Chereads / Hunter’s Sexy Snippets / Chapter 66 - How Portia became a tentacle mother. Part 2 by Slaaneshi_Worshipper

Chapter 66 - How Portia became a tentacle mother. Part 2 by Slaaneshi_Worshipper

Chapter Text

The week after Portia was made a seedbed for the beasts spawn would be spent… mostly inside of the poor redheads apartment. The first day would just consist of her lying in bed whilst trying to push out everything that was inside of her. Unfortunately, nothing seemed to budge inside her body, meaning she was left with no other option but to wait. After all, she wasn't going to visit a doctor or ask someone for help, since that would reveal her current state to the whole world. At least it seemed that she was relatively fine, despite the bloated form she had acquired. One thing that Portia did notice early on in the week though was an intense hunger and thirst. She was able to eat way more than she usually could and also drank tons more water. Despite this though, she never felt the urge to use the bathroom anymore, which was quite concerning. Even then, she still wasn't convinced to go out and seek medical help. Thus, she remained alone in her apartment. What time wasn't spent on preparing incredibly large amounts of food was spent resting on bed. Though as the days passed, she started feeling more movement in her stomach. Not to mention, her mind which started to change due to the chemicals the eggs secreted. Three days after she was filled up, she started feeling less… scared of the changes her body was experiencing. If anything, she started growing more curious about what would come out of her and how she'd manage to push everything out safely. Yet over the next few days, her afflicted mind would start going off of paternal instinct. She started figuring out what the best course of action was, where she needed to go and what had to be done to ensure a safe egg-laying.


Around the fourth day, she'd also notice something else which shocked her at first, before simply making her immensely aroused. That day, she would awake with wet stains in the cups of her bra. Over the past few days, her chest had already increased in size substantially, along with her thighs of all things. She had just assumed it was from all the food she ate and the fat accumulating throughout her body. Now though, they had grown large enough to reach the state Portia knew they were going to go to: a state of being able to lactate. Her two sizeable breasts were releasing breastmilk! When she first took notice, she immediately pinched her nipples, tweaking them slightly and causing specs of milk to drip from the little pink nubs. Not only did it feel good to feel all that sticky warm liquid flowing from her erect nubs, but Portia found it… quite natural considering her gravid state. It didn't scare her or even surprise her. It just seemed like this was bound to happen. Not only was it natural though, but it was shockingly alluring in a rather erotic manner. The pinching of her nipples turned to strong tugging, followed by smooshing her breasts together and feeling milk squirt freely from them. She'd even go so far as to try and move a nipple to her mouth so she could get a taste of the stuff, wanting to taste her own sweet and warm mother milk. She wondered if the creatures inside her would drink this stuff. Considering the sucker tentacles which had lapped up the liquids she released from her lower half, it would honestly not come as a surprise to her really.


The final day of the week would eventually arrive, Portia by now being in a constant state of arousal. Moreover than that though, Portia sensed that the eggs in her intestines had moved down towards her exit, whilst her cervix was dilating in preparation for the inevitable birth. Portia knew that it wasn't going to take much longer for her to finally be able to push out all the eggs. Yet despite the aversion she felt at the start of her pregnancy, she kind of wanted it to last longer now. The feeling of the eggs inside of her had grown on her. They jostled inside of her with every step she took and she could feel that they were quite heavy with strange masses within all of them, presumably the weight of the offspring growing inside of them. Not to mention, the eggs moved and pushed against her insides in such a way that it felt as if she was really carrying a real human child in her womb. It only helped to make her feel more like a true mother, along with all the pride and joy associated with motherhood.


Portia would try and get some sleep in after having eaten a ton more food, her wondering if the eggs would stay in for another day or if it'd finally be time today. Either way, she was… quite excited, which wasn't even surprising anymore. Her rest would not last very long though, as she would shoot awake in the early morning. She tensed up from all kinds of painful shocks rippling through her body. There were dozens of intense sensations in her stomach and womb. These cramps were soon followed by a huge amount of liquid pouring from her pussy and onto her bed. She realised quickly that she was going into labour. She'd try to get up from bed, but felt herself struggling to walk once she got up on her feet. She knew she had to go to the ocean, as that was the place where she needed to birth her young… at least, that's what her intuition told her. It would be quite a lengthy walk, especially with how little energy and strength she had. But even then, she knew she had to do it for her spawn. She left her home in the dark of the morning, pausing every few minutes to catch her breath. She didn't bother to get properly dressed, simply going in her bathrobes to the beach. She didn't even have a bra or panties on, being butt-naked beneath the layer of soft fabric. Portia didn't mind though, her mind being more focused on getting to the beach and laying her eggs. It took about half an hour to walk to the beach, it usually being just a five-minute stroll. Now though, it was the most intense walk of her life. Every pause made her lungs burn, gasping for air as she felt the eggs trying to push their way out of her lower holes. In fact, she could feel her womb having moved down her body, her cervix now being much closer to the outside world. The eggs in her intestines had also slid downwards, her feeling one egg just behind her anus. It made her feel like she needed to use the bathroom incredibly badly. Thankfully, she was almost there as she heard the noise of waves most clearly. And sure enough, she soon saw the ocean in front of her, waddling over to it.


As she approached the water, she simply dropped her bathrobes in the sand nearby, before essentially skinny-dipping into the sea. When she set foot in the water, she felt more at ease as she knew that she was now at the right place to bear her offspring… her children… her babies. Portia would carefully try and go deeper, her knees soon being inches above the calm water surface. Not long after she entered the water, her legs gave in, making her stumble before landing on her ass. Honestly, the position she felll in position was still perfect in her mind. She would simply lean backwards whilst spreading her legs, her finally ready to start the laborious task of childbirth. For over half an hour now, she had resisted all urges to push because it didn't feel like it was the right place. Now though, she knew she was where she needed to be. She was in the place her offspring were supposed to be. She huffed and puffed, letting out incredibly loud and animalistic moans as she dug her fingers into the flesh of her own legs. Portia felt an intense yet comforting heat going through her chest, as she knew what was about to happen. She was about to become a mother… a mother to non-human tentacle spawn…


Portia felt her cervix dilate more and more, the ring of flesh finally opening as widely as it possibly could. She felt the first egg which had pushed up against her cervix at long last being able to push past it. A week ago, that same egg had passed the entrance to her womb to enter it, to find a warm and comfortable place to grow. Now, it had grown and the spawn inside of it had matured... and she was going to force it out of her womb. Portia gritted her teeth, breathing heavily as she felt the first few soft, slimy eggs rub against her vaginal walls. They grinded against her G-spot, gently sliding downwards once they passed her spread cervix. Portia looked down at her own body, unable to see past her huge, egg-filled belly. She knew that the egg was soon going to crown from her pussy, though she probably wouldn't be able to see it. And indeed, she started feeling her vulva spread widely as the egg started poking out of her hole. Portia would feel heat building up in her groin, knowing quite well that she was going to climax from this. Surely enough, after the first egg slid past her lower lips and plopped free from her depths, Portia would feel the heat reach a crescendo. The egg landed into the cold-ocean water below, as she climaxed once more. A large squirt of clear salty fluid sprayed from her pussy, staining what parts of her legs were still not wet from the ocean water. Portia tried looking past her stomach at the egg, but would soon be distracted again as another egg slid through her birth canal to reach the outside world. Portia knew she would be busy for quite some time. She hardly minded it though. She did worry momentarily about being seen like this, especially once other tourists got to the beach. Though she quickly lost all feelings of anxiety. After all, if people spotted her doing this, well she didn't really need to care. As long as she felt good and the eggs all came out safely, all was well…


The eggs in her pussy weren't the only thing which wanted to come out of her body though. After Portia felt another egg slip free from her lower lips, she suddenly felt the urge to push from her ass overwhelm her again. She tried pushing down on her intestines, shortly after feeling her battered anus spread as the first egg would poke out. Her rear entrance which had been gaped by the beast had closed somewhat over the past week. Now that she was trying to push the eggs out though, her ass spread quite easily as the strange colour of the egg started becoming more visible. Her hole would bulge outwards as Portia felt cold, prickly seawater touching parts of her insides. Portia kept pushing, feeling an egg also move down her birth canal at the same time. It was at this point that Portia realised she was going to be giving birth from both holes at once. She wasn't deterred though, being determined to push out all the eggs from her body. She would clench her teeth, digging her nails even harder into her flesh before letting out an intense cry of pleasure. The egg from her pussy plopped out easily, but the one in her ass would get stuck halfway outside of her ass. She huffed and puffed, leaning her head back before putting all her strength into pushing from her ass. It felt like an intense case of constipation, or like a huge plug was stuck up her anus. After some pushing though, sh efinally felt the egg plop out of her ass and into the outside world. Portia let out a sweet little whine as her ass tried closing up from the pushing. She wanted to take a moment to breathe, but immediately felt the urge to push hit her right away. She didn't have time for a break. She needed to keep pushing as more eggs kept making their way from her ruined holes.


For minutes on end, Portia pushed out eggs from both her holes. It was quite the time-consuming act, pushing out all of the eggs. She even started seeing a bit of orange light in the horizon as the sun started rising. She slowly felt her belly losing its bulge bit by bit with every egg that plopped out of her ass and pussy. She felt her nipples gushing milk, almost as if they were ready to feed the dozens of offspring which were coming from her body. She wished she could see her lower half as she gave birth though, wanting to see her puckered anus opening up to reveal the eggs inside before popping free. She wished she could look at her vagina, the normally tight and deep hole now releasing egg after egg into the outside world. She also wanted to see how the eggs outside her body were doing, her not aware that they would first float for a bit before sinking as the spawn inside of them realised they were in the outside world. Portia didn't have the time or energy to really pay attention to that though, her still focusing on pushing with what little energy her body could muster. Unfortunately, with her taking her sweet time, the eggs which were waiting in turn for her to push them out would start to crack. Portia would soon feel an incredible tingling in her belly, as something squirmed around inside of her intestines. The squirming was followed by something in her womb moving about as well! Portia panicked a bit, before feeling something slimy and strange prodding at her cervix from within her womb. Whatever it was, it would worm its way past her opened cervix not long after, Portia crying in a mixture of pain and pleasure. She'd feel the strange, slimy mass rapidly worming its way through her birth canal, brushing past her G-spot before sliding out of her cunt. Portia came hard from the intense bout of pleasure, feeling the strange, long mass slipping free from her body. Once it slipped free from her pussy, she'd try and look down to get a closer look. With her belly no longer in the way, Portia was able to see a singular, tentacle between her legs. The creature was coloured the same way as the beast Portia bred with, her immediately feeling a strange kind of affection towards it. She'd smile down at the alien creature, before trying to pick it up, the tentacle not resisting as it was brought to her chest. And much to her delight, the creature would slither up to her breasts before latching its thin head onto her nipple. Immediately, it started voraciously sucking from one teat, her warm nectar flowing into the soft alien mouth. Portia was breast-feeding a tentacle! And it felt soooo good! Though her attention would soon go from the tentacle to her ass again as she felt something similarly large worming its way towards her anus now. It passed her rectum, before she felt a fleshy mass opening up her anus to the outside world. Portia cried in pleasure yet again as a second tentacle wormed its way out of her body.


Portia would soon feel even more worming and squirming throughout her lower body. More and more eggs cracked apart, dozens of tentacles emerging from them. Instead of now having to push out numerous eggs, she would have to push out a bunch of baby tentacles. This had its pros and cons. The tentacles were far more slippery and shaped far more favourably, Portia likely able to push them out much easier. Unfortunately, they also squirmed a ton and Portia probably was going to climax quite a large amount from them. After birthing the first pair, the next few would start squirming their way out. They did so even faster and more eagerly than the first pair, as all the tentacles started rushing towards her exits. Portia would lean her head back as she felt her tentacle babies continuing to pleasure her in every possible manner. Those which oozed from her ass and pussy clawed up her legs. Some slithered up to her breasts, while others remained between her legs, gently nibbling at her lower lips. Those that reached her breasts latched onto them, suckling onto her teats so wonderfully. Those between her legs tried lapping up any and all femcum which stained her body, a few even pushing their heads straight into her urethra to get right to the source of her salty fluid. They brought so much pleasure, as they suckled on her fluids without pause. She could feel her chests releasing huge amounts of milk, flowing from her nipples and into the expanding space of the tentacle's stomachs. Her offspring bloated with her mothermilk, growing thick and heavy before letting go and falling into the water. Those near her pussy kept suckling her though, even using their thin forms to rub against her clit to make her squirt more of her fluids. And all while her urethra was being swarmed with growing tentacles, her pussy and ass kept constantly birthing tentacles. She could feel her anus and cervix continuing to be pried open by tentacles from within, after which they slid out with relative ease. A small number of the tentacles scurried off into the sea, but most clawed onto her body to get turn to get to Portia's breasts or pisshole. At first, one tentacle latched onto her nipple alone, hogging her milk for themselves. Though eventually, multiple latched their soft fangs into her teats, giving more tentacles the chance to get her nutritious nectar. Despite being overwhelmed and weakened from all the tentacles abusing her body, Portia was more than happy. She moaned and climaxing constantly, releasing her femcum from her lower lips at an intense rate and with little pause in between them, in turn feeding more of her babies. She had absolutely fallen in love with them and adored that they drank so much from her bodies! She didn't know why she feared them before this. They were truly wonderful and made her feel so incredibly good!

Portia lost her sense of time from the immense pleasure, the sun soon coming up from the horizon. Her stomach kept slowly distending, bit and pieces of broken eggshell also oozing free from her slick insides. The water was being filled with more of the sweet little red creatures from her depths, her spawn continuing to swarm her body for nourishment. However, Portia eventually started seeing some people walking on the beach, her blushing as she knew she'd likely be spotted while she was birthing tentacles. Then again, she wouldn't mind people seeing her bring her sweet little babies into the world. Actually, she found the thought of being seen more than arousing, the lewd thought making her almost want to stand up so people could see her somewhat pregnant and entirely nude form. In fact, as a young couple approached her, she decided to do something she knew was absolutely humiliating. The couple would enter the water a short distance away from her, one of them taking notice of Portia in the shallow water and realising that something was extremely off about her and the position she sat in. In fact, they quickly realised that Portia was entirely naked! Portia soon closed her legs, before trying to get up on her two feet. It took quite some effort, but she managed to succeed due to the reduced weight her body had from all the birthing. As she stood up, she'd face away from the strangers, revealing her naked body to them as well as showing her expanded thighs and spread anus to them. In fact, when she got up, she tried planting two hands on her ass and spread them, giving the two strangers a sight of her now rather gaped asshole. As the two watched, one would freeze in shock, the other turning around and trying to pull their partner away. Portia would look over her shoulders, biting her lips before feeling five thin tendrils poking their heads out of her anus. The one who kept looking would soon also turn away as Portia would feel the tentacles spreading her anus from within before pushing themselves out, Portia letting out a moan before releasing more femcum.


After that humiliating yet lewd act, Portia would move her legs apart as she spoke up. "C-Come on… m-mommy w-wants to… s-see you come out from u-up close now!" She was finally able to look past her belly and between her legs, able to see her clit standing extremely erect as some tendrils wrapped around it. Soon after, she would see three tentacle heads showing up from her pussy, moving around a bit and probing the air before oozing out and splashing into the water. Portia drooled in pleasure, eagerly spreading her pussy with both hands. "Oh y-yes! T-This is… a-amazing! I-I l-love this! I-I love b-birthing these t-things!" Portia would try and bury her hands deeper into her pussy, wanting to spread it even further in the hopes of making the tentacles even more eager to leave. And indeed, after spreading her insides further, even touching her spread cervix with her fingertips, she would feel four tentacles pry their way out of her at once! She looked down and noticed the heads of the tentacles eagerly oozing out. They squirmed and flailed around quite a bit as if they were annoyed at each other for making such a wide tunnel more cramped than was necessary. Portia hardly minded it though, watching as the tentacles soon slipped out with quite a bit of force, another bunch forcing its way out not long after! As for her anus, she still felt the tentacles continue to worm out of her ruined rear entrance, the hole likely never able to properly close again after all was said and done. Not that Portia minded that...

After being on her feet for just a bit, Portia would decide to get on her back again, finding the position more comfortable even if she couldn't see the tentacles which came from her body as easily anymore. It wouldn't take long though for her to feel less and less tentacles spurting from her insides. There was less movement inside of her in general and she could tell that there were no more hard eggs left inside of her. Well, aside from the broken eggshells which continued oozing out of her holes with little pleasure. Eventually, Portia felt one final tentacle escape from her pussy before realising that she was empty. She kept feeling pleasure for a few more minutes as the last tentacles drank what little milk and femcum they could get from Portia. Though these sensations also grew less and less, as most of her babies were finished feeding on Portia. She was left with a few tendrils on her breasts, drinking what specs of her mothermilk were left. It seemed that she had successfully given birth to a dozen tentacles. It had been an arduous endeavour, but Portia had never felt this good in her life before. She was a bit disappointed that it was over though, especially since she felt so empty now. Even then, she was also happy to have been able to feel such pleasures… and honestly, she didn't mind the idea of doing this a second time with the huge beast. Though she wasn't entirely sure if she'd get to see the beast again. For now though, she let the final tentacles finish drinking from her still somewhat engorged but empty breasts. Once they had the last droplets of her nectar, Portia placed them down in the ocean and waved them goodbye, even giving one a kiss before getting up. She calmly walked back to the bathrobes she had left on the beach, not caring about the dozens of people who looked at her from a distance with either arousal or disgust. After getting dressed up, she returned to her home, unaware that there was still one offspring inside of her…



The rest of the day, Portia would pleasure herself in a variety of ways. She wanted to replicate the sensations of childbirth, the feeling of being filled to the brim with eggs. After getting various objects from around her apartment, she tried stuffing herself with them before pushing them out. Unfortunately, while it did feel nice, it wasn't nearly as good as the tentacles or the eggs. It made Portia even more eager to return to the beach in the hopes of meeting her sweet little beast again. Maybe she could try so tomorrow morning when the beach was empty again… However, as the evening approached, Portia started feeling strange again. She felt as if there was another mass still inside of her womb, though she quickly just wrote if off as her imagination. At around 8 o' clock though, her belly slowly started becoming round like a pregnant woman again, her wondering if this was some sort of strange after-effect of the childbirth. An hour later, it had expanded even further. Not to mention, she was eating a ton of food again, as well as drinking gallons of water. And when she wasn't doing either of those things, she felt the urge to pleasure herself further! Another hour passed and Portia's stomach had once again become that of a thoroughly gravid woman. Yet instead of her belly bloating with a bunch of eggs, it was one large fleshy mass which her tummy seemed to envelop. Portia was extremely curious as to what was growing inside of her, wondering if she should return to the beach in case she would push out a massive egg or tentacle. Though… the thing in her womb didn't feel like an egg or a tentacle at all. It was truly bizarre. After another hour passed, she would feel movement and kicks in her womb, as she struggled remaining on her two feet once more. She would get seated on bed as she circled her clit and vulva with one hand. Meanwhile, her other hand moved towards her ass, easily slipping inside and making her gasp. She pushed against her womb from within her intestines to see if she could feel anything. She was soon shocked as the thing in her womb responded with a bit of movement. Portia had no idea what it was, but knew it was another offspring of some kind, something different from the tentacles. Either way, she couldn't wait to see it once she gave birth to it. And fortunately for her, it wouldn't take much longer for her to start feeling birthing cramps yet again. Her belly had become the size of a woman who was about to pop. Much to her delight, she soon felt her water breaking again as she was going into labour once again! Portia would spread her legs and eagerly looked down t her belly, wondering what would come out of her.


Unlike the eggs and tentacles from before, Portia realised that this birth was going to be far more arduous than the tentacle birth from before. Portia could feel her cervix dilating a bit, still being somewhat spread from the previous birth. Though instead of feeling something hard and round pushing against it, she felt something very different. It seemed to have a head like a regular human being! It was very slimy and had a similar texture to the tentacles she had given birth to, yet also was immensely thick and felt very heavy. Portia soon felt the urge to push, her grabbing her bedsheet and tightly holding onto it. Panting and moaning loudly, her body shivered as she felt the large head of the creature pushing more and more against her cervix. Her cervix kept on opening slowly as the minutes passed, the urge to push her offspring out waning every so often. With how slack her birth canal was, the birthing was at least going relatively fast compared to a regular childbirth. And about half an hour after she started feeling the urge to push, she felt the distinct shape of the creature's head slipping past her cervix. The fleshy, slimy and warm mass oozed out of her womb, its head entering her birth canal. After the head popped free from her cervix, Portia felt her pussy gushing with femcum, the heat and pleasure overwhelming her. For a moment, she just felt her baby stuck in her birth canal, before the urge to push hit her again. Portia's hands turned to fists, her gritting her teeth as the child slid further out of her body. Its shoulders finally slipped past her cervix, more and more of her baby oozing out of her womb. Despite the amazing pleasure she felt from this, there was also quite some pain rippling through her body, which was clearly not prepared for such a massive birth. Even then, she tried her hardest to push with any strength she had, her adoring each second of the birthing process. Not just because of the sensations, but also because of what she was bringing into this world... She was giving birth to an actual child! How she became pregnant with an actual child from the tentacled beast was unknown to her, but she hardly cared about it. All of this just felt right to her.


Portia pushed and pushed, clenching her teeth as more of the child's mass passed her cervix and headed to the outside world. Her cervix was still lower in her body from the previous birthing, which meant that the head quickly started crowning from her pussy. Portia leaned forward a bit, sadly unable to see what was coming from her lower lips. If she could see though, she would find something truly alien coming out of her body. It would be a humanoid child with skin similar to her tentacled partner, yet still having a human face, hands and limbs. Its hair consisted of thick fleshy masses though, which made it look far from human. Portia heaved and kept pushing every thirty second to try and get the child out. The spreading of her pussy and the way her child grinded against her birth canal made her climax so much, dozens of squirts of femcum spraying just over the child's head and onto her bed. Portia finally felt the shoulders pass her vulva, her pussy spreading widely as she cried out in pleasure. After a few more minutes of pushing, just the lower half of the creature's torso remained lodged inside of her. Yet that part would thankfully not take too long to push out, as Portia felt several thin tentacles slowly crowning from her cunt. As it turned out, the baby didn't have legs like a human, instead having a bunch of tentacles just like its father. Portia would scream loudly as the baby finally plopped free, her body going limp as she was left breathing heavily. Her pussy remained gaped as she felt a long, fleshy object protruding from it, the umbilical cord. As Portia regained her breath, she felt the fleshy cord slip free from her insides along with a warm fleshy mass. As Portia regained her breath and lied limply on bed, she heard a soft and shrill cry. The noise quickly caused her to open her eyes and look down between her legs. There, she was able to see the child she gave birth to. Any other human would've likely screamed at the sight of such a monstrous creature, but not Portia. The redhead would stare at the tentacle human hybrid with a tired expression, before smiling lovingly and carefully picking it up. Afterwards, she'd bring it up to her chest, holding it close to her as she gently swayed it around. "Shhh, it's okay, mommy's here for you…" She mumbled as she brought the child's lips to her puffy nipples. It stopped crying as it latched onto her nipple, sucking eagerly and giving Portia a fluttering feeling she recognised as love. But not love like she had for hot guys or the beast she bred with. No, this was motherly love. This creature was her baby, made from her flesh and that of the beast. Yet it looked beautiful in every single way!


After feeding her child for some time, feeling warmth and joy at the sight, she would lie down on her side with her baby against her bare stomach. The child would quietly rest against her body, almost huddling up to her as if it tried to keep warm against her body. Portia would shut her eyes as she moved her knees up, almost wrapping her body around her child to keep it warm. She'd try and sing it a lullaby, her soothing voice helping the child with falling asleep. Portia would soon also try to rest, letting out tears of joy. She had brought this wonderful creature into this world all on her own, and she felt so proud about it. She had truly become a mother...



The next morning, Portia woke up a bit groggily and with a worn-down look on her face. She was still lacking quite some energy from what she had done yesterday. She looked around a bit hazily before feeling something strange against her body. Her child was far larger than before! Instead of just huddling up against her belly whilst at the size of a baby, the creature was now easily over half Portia's height. Its head was positioned between her chest which had thankfully remained bountiful and filled with milk, whilst its tentacle legs reached down to just below her knees. How the child had grown so quickly was a mystery to her, but she hardly minded it! She huddled up to her child, feeling its slimy exterior against her own skin. She'd kiss her child's head, smiling as she waited for it to wake up. Once it did wake, the child looked curiously at its mother, who started speaking to it with an affectionate and soft voice. "Good morning…" Portia mumbled, the creature remaining quiet as it stared at her with wide yet innocent eyes. Portia would start touching the creature's strange fleshy hair, soon stroking its cheek as she spoke up. "Such a sweet and adorable little thing you are…" As Portia kept treating her child with love, it would start smiling back at her in a similar way, seemingly realising that it was being cared for by a motherly figure. Portia quickly wrapped her arms around her child and gave it a kiss on its head, before speaking up to it. "Can you speak? Can you say 'mamma'?" The child remained quiet, trying to replicate Portia's mouth movement but seemingly not being able to say anything. After a bit, Portia decided that it was safe to assume that her child couldn't really talk, though she didn't really mind that at all. "Oh, you still need a name, don't you? Hmm, I… I think I'll call you… Phoebe. My precious little Phoebe..." She said softly, not really knowing if her child was a male or a female. It had her facial structure and body shape, but she couldn't really discern any male or female features. In fact, her child could very well just be genderless.

After lying on bed with her child for a bit, she'd finally get up as she decided she needed to make some food. "Phoebe, you're probably starving, hm? Want something to eat or drink?" Portia felt more than comfortable around her child, not even stuttering like she did when around other people. Phoebe would quickly get on its feet, or well tentacles, and followed Portia, staying close to their mother and curiously watching her prepare food. Once Portia had made some food and gave it to Phoebe, she would be pleased to see them eating it up quite eagerly, smiling happily at Phoebe. After gorging down on food though, Phoebe would approach Portia again, the redhead speaking up curiously. "Would you like some more, dear?" However, she'd be surprised to find Phoebe huddling up to her again. Portia thought it was just a hug, but would be shocked to feel them placing their lips on her nipples, sucking on them as Portia blushed a bit. "Ah, a-aren't you a bit too b-big to still drink f-from there?" She remarked with a blush, Phoebe not at all seeming bothered as they kept suckling for a minute, tasting Portia's sweet milk. Afterwards, Phoebe would get on Portia's lap and wrapped their tentacles around Portia's legs, staying close against her. Seeing Phoebe so close to her, Portia felt most content, wrapping her arms around the sweet alien creature.


For a few days, Portia remained at the apartment to take care of her child, teaching them and feeding them as they grew further and further. Eventually, her child was even taller than her, yet it still acted so innocently and affectionately. Unfortunately, her child also seemed to become more interested to go outside as time went by. Portia imagined that they wanted to leave the house but still didn't really feel comfortable letting them out. After all, her child was pretty alien-looking, so if they were spotted it could cause quite some chaos. However, not wanting to deny her child the things they wanted, Portia decided to take her outside a bit to let them see the world. Portia wondered where Phoebe would go and what places they'd be interested in. Unsurprisingly though, Phoebe would somehow make her way to the beach, the two soon walking up towards the water. Portia would speak up to her child as they looked at the sea. "This is where your father came from, dear…" Her child looked curiously at the waves, before wandering into the water and lying down in it. Portia chuckled, before joining Phoebe, getting fully undressed as well. "It's wonderful, isn't it?" Portia said as she would sit down beside her child, Phoebe soon leaning against to their mother. However, being so close to her child in the ocean reminded Portia of her… previous partner, memories filling her mind as she grew somewhat aroused. Oh god, she was starting to think of such lewd thoughts even though she was with her child! Her alien, tentacled child… Portia felt so disgusted by her own thoughts! What kind of depraved mother was she!? Ironically enouhg, Phoebe didn't seem too bothered though, simply enjoying their mother's warmth and being unaware of Portia's conflicted feelings. However, as Portia's body grew hotter and her expression turned more anxious, Phoebe soon seemed to realise that their mother was… feeling things. Thus, Phoebe would start probing around Portia's body with their tentacles. Portia was quickly reassured as she smiled at her massive tentacled child, letting it feel all over her naked body. However, it didn't take long for Phoebe's tentacles to reach Portia's more... intimate parts. "W-Woah! Wait! P-Phoebe, you… s-shouldn't touch p-places like that! T-That's… ahhh!" Portia was interrupted as Phoebe inquisitively slid a tentacle against her clit, fondling it before Phoebe got in a more curious mindset. They would start nibbling Portia's nipple, sucking on them as some of the tendrils grabbed a hold of her legs to spread them apart, almost like Phoebe instinctively knew what they had to do. Portia didn't know how to even react at what was going on, being well aware that her child was doing some terribly intimate acts with her. Could she even say no though?

Phoebe would soon fully spread Portia's legs, the redhead blushing and mumbling. "T-That's… w-where you c-came from… n-now dear, p-please let g-go of me, I… t-this isn't… r-right…" Despite it being wrong, Portia was a bit desperate for Phoebe to continue doing this… And fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how you looked at it, Phoebe would start moving a tentacle towards Portia's vulva, prodding her insides before pushing in completely. Phoebe was fucking her with one of their tentacles! Portia was shocked at the sensation, before pulling her child close and whispering. "Ahhh, hngh, k-keep going, d-dear... F-Fuck me... M-Make mommy... f-feel good..." Portia couldn't believe she was saying these things to her child. She couldn't believe she was letting her child do such things to herself! And yet, she couldn't deny that this felt truly blissful. Phoebe seemed quite inquisitive towards their mother's body, moving more of their tendrils all over Portia and seeing how she reacted to being touched in certain places. Phoebe soon started smiling, realising that Portia was really enjoying this. And going off of sheer instinct, Phoebe decided to move her lips forward, planting them on Portia's. The two kissed each other eagerly, both of them feeling strangely excited by this. Not long after their lips had collided, they started properly making out like… like lovers. Portia felt a fluttering sensation as she slowly started reciprocating the kisses quite intensely, even pushing her tongue past Phoebe's lips. Not long after, Portia pulled back and let out a gasp. "Oh g-god, P-Phoebe d-dear… y-you'll… m-make me… c-cum i-if you keep... g-going like th-this..." Portia felt herself quickly approaching climax from her child's tentacles. She closed her eyes and hugged Phoebe tightly. Shortly after, she would cum hard, moving her head back as her body jittered and her insides convulsed on the tentacles. She released a hard spurt of femcum, Phoebe looking surprised before curiously inspecting where it came from with a tentacle. It was at this point that Portia felt a sharp sensation as she found a tentacle pushing into a place which only the her thin tentacle babies had truly invaded: her urethra. "Ohh goooood! P-Phoebe! T-That's… n-not a hole for… hahhhh!" Portia would writhe a bit from the sudden pain and pleasure, quickly finding this insertion to be surprisingly enjoyable. In fact, it felt strangely exciting to experience a proper insertion into that hole!


For some time, Portia would be pleasured quite playfully and curiously by Phoebe. Her child slid tentacles into her urethra, her ass, her pussy, Portia cumming numerous times before eventually going a bit limp. She would rest tiredly in the shallow waters. Her holes had all been pleasured quite a bit by Phoebe, having given Portia immense pleasure. If only Phoebe could make her a mother once again. Well, maybe that was a bit too much for Portia. Becoming a mother to her own child's children? That was… well, it was probably impossible anyway, so Portia didn't really think too much about it. Still, she enjoyed every passing moment with her child. Phoebe's tentacles burrowed so deep inside of her, touching the cervix they had passed not even that long ago. Other tendrils reached deep into her gaped ass, feeling her intestines and pleasuring her tunnel just like how the smaller tendrils had pleasured Portia. Honestly, Portia wished this could go on forever, wanting her child to explore every nook and cranny of her body... Eventually though, the sun would start coming up and Portia was struggling to stay awake from all of the pleasure. With it almost being time to go home, Portia tried speaking to her child, though sounded noticeable worn-down. "P-Phoebe, we… s-should… return back… h-home…" Portia tried carefully pushing Phoebe away, her child thankfully not resisting and quietly letting go. Phoebe soon sat besides Portia, waiting to hear what else their mother had to say. Portia smiled warmly, trying to get up from the water. "H-Home, remember? W-We need to… g-get there soon… o-otherwise p-people will find y-you… a-and t-they might h-hurt you... a-and I... don't want them t-to... d-do that..." Portia soon managed to get up, though she'd notice her child's attention shifting elsewhere as she spoke. In fact, Portia quickly saw her child looking intensely at the distant waters of the ocean. It didn't take long for Portia to realise what her child was thinking about, making her look down a bit hesitantly. Portia wasn't sure what to do or say, but decided that… maybe she should ask her child about what they wanted. She would carefully crouch down next to Phoebe, putting a hand on their shoulder. "I… I think I know w-what you want… Y-You wish to go… f-further away in the ocean, r-right?" Phoebe looked down quietly, before once more staring at their mother, seemingly understanding what she asked. Though they quickly went back to looking at the ocean with a yearning gaze. Whilst Portia adored her child and the pleasure they gave her, she knew she couldn't keep them around forever. Portia couldn't just take Phoebe home when Phoebe clearly wanted to stay here. Portia didn't want to deprive her child of the thing they wanted. Thus, Portia would grab Phoebe's hand and tightly held onto it. "Phoebe, I know you don't want to stay on land with me, that you wish to return to the place you view as your... your home... Just know, that I won't stop you from going, nor will I love you any less for making this choice." She'd give Phoebe a hug, them quickly reciprocating by wrapping several tendrils around Portia's lower half. Phoebe seemed to understand what Portia meant, being more than joyful to hear Portia approve of her desires.


As they hugged for one final time, Portia tried smiling, but let out some tears as she felt a mixture of joy and grief. "P-Phoebe, I-I love you..." Portia soon said rather quietly, holding her child closely. Phoebe made sure to give Portia a hug she would never forget, eventually trying to give Portia a final parting gift which she'd hopefully never forget... "Ma... ma... I... love... you..." Phoebe whispered softly with a surprisingly pleasant and human voice. Portia was shocked to hear Phoebe speak, hearing part of her own voice in it. It sounded so beautiful, and made Portia feel even greater joy as she pulled back and smiled brightly at her child. "Y-You... you can talk! I-I... Y-You really are... a-amazing, P-Phoebe..." Portia complimented her, Phoebe smiling quite lovingly at her mother. Portia rested her head against Phoebe's looking into her eyes before whispering. "I-I'll... n-never forget you... Phoebe..." The two remained close for a few more minutes, Portia finding it hard to really let go. Eventually though, Phoebe would start letting go with some of their tentacles. Portia also pulled her head back, giving an approving nod as Phoebe started moving back. Portia kept a hold of Phoebe's hand for a bit longer, until eventually letting go as Phoebe started heading for deeper waters. Portia watched, waving slightly at her first real child as they headed out into the unknown. It was funny to her: Portia had only known this creature for… what, a few days? Yet she loved it more than anyone she ever knew. Phoebe had made her feel confident in herself, also making her feel loved…


Once Phoebe had disappeared underneath the waves, Portia would look at the ocean for a bit, before returning back to her own place. Portia felt a bit sad, but in a good way. She had cared for her child, fed it and helped it grow. And now, she let them go out into the world on their own. Once she returned home, Portia remembered that she still had a few more days of vacation. She decided that she wanted to spend those days just relaxing. Thus, the next few days would see her going back to the beach to lie underneath the sun, sitting at home and just doing the things she did before her first encounter with the beast she adored…


And after all the days had passed, it seemed that Portia's vacation was over, and she had to return to her old life as a simple office worker. She imagined that her life would return back to its old ways, that she would just be on her own again. At least she was happy to have felt love and joy for some time. It had been a pleasant experience, one which she'd never forget and one which made her feel a bit more confident about herself. And hey, once she got back to her regular life, she could now unwind in a far more pleasant manner. The bodily pleasures she had discovered were certainly bound to make her life a lot more relaxed.








Except, there was one major issue she discovered after pleasuring herself for the first time back home. Pleasuring herself with toys… didn't feel as good as she had hoped. It paled in comparison to what the beasts and Phoebe had done with her. It was never enough… It led to a cycle of frustration, as she tried getting bigger toys and live out more depraved fantasies. She even started taking people to bed. Co-workers, complete strangers, anyone she thought could make her feel good, she took all of them with her to bed. Yet they were never made her feel satisfied. They always ended up just feeling… shallow and uninteresting. She needed somting more intense... She needed something truly special…


She needed her tentacled partner…

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