste my own son's cum.

"Give it to me! I want it!"

I opened wider, stuck out my tongue, and saw his cockhead swell. I knew what that meant! Suddenly, my boy was pumping spurt after spurt of his warm load straight into my mouth. My head swam with the scandalous reality of the moment. It was one thing messing around in front of the camera and pretending like I was in some cheesy porno, but it hit me hard in that moment that I was about as far as you could get from being a glamorous porn star. I was nothing but a struggling single mother down on her knees forcing her son to empty his balls down my throat. Jesse was right; I was a sick fucking whore.

"You like that, Mom?" He continued beating his cock above my face, pouring even more jizz into my open mouth. "You like swallowing my cum, Mom? Fuckin' eat it!" Jesse squeezed out the last few drops, then wiped his dick off on my chin.

I tried not to think about the inexcusable thing I'd just done, and instead concentrate on doing whatever I needed to do to bring in a few more tokens, which might at least make my filthy transgression worthwhile.

I moved close to the camera, letting my warped viewers see that my mouth was full of my son's seed. I hadn't actually swallowed any of it, but his taste was strong on my tongue. The smell of him was intoxicating. I closed my mouth and swirled it around some before letting much of it dribble out from between my lips and drip down onto my tits. I sucked some of it back in, and opened again to show that I still had a substantial supply of sperm to play with.

Some of the viewers dropped out of the room. I assumed they had blown their loads and were done. At least one dropped a five-token tip before leaving. Gee, thanks, big spender. As I juggled my son's load around on my tongue for the camera, I was very aware of Jesse standing over my shoulder watching. I wasn't expecting this. I figured he would escape out of there as soon as he could after delivering his cumshot. I didn't want to turn and look, but I was pretty sure he was still stroking his cock as he watched me play with his cum.

Once I'd done everything I could think of, including spitting Jesse's semen into my palm and slurping it back up, I went ahead and swallowed what was left in three gulps. I opened up to make sure everyone knew I had genuinely eaten all of my son's big glob of jizz.

Comments of praise and adoration flooded my message board.

"Thanks everyone!" I croaked into the microphone, my voice sounding gurgly from the coating of sperm it had just received. "That's our show for today. If you liked seeing a desperate mom swallowing her horny son's creamy load, be sure to show it with a nice big tip."

The sound of coins dropping into a slot machine sounded a few more times as the room cleared out. I was beginning to feel very self-conscious about being naked except for my floss thong with Jesse standing right next to me. BeaverMan415 was the last one left. I grabbed a towel, dabbed the cum off my chin, and then covered my naked tits with it. BeaverMan still remained.

"Did you enjoy the show?"

There was no response for about half a minute.

'You two up for more?'

I was still feeling the unresolved emotional turmoil over what I'd already done, and wasn't sure I ever wanted to do another show with my son at all, but it wouldn't hurt to at least hear what he had in mind. I looked to Jesse.

"I'm just waiting around to see how much money the final total is." He stated this like he needed some kind of excuse to still be standing there next to his slut mom.

"He wants to know if you're up for another show."

"It's always something else with you, isn't it?" he accused. "You drag me into this perverted freak show, then you keep trying to pull me in deeper." He hadn't said no. "I don't even think I could work up another one right now if I wanted to." The fact that he was still sporting a full-blown hard-on gave me no doubt that he would be able to perform again if he wanted to. I'd almost forgotten about the wonders of teenaged cock.

'Monique, 100 tokens for you to masturbate.'

"Oh, no problem there, Beaver Man!" I was excited about the easy money.

'I want you to masturbate to orgasm, and I want Cody to watch you.'

I didn't have a problem with the orgasm part, I was already a good part of the way there already based on the way my clit was pulsing under my micro-thong. But I didn't know if I could do something like that in front of Jesse. Sure, I'd just eaten his load of cum, but this seemed somehow different.

"He says-"

"Yeah, I can read it," Jesse interrupted gruffly.

He looked at me with a slight scowl, his eyes dark with what felt like contempt. I felt like he was depending on me to draw the line, hoping I would set down some sort of clear boundary somewhere. I wanted to be strong enough to do that for him, whether out of some shred of moral conviction, or, at the very least, out of humiliation and fear. Instead I gave him a slight nod.

Jesse leaned in toward my headset. "One fifty."

'Agreed, providing your mother uses a dildo to fuck herself as she masturbates.'

"Sounds like fun," I chimed in, my overly-chipper voice betraying my nervousness.

'There will be a bonus for you, Cody, if you can manage to cum again on your mother.'

"Whatever." He turned to me. "Let's get this over with."

I set up a one-on-one private room. BeaverMan arrived and transferred the 150 tokens. I put the towel aside. There was still some of Jesse's cum smeared on my tits. Picking through my nearby toy collection, I selected Old Faithful. It was the one dildo I'd had before I started doing cam shows. After many years of practice with it, I knew it was the single piece of equipment I could rely on to get me off no matter what.

With a deep breath, I turned my chair and faced Jesse. He stood only a few feet away, naked and holding his prick patiently. My stomach felt like I was a schoolgirl who'd just undressed in front of her boyfriend for the first time. I hadn't experienced that kind of giddy shyness since I first started going out with Jesse's dad. I teased the tip of the dildo over my nipples.

"I feel weird about doing this in front of you," I admitted when I found myself unable to open my legs.

"You've been doing it in front of them for the past month," he argued waving a hand toward the camera mounted atop the monitor. There remained a subtle sting of derision in his tone.

"But they were never standing right here in front of me." I couldn't help noticing again what a nice body my son had - those muscles in his arms, and those broad shoulders. "And I never changed their diapers."

"I'm sure half of them would be happy to pay you for that." He always had a way of making me laugh, even when he was trying to be mean to me.

I opened my legs. "Should I leave these on?" I asked, referring to the flimsy strip of fabric masquerading as underwear.

"Might as well take them off." My boy wanted to see me completely naked.

I slipped the loops of string down my legs and sat back. We looked into each other's eyes for a moment before his gaze drifted down to my crotch. I spread my legs for him once again, and snaked my left hand down into my thick patch of pussy hair.

Hesitantly, I sneaked a finger down through my dark thatch and into my slit. I jumped when my touch brushed past my sensitive bud. My clit had been hard since Jesse caught me half naked in the kitchen, and it was primed for action. My hand and my bush kept Jesse from seeing much of anything down there, but he was staring intently between my legs as he slowly worked his leaking erection.

"Don't laugh at me," I instructed as I gathered some of my slick juices from just inside my pussy hole and spread it up the length of my slit to my waiting button. From the look Jesse gave me it was clear that he hadn't had any intention of laughing. I think he wanted to see this almost as much as I wanted to do it.

I began toying with my clit, rubbing my finger along the side of it; direct contact would have been too much for me to handle. I ran my finger over the top of my protective hood of flesh, feeling the rigid root of my pleasure beneath. I rubbed my fingertip along the opposite side and goosebumps appeared on my arms.

"This is too weird." I said to break the awkward silence in the room. "I can't believe we're doing this."

"No weirder than what we just did," he argued absently as he stared.

"Maybe." I slipped my finger down and pumped it in and out of my hole a few times. "For some reason this seems more intimate, if you know what I mean."

"If you say so." His hand moved deliberately up and down his shaft.

I could tell he was pacing himself. I was fascinated by way he handled his own cock. Every motion was calculated to maximize his pleasure; nothing wasted. He'd obviously spent a lot of time experimenting and finding exactly the right technique. Then he'd spent more time perfecting that technique. I suppose he could have made the same observation about the way I worked my pussy.

"Here goes," I said and moved my dildo into position.

I spread my lips apart to expose my sopping wet hole. Jesse's rhythm faltered for a moment, but he quickly recovered. I pressed the rounded tip of my toy against my opening and it entered me with only a slight amount of pressure. As the dildo filled me up, the atmosphere took on a whole new vibe.

It was nice to have something hard inside me, but it was a flesh and blood cock that I wanted, not a chunk of plastic. Sure, I had sucked a few guys off here and there recently, but it had been almost a year since I'd been good and properly fucked. With my son's cock almost within arm's reach, I naturally thought about how much better it would be if it was him sliding up into me at that moment instead of a rubber toy. A part of me rebelled against even entertaining such an awful fantasy, but that part wasn't in control just at the moment.

I moved the smooth shaft in and out, feeling the uneasiness of performing such a private act in front of my son diminishing under the heat of my increasing arousal.

"That feel good?" Jesse asked, surprising me. It was the first time he'd spoken during one of our shows without me prompting him.

"Yes," I purred. "It feels real good to fuck myself while you watch." I said this in a way that it might sound like I was playing to our voyeur rather than stating the honest truth. "Are you having fun watching Mommy play with her pussy like this?"

He swallowed before answering. "Yeah. All kinds of fun," he answered flatly.

I could tell he was trying not to let on how much he was enjoying the show. Sure, I may be his mother, but I was still a woman. He could insult my bush all he wanted, but underneath all that hair was a hot, wet pussy. Jesse couldn't get away from the fact that he was my son, but that didn't stop him from being a man.

It was usually a breeze for me to get myself off, especially when I was using a dildo, but I didn't know if I could concentrate with Jesse looking at me. His daddy used to ask me to masturbate for him all the time - he loved watching me make myself cum. I had to fake it the first few times until I got used to doing it in front of him. I leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and remembered those crazy days.

I'd fucked more than a few guys before I met Austin, but right away it was different with him. That first night we did it, when he took me out to the lake and laid me down in the grass, was the first time a man had made me cum just with his cock. With all the other guys, if I wanted to orgasm, I had to finger my clit while they were fucking me. Austin was different. That boy knew how to fuck a woman.

"He says to open your eyes," Jesse's voice cut into my daydream just as I was starting to feel it. "He says he wants you to watch me watching you."

I nodded and looked at Jesse. Everything seemed a little dreamlike, and I was feeling flush from the memory of his daddy's cock sliding into me that warm night so many years ago. I couldn't decide if Jesse looking so much like his daddy did back then made this easier or more difficult for me.

Jesse did as our voyeur instructed and watched me pump my dildo in and out of my pussy. He'd been a back-talking smartass with me for the past couple years, but the look on his face just then was one I hadn't seen for a long while. It was the same face I would see when he was little and he'd tell me I was the best mom in the world or that he loved me "this" much. Did he still love me now that he knew I was probably the skankiest mom in the world?

I couldn't look at his face any longer, and let my eyes slip down to his cock. What a beautiful thing it was. A lot of women say they think cocks are funny looking or even ugly. I always found them fascinating. My son's penis was no exception. And to see him hard and stroking it only made it more appealing. He reached down with his left hand and began playing with his balls as he jerked off. So fucking hot.

"That's it, Mom, fuck that thing good." He said this almost under his breath. It wasn't being said to me, or for the benefit of our customer, he was doing it for himself. He was really into watching me masturbate. Things started getting all dreamy again.

"Shit, Jesse, I think I'm going to cum." I didn't let my surprise distract me from the path I was hurtling down. I fucked myself faster. "I'm definitely going to cum."

"Go for it, Mom. Fuckin' do it." He was jerking faster, too.

"Almost there...oh...oh." I began strumming my clit madly as I fucked myself and everything suddenly came to a crashing apex. "Shit, baby, Mommy's cumming! Fuck, yeeeees!"

I bounced around in the chair as the excitation raced outward from my pussy and enlivened every part of my body. I grunted and groaned and gasped through a set of happy spasms. My son was watching me orgasm. It never had occurred to me in all the years that I was raising my boy that he would ever see me like this.

As my body settled down, Jesse stepped up to me. His knees pressed against the insides of my open thighs. He was holding his balls and beating his cock hard.

"That was fuckin' crazy," he muttered over me. "That was God damn fucking insane. Uuuhhh."

As he let out his moan, he angled his cock down and began shooting his load onto me. The target he chose was the no-man's land between my tits and my pussy. He fired spurt after spurt all over my belly. All over the belly that he had grown inside for nine months. I couldn't believe how much cum he still had to give after filling my mouth less than ten minutes earlier. I wondered what other sexual surprises my son had to offer.

Jesse stood where he was, head bowed. His chest rose and fell as he caught his breath. I sat quietly, holding my dildo deep in my pussy. A large gob of cum hung from the tip of Jesse's cock for a moment before falling and landing just below my belly button. The sound of coins dropping indicated that we'd earned our bonus. A door creaked and slammed. We were alone.

Jesse didn't move. His breathing had steadied. His knees stayed pressed between my legs. His cock remained hard enough to fuck me...if he wanted. He opened his eyes, took in my saggy tits drooping to each side, the faded scars standing in jagged rows along the lower swell of my tummy, and my scraggly tuft of pussy hair. He flicked his dick at me, delivering a final spattering of cum droplets across my chest. The love was gone from his face.

"That was fucked up."

It was, but I didn't want to acknowledge it in the way that he meant it. He stepped back and turned away looking for his boxers. While he pulled them on, I slid the dildo from my pussy and covered up with the towel once more.

"How much?" he asked as he turned his t-shirt right-side out.

"Hold on, let's see." My voice sounded small and unsure. "Five thirty-five total." I wanted to high-five him when I tallied the number, but I didn't think he was in the mood for it.

"How much is mine?"

"After the site takes its cut...about a hundred and twenty. Not bad, eh?"

"It'll fill up the truck and get me drunk enough to forget this ever happened." He really knew how to be cold when he wanted to. He'd never met his father, but they had that in common. "How do I get it? Do they wire it to us, or something?"

"They do payouts once a week into my PayPal account, and then I have to transfer it to the checking account. The next pay day isn't until Tuesday."

"That's three fuckin' days. I want my money now."

"What do you want me to do? Pull it out of my ass?"

"Just give me my cut out of our bank, and keep my share when it comes in."

"We have eight bucks in the bank right now. You're gonna have to wait."

"This is some serious bullshit, right here!" He kicked my dresser, knocking over some of my crystal unicorns perched there. "A good whore at least knows to get the money up front."

"Well, then I guess I'm not a very good whore, am I?"

He looked at me and shook his head. "That's right, Mom, you're a lousy fuckin' whore."

With that he spit on the floor between us and walked out. I was too mad to scream at him. Five minutes ago I was having the best orgasm I'd experienced in months, and now I was feeling as low and as angry as could be. A few minutes later, I heard the tires of Jesse's truck kicking up gravel in the driveway as he tore off to who knows where. I refused to let myself cry.

I checked the numbers again. About eighty bucks short of making the mortgage payment. I could manage that on my own over the next couple days. I just hoped that fucker found a job, because there would still be four overdue payments left after that. I was so worked up I could barely think straight.

I tossed the towel aside. The smell of cum was strong on my skin. I knew how fucked up all this was, but why did Jesse have to make it harder than it needed to be? I clicked around the cam site trying to figure out if it was worth trying to make any more money that day. He could act all pissed off and blame me for everything, but I know he was into it when it was happening. He jacked two huge loads out of that fat cock of his, and it was my tits and pussy that he did it to.

Angela and Damon were doing a couples show. I was too pissed off to even be considering it. I clicked into their room, and typed in the code that let me observe any private show on the site. Angela was on her side with one leg up in the air. She was naked except for a pair of nipple clamps. Damon was behind her with his cock in her clean-shaven pussy. I needed to work off all this tension.

I grabbed my big, black dong from my toy collection. It hurt as I jammed it into my pussy hole, but that's what I wanted. I leaned back and watched the two of them go at it while I hate fucked myself to a screaming orgasm. I sat there motionless afterward and watched the couple contort from one position to the next until Damon finally doused Angela's face with a generous load of jizz. As I watched her lick his semen from her lips, I realized I could still taste Jesse in my own mouth. I pressed a finger against my clit and a few seconds later I was shuddering with yet another orgasm.

It didn't matter how Jesse really felt about what we were doing. One way or another I would get him to do another show with me. If I was a good mother, I wouldn't have been sitting around in the middle of the day, with a huge black dildo crammed up my cunt, plotting a way to get more of my son's cum while perverted men watched for money. But, as I believe I've plainly demonstrated, I was a very, very bad mommy.


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