Chereads / Hunter’s Sexy Snippets / Chapter 307 - GETTING TO KNOW HER By Dilandau

Chapter 307 - GETTING TO KNOW HER By Dilandau

Erik walked down the steps in between the rows of benches in the lecture hall, and picked a seat. The row he chose was about two-thirds of the way up from the front of the hall; far enough up to not have to pay too much attention, yet not so far in the back that it would look like he was trying to not have to pay attention.

A similar process went into selecting the actual seat. Three seats from the edge of the row. Close enough that he could get up and leave with ease if the class proved too boring, but it wouldn't look like that's what he was doing. After several years at university, Erik was an expert at this.

Things had been different in high school. Back when attendance was mandatory, he'd never missed a class. He was far too honest for that. But now, in university, where attendance was not mandatory, he usually only went to a few lectures before he figured out whether actually going to class had any added value over just reading the textbook. Unfortunately, since most university professors are more interested in their research than instructing students, the classes that he did think were worth attending were few and far between.

This, however, was the first lecture of a brand new class in a new semester, so he had to attend it to form an opinion. At least the professor for this class had a reputation of being a good teacher, so he was mildly hopeful. Although, since this class was at ten in the morning on a Monday, he needed a very good reason to come here every week.

He looked around at the other students filing into the lecture hall. It was all the usual people that he knew from previous years. A few people greeted him as they walked in, and he smiled back at them. Since he rarely actually went to class, he didn't interact with most of them much outside of assignments that required working together. They were all nice enough, but he wouldn't consider any of them friends. His social life, in as much as he had one at all, was almost entirely outside the university.

He was twenty-six years old, a bit older than most other students here, because he'd taken a few years in between high school and university. He found many of his fellow students a bit immature as a result; another reason why he tended to keep himself apart.

There were a few unfamiliar faces, but not many. Most of the hall was empty; the computer science department at this university was not that big, and even then, not everyone would be taking this advanced class. It meant that he could sit alone, which suited him fine.

It all looked like an average start to an average class, until she walked in. Entering through the double doors in the back, she was hard to miss. Just the fact that she was a girl in a computer science class would've been somewhat remarkable, but that was not the reason why he—and indeed everyone else in the room—was staring at her.

She was very pretty, he noticed. Her slightly angular face was framed by dirty blonde hair that hung down to between her shoulders. Her nose was cute and a bit pointy, and luscious lips curled up in a friendly smile. That same smile was reflected in her deep blue eyes as she looked around the hall curiously. She was tall, with long, slender legs clad in very tight jeans. Dainty feet were revealed by the sandals they were in. He couldn't see her ass, but the rest of her hinted that good things would be waiting for him when she turned around.

She was obviously new here; Erik couldn't remember ever seeing her before. Not in his other classes, or anywhere on campus for that matter. He wasn't that great at remembering faces, but he knew with absolute certainty that they'd never crossed paths before. Not only would he easily remember a face as gorgeous as that one, there was something else that would've burned her into his mind forever. The thing that was the reason why the entire class was staring at her.

Her chest was gigantic.

Now, we're not talking about the kind of boobs you find in Playboy magazine. We're not talking about the kind of boobs you see in a porn movie. Even big tit fetish models would pale in comparison to what he was seeing here.

These were the kind of tits that Erik had no idea were even possible. Stuffed inside of a tube top that—despite obviously being custom-made—was clearly not up to the task were two enormous pale globes of flesh that defied a rational explanation. Even squashed somewhat by her top, they protruded dozens of centimetres from her chest.

He couldn't begin to guess what her cup size was; the alphabet just wasn't long enough. He even struggled to think of a comparison that would work. Watermelons? Way too small. Beach balls? Not even close. Medicine balls, the kind they used for exercising at the gym, were getting closer, if you considered the largest sizes they used. Even then he expected he was underestimating it.

They covered up the entire front of her torso, and stuck out to her sides quite a bit. Soft, creamy flesh bulged out the top of her tube top, showing what seemed like endless cleavage. The leather jacket she was wearing was open, and Erik knew there was no way in hell she could ever close it. It did little to hide anything from view.

Erik, and everyone else in the hall, watched her as she started to walk down the stairs. The way the bulging tits wobbled and bounced with every step made Erik think they had to be real, which was insane. No girl could be that big. It didn't happen. It couldn't happen. Then again, implants were never that big either. The only thing approaching this he'd ever seen was those silly, obviously fake latex prosthetics. This didn't look anything like those either.

She walked with grace and poise, and perfect posture, which shouldn't have been possible at all. If they were real, they should be way too heavy for her to even stand up straight, let alone walk. Yet, she didn't seem to have any problems. She also didn't seem bothered by all the stares she was getting; Erik suspected she was used to them.

This girl was the definition of sexy, Erik thought. If you looked up "smoking hot" in the dictionary, there should be a picture of her. Erik had always liked big breasts; his last girlfriend had been a double D, which he'd loved. He'd never known himself to be into huge breasts, though; certainly, he'd never imagined anything this big. Fake tits didn't appeal to him at all, and natural breasts beyond a certain size were only found on women of a certain size, and that wasn't his thing either.

These, though, didn't look fake at all, and the girl they belonged to was slim and fit. They were natural, and almost absurdly full, which made Erik quite certain that they wouldn't sag too much when unsupported, even though they really ought to at this size. It was unlike anything he'd ever seen, and it was making him uncomfortably hot. He felt his dick stir in his pants as he watched her walk. He would never have imagined he could be attracted to breasts that big, yet here he was, feeling more excited than he'd ever been in his life.

Erik looked away as she approached his row of seats, not wanting to appear rude. He was praying she'd sit on his side of the hall, somewhere in front of him. Those puppies were easily big enough to be seen from the back, and the stadium seating of the lecture hall would mean he could probably look down at her cleavage over her shoulders if she was close enough to him. He felt dirty for thinking it; he really shouldn't be objectifying her like that, but he couldn't help himself. He was also already trying to think of an excuse to talk to her after class. He knew it'd be pointless; a girl this unbelievably hot had to have a boyfriend, but he would never forgive himself if he didn't at least try to get to know her.

His heart pounded in his chest when he noticed, out of the corner of his eyes, that she stopped at his row of seats. He risked more of a direct glance as she was scanning around the room for a place to sit, and he just couldn't believe what he was seeing. The jacket hid the separation between her torso and her chest, but it was immediately obvious that she wasn't fat, at all. The things straining the tube top to its limits were all boobs; the rest of her was slim, and so incredibly pretty. Without those boobs she would've been a real knockout, and with them...

She continued looking for a seat until her eyes stopped on one that suited her. Erik nearly had a heart attack and had to look away quickly when he realised that what she was looking at was the seat right next to where she was standing. The aisle seat of his row. Two chairs to his right!

She placed her purse on the floor by the seat, and started to remove her jacket. The movement caused the fabric of her top to shift around those gargantuan beauties, and Erik began to wonder how she was even fitting in there. The garment felt like a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen, and if that did occur it would cause some additional problems for Erik, and presumably most of the males in the class.

Her bare shoulders and arms were revealed when she took the jacket off and hung it over the back of the chair. If there had been any doubt about how hot she was before, this was now dispelled. There just wasn't any part of her that wasn't desirable. It also revealed there were no straps over her shoulders, which meant she wasn't wearing a bra. The only thing holding up her top was the pressure of those overendowed wonders pushing against them.

She sat down in the chair sideways, her back to him. As he'd suspected, her tremendous tits were easily visible from behind. He also had the opportunity to look over her delightful backside; her ass was full, but not too big, and every bit as delicious as he'd hoped. After sitting down, she began to turn to look forward, and he once again had to avert his eyes, trying to make it look like he wasn't staring. To help establish his cover, he folded the lecture desk in front of him down and began to take his laptop from his bag, all while still glancing surreptitiously over at the girl who was squeezing into her seat.

Squeezing was definitely the right word to use. Her immense chest filled all the available space between her and the barrier behind the row of seats in front of them. Compressing them down even further than the tube top already had, Erik could swear he heard the wood creak as she struggled to get her magnificent chest into the small space. They bulged up even further, almost pushing against her chin.

She used her arms to push down the protruding flesh, but it didn't help much. At the bottom, they were constricted by the tube top, and her legs. Sitting in her lap, they had nowhere else to go but up. Shrugging, she accepted defeat and left them as they were.

She looked at him, and Erik felt like a deer in headlights. Had she seen him staring? Would she be offended? Yet her smile seemed completely friendly. She seemed almost oblivious to all the attention she was getting. "Hi," she said simply, extending a hand. "I'm new here."

God, even her voice was sexy. Erik just sat there, staring at her, unable to speak. His only saving grace was that he was at least staring at her face right now. Such a lovely face too, with gorgeous blue eyes. Erik felt himself blushing, and hoped she wouldn't notice.

"I'm Jessica," she offered gently, apparently not minding his behaviour. "What's your name?"

"Um... Erik," he stammered. He realised she was still holding her hand up, and he hastily took it. Her skin was warm and soft, and he briefly imagined what it would be like to kiss it.

She shook his hand, and after letting go she pulled down the lecture desk of the empty seat in between them. "Do you mind if I use this desk?" She asked him, smiling sheepishly. "I, um, can't use my own."

He looked in front of her; the desks in this hall folded up against the barrier of the next row, to make it easier to get into and out of the seats. Jessica's desk was now trapped between those soft globes and the barrier, entirely hidden from view.

He shook his head hurriedly. "N... no, of course not! Go ahead."

She beamed at him. "Thanks!"

Erik wanted to keep talking to her, even if just to have an excuse to keep looking in her direction. "D... do you have the textbook?" The purse she had with her was too small to hold it, so maybe they could share his. Any excuse to get closer to her.

She gave him a devious smirk. Then, she did something so ridiculous Erik had trouble believing it. She plunged her hand into her enormous cleavage. Most of her forearm disappeared into the chasm in between those massive orbs. Despite their softness, the way they were constricted by the top and the seat made it a tight squeeze. She felt around in her cleavage for a few moments, making her boobs jiggle around. Erik's eyes nearly bulged out of his face—and they weren't the only things he could feel bulging—as he was convinced the top couldn't take much more of this.

When she pulled her arm out, she was holding the textbook, and put it on the desk. She repeated the process, and pulled out a notebook and pen. "Who needs a bag, anyway?" She said playfully.

Erik swallowed, hard. "What else do you have in there?" He asked before he realised what he was saying, his eyes still glued to her cleavage. Everyone in the hall was looking at her, but he felt like the show was just for him.

She raised an eyebrow. "Wouldn't you like to know," she teased.

Erik couldn't believe it. Was she actually flirting with him? How could someone who looked like her even consider him worthy of a look, let alone flirting?

He wanted to say something, maybe try to flirt back if he had the guts to do it, but was prevented when the professor entered the room. The middle-aged man at the front of the room turned on the projector, and showed a slide with the name of the class. "Welcome, everyone," he said as the murmurs in the hall died down. "My name is Professor Jenkins. I see we have pretty good attendance today; let's see if we can keep it that way for the whole semester."

Erik already knew he would be attending this class, if Jessica was going to. Heck, he was already thinking he should figure out what other classes she was taking and make sure he went to all of them. Maybe he could even swing it so they'd be sitting together at each class. She'd already talked to him, after all.

The professor began to introduce the topic of the class, but Erik was having serious trouble paying attention. It wasn't easy to focus on anything else when the girl of his dreams was sitting next to him. No, that was selling her short; nothing he'd ever dreamed of had gotten close to Jessica. He'd certainly never dreamed of breasts that big, but now he knew he'd never dream of anything else, ever again. He kept glancing over at her, hoping he wasn't being too obvious. He just couldn't get over how incredibly hot she was.

Her face would've been enough to make her hot. Her toned and slim frame would've been enough to make her hot. Her ass, her legs, her smile... all were beyond compare. But to find all of those things in one package, combined with the biggest breasts on the planet... it was just insane. Every single time he looked over at her his heart skipped again as his eyes just couldn't believe the sight of those mountains protruding in front of her. The vast expanses of flesh bulging out of her top, almost reaching her face, looked so soft, so inviting. He wanted to touch them, badly.

It had to be a dream, Erik decided. There's no way any of this was remotely real. It'd been over a year since he broke up with his last girlfriend, and clearly his subconscious was creating this absurd scenario in his sleep to compensate for his lack of sex. He'd wake up soon, and then he'd have to go to the real class, in the waking world, where there would be no huge-breasted goddess sitting next to him.

However, if this was a dream, and he was now aware that it was a dream, shouldn't he be able to change things? Wasn't that how lucid dreaming worked? He tried imagining the girl next to him naked. It was difficult, since it wasn't like he'd ever seen anyone he could compare her to. Would her nipples be big too, proportionate to her breasts? Then again, if this was a dream, he'd be able to decide.

His imagination was showing him the beautiful naked tits, so huge and full and soft, a vivid image in his mind that made his pants uncomfortably tight. However, reality refused to change. He tried wishing the other people in the lecture hall away, and that didn't work either. Lastly, he imagined her boobs growing even bigger, overwhelming the poor top and revealing themselves that way—he had no idea where that thought even came from—but that didn't happen either.

He pinched himself, and felt the stab of pain. So, not a dream after all, he guessed. Yet he couldn't change the path his mind had gone on, and he was now imagining what those magnificent breasts would feel like against his hands. Forget a handful; these would be an armful. He could hug his whole torso against each tit. They looked so soft; it would feel wonderful, he was sure. He longed to find out how heavy they were, to feel their weight in his arms. Kissing them, sucking on them, would feel even nicer, he imagined. Or how about kissing those lovely, full lips?

He was wrenched back to reality by the sound of her pen dropping on the floor in between them. It had rolled off the desk after she put it down, and came to a halt underneath her chair. She tried to reach down, but her upper body didn't have enough freedom of movement with her chest wedged into the seat like that. As much as she tried, she couldn't even reach the floor, let alone the offending object. Her only option would be to get up, fold the chair up, squeeze into the gap as best she could to retrieve the pen, then sit back down again. Something she wouldn't be able to do in the middle of a lecture without attracting a lot of attention.

She noticed he'd seen the pen drop, and looked at him pleadingly. "Do you mind?" She whispered.

He had to swallow, and nodded. The pen was underneath her chair, and the desk of the seat in between them was in his way. Since that seat was folded up, he at least had enough space to get down there, but it was still going to put him in incredibly close proximity to her.

He bent over, and reached his hand under the seat. He realised, too late, that that was the wrong approach. He should've gotten off his seat and got his head under there. By trying to reach with just his arm, his face was now mere centimetres from her left breast. The huge tit was spilling out of the space for her seat, and pushed against the desk of the seat between them. There was no way he could reach the pen without touching his head against it.

Jessica tried to help him, and pushed the breast aside to give him space. The pliant flesh had some give to it, but since it was already so constricted, it didn't help much. It meant her hand was now brushing his cheek, which was almost as bad. Her skin was so soft, and he could even smell her from here, a sweet scent that lit fires in the deepest parts of his brain.

He fumbled around for the pen, unable to see much of what he was doing, his vision entirely eclipsed by the enormous breast. His fingers made contact, but accidentally knocked it a few centimetres farther away. He bent down further, reaching for it. His quest for the recalcitrant writing implement distracted him enough that he didn't realise that he now had his face pushed firmly against that wall of breast flesh.

He only noticed it when his fingers closed around the pen. The fabric of her tube top separated his cheek from her skin, but he could still feel her warmth, and the unbelievable softness of the flesh underneath. He quickly rose up, knocking his head into the desk, then sat up straight, blushing crimson.

"Sorry," he whispered guiltily, and handed her the pen.

She shrugged, and smiled warmly. "Thanks," she replied, letting go of the side of her boob, absentmindedly brushing the part where his face had been. He could tell she had goose bumps on her skin, but she didn't look embarrassed. Had she enjoyed giving him a little feel? Surely, that was wishful thinking on his part.

She jotted down a few notes, and Erik noticed she was using her left arm. She had to, since the desk was on her left, and with her boobs pushed up like that, there was no way to reach her right arm over.

"Are you left-handed?" He asked her quietly.

"Ambidextrous," she whispered back, smiling. "It comes in useful because, you know..." She gestured to indicate the huge swell of her breasts.

He chuckled softly. He could only imagine how useful it was to be able to do things on either side, when your front is so thoroughly obstructed at all times.

When the professor coughed loudly and glared in their direction, he was forced to return his attention to the front of the hall. But his cheek could still feel the soft warmth of her breast, the most wonderful feeling he'd ever encountered. If that was what it was like against the fabric of her top, what would her bare skin feel like? He shuddered at the thought, and fervently hoped his desk was hiding the bulge in his pants.

A two-hour lecture had never passed so quickly before. Erik felt he'd barely heard a word the professor had said, and if Jessica was in any of his other classes, actually accomplishing anything this semester would be monumentally difficult. He was quite sure that even in the classes where she wasn't there, all he'd be able to think about now would be her.

The professor was getting ready to end the class. "Before we finish up today, a quick announcement," he said. "As you were no doubt expecting, there is a programming assignment associated with this class. It's a bit more involved than what you may have been used to up to now. You'll have more freedom with the design and direction of the project, which should be a nice preparation for the research project you'll have to do next year.

"I want you to form pairs, and work on the assignment together." He looked around the room sternly. "Now, I'm well aware of how tempting it is to just use the same team for multiple assignments, and have one person do this assignment and the other do one from another class. However, I want each of you to learn from this assignment, so I'm trusting you to not do that this time. Since trust only goes so far, there'll be an oral part with each pair at the end where you'll have to explain how your project works to me, and I expect both members to be able to explain it equally well.

"The details of the assignment are on the website for this course, and I expect all of you to let me know who you're teaming up with by email before next week's lecture. And, that's it! I'm sure you're all eager to get to lunch, so class dismissed."

Erik began to put away his things, thinking who would make a good partner for this assignment. He knew who he wanted to ask, of course, but he didn't think he'd have the courage in a million years. It was stupid; he'd wanted an excuse to talk to her after class, and here it was on a silver platter, but he was too much of a coward to use this opportunity. He felt ashamed of himself; they'd already talked, the hard part should be over. But actually asking this vision of feminine beauty whether she'd want to spent more time with him was still an incredibly daunting prospect.

Fortunately, she made it easy for him. She looked over at him as she was reinserting her belongings into the immeasurable depths of her cleavage. "Well?" She asked him. "It's not like I know anyone else here, so what do you think? Want to partner up?"

"What?" He blurted, startled. "No! I mean, yes! Of course!"

"Perfect!" She smiled happily. "You know, I was afraid I'd be a bit of an outcast since I've never gone to class before, so it's great to meet someone who's nice like you." She winked at him.

"Um... thanks," he muttered, blushing furiously. Was she still flirting with him? If only he felt capable of more than monosyllabic replies at the moment.

She stood up, but unlike when she sat down, she didn't turn first. Instead, she rose straight up, dragging her boobs up along the barrier they were wedged against. Reluctantly, they were pulled out of their prison, bouncing heavily as they escaped. The shift in weight caught her off-balance, and she tried to compensate by leaning back. Unfortunately, the seat behind her denied her the space she needed, and she stumbled sideways, towards Erik.

His reflexes kicked into action, and he caught her, her weight almost knocking him over. Bracing himself to keep them both standing, his right arm went around her shoulder and his left arm sunk deep into the bare flesh sticking out of her top. It was the softest, most wonderful sensation he'd ever felt. If he hadn't been sold on titanic tits yet, he sure was now. To think he'd ever been satisfied with a handful.

She was pressed against him, her face next to his. She was almost as tall as him, which meant her lips were close enough to kiss. Her beautiful blue eyes were staring directly into his, a look of gratitude on her face. The moment passed, far too quickly.

"Oops," she said, laughing as she steadied herself. "I haven't gone out in so long, I've forgotten how to deal with this."

Erik quickly pulled back his hand, though with some regret. "I'm sorry," he stammered. "I didn't mean to..."

She gave him a sly smile. "Hardly your fault, now was it? And I appreciate the rescue. If I'd fallen and gotten stuck here, that would've been a real problem."

She stepped back from him, and inspected her top. All the movement had caused the top edge of the tube top to ride down, and a small, darkly pink patch was visible over the edge now. Small in comparison to the rest of the breasts, anyway. What was visible here was larger than a normal girl's entire areola, but this was only a small part of hers. They had to be as large as his face! Erik tried not to stare, but it was stronger than him.

"I really should've gotten new clothes before leaving the house..." she muttered to herself as she wrestled her expanses of flesh back into the top. Erik was awestruck, his mind filled with visions of what her actual nipples had to be like, if those were her areolas. Their size defied his imagination.

With her wardrobe situation taken care of—albeit probably only temporarily, considering just how much bigger her bust was than the top—she pulled her jacket back on and got her purse. She extracted herself from the row of seats, and turned around to face him again. "You want to get lunch?" She asked him.

Erik was taken aback. "Yeah... sure," he replied. Here he'd been worrying about how to even say hi to her when he first saw her, and now this unbelievable beauty was asking to have lunch with him. She seemed completely oblivious to the impact her simple questions were having on him.

She started back up the stairs, and he followed her, baffled by this turn of events. What had he done to deserve this? If karma was real, he must've somehow unwittingly saved an orphanage full of kittens and nuns to be worthy of this girl paying attention to him.

They went outside, and he walked with her across campus to the cafeteria building. He felt the burning eyes of everyone they passed as his unusual companion drew the same kind of attention as she had when entering the hall. She seemed at ease with it, but for him it was kind of unnerving. He was receiving many jealous stares as most of the university's male students wondered the same thing he was wondering: why was she with him, and not with them?

The cafeteria was set up with several different counters, each with their own type of food. Jessica decided she wanted pasta, and got in the appropriate line. Naturally, Erik followed; he didn't care what she was going to eat, he wasn't going to risk leaving her side and finding out this had all been some kind of daydream. The stares followed them as they waited in front of the counter.

He was in front of her in the line, turned back so he could look at her. He tried to keep his gaze at her eye level, but the insane length of her cleavage was just too irresistible. He knew she had to know he was doing it, and he just hoped she wouldn't think he was being too rude.

The line moved, and they shuffled forwards. Jessica walked a bit too far, and her tremendous chest bumped into him. He stumbled, and nudged the person in from of him, who gave him a dirty look.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Jessica said sincerely. "I just keep doing that, don't I?"

Erik wasn't complaining, not in the slightest. "That's okay," he said simply. He was hoping his ability to form full sentences would come back some time soon.

"I haven't really gone outside much the last few years," she explained. "I guess I'm not used to how much space I need anymore."

"Why haven't you? Gone outside?" Five whole words. He was getting better.

She shrugged. "I used to be a bit self-conscious, I suppose. And you've already seen what a chore it can be to deal with these things. That's why I made an agreement with the university so I could do all my work online, from home."

"What changed?" He asked.

"I'm nearly twenty-three years old," she said simply. "And I rarely interact with anyone face-to-face except my family and my roommates. I've been doing this university program, and I literally don't know anyone here. Basically, I was lonely. I wanted to make some new friends. Plus, I figure I can deal with the stares by now; I never get anything else when I do go anywhere."

They got their food—Erik had to try his best to ignore the stares from the lady behind the register--and went to find a spot to sit. This presented some difficulty, as the tables in the cafeteria were placed too close together for Jessica to be able to walk between them comfortably. She kept bumping into people, and her massive breasts pushed aside tables and chairs. It was a strangely erotic sight, the way she was just too big to interact with the world normally.

They found an empty table, and sat down. Jessica had to sit sideways, her colossal bust along the side of the table. If she'd sat down straight, she would've had to be so far from the table she wouldn't be able reach her food. It left her having to eat her food with one hand, which she seemed quite adept at.

"It's this, or use my boobs as a table," she said, grinning. "In public, this is probably the better option."

Too bad, Erik thought. He would've liked to have seen the alternative. He idly wound his spaghetti around his fork, not really interested in the food. He was too distracted by the awesome sight in front of him, and a bit embarrassed by the way everyone kept staring at the both of them.

A guy walked over to them. A tall, athletic type with a chiselled face, who was probably in one of the university's sports clubs. The kind of jock that Erik would've expected Jessica to hang out with. He approached their table, and looked at Jessica. "Hey there," he said confidently. "We've got some space at our table. You want to join?"

"No," Jessica said curtly. The friendly expression she'd had all morning had melted away, replaced by an annoyed look.

"Come on, babe," the jock said, impatiently. "You don't have to hang out with this loser type. You've got too much class for that."

Erik got up. "You want to say that again?" He asked the guy angrily. He wasn't going to let anyone talk to him like that, especially in front of his dream girl. This wasn't high school anymore; he didn't need to take this kind of abuse.

The jock ignored him. "What do you say, babe?"

Jessica gave him an icy stare. "I'm not your babe, and I already said no," she said coldly. "And this 'loser' has more class in the tip of his finger than you have in your entire body. Plus, he's my boyfriend, so kindly fuck off."

The guy, realising that everyone in the cafeteria was looking at them, decided to back off. "Okay, whatever. He can have your disgusting fat boobs if he wants."

When he left, Jessica turned to Erik, an apologetic look on her face. "Sorry about that," she said. "I hope you don't mind I said that; it makes it easier to deal with type threes like him."

"No, of course not," he said, sitting back down. He was a bit miffed the jock had just ignored him entirely and that Jessica had been the one to get rid of him. On the other hand, the lie she had used was one he really wished was true. He gathered his courage. "Do, um, do you have a boyfriend?"

She laughed, though somewhat sadly. "No, I'm afraid not. You'd think it'd be easy for me, but there's just not enough type fours in the world."

"Type four? What do you mean?" She'd said type three as well, when referring to the jock, and Erik was curious what she was talking about.

"Oh, right," she said. "I keep forgetting you don't know me that well. It's a code me and my roommates use for the types of people I tend to meet."

"Really? What are they?"

"Well, in my experience people, especially guys, can be divided into four groups." She held up her hand, counting on her fingers. Slender, pretty fingers, Erik noticed. He kind of wished he would stop obsessing about every part of her body.

"First, there's the people who are either indifferent to me, or think I'm disgusting, some kind of freak of nature. I group those together because very few people are actually indifferent to these things on my chest. My brother is probably the only person in that category, so why give him his own group? They're type one."

"Who thinks you're a freak?" Erik asked indignantly. In his view, such an opinion was tantamount to heresy.

"Erik, you're sweet, but you have to realise quite a few people think boobs like, say, Kate Upton's are already too big. Where do you think that puts me?"

"You're way prettier than her," he said before he realised it, then panicked when he did. "Wait, I mean...! No, actually, that is what I mean. That's not even a contest."

She laughed again, and reached across the table, her hand brushing against his. "Thanks," she said, seemingly blushing a little. "I know I have the rest of my looks in my favour, but plenty of people still can't see past these." She pointed at her tremendous assets. "What that asshole just said as an insult because I rejected him, quite a few people think for real."

She put up two fingers. "Anyway, type two are the shy guys. The people who are so intimidated by me that they can't even talk to me."

Erik felt himself shrinking into his seat. "That would be me," he said quietly.

She shook her head, which sent her gorgeous blonde hair dancing around her head, some strands landing in her cleavage before she brushed them back behind her back. "No, you're not," she laughed. "Well, maybe a little. But you're doing way better than most. Believe me, I've met plenty of people who just bolt at the sight of me, or when I try to say hello."

Erik couldn't deny that impulse had been there. When she'd said hi to him, he was so afraid he'd make a fool of himself that he easily could've fled. "So, type three are guys like that jock just now?" He asked, remembering what she'd said earlier.

She nodded. "Yeah," she said bitterly. "The guys who think I'm some kind of trophy. Who see me, and all they want is to be able to brag to their friends that they slept with the girl with the huge boobs. The guys who're so sure that they're hot stuff and that I'll go with them. I hate those guys."

It was obvious to Erik from her frown and her tone of voice that she'd had to deal with this type way too often. "Well, I'm sorry on behalf of my gender, if it makes a difference," he said.

Her smile returned. "It does, believe me. You're type four, the last type. The nice people who aren't turned off by the boobs, who may even like them, yet can still treat me like an actual person. It's an increasingly small group of people, as I get bigger."

"You're giving me too much credit," Erik said, remembering the thoughts he'd had during class about seeing her enormous bust naked. Not to mention the erection he'd had all morning, though he was starting to get that under control. Wait, did she just say she was still getting bigger? So much for control.

"You're not giving yourself enough," she replied playfully. "A few stray glances don't make you a bad person, Erik. At least you were trying not to look rude, unlike most people in that hall. I pegged you as a four the moment I saw you trying to hide your stares. That's why I picked that seat, and so far, you've proved me right."

"I don't know..." Erik began, a bit embarrassed.

"Trust me, I know what I'm talking about," she reassured him. "The pen, and when I almost fell... you've had a few chances to take advantage of me, and you didn't. That's more than most people would've done."

Erik had a hard time believing he was really that special. Then again, she was here, talking to him, so he must've done something right.

The conversation turned to more mundane matters, which was a bit of a relief for Erik since it allowed the blood to return to other parts of his body where it was needed. They talked about their studies, which was an easy topic since they had the same major. They talked about their hobbies, and found they had a shared interest in gaming. She was remarkably easy to talk to, once he got over the fact that he was talking to the bustiest, most beautiful girl in the world. Something that was not easy to get over, and he kept staring at those alluring orbs from time to time.

For her part, she kept giving him coy smiles, and brief bits of contact when she reached out to touch his hands. It was very flirty behaviour, and Erik still had a hard time believing someone like that could be for real, and talking to him. Part of him was still expecting this to be a dream somehow, or a ridiculously elaborate prank.

By the time they finished talking, the cafeteria was empty, lunch time long over. He checked the time on his phone, and it was nearly two-thirty. He had another class at three, one which Jessica wouldn't be attending, unfortunately. It meant the time to say goodbye to her was fast approaching.

Jessica got up, and leaned her massive mammaries on the table. "Oof!" She said. "Always nice to get a load off. They're not light, you know."

"I can imagine," Erik said, chuckling. He was staring at her tits as they lay on the table, pushed up even further. He noticed she had her own head in her cleavage, which was just beyond sexy. Her colossal chest covered a large portion of the table, and he could hear the poor piece of furniture struggle with the weight. It made him wonder just how she was able to carry them with such ease, but he felt it would be rude to ask.

The pressure from below was causing her top to creep down again, revealing parts of her areola once more. She noticed where he was looking, and sighed. "There I go again. This top is just a few months old, too. I thought it'd be okay to wear out. Stupid growth spurts." She hoisted the top up, making herself decent again, for as much as that was possible.

"At least there's no audience this time," he said, indicating the empty cafeteria. By contrast, most of the class must've noticed the earlier wardrobe malfunction in the lecture hall.

"True. This is how I like places, when I go out," she joked. "Empty."

"So you don't have to deal with type threes?" He asked.

"Exactly," she said. "You know, sometimes when dealing with guys like that, I wish I could just be, like, 'hey, you want my boobs so badly, so here they are!' And then I'd just knock them out with them, like this!" She spun around on the ball of her foot, swinging her massive chest around her. She knocked into the table and several chairs, sending them scattering across the floor. Erik stared slack-jawed as she pirouetted, her humongous tits describing an arc around her, knocking over everything in their way. "KO by boobs!" She proclaimed, laughing.

"The best way to go," he chuckled, trying to hide how much she was turning him on.

"I'd do it too, if I didn't think they'd probably like it. Or charge me with assault. Either way, not an outcome I want."

Erik looked at his phone as she came to a halt, her heavy breasts swaying from side to side from the residual momentum. "I really need to get going," he said sadly. "I need to walk back to the engineering building, after all."

"Wait, give me that," she said, and winked. "You'll have to be able to contact me... for the assignment."

He handed her the phone, and she entered her number, saving it to a new contact, putting in her name. He wanted to take the phone back, but instead she tapped the 'add photo' button, stood next to him, her arm around his waist, his right arm pressed into her boob. She held out the phone, and took a selfie of the both of them, saving the picture with the contact.

"There, now you'll know who I am," she said happily.

"As if I could forget," he mumbled as he took the phone, and looked at the picture. The angle showed only three things: his face, her face, and her insane cleavage. Her cleavage wasn't even entirely in the picture, which also meant the top she was wearing wasn't visible. It made it entirely too easy to imagine she was naked in that shot.

"About that assignment," he said. "I can look it up on the website, and let you know how much work it looks to be next time we see each other."

"I have a better idea," she said, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Why don't you come over to my place Friday evening, and we'll look at it together."

"It's a bit early in the semester, isn't it? The class only just started, I doubt there's anything we can do yet."

"Erik, Erik, Erik..." she sighed with mock disappointment. "Why are the nice guys always so oblivious? I just asked you on a date. At my house. You don't really want to say no to that, do you?"

Erik swallowed hard, his mouth suddenly very dry. "I... I'll be there," he managed to say.

"Great, how about seven? Send me a text so I have your number, and I'll reply with my address." She blew him a kiss, turned around, and walked away, swaying her hips. "See you then!"

He stared at her delectable ass, and the swell of her immense breasts visible from behind her, swaying from side to side as she walked. He shook his head in disbelief; he didn't know what just happened, but he imagined this is what it would feel like to win the lottery, get the Nobel prize, and be the first man on Mars, all at the same time.


When Erik woke up the next day, he was initially convinced he'd dreamed the whole thing. He was sure it was still Monday, that he'd never met the amazing Jessica, and that they definitely didn't have a date for that Friday. He knew he was about to repeat that day, but normally this time.

However, the date on his alarm clock obstinately said Tuesday, no matter how often he blinked. Okay, so Monday had happened, but surely Jessica couldn't be real. Breasts larger than medicine balls did not exist, he had to remind himself. They couldn't.

He looked at his phone, and saw the texts they'd exchanged. After he'd sent her a message so she'd have his number, Jessica had cheerfully replied she was excited for Friday, and had given him her address. The realisation dawned on him: it was all real. He really did meet the most beautiful girl in the world the day before, and they were going on a date. He actually had a date with Jessica. It was hard to believe, even with the evidence right in front of him. Had he quantum leaped into someone else's life? These kinds of things didn't happen to him, normally.

He tapped her name, which she'd put as "Jessica Boob-girl" with a smiley face. Presumably not her real surname, though maybe she'd been afraid he knew many other Jessicas he'd confuse her with. As if the picture left any doubt who she was. He stared at it, mesmerised by her breathtakingly beautiful face and her endless cleavage. The cropping of the picture really did make her look naked, he thought. He felt his dick begin to stir, and he briefly considered jerking off to the picture, but thought better of it. He didn't think he'd be worthy of his type four status if he did that.

It turned out they had three more classes in common, so he saw her a few more times. Every time they sat together, and they even managed to have lunch again on Wednesday and Thursday. He still did a double take every time he saw her. It didn't matter that he already knew what she looked like; there just was no getting used to her. The fact that she'd gotten a better fitting top than the one she wore on Monday didn't really make any difference; she still looked amazingly sexy. On top of that, he grew to like her more every time they were together, and he hoped the same was true in reverse.

The times they were not together were even more difficult, as he'd predicted. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw her, impressive chest and all. He heard her voice in his head. He daydreamed about the smallest things, like just holding her hand. He found it difficult to think about anything else besides this incredible girl, a fascination that was not just due to her looks. There was no denying it: he was officially smitten.

As Friday approached, he grew more and more nervous. It didn't help that every time he saw her, he was convinced she'd be with some other guy, and would call off the date. There were so many guys on campus, surely she'd find someone she liked better than him? It hadn't happened, though. He mostly saw her talk to other girls, and only one other guy who he knew was very, very gay.

One very surprising thing was that some of the girls he saw her with were ones he'd previously thought were very attractive. Pretty girls, with nice, normal big breasts. Now, when he'd seen them in Jessica's presence, they were plain-looking, almost downright boring. No one was capable of catching his eye anymore, except for her.

Friday crept by incredibly slowly. He didn't see her at all during the day, and his classes dragged on, minutes feeling like hours. He'd never looked at the clock so often during a day, and seven o'clock just refused to get any closer.

Five-thirty, and he was finally back home, getting ready. He texted her: "Are we still on for tonight?"

"YES!!!! :D :D :D" Came the reply. "Stop being so unsure of yourself :P"

Erik wished it was that simple. He imagined that they could be standing at the altar, and he still wouldn't be able to believe she was interested at him. Okay, now he had the image of her in a very scandalous wedding dress in his head, and his dick responded. He didn't need this, he wanted to be calm when he got there.

Six-thirty, and he was getting in his car, a five-year-old Honda. Not too bad for a student car, though it felt very shabby to him. He wanted to impress, even though he knew that she wasn't the type to care about something like that. As long as he was nice, and they had fun, he should be fine. He just wished he could control his nerves a little better; he had enough experience to know that no girl would be attracted to him if he couldn't at least show a little bit of confidence.

He used his phone to navigate to the address she'd given him. He drove out into the suburbs, the scenery changing from the crowded inner city to larger, more widely spaced houses. It was also clear that the area he was heading into was more affluent; many houses looked more fancy, had neat gardens, and expensive cars were parked out front.

Finally, he turned into the driveway of what had to be Jessica's house. It was a nice looking, above average suburban home. Not as fancy as some of the ones he'd seen on the way, but definitely nicer than anything he'd lived in. He parked his car and got out, his heart pounding in his chest.

Why was he still so nervous? He'd spent quite a bit of time with her this week. He already knew they got along, and she seemed to like him. However, this was different. This was an actual date. Presumably, tonight she would decide if he was boyfriend material, or would forever be friend-zoned.

He walked up to the front door, and rang the doorbell. The door itself was very wide, almost four times the width of a normal door. He wondered if that was just the style of the houses in this neighbourhood. He couldn't really tell from here.

Seconds crept by slowly as he felt himself grow more nervous. He clutched the small bouquet of flowers he'd picked up earlier, hoping she wouldn't think it was corny. The longer it took, the more misgivings were creeping back into his mind. Was this the wrong house? Was it a prank after all, and had she deliberately sent him somewhere so he'd make a fool of himself?

Finally, the door opened, and his worries were immediately forgotten. Standing in the doorway was the most astonishing vision of beauty he'd ever laid eyes on. Jessica had straightened her hair, and was wearing a bit more makeup than she had been during the week, though it was still pretty subtle; she didn't need much, after all. A soft-pink, slightly glossy lipstick adorned her lips, which made them look even more inviting.

She was wearing an elegant, short-sleeved light-blue shirt, with a very low-cut top. On a regular woman, this shirt's neck would've plunged down to below their hips, and would've been wide enough to allow their entire body through; on Jessica, it just showed an incredible amount of smooth cleavage. The shirt obviously was a lot better fitting than the tube top she'd worn on Monday; it fit around her massive chest like a glove, allowing their natural fullness to show without any distortion. It conformed perfectly to the curve of those enormous globes, narrowing at the bottom to follow the slope towards her hips. It didn't make it all the way; the fabric stopped well before reaching her body. It was the equivalent of a midriff-baring shirt for Jessica, though for her, it only showed under-boob. Her stomach was nowhere to be seen, covered in its entirety by those magnificent mountains.

His eyes travelled further down, to her short skirt which ended about halfway down to her knees, revealing her long, bare legs. It was the first time he'd seen her in anything other than jeans, and he took a moment to admire this new, previously unseen part of her. Heeled sandals helped emphasise her supple calves, and Erik once again found himself wondering if this girl had even a single square centimetre of her body that wasn't astonishingly beautiful.

"Erik!" She said excitedly. "You made it!"

"It wasn't hard to find," he said, and stepped across the threshold. One small step for man...

When he came in, she embraced him. He hadn't been expecting that. Sure, he'd hugged girls on previous first dates, but with Jessica, the thought of doing so somehow seemed much more inappropriate. Her colossal bust smushed against his chest, his stomach, and even his hips as she pulled him close. He felt as if he was being pulled into her cleavage as he tried to reach around her shoulders to hug her. Soft, fragrant skin was pushing against his entire upper body, and he even felt her against his crotch, which immediately responded. With great mental effort, he forced himself to keep his composure; it was too early in the evening, and something like that might ruin her opinion of him.

He had to bend forward a bit, mashing her breasts down even further, until finally their faces were together, and their cheeks touched.

"It's good to see you," he managed to say. Though, what he really wanted to say was closer to "it's good to feel you." She felt incredible against his body, and even if all they did for the rest of the night was stand there in that hug, this was already the best date ever.

When they released each other, Erik felt incredibly flushed. "You look amazing," he said breathlessly.

She actually looked a bit shy when he said that. "Thanks," she responded. "Are those for me?" She took the flowers from him. "They're lovely, thank you. Let me get a vase for these."

She walked towards the kitchen, and Erik followed her. He admired her from behind; the shirt revealed a bit of her lower back, and her hips swayed hypnotically as she walked in the short skirt.

"I actually got this shirt fitted yesterday," she told him as they walked. "I wanted to make sure I had something that actually fit properly for tonight."

"That's a lot of effort for a stay-at-home date," he said.

She laughed. "It's not where we're going, it's who I'm with. Honestly, this outfit is a bit more revealing than what I'd normally consider appropriate for a first date. But, since we've been having lunch a bunch of times, I don't quite think of this as a normal first date. It's actually the fourth date, really."

Erik was definitely appreciative of the effort she'd put into looking good for him. Then again, she could've been wearing a burlap sack and she still would've looked incredible. Strangely enough, this outfit was actually a bit less revealing, at least as far as her breasts were concerned, than what she'd worn on Monday. Not that it was any less sexy for it, and it made up for it with the short skirt and the parts of her breasts sticking out from under the shirt.

The kitchen was large and open, allowing Jessica plenty of space to manoeuvre. That, combined with the overly wide doorways, which were present on the interior of the house as well, made him wonder if this place had been built for her.

"This is quite the place you've got here," he said, hoping she'd volunteer some information.

"Thanks," Jessica replied as she was rummaging through a cabinet to find a vase. "My parents actually lived here, up until I was born. They kept it, and rented it out until I moved in a few years back, mostly to people who never even knew why the house is the way it is."

That sounded like a promising lead. "What do you mean?"

She pulled a red vase from the cabinet, and began filling it with water. She had to stand sideways in front of the counter to be able to reach the faucet. "My dad had this place remodelled to make things easier for my mom, who has the same condition as me."

Erik had a shrewd idea what she meant, but still asked. "Condition?"

"Come on, Erik, you can guess," she said, using her free hand to prop up one gigantic boob. "She's big, like me! My dad had the doorways widened, the bathrooms changed so she'd fit inside, made the staircase wider, stuff like that. It made sense for me to move in when I moved out of my parents' place; everything's already perfect for a girl like me. My dad's only condition was that I had to get roommates; this place is pretty big, and he didn't want to miss out on the rent payments. I live here with two other girls, both childhood friends; they're both out for the night, so don't worry about them."

Erik looked around at the spacious, luxurious home. "So, why did your parents leave this place, if it was so great for them?"

Jessica gave him a devilish grin. "My mom got too big," she said, watching his reaction.

Erik had to put a hand against the wall to steady himself. He didn't know about the rest of the house, but what he'd seen so far had plenty of room to spare for Jessica. Just how big was her mom?

"It was the two kids that did it for her," she explained. "She was still okay after my brother, but when I was born, the boost the pregnancy had given her meant she couldn't walk up stairs anymore. They moved to a single-level place, with even more space. By now, my mom can't move much at all anymore, at least not unaided. The place they live in now is more like a warehouse, in terms of size."

Erik just stared at her, his mouth agape. "That's insane."

She shrugged. "It'll probably happen to me too, eventually, though probably not for a while. It's hard to say. My mom was thirty when she had me and moved out; I'm a bit bigger than she was at my age, but she had the two kids too... who knows? It's part of the reason why I finally decided to start leaving the house more; I figured I'd better do so while I still can."

Erik had trouble processing that. She was already so vast! How was it even possible that she'd get any bigger? And why did that idea excite him so much?

Jessica put the flowers in the vase, and placed them on the dining room table. "There! So, what did you want for dinner?"

"You," he almost said. "I'm not sure," he said instead. "I rarely go to people's houses for a first date. I don't know how this works."

"I'm not much of a cook, I'm afraid," she said. "I was thinking we could just order pizza and watch a movie, then see where it goes. Maybe play some Xbox."

"That sounds like my ideal Friday night," he said, laughing. "Especially if I get to do it with you."

She blushed. "Thanks. Do you want a quick tour of the house while we wait for the food?"

"Sure," he said.

Jessica once again reached into her cleavage, and produced her phone. "This is why I'll always wear shirts that show cleavage, if I can," she laughed. "It's just too convenient. I still carry a purse in public, because not everyone appreciates me fondling my own boobs. But if I could, I'd have everything in here."

She proceeded to order pizza for the both of them using an app for a local pizza place. He got a Hawaiian pizza for himself, though in truth he was barely paying attention to what she was asking as she tapped away on her phone. The sight in front of him was just too distracting.

Once the food was on its way, she led him upstairs to begin showing him around. For some reason, just the thought of seeing her bedroom made his heart pound again, even though he knew nothing was going to happen. At least, not yet, and he didn't dare think any further ahead.

They first passed two other bedroom doors, which Jessica explained belonged to her housemates, so she would not be showing them to him. The last door on the wide upstairs landing was the master bedroom, and it was gigantic. A king-size bed was the centrepiece of the room's modern furnishings. A huge window was covered by sheer curtains. A large dresser stood against the wall, and a loveseat on the side held a bunch of large, stuffed animals, which she was apparently very fond of. He filed that away for future gift-giving uses.

A door led to a large walk-in closet, which he didn't get to see much of. However, he did catch a glimpse of an absolutely massive bra. "So, you do wear them sometimes," he joked. He hadn't seen her wear one yet.

"Rarely," she answered, and she grabbed the clothing item and tossed it at him. "That one's too small, actually. It's expensive to have to keep updating my wardrobe, and I've never really needed bras thanks to my condition, so why bother?"

He examined the custom-made bra. There was no size tag, but his head could've comfortably fit in each cup many times. Entire dresses didn't use this much material, and this one was too small? "What is that condition of yours anyway?" He asked, handing the oversized bra back to her. "It sounds like magic to me."

She shrugged as she put the bra away again, and led him into her bathroom. "It's a rare genetic condition. It's somewhat similar to breast hyperthrophy, though much more benign."

He'd heard of that condition. The results of that, however, were usually not very pretty, and it caused lots of pain and problems for those who suffered from it. Clearly that didn't apply to Jessica.

"Basically, my breasts started growing when I hit puberty when I was ten years old, and they never stopped," she explained. "They're not going to stop, at least until I hit menopause. As you can probably tell, they're much fuller than is typical of breasts this size, and the tissue is far stronger than regular breast tissue, which is why I don't need a bra. My body can also cope with the weight much more easily than normal women could, though it still requires a lot of exercise, trust me."

"Still sounds like magic to me," he said. Her breasts were perfect, in every way. How could that be just some genetic condition?

"The doctors don't exactly understand it either. But it poses no danger; my mom was fine, and so am I. We're just very big."

She showed him the master bathroom, which was bigger than his whole apartment. The huge shower cabin had nozzles on all sides, and the bath was bigger than any he'd ever seen. He imagined what she'd look like taking a bath there, all wet and soapy, her massive boobs rising out of the water.

"I grew pretty fast from the start," she continued. "I was a D-cup by the time I was twelve. It led to a lot of teasing, especially from jealous girls. The boys changed their tune when they hit their own puberty, so I always had more male friends growing up. That changed again when I got so big I started to intimidate them. When I was sixteen, I was reaching basketballs. I wasn't very self-confident back then, so lots of baggy shirts and special bras to try to hide how big I was. By the time I started university, I was probably around watermelon size. It was then that I decided I'd rather work from home than face a new group of people."

Erik considered the story. "As much as it pains me to have to ask this... why didn't you get a reduction?"

"Don't think I didn't consider it, especially back then. But my condition is so unique that they were never sure if it'd be safe. Nowadays, I'm much more at ease with who I am. These things are part of me, and it'd feel wrong to do anything to them. Besides, they're fun, they feel good, and no matter what anyone else says, I think they look sexy."

"I definitely think so," Erik conceded.

"I know you do," she laughed. "By now, I've learned to love me, huge growing breasts and all. If other people don't like it, that's their problem, not mine. I also figured that if I never went out because I don't like dealing with types one and three, I'd never get the chance to meet the right type four, like you."

Erik blushed crimson as they proceeded back downstairs, and she showed him the rest of the house. The main floor consisted of a very spacious kitchen, which he'd already seen, dining room, family room and living room. One area behind the garage had been converted into a small gym, where Jessica kept herself in good enough shape so she could walk with her enormous endowments. She had to be quite a bit stronger than a normal girl, Erik thought, even though she didn't look particularly muscular.

Probably the most interesting feature was the pool out back. Jessica explained how she loved to spend time floating around in there, enjoying the weightless sensation.

The food arrived just as they were done, and the poor delivery boy was so flummoxed when Jessica answered the door he barely managed to say a word. He just handed her the pizzas, and ran off.

"That's why I always pay online," she said. "They don't always remember to ask me, and I don't want to get them in trouble."

"Definitely a type two," Erik laughed.

"You'd think they'd know about me by now... it's not like this is the first time I've ordered there. Sometimes, I think they send their new guys on purpose, as some kind of initiation ritual."

Erik smiled at her. "If I worked there, I'd be willing to fight to get the deliveries to your house."

They got out plates and drinks, and sat down on the luxurious leather couch in the living room. Jessica turned on the TV, and after perusing Netflix for a little bit, they selected a movie to watch. Erik munched his pizza as it started playing, watching Jessica more than the screen.

Jessica's bountiful bosoms filled her whole lap, and then some. She was resting her plate on the shelf of her breasts, and Erik enjoyed watching them wobble every time she picked up a slice. He could see bare skin under the bottom of the shirt, which had ridden up a little when she sat down, and he longed to touch it.

She'd been right; this didn't feel like a first date. Normally, the point of first dates was to get to know each other, and they already knew each other pretty well from having lunch several times. The relaxed vibe gave him more of a second, or even third date impression. It made him feel like things might go a bit further than what he'd normally expect on a first date.

He put his plate on the side table when he finished his pizza, and inched a bit closer to her on the couch. Normally, this was the point in the movie where he'd slide in close, and put his arm around her shoulder. The problem was, Jessica's boobs were just so vast, there was no way he could do that without having to sit against her breasts.

He settled for putting his arm on the back of the couch, his hand just barely reaching her far shoulder. It was all he could do without actually touching her boob. Even so, he was sitting awfully close to it. Under normal circumstances, he'd have no problem sitting close to a girl, but these were her tits! You didn't just lean up against a girl's tits at the beginning of a date!

She noticed what he was doing, and put her own plate away. She gave him a shy, somewhat demure smile, encouraging him. He moved a little bit closer, just barely not touching her boob. He was so close to her, he could feel her warmth. Could he move closer still?

He was still hesitating when she took the decision for him. She pulled her legs up on the couch—underneath her boobs—and snuggled up to him, resting her body against his, putting her head on his shoulder.

He wasn't just touching her boob now; her right breast was squarely in his lap, filling it entirely! The huge weight of her titanic tit rested on his legs and pushed against his stomach and chest. He would've been mortified if he hadn't been so turned on.

His right arm had been resting on his legs when she moved up against him, and it was now pinned down underneath that massive weight. The button-up shirt Erik was wearing was short sleeved, so there was nothing separating his hand and arm from the bare skin of her tit sticking out the bottom of her shirt. Right below his face was the endless valley of her cleavage, now closer than ever.

He felt his dick stiffen in his pants, and he fervently hoped she wouldn't be able to feel it against her skin. However, she gave him a devious grin that told him quite plainly that she had indeed felt it, but she didn't say anything. He wanted desperately to get away to avoid embarrassing himself further, but there was no way he could do that without lifting the gargantuan boob off him somehow, which would probably make things worse.

He considered telling her he had to use the bathroom, but what would she think if he did that? Probably that he was going to jerk off in there. Not to mention that he'd have to get up and walk while still erect. At least right now she couldn't see it, even if she could feel it.

More than that, though, there was a part of him that never wanted to move again. He could sit here until he starved to death, and he'd have no regrets about his life choices when he died. There was no place in the universe he'd rather be than underneath Jessica's giant tit.

The fact that she apparently didn't mind that he was in full contact with her, or how his body was reacting, made it even hotter. He fervently wished he wouldn't come in his pants. It had never happened to him before, but if anything could make that happen, this would be it.

The feeling was exquisite. The flesh resting on top of him was just so soft, and warm. It covered him like a very heavy, very full blanket, and the sensation was almost relaxing. Part of him just wanted to cosy up around that gigantic breast, and doze off there. The only thing stopping him was the arousal, which was much stronger still. His breaths were short and quick, and he didn't even want to guess how high his heartrate was. The desire to just grab that tit, caress it, lick it, bury his face in it, and rub his dick against it... to just devour that magnificent piece of femininity was almost overpowering

They sat like that for a while, and after he finally began getting used to the feeling of the world's biggest boob, he started to become aware of other sensations. Jessica was resting against his side, her head on his shoulder. Her luscious, silky hair was tickling his face and neck. Her gorgeous face, looking so content, was mere centimetres from his.

Her right arm was in between them, underneath her gigantic tits. He felt the back of her hand against the side of his leg, her fingers idly brushing against it from time to time. His own left arm was over her shoulder, his hand caressing her other arm. Her skin was flawless, and velvety soft under his hand.

This was, without a doubt, the most erotic moment of his entire life. Just cuddling with this extraordinary girl was better than any sex he'd had in the past. He knew right then and there that he was ruined forever. No one could ever match up to Jessica; other girls just need not apply anymore. He'd better do everything in his power to make things work with this marvellous girl; if he couldn't, he'd never find anyone even close.

It wasn't even just the fact that she was so astoundingly beautiful, nor the superhuman bust. From their interactions this week he knew she was energetic, smart, incredibly kind, and so much fun to hang out with. She had an amazing confidence about her, a sense that she was totally at ease about who she was, which was inspiring to him. He'd heard the phrase "when you know, you know" before, but he'd never really understood what it meant. Now he knew. He was going to marry this girl someday... if she wanted him.

After what felt like no time at all to him, but which had to be at least thirty minutes, she suddenly stirred. She grabbed the remote, and paused the movie. "I just remembered!" She exclaimed. "I got dessert!"

She stood up, much to Erik's regret. He felt almost naked without that comforting weight on top of him now. Not to mention, the bulge in his pants was very obvious, and no longer hidden from view. He tried to adjust his pants surreptitiously, though it was kind of futile. He gave up, hoping that if she hadn't minded feeling it, she wouldn't mind seeing it.

She walked over to the kitchen as he stood up to stretch his legs. As nice as the feeling had been, his range of motion had been rather restricted while sitting like that.

"Not too heavy for you, I hope?" She said teasingly, casting a sly smile in his direction. Was it his imagination, or did her eyes dart towards his crotch for a second?

"Nuh-uh," he managed to utter. He wondered once again how she was able to walk like it was nothing, and without even a bra to help her. Nothing about her posture showed she had such a massive weight attached to her chest.

She seemed to have read his mind. "Like I said, it takes a lot of exercise. I'll show you my routine one day, if you're interested. Do you want ice-cream?"

She bent over in front of the fridge, and opened the freezer drawer. Erik almost lost it, right then and there, when he saw her breasts hanging pendulously in front of her as she rummaged through the drawer. They hung to the ground, and pushed up against the drawer. It almost made him miss the amazing view of her ass this was giving him.

From this angle, he could see the huge stretches of under-boob sticking out of her shirt. Cleavage from below was not something he'd ever even given any thought before, but it was now his new favourite thing. Also visible for the first time was her flat, oh-so-sexy stomach. He wanted to kiss that stomach, and feel her tits rest on his head as he did so.

"Vanilla, chocolate, or pistachio?" She asked, seemingly unaware of the view she was giving him. Her boobs were dragging over the floor as she moved, and her shirt, stretched to the limits by the hanging pair, was riding up, helped by the friction with the floor. Slowly, it was creeping up past the front of her boobs, revealing the edge of her giant areolas.

"Can I have all three?" He asked, trying not to let on what he was seeing. It was hard to keep his voice from wavering. He didn't want to be rude, but he was completely unable to stop himself from staring. Fortunately—or not—most of what was happening was out of view, beneath her.

"Sure, if I can get it into a cone. Or do you want a bowl?" She stood up, holding one of the containers of ice-cream.

Erik gasped. On the right breast, her shirt had slipped above her nipple, which was completely hard from the cold of the freezer. A huge, melon-sized pink protrusion that stuck out quite a bit from her equally large areolas. It was big enough for him to wrap his entire hand around.

Erik turned around so fast it made it him dizzy. His heart was pounding in his chest as he struggled to act normal. "C...cone, please," he stammered.

He heard her laugh. "Oops," she said. "Well, nothing you haven't seen before, I'm sure."

Was she joking? Sure, he'd seen nipples before, but never in his life had he seen anything like that. That was the largest, sexiest nipple he could've ever imagined. He longed to put his mouth on it, to suck on it. It probably wouldn't actually fit in his mouth, but damn if he didn't want to try. He'd only gotten a glimpse, and now he wanted more.

He risked a glance over his shoulder, and saw she had fixed her shirt. Her nipples were still hard, making huge tents in the fabric. He tried not to look at them directly, instead focusing on her face. She was beautiful enough, so that wasn't too difficult.

"I guess that's what I get for going braless with a short shirt," she said as she was getting the cones out of the pantry. "Maybe not one of my best decisions. Or, maybe it was, from your point of view." She winked at him.

Erik still felt his heart hammer in his chest. She was just so casual about her sexuality. It made her even more desirable than she already was, in his opinion. Urgently needing to distract himself, he looked around the living room. His eyes fell on a framed picture sitting on a bookshelf. He picked it up, and looked at it.

In the middle was Jessica, wearing a cute red sweater that covered her much more fully than anything he'd seen her wear so far. The sweater, which would've been entirely uninteresting on any other girl, somehow still seemed obscene with the huge globes underneath it. It gave a whole new meaning to the term sweater puppies. She was a little bit smaller than she was now, indicating the picture was taken a while ago, though no more than a year, he guessed.

On Jessica's right in the picture was a tall, handsome middle-aged man, who had to be her father. Next to him was an attractive woman, with the most colossal bust he'd ever seen, leaving even Jessica far behind. He couldn't actually tell how big they were, since only a small part was in the picture. The woman was turned to the side, with most of her chest out of frame. Still, from the way they reached down to the floor and curved up in front of her face, he could tell their actual size had to be somewhere between 'ginormous' and 'insane.' The size of cars, was his lowest estimate. No wonder she couldn't move anymore.

And Jessica could be that size one day? The thought excited him, which was still surprising to him. He'd never even fantasised about much more than a G cup before he met Jessica, and here he was hoping her already immense assets would grow even larger. It was a side of him he'd never known before.

"Is that your mother?" He asked, somewhat unnecessarily.

"What gave it away?" She chuckled. "Not bad, right? The women in my family age well."

He looked at the figure in the picture more closely. She was a lot shorter than her daughter, and her face was more rounded. Jessica seemed to have inherited her tall stature and more angular features from her dad, and she was that much more beautiful for it. Still, her mom was definitely not bad looking for a woman over fifty, if he'd done the math right. If he'd had to guess her age without knowing anything, he would've thought she was barely thirty.

It promised great things for Jessica, he realised. The age-old wisdom said that if you wanted to know what you were getting with a girl, you had to look at her mother. And Jessica's mother showed he'd be getting a lot, and then some.

A very tall, somewhat lanky looking fellow with glasses was on Jessica's other side, and next to him was a short Asian girl. "And this is your brother?" He asked, looking over at Jessica, who was scooping the ice-cream into the cones, having to hold them above her bountiful breasts. There was definitely some resemblance, though Jessica carried her height much better.

"Yep, that's Paul, and his girlfriend Hitomi," she said. "Ironically, or maybe not, Paul only likes flat-chested girls. I guess he was overexposed at a young age."

He put the picture back down. "Your family looks nice," he told her.

"Maybe you'll meet them one day," she said, winking at him. "Also, bonus points if you can guess my parents' favourite book."

He thought about it for a second. "Paul and Jessica... That means... wait, wouldn't you have to be Alia then? Wasn't Jessica Paul's mom?"

She laughed. "It's not a perfect match-up. They preferred Jessica, thankfully."

"It suits you much better, I agree," he said, nodding.

"At least we should be thankful they didn't name us Leto and Ghanima, I guess."

He laughed at that, and walked back to the couch. Jessica was putting the ice-cream back in the freezer, and he was once again treated to the sight of her bending over. He wondered what it would be like to be underneath those babies when they were hanging down like that, and his dick began to stiffen again. Unfortunately, no wardrobe malfunctions happened this time.

She returned to him carrying the cones; his one had the three flavours, while hers only had chocolate ice-cream. His fingers brushed hers as he took his cone, and he shivered; even that simple contact still excited him. "Thanks," he said, and sat down.

She sat down too, and they returned to their previous position, Jessica's huge breast in his lap, feeling so incredibly good. The only difference was that his hand wasn't trapped under there this time, since he was using it to hold the cone. He had to hold his arm up awkwardly to be able to reach around her breast and eat his ice-cream. A small glimpse of what it was like to be her, he supposed.

He looked over at Jessica, who leaned against him again, though sitting a bit straighter than before since she was eating. He watched her tongue slide over the cold treat, and he couldn't help but imagine she was licking something else. Ice-cream would get on her lips occasionally, and she'd lick it off using her tongue. Whether deliberately or not, she was eating that cone very seductively, and it was mesmerising to watch.

She looked up from her ice-cream, and gave him a knowing glance. "Are you going to turn the movie back on?" She asked innocently, as if she wasn't aware what had distracted him.

"Oh, right!" He exclaimed. He looked around on the couch. "Where did you put the remote?"

"I, um, put it away," she said, looking down at her cleavage. "You want to get it for me? My hands are occupied."

Erik turned white, not believing what he was hearing. Sure, she had an ice-cream cone in one hand, and her other was in between them, under her breast again, but surely her suggestion couldn't be as innocent as she made it seem. He could just hold her ice-cream instead, right? However, she was looking at him expectantly, clearly waiting for him to go through with her request.

"You... you're sure?" He asked in disbelief.

She nodded, and innocently licked her ice-cream. The way she was acting, she'd asked nothing more risqué than him retrieving the remote from between the couch cushions. Instead, he was faced with having to dig between two much more inviting looking pillows.

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