Chereads / Hunter’s Sexy Snippets / Chapter 87 - No Shirt, No Sex by AlfieHunter

Chapter 87 - No Shirt, No Sex by AlfieHunter

Something was definitely wrong.

Well, a lot of things were wrong. Stacy was supposed to be enjoying her first year of college, making friends and sneaking drinks and getting railed on the weekends. And she'd done plenty of that the first few months. Until the pandemic hit.

She was lucky enough to have a home to return to after lockdown shuttered the school, but even as her daddy, Joe, greeted her with a loving hug, she could tell there was something… off .

She knew he'd taken her leaving pretty hard. She was his only child, after all, and he'd been kind of a mother hen ever since her actual mother passed away, when she was just a little kid. Concern clouded her mind as she watched him drive off, standing in front of her college's girl's dorms. Would he be okay?

Though she worried about him, and texted him every day, she found herself swept up in everything college life had to offer. At the same time, she was pleased to see he'd developed an interest in technology. Throughout her sorority's good-natured hazing, her first major parties, and a string of fun hook-ups, she received photographic updates of his evolving computer set-up, as Joe built custom machines and added screens. She didn't know much about tech, so she kept her replies to general encouragement and cheerleaders. It was productive, and it stopped him fretting, that's what mattered.

It took her a few weeks to realize he'd gone quiet. When she asked if he was okay, he assured her he was just absorbed in his new hobby, and she figured it had to be true because even his replies took hours to arrive, unlike his prior swift texts back. Still, they were both adults, they were having fun, and secretly, she wondered if he might have started dating again after fifteen years of grieving her late mother. She hoped so. Amongst other reasons, now Stacy was getting a regular taste of sex, she had no idea how her step-father survived without it for that long. If she didn't get her pussy eaten out every couple of days, she'd have to skip class to finger herself like crazy.

Well, she'd have to do a lot of that. Almost immediately after she'd returned home, the state issued a lockdown notice, and she wouldn't even be able to make dick appointments on Tinder. It sucked . Especially with how her step-father was acting.

First, she barely saw him. They'd meet to have breakfast, and then he'd spend all day locked in his room to work remotely, and locked was literal. More than once, Stacy went to ask him if he wanted a cup of coffee or to take five and come watch something stupid on TV with her, only to find the door bolted. She was a little freaked out, at first, and urgently texted him to see if he was okay, which did get a quick response for once, confirming everything was fine. Over dinner, he explained that he found teleworking difficult to concentrate on, and needed to shut off all possible distractions.

Fine. Boring, but fine.

The second weird element, though, was perhaps less fine.

Stacy was idling by the window the first time it happened, mindlessly spooning cereal into her mouth and watching the neighborhood cats size each other up. She heard her daddy's footsteps approach her and mumbled 'good morning,' though she was a little too drowsy to bother turning around.

The sleep evaporated from her body when his big palm whacked against her ass.

She was just in her usual sleep clothes, a soft tank top and a normal pair of panties. These were a little younger-looking than she usually went for, with semi-sheer lace around the edges and a cute polka-dot pattern, cut low on the thighs for a comfortable fit. Joe slapped her over the material, let his fingers travel down to caress the back of her thigh, then came back up to firmly dig his fingers into the flesh of her tight teenage butt. It was probably the dry spell – it had to be the dry spell, because the muffled sting of the clap of Joe's hand on her cheek sent a shock wave that made her clit tingle, and the greedy follow-up grope made her entire cunt throb.

'Morning, Gidget,' he said, voice remarkably clear for the early hour. As if the contrast between the blatant fondling and the use of her childhood nickname wasn't confusing enough, she could swear her daddy leaned his crotch against her ass when he spoke, and that she felt the unmistakable hot stiffness of a hard-on trapped under a zipper.

When she looked around, incredulous both at her step-father's actions and her instant horniness, Joe was already a few steps away, headed to the fridge. 'daddy!'

'Yep?' He opened the fridge door and glanced at her over his shoulder, outwardly nonchalant – but she saw the red tinge in his eyes, like he hadn't slept, and the bulging tendons of his hand as it nervously clutched the handle. Why would he do something like that and then slink off as though ashamed?

Well. He used to pat her fanny when she was little, to urge her this way or that. Maybe he'd missed her while she was gone and his wires had become a little crossed, thinking handling her perky ass like that was acceptable at her age, then backing off when he realized how it came across. She just smiled and tilted her head towards the window. 'Just the cats outside being cute. I got a little over-excited.'

'Oh! Yeah, they're sweet. We have treats in the pantry.'

'Wanna go outside with me?'

Joe closed the fridge door, holding a canned energy drink. 'I'd like to, Stacy, but I've gotta work. Next time, though.'

She watched him go back upstairs, noticing how he kept his crotch angled away from her. The boner didn't fit into her crossed wires theory, but she didn't really want to comment on it. She'd make it awkward. And he already touched her so seldom, now, that she didn't want to scare him off completely. It was just a weird glitch in their otherwise normal relationship. No problem.

She could let it slide.

The second time wasn't as easy to shrug off.

A few days after the groping incident, she knocked on the door to his rooms and didn't relent after he didn't answer. About ten minutes of intermittent knocking later, Joe cracked the door open and peered out – surprisingly red in the face and a little sweaty. Wasn't he supposed to be working? She knew he did some light stretches throughout the day to stave off back pain, since he sat at his computer so often, but that shouldn't work up a real sweat .

'What's up?' he asked, and his voice seemed tight.

Huh . Well, she'd come up with a plan, and she was going to stick to it, even if her daddy seemed a little off. Putting on her sweetest daddy's girl smile, she said, 'Hey, I've been rewatching The Sopranos and your favorite episode's up next. The one from season three. Wanna join?'

Instantly, he looked conflicted. Stacy knew he loved that show, and she hoped the prospect of spending a little time with his step-daughter would help sweeten the pot. He looked back over his shoulder – at what, she didn't know – then nodded. 'Alright, I'll be with you in, uh, ten minutes?'

She smiled and headed back to her room, where she settled on the bedsheets, criss-cross. When Joe showed up, she was pretty sure he'd changed into a different shirt and pants, but she just patted the mattress to invite him to sit. He started off on the edge of the bed, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw him shuffle closer and closer until she was able to back up into the empty space between his knees, leaning back against his muscular chest with a smile. Watching TV like this reminded her of being a little girl, her daddy's arms loosely wrapped around her middle in a comfortable hug. When Joe put his hands on her thighs, from behind, she was just happy for the contact.

Then, they wandered higher.

As the drama rose to a peak on screen, Joe's fingers reached his step-daughter's perky little breasts and easily found her hardening nipples. Stacy was in a casual tank top and short shorts, no bra, and the thin fabric of her too barely dulled the electrifying feeling of her own step-father's perverted touch. He gently massaged her firm teenage tits, circling her nips with his middle fingers to tease them stiff before pressing and flicking them like the buttons on a game controller. 

Stacy kept her eyes on the TV, breath growing heavy, swimming in a maddening mix of frightened confusion and pure arousal. How could this be happening? Was her daddy really playing with her breasts like it was no big deal? Unseen, she clenched her pussy over and over to send the slightest jolt of pleasure to her little clit. She should speak up. Ask what the hell he was doing.

Instead, she let him molest her barely legal titties all the way to the episode's end credits, when he took his hands off her with a low whistle.

'Man. This show never gets old.' He slid out from behind his horned-up step-daughter and sat on the edge of the bed, feet on the floor. 'Thanks, Stace. I needed a break.'

'Uh-huh,' Stacy replied, sinking lower on the bed. Her tank top rode up enough to expose the crotch of her shorts, the material riding up into the cleft of her cunt to mould itself to her twitching vulva. What was her step-father playing at? What was all this? 'Glad I could help.'

Joe smiled. 'Alright. I'll see you at dinner.'

But before he stood up, he reached out, casual as can be, and squeezed his step-daughter's puffy outer labia together through her thin shorts, deepening her cameltoe and pinching the hard pebble of her clit between the peachy halves of her pussy.

Stacy gasped and involuntarily thrust up into Joe's hand, which he had to have noticed – but he let go and hurried to the door with a quick goodbye, though not fast enough to hide the massive erection tenting the front of his jeans. Stacy was left dumbfounded, pussy throbbing with desire and brain a scrambled mess. Her daddy had never done anything like this before she'd gone to college. He was always touchy, but in a wholesome step-fatherly way. As she peeled off her bottoms, sticky in the crotch from the hour-long tit teasing, and started fingering herself, questions ran through her mind. Why had he changed? Was it related to all the time he spent in his office?

If she wasn't so desperately horny from weeks of social isolation, she'd probably be less tolerant of Joe's antics, but deep down, it did give her a thrill, and she was reluctant to put a stop to it immediately. She had to find out more.

Luckily, the perfect chance arose about a week later. Joe had to head to his physical office to grab some papers and use their secure internet connection, and told Stacy he'd be back around five. As soon as she heard his car leave the driveway, she made a beeline for the door to his office and bedroom and turned the handle. Locked. Of course. With a smirk, she pulled a hairpin out of her bun and worked it into the lock, feeling like a spy movie heroine and quietly thankful for growing up with such a protective step-father. She'd never have sought out tips and tricks on how to misbehave, otherwise, nor how to get into the liquor cabinet.

Stacy felt something give, heard a click, and successfully tried the handle. The place didn't look very different from what she remembered: the same old bedroom, with its double bed, pictures of her at different ages, and a couple of photos of her late mother, too. She smiled when she saw them, glad he was still keeping her memory alive, though she did worry he was living in the past too much. Maybe he was talking to a new woman online, and that's why he'd been so absent? He probably worried Stacy would think he was trying to replace her mom. She'd have to drop some serious hints about moving on being healthy.

She'd mostly convinced herself of that theory, but figured she might as well snoop around his office while she was there. This room had a major facelift. Along with the multiple monitor set-up, Stacy noticed soundproofing material on the walls, luxury headphones on their own small hanger, and… projectors? Not just one, but several, pointed at the conspicuously empty white walls. Confused, she tapped the keyboard to rouse the computer from sleep, and tapped in the same password Joe always used: her and her mother's birthdays, one after the other.

There was silent, dark second as the PC woke up. Then, Stacy let out a shocked yelp.

The projectors hummed to life at the same time as the multiple screens, and the room was instantly overwhelmed with bouncing tits, cocks rutting into slick pussies, beautiful female faces glazed with thick white spunk. Each screen and projection showed a different video, all of unrelenting hardcore porn. Stacy's eyes flitted from a gorgeous young woman expertly milking a horse-sized prick, to a pair of full, soft breasts massaging a drooling fuckpole, to a line of girls bending over to show fresh pearly semen gloop out of still-gaping cunts.

She pictured her step-father sitting here, buck ass naked, hypnotized by the porno universe he'd created and beating his big daddy meat to the rhythm of the on-screen fucking. She'd never seen his naked cock hard, but she knew what it looked like flaccid from walking in on him changing or getting out of the shower, and she could vividly picture his fist sliding up and down that thick, powerful pole, squeezing squirts of precum out the flushed pink tip. Clit throbbing, Stacy shakily picked up the headphones and slipped them over her ears, which were instantly filled with the sloppy sounds of horny sex and primal female moaning. It didn't seem to correspond to any particular video, obviously a curated track chosen to enhance the experience and plug up Joe's senses.

This is what he'd spent every day doing up here. Stacy could imagine her daddy saying bye to her at breakfast, getting undressed, settling in the computer chair with the back lowered enough to let him see every video feed, and letting himself sink into a nonstop world of mindless rutting. It also explained why his messages had dropped off when she was still at college. His interest in tech probably led him to forums and sites where he spoke to guys in a similar position, just as lonely as he was, and now he could take advantage of an empty house, he could leave his problems behind by entering this trance state of constant edging. 

He probably figured he could wean himself off before his step-daughter came home. And then, she returned without warning, and they were forced to spend their days locked indoors. He'd gone from the porn addict bachelor life to being under the same roof as a gorgeous girl who wore clothes that left little to the imagination and who let him touch her. Even if she was his child.

It was at this point that Stacy heard the woman's voice on the soundtrack speak for the first time, with real words instead of guttural moans and groans:

Fuck me, daddy. Use my tight little pussy like a cheap fleshlight. Your cum is my drug, daddy. Knock your baby girl up. Fill me with millions of wriggling incest tadpoles. I was raised to be your obedient where.

The tape continued along those lines a while longer before reverting to moans. Stacy examined the footage before her more closely, and connected a few more dots. When more of the men's bodies were visible, it was clear there was a significant age gap between themselves and the girls they were pounding. Many of the young women shared her chest-length dark brown hair and had similar body types.

Did fantasizing about her turn him into a hopeless dick-stroking addict, or did his view of his beloved step-daughter get warped by the images of these fuckhungry whores?

Without realizing it, Stacy's fingers had delved into her panties to rub her pulsating little nub and part her slippery lips, cunthole eagerly sucking up her fingers in a sudden powerful urge for cock. Her daddy 's cock. She leaned against Joe's desk and furiously fingered herself, cornered by the incessant graphic images before her, the erotic sounds streaming into her ears, and the unprovoked intense incestuous desire that gripped her libido and imagination. It didn't take long for her to gasp and buckle under the weight of a delicious orgasm.

And if she played her cards right, there were plenty more in store. After all, why wouldn't her step-father and her help each other out in this period of forced abstinence?

She carefully put everything back the way she found it, and painstakingly relocked the door with her bobby pin to make sure her tracks were covered. When Joe returned from the office at the end of the day, neither of them acted unusually, though her heart was beating fast with what she was about to try. Unlike most evenings, her daddy didn't head into his rooms, probably because he hadn't been able to immerse himself in his fantasies for hours on end. He just settled on the couch with a heavy sigh and messed around on his phone. Perfect.

Casually, Stacy strolled to the armchair across him and sat down, immediately spreading her legs wide. Her dress was short, giving an unrestricted view of her shaved, nude cunt, relaxed and flushed with arousal. She'd left her panties upstairs, and the thrill of exhibition made a little girl drool trickle down her inner thigh. What would he do when he noticed? Would he fuck her right there and then?

'Hey, daddy?' she breathed.

Joe glanced up with a tired smile, which vanished as soon as he set eyes on his step-daughter's exposed pussy. His mouth opened and closed, and then –

'Stacy Marie!' he exclaimed, averting his gaze. 'Keep your legs together. Where's your underwear?'

'Oh!' said Stacy, clamping her thighs together and feigning embarrassment. 'I'm sorry, daddy, I took a shower and I just forgot!'

'It's alright, Stace. Better go now before you forget again.'

Stacy got up and walked into the hallway, more confused than ever. Even if he didn't want to act on his desires – though why was he shamelessly groping her if that was the case – he could've just enjoyed the view without saying anything. She knew her daddy wanted to fuck her. Before she could climb the stairs, she paused. Maybe that was the problem. He was embarrassed, and being confronted so directly with the object of his desire made him react in defense. Slyly, she looked back into the den, and took in a sharp breath when she saw her step-father still on the couch, staring off into space… and stroking the obvious boner straining against the crotch of his pants through the material. He was grasping the shaft and moving his grip up and down, focusing on tickling the head. Stacy couldn't make it out from this distance, but she was sure he'd be precumming a stain in his jeans any second if he hadn't already.


He definitely hadn't been hard when she attracted his attention, so he'd gone from soft to fuck-ready in seconds flat. He was clearly desperately attracted to his own step-daughter, and Stacy's theory made even more sense. Did she push him too far? Maybe he'd stop feeling her up now he'd been confronted with his perversion. Shit .

Over the next couple of days, Stacy did her best to play it cool, and they avoided any awkwardness after the flashing incident. Joe stayed in his rooms, and though she couldn't hear anything, Stacy's knowledge that he was locked up furiously jacking off to incest porn kept her at a baseline level of horniness, which would've driven her crazy if she couldn't evacuate the pent-up physical energy through exercise. She'd picked up yoga in college and had the foresight to bring her mat back home with her, on which she spent a significant amount of time contorted into all sorts of positions that were just painful enough to keep her mind off the sexual tension in the house.

She was in the middle of the Happy Baby pose, on her back with her legs spread and raised, holding her ankles, when Joe strolled into the living room. He was a rare sight in the middle of the day, but there were times when he actually did have to do some work instead of relentlessly beating his meat, and those were times when he would occasionally emerge to refresh his cup of coffee. 

'Hey, pumpkin,' he said, setting his mug under the Nespresso machine on the open-plan kitchen counter and pressing the button. 'Keeping limber.'

'Yep,' she said, rocking back and forth on the mat, eyes on the ceiling. 'What's the point in being young if I can't put my legs behind my head, right?'

She heard him chuckle and come closer, bare feet hitting the floorboards, until she felt his presence at the bottom of the mat. The coffee machine let out its usual loud whirr, which covered up the rustle of Joe squatting, and Stacy gasped when she felt her step-father's index finger press into the mound of her vulva. In her position, it was especially prominent, a little hill between her thighs, covered with the thin material of her yoga pants. He might even be able to make out the cleft of her cute puffy pussy. He caressed the mound, down from over the mouth of her cunt up to poke her clit, then back down until he touched her trembling asshole. 


Then, the coffee finished pouring, his hand withdrew, and he stood up to grab his cup. Stacy rolled forward to sit up, thighs splayed either side of her body, red in the face from the sudden movement and the electric arousal coursing through her veins. 'daddy!'

Joe stopped at the door, mid-sip, and lowered his cup. 'Yeah?'

She wasn't sure how to proceed, but she wanted answers. 'Why'd you, uh… freak over me forgetting my panties, when you…'

Not knowing how to put it, she flicked her index finger in the air, then raised her shoulders questioningly. Joe raised his eyebrows, as if it were obvious. 'You're dressed, aren't you? I just gave you a friendly poke. Nothing inappropriate.'

Stacy blinked. The logic didn't make sense , but she understood it. She wasn't sure if he even believed it himself, but it was like a fig leaf for his out of control libido, an outlet valve for a body obsessed with sex. She just nodded with an 'oh, sure, yeah,' and continued her workout when he left, but his words stuck in her mind. For her step-father's convoluted morality system, touching her over her clothes with his naked hand wasn't crossing the line. She didn't want to risk jeopardizing their relationship by probing directly, but she wondered how far this went. Would other intimate kinds of contact be okay if they were both dressed? How much touching was too much?

She'd have to find out.

Her first test came next morning, when Joe was at the kitchen table having breakfast. Stacy grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and made small talk about her studies, knowing it was mostly going in one ear and out the other for her sleepy daddy. She sidled up to him and, mid-sentence, reached down with her free hand and grabbed her step-father's cock through his pants, the same way he had the previous day. That woke him up. He jolted, but didn't get up, watching mutely as his little girl massaged his thickening shaft and casually groped up and down his growing bulge. As she rubbed where the head was with her thumb, he mumbled, 'what are you doing?'

'Giving you a friendly poke,' she said, as if it were obvious. 'We're dressed, right? No problem.'

Joe didn't say anything, which meant he didn't contradict her, either. About five minutes of Stacy playing with his cock later, when he was fully erect and painfully constrained by his jeans, he stood up and ambled out, mumbling something about needing to get to work. Even if Stacy didn't know about his gooning set-up, she would've had a pretty good guess about what "work" consisted of.

So it looked like her step-father hadn't expected her to give as good as she got, but contradicting his own "logic" would be too embarrassing. Stacy could work with that. And later that same day, she did.

The scene was similar to the last time Joe walked in on his step-daughter's yoga session, with her once again laying on her back, spreading her legs to show off her inviting pussy mound. Perhaps still shaken by the morning's events, he walked right past to fill up on coffee without more than a "hey," but Stacy wasn't going to let him get away that easy.

'Hey, daddy, can you help me with something?' she asked, rolling forward to sit on her haunches.

'Sure, kiddo.'

'Alright! So, basically, I'm trying to get a deeper stretch in my Child's Pose, but I'm not flexible enough to do it on my own. Can you help?'

'Sure thing,' Joe said, coming closer. 

Stacy grinned and rolled over onto her front, getting on her hands and knees. Child's Pose was meant for recuperation, so her claim was nonsense, but her daddy didn't know that. She tucked her knees under her body and brought her arms forward. 'And now, can you lean on my back and help me get my hands farther in front?'

She felt him kneel behind her, uncertain, until he eventually did the only thing that made sense and draped his larger body over hers. His strong hands grabbed Stacy's wrists to gently pull them forward, his chest and stomach pressed down on her back, and the prominent bulge between his legs dug into his step-daughter's ass. The position set Stacy's senses aflame, reminded her of the delicious weight of a man on her lithe body during sex. She physically felt Joe's cock harden, and begin to insistently push against the bottom of her pussy, magically avoiding impropriety thanks to a few thin layers of cotton. When she clenched and relaxed her cunt, she heard him groan into her neck. He felt it.

'Alright,' she said, in a tight voice, muffled by her position, 'I'm going to get into Cow's Pose, but I'll go back down to Child's, so don't go away yet, okay?'

Joe grunted in affirmation and rose up, only keeping one point of contact between their bodies: the erect dick jutting out from his crotch and his step-daughter's firm, round ass. Stacy slowly got on her hands and knees, making sure the belly of her daddy's boner remained nestled between her cheeks, and when she was on all fours in the promised Cow's Pose, she started arcing and straightening her back, practically twerking against Joe's horny cock, and he gasped.

'Stace, what –'

'It's part of the circuit,' she said, not stopping for a second, feeling her step-father's hot prick twitch against her asshole, her vulva. 'Strengthens the lower back. Almost done, okay?'

Joe didn't reply, but she could hear his labored breathing, matched by her own – though she could pass it off as a result of the vigorous way she was shaking her perfect rump. She wondered how far she should take it, and how long it would actually take for him to cum. He was middle-aged, after all, and he had to be beating his meat so often his sensitivity would be shot to –

Without warning, she felt fingers dig into her thighs. It wasn't strong enough to hold her still, more like a reflex Joe couldn't stop, because two seconds later she felt him hump her butt once, hard , heard him choke out a groan, and felt something warm and sticky burst out the tip of his erect dick and spread into the material of her yoga pants, smearing into the cleft of her ass.

Her step-father had just busted a fat nut on her ass. Heavy enough to permeate through their clothes, to touch her skin.

Instantly, she wanted him to tear a hole in her leggings and panties and cram his fat cock inside her, use her as a fleshlight while he watched his perverted porn. Just like what she'd heard through his headphones –

Your cum is my drug, daddy. Knock your baby girl up.

The arousal went to her head, and she got dizzy. She knew her cunt would be pulsating against his crotch, trying in vain to beckon him inside. Stacy slowed the arcing of her back, and shakily went back down to Child's Pose – at which point Joe stood up. She looked over her shoulder as best she could, cheek flat against the mat. 'You can't help me with my second stretch?'

'N-no, I, uh, my break's gone on long enough, honey. Sorry. You're doing great.' His voice was gravelly, thick with lust. Stacy kept her ass raised, presenting, begging to be bred. The spot where he'd leaked his load was probably shiny in the living room's lights. She heard him pick up his mug – which he'd forgotten to fill up with coffee – and almost jog to the stairs, though on his way, he said: 'You're working up a sweat. I gotta do the laundry later, so just leave your pants in the basket and they'll be ready for tomorrow, okay?'

'Sure,' Stacy said, raising up from the floor to sit on her knees. Joe was out of the room at that point. The position only made the stain on the seat of her leggings all the more apparent, seeping into her panties now it was pressed tight against her ass. She wasn't sure whether he was just acting normal, in a weird display of cognitive dissonance, or if he really thought she hadn't been able to tell he'd spurted his little swimmers on his own step-daughter's behind and he wanted to get rid of the evidence ASAP.

One thing was for sure, though. He didn't mention anything about it being inappropriate. Which meant she had free reign to push his logic even further.


Over the following weeks, Stacy continued to push the envelope. She regularly had her daddy "help out" with her yoga stretches, in a host of different positions. Though he started out uncertain, especially after she made him spray his shorts the first time, he grew more confident as he knelt between her spread thighs and pushed her knees either side of her head, practically in the missionary position; or straddled one of her thighs with her other foot on his shoulder, stretching her hamstring with his throbbing boner flush against her pussy; or held on to her hips as she knelt and balanced her stomach on an exercise ball, softly humping her gorgeous ass. 

Stacy didn't mention his erections or the frotting, even as she ended each session with panties so dowsed in girl drool she had to peel them off her cute, shaved cunt. Soon, she stopped bothering with them, which had the added benefit of making her slit even more visible, especially when the seam of her yoga pants rode up to split her lips in an obscene cameltoe. When they finished the stretches – and Joe looked forward to it now, dressing down to shorts and a t-shirt and participating in the whole process – her step-father frequently sent her away by fondly squeezing her prominent pussy lips together, and she loved it.

He was spending less time cooped up in his rooms now, though she still didn't see him for most of the day. His growing boldness was a fantastic sign. There was still no skin-to-skin sexual contact, but if he came downstairs and found his step-daughter in a button-up and pants, he was liable to greet her by coming up behind her, kissing the back of her head and the shell of her ear, and casually unbuttoning her top until he could get his greedy hands all over her bra-covered teen tits, kneading the soft flesh like a professional masseur.

All she'd do is smile and cheerily say, 'Morning, daddy!' At which point he'd give her breasts a final squeeze and fix himself breakfast while she covered back up. She'd considered surprising him with bare breasts, but figured she'd get better results playing by his convoluted rules. Taking the initiative of undressing her – even if not totally – was a significant step. 

So she figured she'd make it a leap.

One sunny Saturday morning, Stacy got up early, put on a comfy sports bra and panties, and tiptoed over to her daddy's room, peeking inside from the door. He slept like a log nowadays, and as she crept closer to his snoozing form, she wondered if his new jerking habit had something to do with it. Most of the boys she fucked in college practically passed out after blowing their load. Maybe edging all day meant a really good night's sleep once he finally let loose. 

She was standing by the side of the bed now, and looking at her step-father's face while those thoughts ran through her head made her bite her lip. She'd felt his cock throb against her pussy several times, and she'd seen his gooning set-up, but she hadn't actually seen him beat off yet, and she badly wanted to. 

Stacy gently knelt on the mattress, pausing when the motion made Joe stir. He turned onto his back, which made it easier to pull the comforter off his slumbering body and straddle his hips. He slept in a t-shirt and boxer briefs, which, again, was just fine – if he'd only been in his underpants, her own relative state of undress might have been too much. She leaned down to settle her pillowy tits on Joe's flat pecs, felt his soft dick squish down under her cunt, and started kissing his face.

The pecks were light, little butterfly kisses on his cheeks and chin, and gradually, Stacy could sense him waking up. He sighed a little, and while he was still half-asleep, she pressed her pink lips to his and felt a jolt of pleasure straight to her clit when he sleepily started to kiss back. It was instinctive. He didn't know what he was doing. But still, her own step-father was responding to her kisses, and that idea made her insanely horny. Half-heartedly, she retreated to the safe zones of his face when his eyelids began to twitch, and when he opened his eyes, she flashed him a bright smile.

'Morning, daddy.'

'Stacy? Good morning…' he murmured, frowning a little as he experimentally moved his body and found it weighed down by his teenage step-daughter. 'What're you doing?...'

'You've been way too into your work and I miss my daddy,' she explained, firmly anchoring her legs either side of his body. She was wearing a thong, and the fabric between her cheeks stretched taut over her little asshole. Someone standing behind her would definitely have been able to see her rosebud in this position. 'So you're not going anywhere this morning.'

'Alright,' Joe laughed, though there was an obvious uncomfortable edge to his voice. 'You made your point. Let me get up and we can spend the day together.'

Stacy shook her head. She had one hand over the other on her daddy's chest, chin resting on top of them, with a cheeky smile. 'It's still pretty early. I think we should cuddle and chat for a while before we leave the bed. Like when I was a little kid, remember?'

Joe nodded. Growing up, she'd often crawl under the covers in the early morning and happily lay between her parents, soothed by their cuddles. After her mother's tragic accident, she only joined Joe more often, and they'd comfort each other with sleepy embraces and murmuring about everything and nothing. Having your beautiful grown step-daughter laying on you, cock to cunt and tits to chest, separated only by flimsy clothing, was clearly entirely different than their wholesome hugs, but he couldn't say that. He'd been mimicking an unnatural level of naivety to justify groping his own child's vulva, breasts and buttocks. Suddenly speaking out against this would open the doors for her to point out he'd been acting like a creep.

Still uneasy, he decided to simply smile and do what his step-daughter wanted. And though he kept to short answers at first, the more Stacy prompted him, the more he opened up. She loosely threw her arms around his shoulders and spoke about college: the friends she'd made and all the new experiences of being a real, grown adult. Joe started talking about his own time in university, decades ago. He'd gone out of state, just like her, and he'd partied so hard he'd woken up in hospital with alcohol poisoning – twice . He couldn't chastize her for going a little crazy, though he warned her to take her studies seriously. He'd done well for himself with his knack for programming, but he knew she could go even further.

Joe's words made Stacy's heart warm, but his touch turned her twat hot. Absently, distracted by the thread of the conversation, he'd let his hands rise up from where they'd lay beside his body like dead fish. First, he'd started playing with her hair – like he did when she was little – twirling the strands around his fingers and tickling her cheeks with the ends. That evolved pretty naturally into stroking her bare back, and as they talked, Stacy started subtly rocking her hips, grinding against his clothed prick, and in short order, she could feel her daddy's stiff rod press up against her pussy lips. She was so turned on and sensitive that she detected the rhythm of his heartbeat through the place where their genitalia touched, even through two layers of cotton.

Although he didn't protest, Joe frowned once her movement became obvious, and his hands slid down from her back to grab her hips – and maybe his original intent was to stop her, but since she was in a thong, his fingers fanned out over her bare ass, and both let out quiet gasps. When he tried to let go, Stacy shook her head.

'Hey, what's up? It's kinda nice having you, like, anchoring me. Feels safe.'

Since she hadn't stopped humping him, her step-father's voice was strained, his breathing heavy. 'I shouldn't –'

'Why not?'

He paused. This was forbidden, in theory. He was touching her bare ass cheeks. But then… her actual genitals were covered. He'd seen her in a thong before. Years before this new sexual tension bloomed between them, he often playfully slapped her on the fanny when she was climbing stairs in front of him, including when they rented a beach house and she'd parade around in her bikinis all day. If he really wanted to put a stop to it, all he needed to say was, I'm your step-father and this isn't right . Or he could have rolled her off from on top of him. She was at least 50lbs lighter than him. He only needed his brain to be stronger than his dick.

Instead, he smiled at his little girl, her face only inches from his, and sank his fingers firmly into the taut flesh of her ass. Stacy giggled, clit tingling when her daddy started to caress and massage her butt while she rocked her pussy on his diamond dick. Just a few weeks ago, she'd never have imagined being in this position, but the taboo rush made her feel drunk. How far could she push him today?

They spoke a little while longer, and the room was heady with their arousal and the genuine family love that vibrated between them. Stacy intended to tease her step-father, provoke him, but their time connecting seriously meant the world to her. At the same time, she couldn't deny that the persistent pulse transmitted to her cunt through his cock was a distraction, and with her stomach grumbling for some breakfast, she figured now was as good a time as any to move.

'Thanks for talking with me,' she said, kissing him on the cheek before getting off him to sit on the edge of the bed.

'Thank you ,' Joe replied. Though she was listening to him, Stacy also kept peering over at the massive, unrepentant bulge in his boxers. If she watched carefully, she could see it flex and twitch under the fabric, tantalizing. 'I'm sorry I haven't been that present , pumpkin. Things have been kind of weird lately.'

'Like what?'

'I don't want to put this on your shoulders.'

'daddy, I'm an adult now. You can tell me.'

'It's not that serious. It's just sort of… embarrassing.' He paused for a moment, maybe thinking whether he should bite the bullet and tell her about his proclivities… but in the end, he sighed and rose to his knees on the mattress, which, as he hobbled closer to the edge of the bed and his step-daughter, had the effect of placing his tented shorts pretty much exactly at mouth-height for Stacy. Her eyes followed his swinging prick, the cotton clinging to his cockhead thanks to the spot wetted by a spurt of his pre. 'Maybe I'll get over it and tell you soon.'

'I hope so. I don't like you feeling bad, daddy. Work through it, okay?' She said it in a cute tone, with a wink, and punctuated her sentence by ducking closer and kissing the tip of his horny dong through his light blue boxers.

' Fuck !' Joe gasped, reflexively grabbing his shaft. This only further highlighted the outline of his erect prick, and pointed the glans straight at his beloved step-daughter. She saw it pulsate, and the wet patch around his pisshole spread further as he pumped another dollop of precum into his shorts. 

'Oh, sorry, daddy, did I hurt you?' asked Stacy, with convincing innocence. 'Want me to kiss it better?'

Her step-father was breathing hard, and she didn't expect him to say yes, merely hoping to tease him – however, he sucked on his lips and nodded, eyes half-hooded and full of lust. He was so completely under her spell that she couldn't even offer up token resistance to her own suggestion. She just opened her lips and sucked half his swollen cockhead into her hot little mouth, slowly sucking down until her lips were puckered around his dickhole in a sloppy kiss. She could only detect the salty tang of his pre through the cotton, but she felt the heat of his meat, and she badly wanted to taste his naked tool.


Joe watched her plant more kisses down the length of his shaft, and rub her cheek over its trembling belly. His fingers slid through her hair to encourage her, affectionately petting her as she went. 'God, Stacy.'

She ducked away with a mischievous smile and rolled back onto the bed. 'I have an idea. Come here.'

Too fuckblind to worry about what she had in mind, Joe lay down beside her and pulled her in for a cuddle, so they were side by side on the covers. Slowly, Stacy reached over and started petting her daddy's penis like a domesticated creature, running her fingers up and down, and spreading her legs just a little to invite him to do the same. With a shaky hand, he did, starting by cupping her vulva, feeling its warmth through her skimpy underwear. The fabric over her crotch was sticky and humid, and when he poked a little higher, he groaned when he prodded the stiff pebble of her clit. 

His little girl's clit.

When he began playing with it, massaging it with his middle finger while stroking her pussy lips with his index and ring, Stacy moaned and grasped his tool through his boxers. step-father and step-daughter slowly, lavishly masturbated each other, but their underwear stayed on, so it was totally acceptable. Right?


Stacy let out a delighted little squeal when her fondling of her daddy's erect penis coaxed some fresh, pearly precum to trickle out the tip, beading over the dark cotton of his boxers. It made Joe grunt and further explore her cute little pussy through her panties, slipping down the length of her slit until he could push his first knuckle against her hot, slick cunthole. The underwear was almost like an external hymen, tempting him to push harder – but he was already pushing his luck and his common sense boundaries to breaking point.

Everything from the little noises his step-daughter let out to her warmth to the delicious way she was handling his tool and the minute twitches of her covered vulva had Joe swimming in intense lust, but his step-fatherly instincts still held the reins of his brain, at least for now. He looked askance at her, took in the beautiful face of the woman he'd raised since birth, and murmured, 'we have to stop, honey.'

'Why?' she asked, immediately. Joe didn't answer, because he couldn't, and even though he kept playing with her pussy, she didn't want to scare him off too much. They'd already gone plenty far. She relaxed her hold on his cock and patted it, as if saying "well done." 'Alright. We probably need to get up, anyway. Can I get a good morning kiss?'

With some relief, Joe ducked in and kissed her on the cheek, which seemed to be just what she wanted. He sat up and glanced back at her, working up a quip about breakfast – when the sight of her body stopped him in his tracks. She was still laying on the pillows, her legs spread, and now, he could see the spellbinding sight of her barely hidden pussy. Her panties were molded to the shape of her sex by her copious slick, to the point that he could plainly see her tiny clit poking out the top of her slit, like a little straining cocklet. His mouth watered. The reins on his brain loosened.

Unthinking, mirroring what he'd just done to peck his step-daughter's cheek, he leaned down and sucked that cloth-covered fuckbutton into his mouth.


'Oh my God!' Stacy squealed, delighted and surprised. She looked down at her step-father suckling on her mons, and her whole body was filled with fireworks. This was hotter than the real sex she'd had in college, and they weren't even touching directly. How was she supposed to go back to the little boys who followed her around like puppies, begging for a crumb of pussy?

Joe, meanwhile, had only intended to get a fleeting taste of his girl's snatch, but he found that he couldn't stop working his greedy lips over the cute nub of her stiffy. He dug his nose into the divot of her panties, where her lips parted, and breathed in the scent of her arousal. He felt her close her thighs around his head, and didn't resist, letting her guide him back onto the bed without ever stopping the contact between his mouth and nose and her horny pussy. Eventually, he realized she'd coaxed him onto his back, and without ceremony, she lowered herself to sit on his face and ride his chin while he kissed and sucked his child's cunt through her panties.

'Oh, daddy,' Stacy moaned. She rocked her hips against his searching mouth, like she'd rubbed herself on his hardening cock, faster and faster as her climax blossomed. The barrier of her underwear seemed to fade the more she moved, as she watched the look of contentment on her step-father's face and found the perfect angle to diddle her clit against his face. She didn't have the presence of mind to say more, and that was probably a good thing, or she'd vocalize something that might scare him off, like –

I want to feel your lips on my pussy, raw.

I want to suck you off while you eat me out.

'I want to see you jack your cock!'

Stacy's thighs clamped around her step-father's face, a shudder wracking her slim body as she rode his hard-working mouth to orgasm. He'd cum on her before, stimulated by her tight ass working his pole like a pro, and she'd relished feeling his spunk on her skin, but this was different. Her daddy had made her climax, and hard . She could count the number of boys who'd managed to do that on one hand.

The brain fog that rose from the endorphins flooding her system made her feel slack, and she moved off Joe as if through molasses. Her panties were a mess of spit and girl drool, but it felt kind of good, even as her sopping wet crotch cooled in the ambient air. It was a persistent reminder of what they'd just done. Stacy sat on the sheets and shot her daddy a sleepy smile, only for her eyes to widen.

He'd taken off his t-shirt and boxer briefs. The cock that made her, that she so lovingly stroked and rubbed without catching a glimpse of it, stood thick and erect in front of her, pointing at the ceiling. It was as wide around as she'd imagined, a real coke can dick with a mouthwatering pink helmet and perfectly sculpted veins. The ridge that ran along its belly throbbed with his heartbeat, the balls pulled in close to his body. It was her ideal penis, and she wondered if all girls were born with a pre-programmed lustful desire for their step-father's cock – or one just like it.

Why was he showing her, though? He'd chewed her out a few weeks ago for flashing her bare puss at him. Things had changed between them, significantly, but –

Wait. Rewind. A dozen horny phrases swam through her mind when her daddy was slurping her cunt, but one seemed to ring out louder. Too loud. So loud she'd shouted it without realizing, as she crested the wave of her orgasm.

'I want to see you jack your cock!'

He wasn't jacking yet, but he looked ready to.

'You're not touching me at all,' she said, as if laying out the logic would make it make sense, 'and it's not like I haven't seen you naked before. So it's okay.'

She'd never seen his naked erect prick. But Joe smiled.

'That's right,' he replied. He took hold of the base of his dick with one hand, angled so he could massage his balls and taint, wrapped the other around his brimming fuckmeat, and started stroking slow and showy, so his step-daughter could see every detail of his beating off technique.

Watching him pump his fist up and down his gorgeous fat daddy pole almost had her drooling, her pussy pulsating with the rush of arousal flooding her lips and clit, prepping her to be fucked-out and bred by her own step-father. It was the hottest thing she could imagine, and Stacy hoped Joe would succumb to his own horniness, tackle her onto the mattress, sink his cock deep in her lovehole and slam her until she was full up with his spunk. 

She was so entranced by his motion she wasn't even touching herself, and she feared that if she did, she might scare him off. The show was too enjoyable to be cut short, and being observed by his step-daughter clearly got Joe's motor running, judging by the thick sheen of precum oozing out the tip of his prick that he'd spread all over his boner. His grunts came faster, and he started to thrust his hips up into his fist, the swell of his taint beginning to twitch. She'd see him shoot any second now.

But he stopped.

Stacy looked at his red, throbbing dick, which lay flat against his stomach when he let go of it, dribbling a puddle of pre into his navel. He covered himself with his sheet, so she met his eyes and blinked, perplexed. 'daddy?'


'You were about to…' She wasn't sure how he'd react to her saying "cum," so she tried being cautious. 'You were almost done , right?'

Joe nodded. 'And it wouldn't be okay for you to see that, honey. A daddy shouldn't, uh… finish in front of his kid.'

A daddy shouldn't beat his meat in front of his kid either, but now we both know it's hot as fuck! Stacy wanted to shout. Instead, she kept her cool, breathing deep, and got off the bed to stand beside him. The wetness between her legs was obvious like this, the front of her panties semi-sheer from how soaked they were and her inner thighs shiny with her slick and her step-father's spit.

'I'll make some coffee, alright?'

Joe smiled. 'That's my girl.'

Even those simple words were enough to send a hot shiver down her spine. She was his girl, and she'd make sure he saw her as his woman, too.


Over the following weeks, Stacy continued to push the envelope. She regularly had her daddy "help out" with her yoga stretches, in a host of different positions. Though he started out uncertain, especially after she made him spray his shorts the first time, he grew more confident as he knelt between her spread thighs and pushed her knees either side of her head, practically in the missionary position; or straddled one of her thighs with her other foot on his shoulder, stretching her hamstring with his throbbing boner flush against her pussy; or held on to her hips as she knelt and balanced her stomach on an exercise ball, softly humping her gorgeous ass. 

Stacy didn't mention his erections or the frotting, even as she ended each session with panties so dowsed in girl drool she had to peel them off her cute, shaved cunt. Soon, she stopped bothering with them, which had the added benefit of making her slit even more visible, especially when the seam of her yoga pants rode up to split her lips in an obscene cameltoe. When they finished the stretches – and Joe looked forward to it now, dressing down to shorts and a t-shirt and participating in the whole process – her step-father frequently sent her away by fondly squeezing her prominent pussy lips together, and she loved it.

He was spending less time cooped up in his rooms now, though she still didn't see him for most of the day. His growing boldness was a fantastic sign. There was still no skin-to-skin sexual contact, but if he came downstairs and found his step-daughter in a button-up and pants, he was liable to greet her by coming up behind her, kissing the back of her head and the shell of her ear, and casually unbuttoning her top until he could get his greedy hands all over her bra-covered teen tits, kneading the soft flesh like a professional masseur.

All she'd do is smile and cheerily say, 'Morning, daddy!' At which point he'd give her breasts a final squeeze and fix himself breakfast while she covered back up. She'd considered surprising him with bare breasts, but figured she'd get better results playing by his convoluted rules. Taking the initiative of undressing her – even if not totally – was a significant step. 

So she figured she'd make it a leap.

One sunny Saturday morning, Stacy got up early, put on a comfy sports bra and panties, and tiptoed over to her daddy's room, peeking inside from the door. He slept like a log nowadays, and as she crept closer to his snoozing form, she wondered if his new jerking habit had something to do with it. Most of the boys she fucked in college practically passed out after blowing their load. Maybe edging all day meant a really good night's sleep once he finally let loose. 

She was standing by the side of the bed now, and looking at her step-father's face while those thoughts ran through her head made her bite her lip. She'd felt his cock throb against her pussy several times, and she'd seen his gooning set-up, but she hadn't actually seen him beat off yet, and she badly wanted to. 

Stacy gently knelt on the mattress, pausing when the motion made Joe stir. He turned onto his back, which made it easier to pull the comforter off his slumbering body and straddle his hips. He slept in a t-shirt and boxer briefs, which, again, was just fine – if he'd only been in his underpants, her own relative state of undress might have been too much. She leaned down to settle her pillowy tits on Joe's flat pecs, felt his soft dick squish down under her cunt, and started kissing his face.

The pecks were light, little butterfly kisses on his cheeks and chin, and gradually, Stacy could sense him waking up. He sighed a little, and while he was still half-asleep, she pressed her pink lips to his and felt a jolt of pleasure straight to her clit when he sleepily started to kiss back. It was instinctive. He didn't know what he was doing. But still, her own step-father was responding to her kisses, and that idea made her insanely horny. Half-heartedly, she retreated to the safe zones of his face when his eyelids began to twitch, and when he opened his eyes, she flashed him a bright smile.

'Morning, daddy.'

'Stacy? Good morning…' he murmured, frowning a little as he experimentally moved his body and found it weighed down by his teenage step-daughter. 'What're you doing?...'

'You've been way too into your work and I miss my daddy,' she explained, firmly anchoring her legs either side of his body. She was wearing a thong, and the fabric between her cheeks stretched taut over her little asshole. Someone standing behind her would definitely have been able to see her rosebud in this position. 'So you're not going anywhere this morning.'

'Alright,' Joe laughed, though there was an obvious uncomfortable edge to his voice. 'You made your point. Let me get up and we can spend the day together.'

Stacy shook her head. She had one hand over the other on her daddy's chest, chin resting on top of them, with a cheeky smile. 'It's still pretty early. I think we should cuddle and chat for a while before we leave the bed. Like when I was a little kid, remember?'

Joe nodded. Growing up, she'd often crawl under the covers in the early morning and happily lay between her parents, soothed by their cuddles. After her mother's tragic accident, she only joined Joe more often, and they'd comfort each other with sleepy embraces and murmuring about everything and nothing. Having your beautiful grown step-daughter laying on you, cock to cunt and tits to chest, separated only by flimsy clothing, was clearly entirely different than their wholesome hugs, but he couldn't say that. He'd been mimicking an unnatural level of naivety to justify groping his own child's vulva, breasts and buttocks. Suddenly speaking out against this would open the doors for her to point out he'd been acting like a creep.

Still uneasy, he decided to simply smile and do what his step-daughter wanted. And though he kept to short answers at first, the more Stacy prompted him, the more he opened up. She loosely threw her arms around his shoulders and spoke about college: the friends she'd made and all the new experiences of being a real, grown adult. Joe started talking about his own time in university, decades ago. He'd gone out of state, just like her, and he'd partied so hard he'd woken up in hospital with alcohol poisoning – twice . He couldn't chastize her for going a little crazy, though he warned her to take her studies seriously. He'd done well for himself with his knack for programming, but he knew she could go even further.

Joe's words made Stacy's heart warm, but his touch turned her twat hot. Absently, distracted by the thread of the conversation, he'd let his hands rise up from where they'd lay beside his body like dead fish. First, he'd started playing with her hair – like he did when she was little – twirling the strands around his fingers and tickling her cheeks with the ends. That evolved pretty naturally into stroking her bare back, and as they talked, Stacy started subtly rocking her hips, grinding against his clothed prick, and in short order, she could feel her daddy's stiff rod press up against her pussy lips. She was so turned on and sensitive that she detected the rhythm of his heartbeat through the place where their genitalia touched, even through two layers of cotton.

Although he didn't protest, Joe frowned once her movement became obvious, and his hands slid down from her back to grab her hips – and maybe his original intent was to stop her, but since she was in a thong, his fingers fanned out over her bare ass, and both let out quiet gasps. When he tried to let go, Stacy shook her head.

'Hey, what's up? It's kinda nice having you, like, anchoring me. Feels safe.'

Since she hadn't stopped humping him, her step-father's voice was strained, his breathing heavy. 'I shouldn't –'

'Why not?'

He paused. This was forbidden, in theory. He was touching her bare ass cheeks. But then… her actual genitals were covered. He'd seen her in a thong before. Years before this new sexual tension bloomed between them, he often playfully slapped her on the fanny when she was climbing stairs in front of him, including when they rented a beach house and she'd parade around in her bikinis all day. If he really wanted to put a stop to it, all he needed to say was, I'm your step-father and this isn't right . Or he could have rolled her off from on top of him. She was at least 50lbs lighter than him. He only needed his brain to be stronger than his dick.

Instead, he smiled at his little girl, her face only inches from his, and sank his fingers firmly into the taut flesh of her ass. Stacy giggled, clit tingling when her daddy started to caress and massage her butt while she rocked her pussy on his diamond dick. Just a few weeks ago, she'd never have imagined being in this position, but the taboo rush made her feel drunk. How far could she push him today?

They spoke a little while longer, and the room was heady with their arousal and the genuine family love that vibrated between them. Stacy intended to tease her step-father, provoke him, but their time connecting seriously meant the world to her. At the same time, she couldn't deny that the persistent pulse transmitted to her cunt through his cock was a distraction, and with her stomach grumbling for some breakfast, she figured now was as good a time as any to move.

'Thanks for talking with me,' she said, kissing him on the cheek before getting off him to sit on the edge of the bed.

'Thank you ,' Joe replied. Though she was listening to him, Stacy also kept peering over at the massive, unrepentant bulge in his boxers. If she watched carefully, she could see it flex and twitch under the fabric, tantalizing. 'I'm sorry I haven't been that present , pumpkin. Things have been kind of weird lately.'

'Like what?'

'I don't want to put this on your shoulders.'

'daddy, I'm an adult now. You can tell me.'

'It's not that serious. It's just sort of… embarrassing.' He paused for a moment, maybe thinking whether he should bite the bullet and tell her about his proclivities… but in the end, he sighed and rose to his knees on the mattress, which, as he hobbled closer to the edge of the bed and his step-daughter, had the effect of placing his tented shorts pretty much exactly at mouth-height for Stacy. Her eyes followed his swinging prick, the cotton clinging to his cockhead thanks to the spot wetted by a spurt of his pre. 'Maybe I'll get over it and tell you soon.'

'I hope so. I don't like you feeling bad, daddy. Work through it, okay?' She said it in a cute tone, with a wink, and punctuated her sentence by ducking closer and kissing the tip of his horny dong through his light blue boxers.

' Fuck !' Joe gasped, reflexively grabbing his shaft. This only further highlighted the outline of his erect prick, and pointed the glans straight at his beloved step-daughter. She saw it pulsate, and the wet patch around his pisshole spread further as he pumped another dollop of precum into his shorts. 

'Oh, sorry, daddy, did I hurt you?' asked Stacy, with convincing innocence. 'Want me to kiss it better?'

Her step-father was breathing hard, and she didn't expect him to say yes, merely hoping to tease him – however, he sucked on his lips and nodded, eyes half-hooded and full of lust. He was so completely under her spell that she couldn't even offer up token resistance to her own suggestion. She just opened her lips and sucked half his swollen cockhead into her hot little mouth, slowly sucking down until her lips were puckered around his dickhole in a sloppy kiss. She could only detect the salty tang of his pre through the cotton, but she felt the heat of his meat, and she badly wanted to taste his naked tool.


Joe watched her plant more kisses down the length of his shaft, and rub her cheek over its trembling belly. His fingers slid through her hair to encourage her, affectionately petting her as she went. 'God, Stacy.'

She ducked away with a mischievous smile and rolled back onto the bed. 'I have an idea. Come here.'

Too fuckblind to worry about what she had in mind, Joe lay down beside her and pulled her in for a cuddle, so they were side by side on the covers. Slowly, Stacy reached over and started petting her daddy's penis like a domesticated creature, running her fingers up and down, and spreading her legs just a little to invite him to do the same. With a shaky hand, he did, starting by cupping her vulva, feeling its warmth through her skimpy underwear. The fabric over her crotch was sticky and humid, and when he poked a little higher, he groaned when he prodded the stiff pebble of her clit. 

His little girl's clit.

When he began playing with it, massaging it with his middle finger while stroking her pussy lips with his index and ring, Stacy moaned and grasped his tool through his boxers. step-father and step-daughter slowly, lavishly masturbated each other, but their underwear stayed on, so it was totally acceptable. Right?


Stacy let out a delighted little squeal when her fondling of her daddy's erect penis coaxed some fresh, pearly precum to trickle out the tip, beading over the dark cotton of his boxers. It made Joe grunt and further explore her cute little pussy through her panties, slipping down the length of her slit until he could push his first knuckle against her hot, slick cunthole. The underwear was almost like an external hymen, tempting him to push harder – but he was already pushing his luck and his common sense boundaries to breaking point.

Everything from the little noises his step-daughter let out to her warmth to the delicious way she was handling his tool and the minute twitches of her covered vulva had Joe swimming in intense lust, but his step-fatherly instincts still held the reins of his brain, at least for now. He looked askance at her, took in the beautiful face of the woman he'd raised since birth, and murmured, 'we have to stop, honey.'

'Why?' she asked, immediately. Joe didn't answer, because he couldn't, and even though he kept playing with her pussy, she didn't want to scare him off too much. They'd already gone plenty far. She relaxed her hold on his cock and patted it, as if saying "well done." 'Alright. We probably need to get up, anyway. Can I get a good morning kiss?'

With some relief, Joe ducked in and kissed her on the cheek, which seemed to be just what she wanted. He sat up and glanced back at her, working up a quip about breakfast – when the sight of her body stopped him in his tracks. She was still laying on the pillows, her legs spread, and now, he could see the spellbinding sight of her barely hidden pussy. Her panties were molded to the shape of her sex by her copious slick, to the point that he could plainly see her tiny clit poking out the top of her slit, like a little straining cocklet. His mouth watered. The reins on his brain loosened.

Unthinking, mirroring what he'd just done to peck his step-daughter's cheek, he leaned down and sucked that cloth-covered fuckbutton into his mouth.


'Oh my God!' Stacy squealed, delighted and surprised. She looked down at her step-father suckling on her mons, and her whole body was filled with fireworks. This was hotter than the real sex she'd had in college, and they weren't even touching directly. How was she supposed to go back to the little boys who followed her around like puppies, begging for a crumb of pussy?

Joe, meanwhile, had only intended to get a fleeting taste of his girl's snatch, but he found that he couldn't stop working his greedy lips over the cute nub of her stiffy. He dug his nose into the divot of her panties, where her lips parted, and breathed in the scent of her arousal. He felt her close her thighs around his head, and didn't resist, letting her guide him back onto the bed without ever stopping the contact between his mouth and nose and her horny pussy. Eventually, he realized she'd coaxed him onto his back, and without ceremony, she lowered herself to sit on his face and ride his chin while he kissed and sucked his child's cunt through her panties.

'Oh, daddy,' Stacy moaned. She rocked her hips against his searching mouth, like she'd rubbed herself on his hardening cock, faster and faster as her climax blossomed. The barrier of her underwear seemed to fade the more she moved, as she watched the look of contentment on her step-father's face and found the perfect angle to diddle her clit against his face. She didn't have the presence of mind to say more, and that was probably a good thing, or she'd vocalize something that might scare him off, like –

I want to feel your lips on my pussy, raw.

I want to suck you off while you eat me out.

'I want to see you jack your cock!'

Stacy's thighs clamped around her step-father's face, a shudder wracking her slim body as she rode his hard-working mouth to orgasm. He'd cum on her before, stimulated by her tight ass working his pole like a pro, and she'd relished feeling his spunk on her skin, but this was different. Her daddy had made her climax, and hard . She could count the number of boys who'd managed to do that on one hand.

The brain fog that rose from the endorphins flooding her system made her feel slack, and she moved off Joe as if through molasses. Her panties were a mess of spit and girl drool, but it felt kind of good, even as her sopping wet crotch cooled in the ambient air. It was a persistent reminder of what they'd just done. Stacy sat on the sheets and shot her daddy a sleepy smile, only for her eyes to widen.

He'd taken off his t-shirt and boxer briefs. The cock that made her, that she so lovingly stroked and rubbed without catching a glimpse of it, stood thick and erect in front of her, pointing at the ceiling. It was as wide around as she'd imagined, a real coke can dick with a mouthwatering pink helmet and perfectly sculpted veins. The ridge that ran along its belly throbbed with his heartbeat, the balls pulled in close to his body. It was her ideal penis, and she wondered if all girls were born with a pre-programmed lustful desire for their step-father's cock – or one just like it.

Why was he showing her, though? He'd chewed her out a few weeks ago for flashing her bare puss at him. Things had changed between them, significantly, but –

Wait. Rewind. A dozen horny phrases swam through her mind when her daddy was slurping her cunt, but one seemed to ring out louder. Too loud. So loud she'd shouted it without realizing, as she crested the wave of her orgasm.

'I want to see you jack your cock!'

He wasn't jacking yet, but he looked ready to.

'You're not touching me at all,' she said, as if laying out the logic would make it make sense, 'and it's not like I haven't seen you naked before. So it's okay.'

She'd never seen his naked erect prick. But Joe smiled.

'That's right,' he replied. He took hold of the base of his dick with one hand, angled so he could massage his balls and taint, wrapped the other around his brimming fuckmeat, and started stroking slow and showy, so his step-daughter could see every detail of his beating off technique.

Watching him pump his fist up and down his gorgeous fat daddy pole almost had her drooling, her pussy pulsating with the rush of arousal flooding her lips and clit, prepping her to be fucked-out and bred by her own step-father. It was the hottest thing she could imagine, and Stacy hoped Joe would succumb to his own horniness, tackle her onto the mattress, sink his cock deep in her lovehole and slam her until she was full up with his spunk. 

She was so entranced by his motion she wasn't even touching herself, and she feared that if she did, she might scare him off. The show was too enjoyable to be cut short, and being observed by his step-daughter clearly got Joe's motor running, judging by the thick sheen of precum oozing out the tip of his prick that he'd spread all over his boner. His grunts came faster, and he started to thrust his hips up into his fist, the swell of his taint beginning to twitch. She'd see him shoot any second now.

But he stopped.

Stacy looked at his red, throbbing dick, which lay flat against his stomach when he let go of it, dribbling a puddle of pre into his navel. He covered himself with his sheet, so she met his eyes and blinked, perplexed. 'daddy?'


'You were about to…' She wasn't sure how he'd react to her saying "cum," so she tried being cautious. 'You were almost done , right?'

Joe nodded. 'And it wouldn't be okay for you to see that, honey. A daddy shouldn't, uh… finish in front of his kid.'

A daddy shouldn't beat his meat in front of his kid either, but now we both know it's hot as fuck! Stacy wanted to shout. Instead, she kept her cool, breathing deep, and got off the bed to stand beside him. The wetness between her legs was obvious like this, the front of her panties semi-sheer from how soaked they were and her inner thighs shiny with her slick and her step-father's spit.

'I'll make some coffee, alright?'

Joe smiled. 'That's my girl.'

Even those simple words were enough to send a hot shiver down her spine. She was his girl, and she'd make sure he saw her as his woman, too.

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