Chereads / Hunter’s Sexy Snippets / Chapter 68 - How Portia became a tentacle mother. Part 4 by Slaaneshi_Worshipper

Chapter 68 - How Portia became a tentacle mother. Part 4 by Slaaneshi_Worshipper

The engine of the boat went silent as James waddled to the front of the ship. "Think this will make a good spot." He mumbled, grabbing his snorkel and diving glasses. At the front of the small boat sat his girlfriend, Amber, who was dressed in a tight black wetsuit with scuba diving equipment. An air-tank, diving glasses, flippers, she was physically well prepared to dive quite deep. Though mentally, she did seem a bit anxious. "Are you sure this is the best spot to go diving? We're awfully far away from the shore… besides, I can't even see the bottom anymore!" Amber said as she looked over the side of the boat, watching the calm blue waves hitting the side of the it. "Relax. I've read somewhere that, uh, it's actually safer to go diving in spots like these. You don't need to worry about riptides or waves… Besides, we can see way cooler things out here than if we go close to the shore!" James said eagerly, already putting on his diving glasses and sitting on the ledge of their boat. "I guess... Still, wasn't there a girl who went missing here after swimming in the evening without anyone nearby to help? Like, there's nobody out here to help us if anything goes wrong..." Amber responded hesitantly, James scoffing in disbelief. "That's just a story designed to garner attention from gullible people. Come on. Do you really think some random girl would go out swimming late at night? Just... without any explanation or reason? Only to then disappear mysteriously?" James clearly did not care much for his girlfriend's concerns, Amber sighing before deciding to just go along. Not just because he might be entirely right, but also because this would probably be quite fun anyway. It wasn't every day that you got this sort of equipment and could go down into the depths below!


After putting on all the necessary diving gear, James and Amber were ready to go. James stood on the edge of the ship, before leaping in with a massive splash. Amber waited a moment, trying not to accidentally land on her lover, before hopping in as well. The water was not too cold, much to the pleasure of Amber. It also helped that she had the wetsuit on, ensuring that she would remain somewhat comfortable. Only her face was partially in contact with the water, but that mostly felt pleasant and helped her cool off. She'd soon look to James, who was already going underwater in his entirety, looking around and giving a thumbs up. It seemed they were ready to go diving, as he quickly started swimming downwards into the vast blue ocean. Amber followed right away, sticking close to her partner and trying to look around as much as possible. Amber still had the rumors of the lost girl on her mind, thinking of how scary it must've been, drowning all alone with nobody to ever come and save you. At least she had James, who could be there to help her out if anything went wrong... While Amber's thoughts shifted from the missing girl to her own excitement as to what she'd find, the water swiftly became colder and colder as they approached the sandy and rocky seabed below them. Though by then, the cold was not really that bad anymore. Mainly due to the acclimatization and the fact that she could see countless beautiful sea creatures. She saw lots of gorgeous fish of various sizes, as well as many other beautiful creatures. Not to mention, the seagrass meadows and various rocky structures which were visible around them. Amber watched with wide open eyes as she saw what looked to be a cute little cuttlefish passing by, not seeming to mind their presence much. Shortly after, she glanced at James and saw him pointing at what looked to be a huge grouper which casually swam by them. It truly was gorgeous down here, and entirely untouched as well from the looks of things...


For quite some time, the two of them enjoyed the untouched marine biome. They saw many different creatures and swam around to admire the brilliant environment. Though Amber soon swam to what looked to be a drop-off from the rocky formation they were swimming above. What was a bit concerning was that... The closer she got, the more uninhabited and lifeless the place seemed. There were no large fish, sea-plants or anything else indicating the presence of life. The water even felt a bit colder near the strange drop-off. Before she could reach the ledge and look down though, she looked back to see where James was. To her relief, she saw him still swimming close by. He was following her, and seemed just as curious about this place as her. He looked around, before getting beside Amber. He'd signal her that they should both go back, Amber nodding. James turned around, swiftly trying to head back to a more calm and relaxing spot. Amber was about to follow, before feeling... an overpowering sensation of fear overtaking her. She couldn't explain it, but the water suddenly felt icy, her entire skin shivering as it felt as if she was being... watched by something. She carefully looked around her, fearing that she'd spot a shark or other dangerous creature which would explain this sudden instinctual fight or flight response. Though what she wasn't ready for was... hearing a distant voice. "Oh, what do we have swimming around here..." Amber looked around as fast as she could, noticing something peaking at her from just below the ledge. Something tentacled and a fleshy red colour. It reminded her of an octopus, though it had no structure of an actual octopus and had... pitch black eyes staring right at her. Amber immediately tried swimming away as fast as she could, trying to yell out for her lover. "JAMES! JAAAAMES! JAMES, WHAT IS THAT?!" James just barely heard Amber's voice, looking around and noticing plenty of bubbles wafting up from around her.


He couldn't see what she was seeing, but her panic immediately made him swim over. "Amber! What's going on?" He tried saying, not being heard by the poor girl who couldn't get her eyes off... the creature staring her down. And soon, the creature spoke up again, doing so more teasingly and smug. "You're right, my love... they do look perfect for what we had in mind~" With how clear the creatures voice was, Amber was left terrified as she tried swimming away as hard as she could. Though not long after, she saw more and more of the creature move up from behind cover. It did so slowly at first, revealing her body which was shaped like a human torso, but had... several horrific changes which rendered it entirely alien. That reddish and smooth skin, the tendrils which seemed to come from the creatures back, that swollen stomach, Amber assuming that the creature was carrying offspring, and... those four large breasts. The creature and its many features reminded Amber of something from a sci-fi horror film, Amber imagining a creature like this appearing in something like Alien. But this was far more terrifying since Amber could see the creature speak and articulate in a way that was... quite human. If it weren't for those monstrous features, Amber could've said that this thing was... just as human as she was...


Even if the creature had a semblance of humanity though, Amber still tried swimming away from it as fast as possible. Her flippers did help, though she also started kicking up awful amounts of sand from the seafloor. This didn't help matters at all as James couldn't see what was going on at all. "Amber! What's going on!" James tried yelling, Amber meanwhile trying to escape as fast as she could. Though she soon sensed movement in the water nearby, followed by something slimy and wet tugging on her leg. Amber let out an eek, trying to break free from what was presumably the creature's grasp. Unfortunately, the more she moved, the more the creature seemed to grab a hold of her. Amber felt herself being pulled downwards to the seabed, the creature once more coming into view from all the sand she kicked up. "Nononononono, NOOO!" Amber yelled in fear, trying to swing her arms around in the hopes of stopping the creature. Though really, it had little to no effect, the alien being simply moving more tendrils closer as it soon was right in front of Amber. Looking into its entirely black eyes, Amber froze up, her own eyes widening before she let out a scream. The creature didn't flinch whatsoever though, simply continuing to stare with a toothy grin. "You're coming with us, hun~" The beast mumbled, before grabbing Amber's arms with some of its tendrils. Amber was now fully restrained, unable to move as she tried looking over her shoulder. "JAMES, HELP ME! THERE'S A MONSTER! PLEASE, SAVE MEEE!" Her yelling was barely heard by James, who tried swimming over as fast as possible. Unfortunately, even with how athletic James was, he could not catch up to the beast which dragged Amber along, as Amber was taken away into the open ocean by the uncaring beast.


Amber still tried fighting back, but the tentacle restraints were simply too powerful to do anything. They gripped her wrists and ankles and dragged her along like a ragdoll. It didn't help that more tendrils started wrapping around Amber's body, some moving around her torso and the oxygen tanks on her back. Though Amber hardly paid any attention to that as she was simply dragged along by the creature. She cried and yelled for help, breathing heavily as she started thinking of the worst case scenario. She didn't know what the creature planned with her, but she feared being eaten or that the creature would destroy some of the equipment she needed to survive… and given that the creature seemed to be taking her a bit deeper, she feared that she'd not be able to really escape without equipment. Not to mention, the fact that going even deeper would probably kill her anyway. This fear of death was quickly overwhelming her, making her sob and shake her head. "Please, no… l-let me go… p-please…" The sheer stress and the greater depths were starting to get to Amber, her seeing stars before blacking out. In what she believed to be the last moment of lucidity, she closed her eyes and seemingly accepted her fate. Amber thought she was dead, and that her last moment alive would be with this alien being… She just hoped that her corpse would be recovered before it was eaten up by this monster.



Amber slowly opened her eyes, feeling cold all over her bare body, taking some deep breaths as she tried remembering what had happened. She felt… odd. It was quire cold, and it felt as if she was floating somewhere… Was she dead? Was this the afterlife? As she opened her eyes and her vision became clear, Amber looked around. She seemed to be underwater still, albeit somewhere different than where she was before. Quickly, she took notice of the lack of her breathing tank, making her eyes widen as she panicked. She immediately feared drowning, squirming around in the water. Though it didn't take long for her to realise... she was fine. In fact, she felt herself able to breathe underwater! It left her shocked, as she looked around, trying to see where she was and what was going on. She was a bit crept out and still quite anxious, but the fact she wasn't dead and still remembered what happened gave her some hope... Perhaps this was some kind of afterlife? Or maybe it was something different? She was questioning her situation quite a bit, though immediately paused and froze in terror when she yet again heard that voice from before.


"Ah, and here I was worried you'd never wake up again~" Amber slowly turned around, before catching a glimpse of... that horrid monster. Immediately any deep thoughts about her fate escaped her head as she panicked. She let out a yell, before trying to run backwards, only to quickly shift to trying to swim backwards. "GET AWAY FROM MEEEE!" While Amber attempted to escape, the beast simply smirked and put her arms on her sides. "My, still panicking even after we ensured you could survive down here? We were at least expecting a thank you... Suppose we should try and teach you that as well later~" The beast swiftly swam over to Amber, moving her tendrils around her legs and arms yet again. It gave Amber a chance to notice how... her swimsuit had largely been removed, leaving her in just the bathing suit which was supposed to be hidden underneath it. Of course, Amber didn't really spent much time focusing on that, instead averting her gaze from the tentacled horror now restraining her once more. The beast moved its human hand to Amber's cheek, before forcing her to face her directly. Amber whimpered and sobbed, her tears instantly dissolving in the seawater as the beast placed a tendril on her lips, hushing her. "Shhhh, please stop crying... We're not here to hurt you." The way the beast softly spoke, Amber did feel... a bit reassured. The beast was likely responsible for helping her breathe underwater. More importantly though, if it wanted to kill Amber, it probably could have done so already... Still, the uncertainty of her situation kept her on edge, opening her eyes and going quiet. "That's better. See? I'm not here to hurt you. I have many great intentions for you, actually..."


Despite the somewhat reassuring tone the beast had, Amber was still anxious as all hell. She was visibly trembling, awkwardly glancing up at the monster. The monster hardly seemed to care though, giving a gentle chuckle. "Such a precious girl… Perhaps I should introduce myself? My name is Portia Rinne. What is yours?" Amber thought about the name. It sounded… worryingly familiar. Still, wanting to trust Portia and give her a chance, Amber responded a bit reluctantly and quietly. "A-Amber… Hawkins…" Portia let out another giggle, continuing to hold onto Amber's arms and legs, albeit less forcefully now. "Amber… That is a pretty name… my love also thinks it's a very pretty name." The fact Portia referred to herself as 'we' on several occasions, and the mentioning of her 'love' were starting to become a bit of a red flag. It didn't help that Portia mentioned 'great intentions' for her, something Amber wanted to know about right away. "Ummm, w-who is your… l-lover e-exactly?" Portia smirked lovingly, before showing a bit of her back. "He's right here… My eternal darling… my wonderful, eager and vigorous lover…" Amber saw all the tentacles on Portia's back, sprouting outwards and holding onto her own arms and legs. Amber quickly figured out that… Portia's lover was very much of the parasitic kind, which yet again made her feel terrified to her core. This really was becoming more and more like a horror flick with each passing second…


"I… I umm…" Amber mumbled, before squinting her eyes. "W-Wait, Portia… Portia Rinne… d-didn't you go missing… some time ago?" Amber finally seemed to remember where she heard that name before. And this only made her situation all the more terrifying. Portia hadn't disappeared on her own, she had been parasitized and… willingly abandoned her old life. Portia chuckled, before essentially spelling it out for her in a terrifyingly loving and affectionate tone. "That would imply there was anyone up there who misses me in the first place… I was just a boring, unimportant and useless girl before I met my lover. He gave me a new purpose. A glorious, joyful and pleasurable purpose." Two tendrils moved from Portia's back to her face, cupping her own chin. In turn, Portia chuckled and gave it a kiss. "I know, darling, but Amber can't hear our thoughts now, can she?" While Portia was acting lovey-dovey with the parasitic tentacle monster, Amber shook her head and started breathing heavily again. "N-No, this… w-why would… b-but that is…" Portia moved her hand to Amber's lips, gently hushing her. "Shhhh, don't worry too much about it. You'll figure out soon enough why I'm so happy…"


The vagueness of Portia's remarks and… the continued restraining of her arms and legs made Amber panic more and more. She shook her head again, before finally speaking. "N-No, oh god, w-what are you… what are you p-planning for me? Y-You aren't gonna… e-eat me or… h-hurt me or… oh god, no, no, no, no, this is a nightmare… th-this cannot be real!" Amber didn't know what would happen, but her own thoughts and Portia's behavior made her believe it would be the worst case scenario. She would die here. She would be murdered or parasitized. She tried breaking free from the tendrils yet again, Portia's tentacles still holding on tight. "Relax, Amber. Like I said, I won't kill you. Me and my lover have far greater plans for you… Just forget about everything, don't hold back, and let me make you forget all about your fears and worries. You're in good hands with us." Portia let out another chuckle, Amber starting to hyperventilate and tear up. "P-Please, s-someone save me! J-James! A-Anyone! I-I don't… I don't wanna diiieee!" Amber was trembling all over, her entire body shaking in fear as she felt Portia's hands moving away from her face and instead moving down her neck. Her strange, slimy tentacle skinned hands rubbed against her own skin, moving to her shoulders and down her arm pits. Eventually, the alien hands grabbed a hold of Amber's bra, undoing the little clip and making the piece of fabric flow away in the waters. Portia licked her lips, several tendrils sliding up against Amber's stomach. Some moved to Amber's breasts, wrapping around the bare skin as her pink, erect nipples were exposed. The other tendrils moved downwards towards her thighs, wrapping around the string keeping the piece of clothing tightly strung between her legs.


Amber balled her fists, continuing to sob and squirm as she felt the alien tendrils flicking her nipples. While her mind abhorred and feared this molestation, her body quickly grew aroused from the simple touch. The tendrils prodded her nipples, circling her areola and making her feel heat coming from her chest. Her breathing became a bit more raspy, her looking down at the alien tentacles. Portia soon moved her hands to the breasts as well, placing her slimy, smooth hands onto them and pressing her fingers into her titflesh. Her chest was quite large, larger than Portia's breasts before they expanded due to her pregnancy and transformation. It made Portia smirk as she started massaging Amber's breasts. "Such sweet breasts… so plump and… fun to fondle. I am sure they will create plenty of milk for your babies~" Amber's eyes widened in terror. Did she just say 'her babies'? It… it couldn't be. Surely Portia wouldn't force her to be bred with these creatures? Amber spoke up softly, yet obviously mortified. "Y-You don't… m-mean you w-wanna…" Before Amber could finish, the tentacles around her waist managed to rip her lower piece of swimwear clean off, revealing her untouched and shaved lower lips to the world. "Breed you? That is indeed part of the plan." The way Portia casually said it left Amber stunned, unable to even say anything as she felt her heart sink. "My master requires another caretaker for our spawn. While I can hold many of his adorable babies, he needs someone who can… help them gestate and stay safe. You will serve that purpose, Amber…" Portia swam over to Amber's side, leaning her body up against the regular girl. Shortly after, Portia placed her slimy hand on Amber's bare stomach, continuing to rub one of Amber's breasts with the other hand. "You should be quite honored, Amber. You will get to hold and care for a whole bunch of gorgeous little tentacles. They'll grow and stay warm inside of you and, best of all, they will make you feel amazing!"


Obviously, Amber did not react too pleasantly to the revelation of what she'd be forced to do. In fact, she didn't react at all, simply freezing up and staring down at Portia's hand. Only a short minute later, did she start rapidly shaking her head, breathing heavily and trembling all over. "P-Please no, I beg of you, h-have mercy, p-please, I-I don't want this, I... p-please don't do thi-i-iiiiis…" The pitch of Amber's voice changed, going up as she closed her eyes and let out more tears which instantly disappeared. Though her whimpering didn't last long, as it was quickly replaced by a soft moan. "Hahhhh, n-no… d-don't… ohhhh… t-touch me theeeere…" Portia had moved her hand from Amber's stomach to her pussy, gently circling her clit and also rubbing a finger against her vulva. Portia could sense droplets of Amber's love juices already escaping from her insides, making her lick her lips. "Even down here, I can sense that you are absolutely drenched, Amber, and I haven't even teased you that much! You're... You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Amber didn't respond, clenching her teeth and trying to ignore the sensations she was feeling. The warmth in her chest from having a single breast caressed and fondled, and now the hot itching in her groin from being teased down there as well. It was extremely difficult for Amber to hold herself together. It didn't help that Portia soon pushed her finger into Amber's lower lips, slipping past her vulva and into her birth canal, making her groin heat up incessantly. Portia seemed to push in slowly and gently, only stopping once her finger reached a velvety spot within her depths: Amber's G-spot. The moment Portia's finger reached that part, Portia pushed down on it and started wiggling her finger around, worming against the most sensitive part of Amber's insides.


Amber took some deep, shaky breaths, her hands turning to fists as she tried to not let out too many moans. Though it was incredibly difficult with how good Portia made her feel. Portia could tell that Amber was holding back, tilting her head forward a bit before giving Amber's ear a nibble with her fangs. "Just let it happen, Amber… Accept the pleasure… Let me and my master make you feel good…" Portia knew that Amber was anxious, so she tried to convince the poor girl to just let go of her inhibitions. Though it wasn't just Portia who wanted Amber to join her, the parasitic monster telling Portia what to do to try and 'convince' Amber to become his next breeder. Amber eventually responded after Portia licked her ear for a short while. "No… I-I have… J-James… I d-don't… w-want this…" Portia pulled back from teasing Amber's ear, speaking up in a more… cruel and sadistic tone. "Oh, that boy who left you all on your own in the scary, dark, oceanic depths? I bet he couldn't begin to make you feel as glorious as I and my master are making you feel right now…" Amber looked mildly agitated by the remark, though didn't respond as she simply glanced down. She gritted her teeth, trembling as Portia's finger kept teasing her G-spot. The pleasure was becoming too much to bear, Amber feeling the build up towards a climax she didn't want. Despite being so deep in such cold waters, she felt hot all over, her entire body craving to be touched further… and Portia was quick to abuse this desire for intimacy, as she moved in front of Amber, facing her directly. Portia soon pulled Amber closer towards her with the tentacles, their bare breasts colliding and their faces now inches apart. Portia used more tentacles to pull Amber's face up, forcing her to look right at her. Portia gave a gentle grin, before leaning forward and planting her lips onto Amber's lips.

Amber's eyes widened again, trying to fight back against this forced kiss, though she struggled to fight back in any meaningful way. Portia's surprisingly soft lips remained latched onto Amber's, forcing her to make out against her will…


Portia's forced kiss quickly turned more indecent, her thin tongue parting Amber's lips and forcing her to taste her spit. Amber tried pulling her head away, but Portia remained glued to her lips, their tongues touching past Amber's mouth. Portia continued pleasuring Amber all throughout the kissing, Amber's cries of pleasure being muffled on Portia's lips. Eventually, the pleasure became too much, Amber feeling the heat in her groin reaching a crescendo. The heat spread up throughout her groin, almost feeling like it enveloped her birth canal and womb. And finally, the heat burst outwards, a wave of pleasure rippling through her body as her lower half burnt with ecstasy. Her insides spasmed and throbbed, Amber feeling fluid oozing from her urethra and slime secreting from her love tunnel. She had reached climax, her brain being wracked with intense pleasure which instantly weakened the rest of her body. Her arms and legs grew weak, trembling from the overwhelming sensation. Amber started feeling tired, no longer resisting Portia's advances due to the inability to muster any strength. Fortunately, Portia paused her teasing, pulling back her finger from Amber's insides and also pausing her kiss. Portia smirked as she got a good look of Amber, seeing her tired and defeated state. "Hehe, that felt good, didn't it? Master sure knows a lot about how to make girls feel good… and he hasn't even filled you up yet!" Portia chuckled further, Amber not reacting as she just shut her eyes and whimpered to herself. Portia kept smiling, before giving another kiss and speaking up. "Speaking of which, now that you're so wet, you're ready to accept my love's greatest gift…"


The tendrils which held onto Ambers legs started moving outwards, forcefully splaying her and making her pussy more visible. Her twitching lower lips were soon on display, Amber looking down tiredly with a pained expression. Staring down between her legs, noticing various tendrils approaching, Amber whimpered softly. "N-No… d-don't do it… I-I don't wanna… b-be raped... by th-those tentacles… Please, Portia, h-have… have mercy…" Portia tilted her head a bit and grinned sadistically. "Oh, these tentacles won't rape you, Amber. They won't fuck you either. They'll simple prepare you for what is to come…" Portia's remark confused Amber a bit. How on earth could Portia prepare her for what was to come? Unless if… Portia meant that the worrisome changes her body had undergone would now be given to her as well. Before Amber could even ask, Portia placed both of her hands on Ambers cheeks, restraining her face. Right after, she pecked Amber's lips again, pushing her tongue past Amber's mouth and French-kissing her once more. Amber was unable to resist still, her mouth being invaded yet again. Though it was far from the most intrusive sensation Amber would feel, as she soon after felt some of the tendrils rubbing up against her body. They seemed to focus on her inner thighs, her stomach and her breasts. Their soft touch was soon replaced by something far more concerning, Amber feeling thin, cold needle-like objects burying into her body from various angles. Her eyes widened, feeling the syringe-like tendrils pushing into her ass, her breasts, her belly and even the back of her neck. They injected the same blue liquid Portia had been flooded with, though Amber would struggle seeing such given the way she was forced to face Portia and make out with her.


Despite her inability to see, Amber could still very much feel the chemicals flooding her bloodstream. The cold yet burning chemicals quickly spread through her body, rippling through her breasts, thighs, stomach and neck. The chemicals would spread to various organs, most notably her reproductive organs, her intestines and the empty mammary glands in her breast tissue. Slowly, the chemicals started altering these organs, mostly in the same way Portia's organs had been altered. Though there were some minor differences, specifically for Amber's poor breasts. Not that Amber would realize what was about to happen to her body. She simply felt hot and strange, her body convulsing slightly as the tendrils retreated from her flesh. Portia finished her kissing shortly after, smirking as she saw all the tentacles retreat. "That is the first step in your lewd metamorphosis, Amber… Once my love's chemicals have changed your insides, we'll move to the next step…" Amber didn't respond, sniffling as she looked down at her body. Her nipples had gotten erect, and her pussy and ass were both spasming, almost as if they wanted to have something inserted. She also started feeling mildly sick, her stomach acid and any and food remnants inside of her feeling… off. It felt like those things didn't belong inside of her body anymore, which made her extremely concerned.


As the sickening feeling overtook Amber, Portia watched on smugly, before hearing something in the nearby waters. "Oh, guess who have come to visit?" Portia let go of Ambers body, swimming a meter back and giving Amber some space. Amber looked up for a moment, her eyes immediately widening as she froze in place. In front of her, besides Portia, were tens, if not hundreds, of thin red tentacles. They looked just like the ones on Portia's back, but lacked any and all human features and were just… completely alien. Some had little black eyes, some had visible sucker-mouths, but most of them were entirely smooth and basically looked like thin red earth worms. They all swam around Portia, who chuckled. "Ah, my sweet little babies… It's always so joyful to see you again… and look, honey and I got you something really special~" The tendrils seemed to listen quite well to Portia, Amber feeling horrified and disgusted to know that they presumably were Portia's offspring… and worse, they'd use her. After listening to their mother, the tendrils started moving over to Amber, rubbing against her bare skin and making Amber shake her head. "No… no, no, no… oh god, P-Portia, p-please no… I-I beg of y-you… j-just let me go..." Portia didn't respond, simply grinning as she watched her spawn getting a taste of Amber's body. Most rubbed up against her, but those with mouths latched onto her skin, tasting it by suckling onto her. An awful amount focused specifically on her groin and breasts, Amber even letting out a moan as one inquisitively latched onto her nipple and started sucking on it with its tiny mouth. "Hngh, hahhh, n-nooooo!" Amber whimpered, before Portia got beside Amber again. "They seem to like you a lot! Most of them seem to disappear once I bring them into the world, but a few stay around to make me feel soooo good. They'll make you feel just as good as well, hehe!"


Amber simply kept letting out more moans, gritting her teeth and trying to gather any strength. Though as to be expected, she could offer little resistance as the tendrils inspected her body. They suckled on her hot and erect nipple, making her entire chest heat up again and ache with pleasure. Things only got worse for her, as some of the tendrils moved to her lower lips, rubbing against her vulva, clit and urethra. "HNGH, NO! STOP IT! PLEEEAAAASE!" Amber finally yelled out, Portia being shocked before giving a nod. "Hmmm, I suppose that… you aren't ready to take them just yet. I guess they should wait for your body to be in shape to become their nesting ground~" Portia let out another chuckle, before the spawn let go of Amber's body, doing so at the silent command of their monstrous father. Amber was left panting once again, the pleasure of the tendrils having unfortunately set of an intense sensation throughout her entire body. The chemicals in her body were starting to truly cause Amber's new features to manifest, starting with her chest. The two ample and respectful breasts were starting to bloat rapidly, her nipples in particularly itching and aching to be touched. Her breasts ballooned, taking up more weight on her torso. Amber let out more tears, watching her breasts become incredibly indecent. Her nipples also became far more depraved, the nubs of flesh widening and their openings soon becoming large enough to accept a whole finger! Amber mumbled and whined at the awful sight, her breasts seemingly continuing to grow as next her ass and pussy started changing.


Amber felt her insides ache, her intestines cramping and her birth canal heating up incessantly. Amber couldn't describe it, but it felt like her spasming insides were becoming even wetter somehow. Despite already being underwater, her tight pussy felt soaked with lubricant. She felt the muscles pulsating and throbbing madly, her cervix soon also growing hot. The tight little ring started dilating slightly, growing a bit thicker and more sensitive. In fact, her entire lower half became more sensitive, new nerves being created and already existing nerves becoming even more sensitive to being teased. The intense aching heat wasn't just limited to her pussy though, it moving upwards to her urethra. In fact, she could feel her urethra throbbing, feeling as if she needed to relieve herself, despite the fact that her bladder was entirely empty. Speaking of, her bladder also spasmed and heated up, the tight space opening up as it stopped acting as a container for salty fluids, and instead becoming a space… similar to her womb. As she felt her pussy and bladder throb, her clit also became more sensitive and harder, the hood which blocked it out shrinking as the erect nub of flesh became permanently exposed. And of course, there was her anus, which was rapidly opening and closing just like her other tunnels, growing more sensitive as her intestinal lining smoothed out. All of this made Amber desire for her insides to be touched, to be teased further by Portia, her parasitic lover and her spawn… Amber tried desperately shaking the thought out of her head, but it was far too difficult. Especially as Portia took notice and decided to help with further preparations.


"Mmm, you're looking better suited for what's to come with each passing second, Amber… Your breasts look so plump now. And your ass… Mmmm, I'd love to get a taste from there…" Portia once more positioned herself beside Amber, huddling up against her. Though it seemed some of the larger tentacles from her back were extending outwards, worrying Amber. "Though first, I think I'll let my hubby clean you out~" Two larger tentacles started worming their way through the water, one moving up towards Ambers back before sliding down her spine. The other aimed for her face, quickly heading up to her lips. Amber shook her head, clenching her teeth before mumbling. "N-No more… I-I can't take… m-more of t-this…" Amber was clearly distraught by the 'cleaning' thing Portia spoke of. Amber already knew what it would entail, but still didn't want to experience it. Unfortunately, she knew she had little say in the matter regardless, especially with how frustratedly aroused she was and how she was lacking any and all strength. Her body was also still changing all throughout, fat continuing to round out her ass and breasts, making them more pronounced. Though now, the nagging sensation caused by these changes would be responded to by the filthy tentacle… Whether Amber liked that or not.


The tendril on Ambers back slithered further and further down, before reaching her spread ass and puckered anus. Amber closed her eyes and clenched her teeth, before letting out a gasp as the huge, wet, cold thing prodded her anus. Despite the tightness which the entrance should've had, Amber felt the tentacle easily parting it with its brute strength. Despite it easily being able to overpower and penetrate her though, the tentacle seemed to want to take things slowly. Amber could feel the tentacle twisting and turning, taking its time to make the muscles of her anus spread more and more. It felt so wrong, yet also so alluring and… relieving. It was even better than any of the teasing she had experienced so far, her ass and groin heating up as she craved to be touched further. She tried holding back her voice and enjoyment though, not wanting to let Portia or her partner hear that she was… really into this. It only got worse for Amber though, as the tentacle slowly drilled further and further inwards, until passing the tight ring of muscle with relative ease and entering her rectum. Amber moaned as it started speeding up ever so slightly, rubbing into the lining of her intestines and touching it in a way that felt like her insides were being… licked. "Hngh, w-what's… hahhhh… w-what's it… e-even doooiiiiing?!" Amber cried out loud, Portia smirking and putting a hand on Ambers stomach again. "Well, it's cleaning out your insides, of course! Can't have any filth or waste bothering the eggs which will soon be in there~"


More and more of the fleshy tendril slipped past her anus. Her hole was kept spread, Amber feeling the texture of the main tentacle so acutely as it pushed inwards. It spread her intestines, reaching the first bend and turning accordingly as if it knew the path it needed to take. Amber's entire lower half was burning with pleasure, her gnashing her teeth and trying to hold back her voice. Eventually, she couldn't hold it back anymore as the tentacle reached her small intestines. "HNGHHHHAAAAAAHHHH STOP I-I-I-IIIIIT! I-I'LL DIIIEEEE!" She already felt another climax approaching, looking down and seeing the shape of the tentacle in her belly as it wormed further inwards. Portia giggled in response, cupping Ambers cheek again and rubbing her stomach with her hand. "You're asking for it to stop, yet you're moaning and gasping so much… Just let go of your inhibitions. You'll grow to love it that way. No need to worry about work, stress or anything else… Not to mention, you'll become soooo sexy after my hubby is done changing your body for the better~" Amber tried ignoring Portia's words again, though it was so difficult. She kept letting out her voice for some time, until the tentacle at her face moved for her lips. "Time to open up, Amber. It'll make things easier and... more pleasurable if you comply, hehe." Amber tried fighting back, swinging her head side to side to try and avert the foul tendril. It pressed against her lips, trying to slip between her teeth and part her jaws. She was able to stop it for a short bit of time. Unfortunately, as the pleasure grew more intense and the tentacle pushed harder and harder, Amber finally let out a moan and the tentacle burrowed its way inwards. Her voice was instantly silenced, salty and fleshy tendril rubbing against her tongue and soon pushing towards her throat.


The tentacle twisted and moved all throughout her mouth, letting Amber take in the taste before finally deciding to slide in deeper. Ambers eyes widened as she quivered in a mixture of pain and pleasure as the tentacle pushed into her gullet, crawling through her neck and down her oesophagus and going even deeper. She could now feel both tentacles pushing towards her torso from within, her belly bulging and her chest burning with pain from being invaded like this. She wanted to throw up, but found it impossible to do anything but try and heave. Eventually, the tentacle entered her stomach, where it went to work neutralizing her stomach acid and then absorbing what remained. The strange sensation her stomach had before disappeared, her stomach no longer feeling… wrong. It was bizarre, given how this invasion was more wrong than whatever that feeling was! It was this realization that made Amber shut her eyes and just start pleading for death now. She didn't want to be abused and molested further, let alone fall to depravity like how Portia presumably had fallen. Though Amber soon found herself abused in an even more horrific way, as she felt something suddenly prodding her engorged and spread nipples. She looked down at her chest past the tentacle in her mouth, noticing some of Portia's spawn wriggling into her nub of flesh. She tried screaming again, though not a single sound came out as her nipples were forced to experience an indescribable pleasure. They slowly opened up to the thick, long and smooth tentacles who were trying to wriggle their way in. It made her chest heat up, her nipples aching and hardening. Despite her nipples growing erect, she soon felt one of them open up enough for one eager tentacle to bury its way inside, her feeling the wormlike head slowly squirming its way inwards.


Portia licked her lips as she saw the tentacles slowly oozing in, their heads making their way inside as their bodies followed right away. "Oh dear, you're not supposed to go there, my sweet little babies! That place is supposed to be for feeding, not nesting!" Portia obviously didn't mind the sight whatsoever, actually finding it to be quite amusing. "Maybe they can make it work without breaking your body…" She teasingly remarked in turn, watching the first two tendrils as they kept flailing their bodies, trying their best to slip past Ambers nipples. Poor Amber felt the wriggling all too well, the tentacle spawns' entire bodies wriggling about in her titflesh. Her breasts ached with pleasure, feeling burning hot and craving to be touched further from the outside. Amber felt herself getting closer and closer to cumming. Before she could climax though, she felt the tentacles wriggle with their tail past her nipple, fully entering her breasts as her nipple entrances were left slightly agape. "Wow, you managed to take them quite well! Then again, my hubby has probably made your breasts way more spacious… Maybe he should push some eggs in there as well, huh?" Portia teased Amber, looking as two more tendrils moved their heads to Ambers gaped nipples, also wanting to enter. "Perhaps they wanna stay in your mammary glands and drink right from the source? Hehehe, suppose I should get a taste of your milk as well at some point!" Portia sounded utterly depraved, her comments being proven correct though as Amber felt the tentacle spawn entering the space which was designed to release milk. Their tiny mouths latched onto the mammary glands, suckling on them and soon filling up with fresh breast milk. Despite how horrifying every sensation inside her body felt, Amber couldn't deny that… each sensation, as well as Portia's suggestions, was incredible. This molestation, despite how disgusting and painful it was, was just so… arousing... so enjoyable…


The two tentacles in her ass and throat kept going deeper into her body, the former worming around in the maze that was Amber's small intestines, spreading the tunnel from below and cleaning it until it was fit for serving the role as a space for gestation. The latter tentacle was quickly finished draining all the stomach acid, Amber's stomach feeling… clean and pleasantly empty now. It was simultaneously worrying and soothing, the latter sensation still being bizarre to Amber. Unfortunately, the tentacle in her stomach soon decided to head even deeper, pushing deeper past her gullet and entering her gastrointestinal tract from above. Both tendrils were now getting close to reaching each other inside of Ambers belly, the huge masses of slimy alien flesh bulging her stomach further and further. They weren't the only intruders of her body though, as more of the tiny tendrils slipped into Ambers nipples, making her eyes roll upwards and her face blush, appearing unable to handle these overwhelming sensations. As the tentacles all headed deeper, Amber knew she was going to cum. She didn't want to, but there really was no stopping the immense pleasure which filled her entire torso. The last thing to really push her over the edge were some of the small spawn heading for her pussy, latching onto her exposed vulva and lapping at her slimy insides, trying to take up any and all droplets of natural lubricant. The heat building in her groin reached that zenith once again, peaking right as she felt the tentacles in her intestines reaching one another. The moments they connected deep inside of her, Amber climaxed hard. Amber's body shook in her tentacled restraints, her urethra and pussy pulsating and releasing femcum into the waters around her. Amber couldn't believe she came so hard from this, but also understood that she was losing her humanity and… becoming the breeder Portia and her lover wanted her to be.


"I knew you'd cum from that, Amber… My hubby told me how close you were to cumming and that all you needed was… well, him filling you up top to bottom…" Portia said as she once more planted a hand on Ambers bloated stomach, easily running her fingers around the shapes which the two tentacles inside of her belly had created. Amber didn't react much, still shivering in the afterglow of a powerful orgasm. The spawn near her pussy seemed to have calmed down after tasting her femcum, same with the many tentacles in her breasts. Portia chuckled, before moving her other free hand to Ambers lower lips. "You're so wet already… You keep begging for it to stop, but… I imagine your body doesn't want this to stop whatsoever... your mind also probably craves more…" Amber wanted to respond that that was just the effects of the body modifications. But unfortunately, she was still unable to speak. She wished she didn't have the tentacle in her mouth so she could actually retort Portia's suggestion. Though this did hit her with the dreadful reminder that her body really had been modified this badly. For her to accept it, let alone feel so good from it, was just a sign of how badly the tentacles had ruined her. How inhuman she had been made. It made her momentarily close her eyes as she let out some tears, the painful emotions taking over as her mind was filled with nothing but sheer agony. Even if she were saved now, she'd always be seen as a freak. She would not be able to live a normal life at all. James would probably leave her due to how horrifically she had been changed… Nothing would be the same anymore, even if she somehow was let go or escaped from Portia.


"Oh, you seem sad, Amber…" Portia mumbled, Amber pausing her mild crying as she glanced tiredly yet still somewhat defiantly at Portia. Of course, Portia was still as smug as ever, letting go of Amber's body soon after. "But still quite spirited, it seems…" Portia said, at which point Amber felt the tentacles in her body moving outwards. They tugged on her entire gastrointestinal tract, one side pulling out of her ass and the other moving past her lips. She felt the movement throughout her body, scraping against her now sensitive innards. It felt... good... terribly good even… She could feel the warm, slimy and fleshy tentacles so acutely against her insides, worming and twisting around. She felt so much heat emanating from everywhere the tentacles touched her, especially throughout her intestines. Even her gullet and stomach felt… worryingly pleasant from this, as if being forced open and filled like this was… a good thing. Slowly but surely, they wrung their way out of her insides, the tendrils moving fast as Amber momentarily feared that her anus or gullet would be ripped out alongside the tentacles. Her insides were pressing down on the tentacles quite forcefully, making them burn with pleasure and making her entire body heat up in arousal. In fact, she felt herself approaching another climax. Portia kept on watching smugly, as the tentacles slipped past Amber's stomach and large intestines, almost escaping from the poor girl's body. The heat kept getting worse and worse, Amber feeling her lower lips spasming and throbbing madly. She didn't want to cum a second time after cumming less than a minute ago, but it was impossible not to at this point. The tentacle in her ass twisted and turned as it thinned out, the largest part of it now outside of her ass. Her anus which had been gaped from the whole affair tried pressing down on what was left, throbbing madly as the tentacle slowed down, almost doing so in a teasing manner.


Amber felt the tentacle escaping her gullet as well, just being in her throat as it rubbed against her tongue. It was like the two tendrils knew the touch that Amber craved. It kept teasing her just a bit, before pausing, leaving her on the edge of climax. Amber shut her eyes and quivered in fear at what was to come. Suddenly, there was a harsh tugging sensation in her gullet and rectum. Both tentacles pulled out rapidly, the one in her anus almost pulling the ring of muscles along as it pressed hard on the fleshy invader. It couldn't hold though, and soon the tentacle in both her ass and mouth slipped free. The rapid pull-out was enough to make Amber cum again, her moan not at all being muffled as her indecent cry was audible to Portia and her monstrous lover. Amber felt her insides releasing more warm femcum, flooding the waters around her as more spawn swarmed her pussy to lap up the fresh liquid. Amber was left panting, feeling her anus twitching and refusing to close. It had been spread so much, that it could now easily take a hand… and worse, it didn't seem like it'd close any time soon. "What an indecent moan that was, Amber! And your body looks a lot more fit for its purpose now, hehe!" Portia once again got beside Amber, circling her gaped anus with a single finger. "Mmm, such an indecent hole… I bet hubby's gonna loooove filling it up with so many eggs…" Portia kept teasing Amber, who was left out of breath, unable to say anything.


Fortunately, Amber was able to quickly catch her breath, letting out some soft sobs as she couldn't take it anymore. The pleasure, molestation and ruining of her body had become too much… and now the promise to be made into a breeder… well, it made Amber feel even more hopeless than before. She finally spoke up, doing so in a quiet and defeated tone. "K-Kill me…" Portia looked quite surprised by the sudden comment, pausing her teasing before inching her face closer to Amber's. "What did you say, Amber, dear?" Amber kept quiet for a moment, sniffling more as she looked down. "Kill me… p-please… I b-beg of you…" Portia seemed surprised, before softly cupping Amber's chin and forcing their eyes to meet. "Awwww, you're saying that now because you're still a bit anxious! But believe me, once you've felt what my love can do… you'll be begging to be used for the rest of your life!" Amber shook her head, her voice becoming even shakier. "N-No, P-Portia… h-have m-mercy… p-please, I-I can't… k-keep going… i-it's awful… I-I don't wanna d-do thi-i-i-is… I-I don't w-wanna… l-lose myself… I-I can't…" Portia didn't seem to care much, instead smirking as several tentacles moved forward from her parasitic lover. "Like I said, you're just a bit scared… Now, how about hubby shows you the pleasure of being a breeder?" Amber looked up a little, noticing… the dozens of tentacles which were approaching. They all were even thicker than the previous, and all of them had tiny openings at their tips… Amber didn't even need to ask what these were for to know what she was about to get into… She was about to be filled up with monstrous eggs… (


The tendrils snaked their way through the water towards Amber's groin. A few thinner tendrils spread Amber's legs, along with several tiny tendrils spreading her pink insides and ass. She felt cold water flowing shallowly into her pussy and gaped anus, Amber anxiously looking at the two thick tentacles. "No… Nooo!" Amber said as the two tendrils were now inches away from her entrances. She braced for their insertion, closing her eyes shut and gritting her teeth. The tips of the tendrils finally prodded her vulva and anus, twisting and turning a bit before slamming in quite forcefully. It knocked the wind out of Amber, who immediately moaned as she struggled keeping her composure. With how her body had been altered, it felt… so good! The tentacle in her pussy felt so snug and warm, and it slid in so naturally. It was so smooth and pleasant to the touch. What's more, its tip quickly reached her cervix and spread the entrance wide open, allowing it inside of her womb. Though instead of just plowing in, it started gently thrusting and twisting, caressing her wet insides. It was fucking her like a cock, rutting her insides and making her groin burn so wonderfully. Her ass was experiencing something similar, the large tentacle easily sliding in and inching deeper and deeper. It slid in swiftly, reaching the first bend with relative ease before pulling back. Amber felt her anus trying in vain to clamp down on the thick and long tendril, gripping onto it even as it thrusted back into her. It just felt so right, being fucked like this, even though she didn't want to admit such. She tried keeping quiet, though it was impossible not to let out some moans, something Portia listened to most eagerly. 


"Mmmm, hubby's egg-laying tentacles slid inside with sooo much ease, Amber… Your body really is designed for this now, hehe!" Portia teased, Amber momentarily glaring at her under her moans. Though she swiftly threw her head back, biting her lip and tensing up. Both tentacles synced up inside of her depths, slamming inwards and hitting her cervix and the final bend of her large intestines simultaneously. They twisted and turned, grinding up against her sensitive flesh and making each nerve burn with pleasure. Both holes were becoming slick from her own lubricants and the tentacles, once more making it easy for them to invade her depths. Soon though, Amber heard Portia let out some soft, pleasured moans of her own. "Ah, yessss, my loooove… please, fill… fill our first egg-warmer up…" Amber was a bit confused, but more-so concerned. Especially as she saw the many small bulges coming from the two tentacles which sprouted from Portia's back. The first eggs were slowly moving down the tentacles, Amber shaking her head and trying to move her arms again. Of course, her resistance was only token, her unable to do anything as the eggs slithered towards her through the tentacle. Soon, they were only inches away from her entrances, Ambers moans reaching their peak once she felt the bulges in the tentacle pushing against her innards. Finally, the tentacles stopped thrusting in her, instead buzzing as the bulges slowly moved forward. Her anus and vulva were prodded by the bulges, growing hot with pleasure as they were forcefully spread apart yet again. They were forced to open up more and more, the pleasure building up as the first bulges slowly slipped inwards. Finally, they pushed in just enough, the resistance of her holes giving in. The eggs finally plopped inside of her, Amber feeling them so acutely in her birth canal and rectum, moving deeper into her belly.


And not only a second after the first eggs entered, more of them pushed inwards. It felt like two huge strings of bulges simultaneously rubbing against her sensitive insides. They moved deeper and deeper, the bulges spreading more of her birth canal and intestines. The spreading only ended somewhat when the eggs reached the tendrils exit, Amber feeling the warm, hard and slimy things touching her cervix and intestinal lining. The eggs in her ass swiftly plopped outwards, Amber able to sense them resting against her intestines. The ones in her pussy first had to pass her cervix, spreading the sensitive ring for but a moment before plopping free in her womb. It was impossible to not feel them moving around inside of her baby chamber, their mass resting against her cervical lining like an actual baby. Though these first eggs were soon met with even more eggs, the masses in Amber's tracts becoming just a bit heavier with each eggs. The ones in her womb at first clumped together, though as more eggs plopped into her depths she could feel her womb distend. And all the while, with no option but to go deeper inwards, the eggs in her intestines moved further and further inwards. It also made her belly bloat more, growing heavier and heavier. Portia quickly started rubbing it again, fondling the huge swollen tummy and smirking as she spoke. "Must feel good, being swollen with sooo many eggs. They're not fertilized yet, but I'll make sure to help with that soon enough." Amber didn't respond to Portia, the only noise she made being her moans. Each egg just felt glorious, rubbing against her sensitive flesh and then adding to the already huge weight of babies in her depths. Especially her intestines felt amazing, each egg which pushed into her pushed an entire string of them deeper, each nerve cell in her intestines being filled with burning sensations of pleasure. It was enough to make her cum again, Amber throwing her head back and moaning louder than ever before. Ironically, her femcum was this time not gulped down by Portia's spawn, instead just flowing into the seawater and disappearing…


Slowly but surely, Amber's stomach looked more and more pregnant. Only when she seemed overdue with triplets did the final eggs enter her deepest parts. Amber's womb was filled to the brim, some of the eggs even being forced into her fallopian tubes, jamming the tiny tunnels to her ovaries. As for her intestines, it was almost filled entirely to the brim, it just barely not reaching her stomach from below. Amber couldn't even look down at her own groin anymore, unable to see between her legs. Her entire body was shivering as it felt so amazingly full, the weight being impossible to ignore whatsoever. Amber sniffled softly in defeat, knowing there was nothing that could be done anymore. Though she'd soon be forced to look at Portia again. "You're almost ready, Amber… Time to make you a real mommy now." As Portia spoke, the tentacles in her pussy and ass pulled out, Amber feeling some of the eggs following suit as her body was quick to try and reject them. The tendrils could unfortunately sense this, instead staying lodged shallowly in her two tunnels. And all the while, Portia decided to show something… horrifying to Amber. Portia showed her bare lower half, some of the tentacles moving to her clit. "Mmmm, I'm so excited! Hubby says he wants me to do the job and that… he'll give me the tools necessary to do it!" Portia's vague statements concerned Amber, though that concern was quickly overshadowed by the sheer horror as the tentacles at Portia's groin twisted around one another and formed… well, a girthy, muscular and foul cock. A tentacle cock, to be more specific. Portia let out a satisfied groan. "Aaaahhhh, amazing… I wonder if… this is what the real thing feels like…" Portia moved her soft hand around her newly gained futa tentacle cock, biting her lip as she jerked it off gently. "Hngh, that's… ohhh!" Portia quickly grew addicted to the sensation, jerking herself off quite eagerly and almost seeming to forget about Amber.


Though after a moment, she'd pause and take some deep breaths. "Ah, you're right… my love… I shouldn't get distracted… mmm, besides, you're more than correct that… Amber's dirty little fuckholes will be way better than my own hands, hehehe." Amber's eyes shrunk in fear, her face turning pale as she looked down at Portia's futa cock. She kept quiet, watching Portia swim forward and push her cock against her swollen, egg-filled belly. "I'll start with your tight little pussy, Amber. Then, I'll fill your ass with enough semen to ensure a healthy batch of babies. I'm sure you'll love it." Amber finally shook her head a little, mumbling in utter fear. "No… Portia, n-no…" Of course, Portia ignored Amber's quiet pleas for mercy, instead moving forward and pushing her belly against Ambers huge pregnancy bulge. Portia angled her groin in a way where her tip prodded Amber's vulva, the tentacle which was lodged in her pussy finally pulling out. For but a moment, Amber's lower lips felt… empty and free. Though this empty sensation was quickly snuffed out, as Portia's rod inched inwards. It pushed into her vulva, her groin itching and heating up with pleasure. Intense shocks of ecstasy pulsated from her pussy through her entire pelvis, the electricity reaching her brains and making her entire head throb. Her body wanted this so badly, her pussy twitching madly and already pressing down on what little of the tentacle cock was inside of her. Portia licked her lips, before finally slamming forward, Amber letting out another moan followed by an instant climax. Portia felt Amber's insides clamping down on her tentacle cock, more of her femcum coating the alien rod as if trying to milk it of its seed. "Ahhhh, so tiiiight! Oh, this is… amazing! Ah, having a cock feels… so… so goooood!" Portia moaned before pulling back slowly, only to vigorously slam it inwards again. Another moan escaped from Amber's lips, her eyes rolling back a bit as she started getting harshly fucked by Portia.


It didn't take long before Portia started speeding up her thrusts, vigorously slamming her rod inwards against Amber's cervix. The few eggs which managed to escape from her filled-up womb were quickly pushed back into place by Portia's rod, ensuring not a single egg would get a chance to escape. At least, not without being fertilized. Portia let out some soft gasps, while Amber whined and moaned at the top of her lungs. All the pleasure she was forced through was impossible to ignore now, her letting out her voice more and more as it all just felt so glorious. Soon, Portia spoke up though, doing so as she kept railing Amber hard. "Hngh, this is… great! But the… eggs in your other holes… need to be fertilized as well! Hah, hubby says… he'll make sure… your ass is also… knocked up!" Soon after, several thin tendrils like the one which formed Portia's cock moved their way from Portia's back around Ambers thick thighs. They slithered against her rear, pressing into them as they all headed for the gaped entrance between her asscheeks. Amber didn't even get to respond, just shaking her head and moaning in frustrated pleasure. Finally, the tendrils reached the ruined hole, a few eggs already poking out from the wide-open rear entrance. The thin tendrils wrapped around one another, just like they had done to form Portia's cock, before slamming in on their own. Amber felt her ass burn with pleasure, as the hole tried pressing down on the mass of tentacles and the eggs inside of her. The tentacles swiftly moved inwards, pushing all the packed up eggs slightly deeper, Amber feeling the movements through her entire bowels quite acutely. Once the tendrils were deep enough, they twisted and pulled back out, only to slam in again as they almost exited her.


It was becoming too much for Amber, gritting her teeth as her entire lower half burned with passionate pleasure. Her body had been modified so thoroughly, that this harsh fucking was practically addicting to her now. Even though it was so foul and was going to ruin her, Amber wanted the tentacles to keep going and cum inside of her. Amber let out more and more whines, throwing her head back as she quickly came once again. Her insides tightened around the tentacles, almost like they tried wringing seed out of them. Portia even paused her thrusting, feeling the throbbing insides pressing down on her futa tentacle cock. "Mmm, keep tightening up like that, Amber! It'll make me… cum in no time if you do that!" Amber was left panting, trying to say something before once again feeling the tentacle cocks continuing their thrusting. For what must've been a solid minute, Amber moaned and yelled depravedly, as she came more and more from the incessant thrusting into her depths. She eventually did try and manage to get a few words out, but they were with gritted teeth and a mad tone of voice. "J-JAMES! I-I'M GOING… I-INSAAAANE! PLEASE SAVE MEEE!" Portia smirked, finding her sweet voice so endearing and her pleas amusing. Though as she felt the tentacles getting closer and closer to climaxing, Portia tried leaning her top half forward. She pressed down on the hugely pregnant belly with her own flat stomach, putting pressure on it which further turned on poor Amber. With Portia now so close to Ambers face, she decided to fully lean forward and silence her by forcing her into another French-kiss. Their voices both went quiet, Amber's voice reverberating through Portia's throat.


Finally, the thrusting in Amber's groin intensified further, her insides struggling to grip down on the invasive tentacle cocks. Amber realized she was moments away from being filled with tentacle cum. She tried pulling back from Portia's forceful kiss, eventually being freed by Portia herself. Amber kept panting and letting out more lustful cries, while Portia licked her lips and murmured under her own breaths. "Hngh, h-here it comes… Ambeeeer! Get… get knocked uuuup!" Portia moved her arms around Ambers upper half, their breasts colliding as both Portia's and Ambers eyes rolled up. Amber even made a sweet little o-face, throwing her head back and trembling all throughout her body. All the while, Portia gritted her teeth and smiled joyfully, her and her master sensing seed flowing through the tentacles. Portia quickly hilted Amber, remaining still as her tip kissed Ambers cervix. And at long last, the seed erupted free from the many tentacles and coated Amber's insides. Amber came alongside Portia, squirting a massive amount of femcum into the surrounding water as she felt so much viscous, warm fluid invading her depths. Each individual tentacle released incredible amounts of semen, lathering the many eggs with them. The seed in her womb quickly coated the numerous eggs, burrowing into them to try and fertilize each single one. The same happened in her intestines, though it took a while before her entire intestines were filled to the brim. And of course, many of the sperm cells swam deeper, heading for Ambers ovaries to look for a human egg cell to impregnate.


Of course, neither Portia nor Amber could see all this, but they were well aware of it regardless. They both knew that pregnancy was guaranteed for poor Amber, who rested limply with her head hanging back. Amber was left sticking out her tongue as she was barely conscious, only feeling heat rippling through her body and so much seed pouring into her. It seemed that the tentacles just kept on cumming, so much sperm being deposited that Amber imagined it soon spilling over into her stomach and then up her gullet and out her mouth. Fortunately for her, the climaxes soon came to a stop, leaving her feeling… completely filled to the brim. Each little movement she made caused the seed to slosh about in her womb and intestines. Portia was also left in a worn-down state, panting hard and licking her lips before finally speaking. "Ah, that was… i-incredible, Amber… ohhh, I loved that... so much... a-and master is… certain that you'll make a fine… eggsac." She licked her lips and moved a hand over Amber's swollen, now truly pregnant belly. "You'll carry… quite a large litter, I am… I am sure of it… hehe." Amber didn't respond, slowly lifting her head as she breathed heavily. She was still coming down from the hardest climax she had ever felt, one so powerful that it made her wonder if she even wanted to escape. Of course, James was still stuck in her mind, keeping her sane for the time being and giving her some form of reason to maybe try and escape. Finally, Amber spoke up, doing so tiredly and in a pained voice. "I-Is it… o-over? I… I don't… w-want any… any more…" Portia was surprised Amber still wasn't completely broken, scoffing as she slowly started pulling out. "Nope… far from it… even!" Amber simply looked down drearily, not wanting this to go on further. She closed her eyes, already awaiting Portia's next sadistic punishment… whatever that might be…


The first thing Portia did was get a few of her tentacle spawns, raising her hand and watching as the many thin tendrils started moving around it. They started taking the shape of a tangled mess of squirming flesh, writhing around and seemingly forming a knot with each other's bodies. Portia gently held onto the tangled clump of tentacles before slowly bringing it to Amber's groin, specifically to the space her tentacle cock occupied. Portia licked her lips, before slowly pulling out of Amber's pussy. "Hngh, my precious… babies will help keep… all my semen deeeep inside of you…" Amber saw the clump of red, fleshy tendrils and immediately frowned in despair. Her body trembled from the pleasure and fear she felt, the thick tentacle cock slowly sliding out of her slimy and loose breeder hole. So much backed-up semen followed the huge tentacle cock, promising to leak out the moment the rod lodged free. Her pussy tried pressing down on the tendril in a vain hope to keep it stuck inside, but it didn't take long for Portia to finally pull free. Immediately, cold water rushed inwards and mixed with some of the virile seed, helping it flow outwards. Amber felt the warm and cold liquids mix in her birth canal, before feeling an incessant writhing against her vulva. She threw her head to the side, gritting her teeth as the tangled mass of tendrils shallowly entered her depths. The clump slowly wormed its way in, sealing off her insides to the outside elements once again. And of course, they did such while continuing to move and worm around against her insides, some of the little tendrils even lapped at her insides, trying to drink up any leftover droplets of femcum.


Of course, there was still another hole which was filled to the brim with tentacle sperm, Amber's anus shivering with heat and spasming madly. Her intestines were moving due to the incessant writhing of the tentacles in her pussy, the pleasure they caused reverberating through her body and making her modified intestines seemingly react in turn. Though while she felt these spasms and the constant writhing of the tendrils in her cunt, she'd also feel the combination of thin tentacles slowly pulling out of her anus. "Ah, n-nooo… i-it's too much… t-too muuuuuch!" Amber whined tiredly, Portia ignoring her pleas and getting more tendrils to clump together in the palm of her hand. The moment Portia got enough of her spawn in her hand, she slipped them around Ambers thighs, aiming for her thick ass. The tentacle cock in her ass kept on turning and vibrating, seemingly teasing Amber a bit more before finally pulling free. Yet again, Amber felt cold water barely slip into her guts. Though it was not nearly as much as what slipped into her pussy, mostly because a bunch of seed blasted outwards, forming a cloud in the nearby waters containing a decent amount of little swimmers. Portia quickly blocked Amber's asshole though, the mass of tendrils quickly spreading and latching onto her anus. They tried pulling the ring of muscle together to ensure as little seed as possible leaked free, continuing to squirm around to further tease Amber as well. Amber simply moaned softly and in a pained way by now, knowing that she would be subject to this pleasure for… well, for probably as long as it was necessary for her to be fully impregnated. Perhaps even for as long as it took for her to finally give birth...


"There we go. That should do it…" Portia said ecstatically, swimming back a bit as Amber was finally free from some of the tentacles which held her up. She didn't float up, nor sank to the seabed below her, instead just staying there as she finally was able to move her hands and legs around again. She tried closing her legs, though felt the tentacles in her ass and pussy going especially mad whenever she tried such. "Hngh! S-Stop iiiiiit! Stop moviiiiing!" Amber yelled, moving a hand to her pussy to try and pull at the tentacles. Portia, not wanting Amber to cause any trouble, decided to swiftly swim up to the poor girl again, once more grabbing her arms. "Ah ah ah. Can't interfere with my babies until the eggs inside of you are properly fertilized. Hubby says it'll take… a few days at most, hehe. Maybe once your body is used to it, it'll take a bit shorter!" Amber looked at Portia with tears in her eyes, before moaning as she felt the wondrous sensation of a tentacle spawn moving towards her clit. It seemed to wrap around the erect nub, tugging it as if trying to get more femcum from her drained body. It was then that Portia shared some more thoughts with her parasitic lover, telling her that there was one final thing to do before Amber was ready to be given a break. "In the meantime, there's just oooone little thing I have to do." Portia swam upwards, her tentacle cock soon right in front of Ambers face. Portia grabbed onto Amber's head, holding it still and pulling her groin towards it. And soon, Amber let out an eek as the tentacle cock was planted right up against her nose and forehead.


"Honey said that… we should make sure even the deepest eggs inside of you are fertilized… and what better way to do that than to fill you up from both sides, hm?" Portia remarked before chuckling, grabbing onto Amber's head more tightly. "Open up, Amber… Don't wanna keep me waiting too long~" Amber closed her eyes and kept her lips shut, not wanting to be forced to suck on this… horrific tentacle cock, the thing which bred her. Unfortunately, she'd find what little resolve she still was able to muster quickly disappear, as the tentacles in her ass and pussy started squirming harder and harder. It seemed that Portia or her parasitic lover were able to silently command them to squirm more and more. Regardless of who was causing the spawn to writhe about, it made Amber's body tremble intensely. So many signals of pleasures were sent up through her body, her entire lower half burning madly. The little tentacles seemed to know the best ways to tease Amber. The ones in her pussy obviously tugged on her clit and even invaded her urethra, shallowly entering it and moving around inside of it. More importantly, a few tentacles burrowed deeper into her snatch, before budding into her G-spot, rolling against the soft bit of flesh and sending bursts of pleasure throughout her entire body. As for the tentacles in her ass? Well, they were busy grabbing the nearest egg in her rectum, before jostling it around, budding it into nearby eggs and causing them to move around as well, making the masses in her lower intestines shift intensely. All this forced pleasure made her clench her teeth harder and harder, her body quivering in delight as she had a desperate urge to moan at the top of her lungs. For a moment, it seemed she was able to hold back though, but as one brave little tendril wrapped its entire body around her erect little clit and started pinching it and 'jerking it off', it made a climax approach rapidly…


The heat built up more and more, Ambers depths spasming and pulsating as more lubricating slime already emanated from her depths. Her urethra spasmed around the invasive tentacle, which in turn squirmed even more. Until finally, all the pleasure reached another crescendo and Amber came again. She tried keeping her mouth shut, but finally let out a loving moan as her entire body grew weak from the incessant pleasure. Portia smirked, listening to the moan for a short second before slamming her groin forward, the tip of her tentacle cock piercing Amber's lips. Amber felt her voice being muffled as tentacle cock forcefully pushed past her lips, the salty and fleshy rod of tendrils grinding against her tongue. Amber tasted the tentacles so acutely, the taste being salty and extremely fishy, reminding her of the nights she had spent at restaurants by the sea with James. Though these memories of romance quickly disappeared as she felt the back of her throat being prodded by the tip of Portia's futa tentacle cock. Swiftly, Portia managed to part the tight entrance, shallowly entering Amber's gullet, muffling her moan. "Ahhh, that's good… No wonder my love wanted me to… do this, rather than just using tentacles… mmm, your throat feels soooo good, Amber…" Portia lessened her grip on Amber's head for a moment, instead gently stroking her head before once more grabbing on. Once she got a good grip on Amber's hair again, Portia started pulling back followed by slamming forward, Amber's eyes widening as she almost wretched from the harsh face-fucking. "Ooooh! It gets… even better! Hmmmm, use… use your tongue a bit more, Amber! That ought to make me… cum in no time!" Amber couldn't respond whatsoever. Though even if she could speak, Portia probably would ignore her responses, as she started furiously thrusting between Amber's lips, the twitching tentacle cock making Amber's head spin from the intrusive and disgusting taste, the sickening pain and the horrifying pleasure.


Portia kept going for quite some time, thrusting hard as Amber didn't even fight back anymore. She had no more strength, her body enjoyed this too much and her mind was too fractured at this point. She felt so much shame, humility, pain and anguish, yet also eagerness and a strange sense of excitement. This heinous molesting had forever changed her, and chances were that she wouldn't get to escape whatsoever. It gave her a lot of existential dread. However, these thoughts were also interrupted with intrusive thoughts of just letting herself completely fall to pleasure, to let all these sensations wash over her and ruin her. She wouldn't have to fear anything anymore or feel any concern whatsoever. Her life would just be about feeling pleasure and nothing else. Though as much as these thoughts invaded her mind, she still remembered James… She still had hopes that he'd come to save her somehow, that he'd rescue her from this…


Unfortunately, these hopes quickly faded into the back of her mind as she suddenly noticed some strange red shapes out of the corner of her eyes. They looked to have similarly monstrous skin to Portia and her lover, but with a more human form. Portia soon slowed down a bit, before speaking lovingly. "Phoebe, my love!" Finally, Amber could look in horror at the creature which embraced Portia. It looked like… a creature with the upper body of a human, while the lower half consisted of numerous tentacles like an octopus or squid. It had Portia's facial features and even similar hair. It seemed to smile at Portia, hugging her before curiously looking down at Amber. "Ah, Amber, meet my… most precious daughter, Phoebe! She's my most special baby and… ohhh, a bit of a troublemaker…" Portia soon went back to thrusting, though seemed to also focus a bit on Phoebe now. Speaking of which, Phoebe tried moving towards Portia's breasts, clearly aiming to suckle on Portia's nipple. Portia took notice of this, before smirking. "Ah, Phoebeeee… M-Mommy is a little busy… r-right now… how about you… ah, use Amber here? Her nipples have some… of your brothers and… sisters in them, but there's also plenty of… delicious milk in there!" Amber closed her eyes, trying to calmly focus on the thoughts of James and being saved. But as she felt Phoebe's monstrous and slimy hand grab one of her swollen breasts, panic set in yet again. Amber tried moving about, though did so quite sluggishly and haphazardly, her clearly being exhausted from everything. Phoebe quickly was able to latch onto Amber's nipple, first rolling her tongue around Amber's areola before kissing the erect and opened nub. Phoebe immediately started sucking, the tendrils in Amber's mammary glands squirming around and making Amber feel even more incessant pleasure, as milk flowed outwards and her entire tit felt like it was on fire. She was breastfeeding a half human, half monster… and it felt glorious.


Soon, more of Portia's large spawn decided to join in, some thicker tentacle babies latching onto her other nipple and overwhelming her torso with pleasure as well. Phoebe even joined in on teasing Amber, moving a hand to Ambers clit and pinching it. Amber tried screaming, though only was able to let out muffled pleas for help. She couldn't focus her thoughts at all anymore, the pleasure becoming too unbearable. Writhing in her ass. Writhing in her pussy. Writhing in her urethra. Writhing in her breasts. Throbbing in her womb. Throbbing in her intestines. Throbbing in her stomach. And of course, throbbing in her throat and gullet. Portia and her spawn were making it impossible for Amber to even think, her continuing to try to focus on James and him saving her. But as Portia got closer and closer to climax, something Amber could sense from the spasming of the tentacle cock, it was clear that Amber would most likely… lose herself in this intense bout of pleasure. She was quickly approaching another continuous climax, something she hit rather rapidly as she felt femcum squirting from her depths and being lapped up by the smallest spawn. And shortly after, Portia tightened her grip as her cock spasmed madly. "Amber… t-take my… seeeed!" Portia slammed down a few more times, Amber not even listening anymore as she was almost knocked unconscious. Almost. Unfortunately, she'd remain conscious enough to feel Portia slamming down one last time before the multiple tentacles throbbed together and released plenty of seed directly down her gullet. She was forced to swallow a huge continuous load, flowing down into her modified stomach and quickly seeping down towards the deepest eggs inside of her.


Thankfully, as Portia came, the writhing inside of Amber and the suckling on her teats lessened quite a bit, Portia seemingly giving her a moment of mercy. Portia finished cumming shortly after, Amber feeling so much seed sloshing throughout her entire digestive tract now. In fact, the moment Portia pulled out, Amber felt a bunch of seed being forced out of her gullet as there was not enough space in her stomach. Portia didn't seem to mind though, Amber gagging up seed and coughing before going quiet. "Hmmm, it's a bit of a waste… but at the same time, you're probably completely full now." Portia mumbled, waiting for Amber to cough up more seed. Once Amber had gagged enough to be able to talk, she did such with a hoarse voice. "Ah, Portia…" She was about to plead again, before just looking down in defeat. She knew she couldn't plead with Portia. She knew she couldn't fight back. All she could do was silently try to resist and pray for James to rescue her. Portia could tell that Amber was mostly defeated, but also knew that… well, she wasn't entirely willing just yet. Thus, she inched forward again, before mumbling. "You know, you still seem hesitant to accept your life as a breeder… You obviously felt soooo good from it, given how much you came… what's holding you back?" Portia asked calmly, Amber not responding whatsoever. Portia smirked a bit, cupping Ambers chin before speaking up again. "Perhaps you're still thinking of that boyfriend of yours?" The fact Portia seemed to know what she thought about was… extremely concerning, and Amber quickly was able to speak up again. "N-No, don't… d-don't hurt him… p-please…" Portia chuckled, gently stroking Ambers cheek. "Why would I hurt him? He's of no use to us… But, we can't let you stay distracted with thoughts of him though… Guess there's only one option." Portia once more inched forward, planting her cock on Ambers face again.


"I'm going to have fun with you until you're the perfect, willing egg-slut for me and my hubby's babies…" Portia said in a rather sadistic tone, Amber once more letting out tears before whimpering in fear. "Ah, no more… s-someone have mercy… someone save me… a-anyone, j-just kill m-" Before Amber could continue, Portia moved her futa tentacle cock forward, slipping past Amber's lips as she spoke and thus silencing her. Though unlike before, she did so quite harshly and immediately went back to furiously face-fucking her. And shortly after, the spawn and Phoebe went back to teasing Amber further, sucking on her milk-filled breasts and pleasuring her most sensitive spots. They didn't show any mercy this time though, as Amber was subjected to continuous, hellish pleasure. Amber tried thinking more about James, though this quickly became impossible for her due to the sheer pleasure she felt. She did keep begging on occasion, though most thoughts were becoming those of a willing slut, craving more intimate teasing, craving to be filled and teased more and more… and worse, the intrusive thoughts of accepting her new position were once more entering her mind. But this time, they were even more intense, Amber feeling more and more conflicted about returning home or accepting her position. And as these thoughts piled up further and further, new, disgusting thoughts entered her mind as well… including thoughts about how it'd feel to finally birth these tentacles.


After all, if this already felt so mind-blowingly amazing, then how glorious would it feel to… give birth to these creatures and become a surrogate mother to them?

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