Chereads / Hunter’s Sexy Snippets / Chapter 272 - HOT SHOTS: M.I.L.F SPRING BREAK CH. 03 By mondotoken

Chapter 272 - HOT SHOTS: M.I.L.F SPRING BREAK CH. 03 By mondotoken

The heated wind was cutting through my hair as she sped along the coast. I didn't have any idea where she was taking me and I really didn't care. Looking out of the window I could see some of the little clubs and eateries that dotted the shore line and they were all full of teens and college age students making the most of spring break.

But none of them had a thing on me cause ninety percent of those guys were doing their best to get some stank from the ladies and I'd gotten laid twice in less than twenty-four hours.

"Penny for your thoughts lover?" Mrs. Hartford looked just amazing sitting there dressed as she was with the wind blowing her platinum blonde hair wildly about. Her smile sent shivers up my spine and made me forget everything Mrs. Oderkirk had put me through earlier that day.

"Oh nothing, just watching the other kids out there having fun I guess."

"Would you rather be with your peers instead of an old woman Shawn?" I could hear that she already knew the answer to that question in her voice.

I just looked her in the eye and snapped my seat belt on leaning back against the plush leather. We sped along in the night until we came along to a series of bungalows at the end of the wharf. These were gated off and property of the elite of our community. I'd seen them sometimes when I was out for a ride. Daisy mentioned that her family owned one and hinted that we'd use it someday but the possibility of that was getting further and further away because of my grades.

What the hell was I gonna do about Mrs. Oderkirk? She had totally ravaged me and we never even talked about my school work. The whole sex thing seemed well, so premeditated in hindsight. I still kind of felt uncomfortable about it.

"Shawn be a dear and get the gate for me." She handed me a set of keys and I unlocked the gate and held it open while she drove inside.

Mrs. Hartford's bungalow was a nice cozy affair and I was a little bit overwhelmed that she brought me here for a late night tryst. Well technically it was only about eleven.

"I take it you like what you see?" She said after we'd just got into the door.

"I think this place is awesome Mrs. Hartford."

"That's not what I was talking about Shawn darling." She leaned back into my chest and pulled my arms around her narrow waist placing my hands on the sash that held her chemise together. I tugged on the silky belt as she walked forward leaving the garment in my hands.

I was treated to the sight of Mrs. Hartford in all her splendor as she took a few steps forward moving in a manner that put emphasis on her sexy rounded hips and curvaceous backside. That pink teddy she was wearing looked really great and the back of it was cut real high drawing the attention to the sizable globes of her smooth prominent backside.

"Holy shit." I had fallen to my knees and started crawling over to Mrs. Hartford. She had grabbed the back of the plush lavender colored couch in the small living room area leaning forward and pushing that luscious derriere out for my viewing pleasure.

"Oh Shawn you really do love my ass." I'd buried my face in her bountiful rear and cupped the outsides of her cheeks. I could feel her shudder as my tongue ran up the deep crack of her ass. She softly moaned and chuckled as I kissed and rubbed my face all over her soft flesh.

"Oh my you're really getting into it something fierce. OOOOHHHH're making me so fucking wet."

I'd found a tiny clasp at the junction between her legs and unfastened it causing the tightly bound material to snap apart from the stress of holding the silky material together. Finally I had access to Mrs. Hartford's clean shaven and of so wet snatch. I was determined to make a meal out of her honeypot. I found her taste so fucking addictive and lapped at the puffy lips of her cunt like a man possessed.

"Oh my gawd; you are FUH-FUUUUUCKING INCREDIBLE SHHAAAAWN!!" I roughly wrapped my biceps around her thick thighs forcing her legs together and causing her perfect peach to be prominently displayed between her cheeks for my enjoyment. Mrs. Hartford trembled with the oncoming signs of a huge orgasm as I flattened my tongue against her slit and licked all the way up to her pink, puckered second hole. She began to breathe heavily and in moments she was gasping as a powerful jolt of pleasure shot through her body.

"Shit, you're oh so fucking good at eating my pussy darling." She was already sweating and breathing hard when I began pulling her to the floor. She was wearing a pair of pink spike heels and half slid across the hard wood floor. I cradled her head and lowered her to the floor burying my face deep into her crotch and sucking on her button and twirling my tongue on it. In moments she was screaming at the top of her lungs and spraying me with a jet of her essence dousing my face with her wetness.

I was gonna go in for more of her tasty snatch but she got a handful of my hair and pulled me sadly away from her crotch.

"You taste so good Mrs. Hartford, please let me suck on you some more."

"Now we must practice some restraint Shawn, keep this up and I won't be able to drive you home. My knees are all wobbly right now." She was working hard to catch her breath and I wanted some more of her. Mrs. Hartford was caught off guard when I cupped her soft cheek and gave her a deep kiss. Moments later she was returning my affection in kind and we were completely spooning and moaning into each other's mouths. She multi-tasked frantically pulling my shirt over my head and flinging it aside while I pushed my cargo shorts down freeing my cock right at her velvet entrance.

"Mrs. Hartford."

"Call me Diane darling; you've definitely earned it tonight-OOOOOHH!!" My member had slid effortlessly inside her not stopping until it was wedged up against her cervix. I just let my rock hard cock rest inside her pussy basking in her heat and wetness. Her cunt seemed tailor made for my member and I could feel her tensing up around my rod.

"Are you going to fuck me or not?"

"No ma'am."

"You're not, why Shawn?" Her beautiful face was glistening with sweat and she was flush from my obsessive attention to her snatch. I'd slowly reached down taking the undersides of her thighs into my palms and pushing her long shapely legs up until her knees were nearly adjacent to her hips.

"I'm going to take you Diane." I didn't know here the words were coming from, they just seemed natural.

"AAAAHHHH SSHHAAAAWN!!" She cried as my rod began pistoning myself in and out of her steaming pot as hard as I could. Visible jets of her cum were forced out in minute jets by my invading member.

We were both moaning and tearing up rutting like rabid animals. Diane was bouncing and rotating her hips up into my powerful downward strokes. It felt amazing how her sex bore down around me while my cock powered through banging into and penetrating her cervix.

"OOOOOWWW BABY, FFFUUUCK ME HARD AND MAKE ME YOURS SHHHAAAAWN!! I'M GONNA CUUUMMM SOOO FUCKIN HARD YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!" I felt her clamp down on my cock just below the head and it was painful forcing me to scream.

"OOOHHHH SHIT DIANE I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING IN YOUR PUSSY MA-MA FUUUUUCK!!" I began shivering and jerking like I was having a seizure as I shot load after load deep into her womb. Diane locked her arms around my sweaty torso and locked her muscular legs into the small of her back squeezing me as hard as she could.

We locked lips as I sank onto her body exhausted while she nipped and sucked on my earlobe. I could feel her tensing up on my softening member while we made out like lovers who'd been together for years.

"Mrs. Hartfo-uhm, I mean Diane?"

"Yes Shawn?"

"Can we just-stay like this for a while?" Her face was still flushed and her long platinum tresses were spread out across the hardwood floor framing her perfect face.


"Why not Diane?"

"Because I have to hurry up and get the Morning After pill." She started laughing as she rubbed her sore vagina and I followed suite moments later.


I made it home a little after two in the morning and I found my Uncle Frank sitting up waiting for me. He looked pissed and probably thought that I was out partying. Frank had taken me in after a car accident had taken my parents from em and he was an easy going parent with his own slacker-like foibles.

"Keeping some late nights are we?"

"It's not what you think; I've been uh, "Made" Frank." He perked up at this bit of news knowing I'd been faking it for three years and had most of the student body fooled with my experienced cool guy shtick.

"That snooty little rich girl finally let you into her pants?"

"Not even it was uh, somebody else." I could almost see his ears perk up under the mane of wild hair that covered his head. We looked enough alike that most people around these parts thought Frank really my dad. My Uncle had lived in Hawaii most of his young adult life until I'd been dropped on his doorstep and we led a pretty easygoing lifestyle of live and let live. I could tell him anything, but for some reason I didn't want him to know about Mrs. Hartford, uh Diane.

"Oh this definitely sounds interesting, spit it out Shawn." He was sitting on the couch in front of our smart television watching a hockey game.

"It's still in the developmental phase Uncle."


"I need a little bit of time to kind of sort things out." Diane was gonna have to remain my little secret for now. She'd dropped me off a few blocks away from home before speeding off to the drug store.

"You're no fun Shawn; old guy like me needs a little excitement in his life."

"Bullshit Uncle Frank, just last week I found three hotties passed out naked in the living room." My uncle had a way with the ladies and sometimes I'd have to catch a few z's in his truck when he'd been entertaining if you know what I mean.

"It was a slow night boy." We both laughed as he down the remainder of a tall can of beer.


The following morning I'd woke up bright and early with a surprising amount of energy considering I'd been fucked senseless by Mrs. Oderkirk and returned the favor to my girlfriend's mom Diane Hartford. I guess I could chalk it up to youth or a shitload of red bull. I checked my phone and discovered some texts from an unknown number.


Last night was incredible, you were incredible and I want more!! XOXO!! =).

It was Diane but I didn't remember giving her my number and I didn't care as I texted back happily.


Feeling you too babe, I can't wait to eat you again!! Next time I'm gonna feast all night till you can't walk anymore!!

I was surprised when I immediately got a quick message back.


Promise? =)

Just as I was writing her back, Mrs. Oderkirk pulled into the space next to me and she appeared to be on her phone. She looked angry arguing with somebody on the other end of the line.


Scout's honor babe, I can hardly wait to see you. Got to get to class now; wish me luck.



I had this warm feeling all over when I thought of Diane and I couldn't help but smile.

"Shawn, stop day dreaming and get over here." Mrs. Oderkirk was waving me over and she looked extremely angry. I noticed a baby seat in the back of her vehicle and felt queasy remembering how she had given me a super nasty blowjob before titfucking me until I'd practically buried her in jizz. I'd heard she was married to some guy who worked at a grocery store.

"Yes ma'am?"

"My husband Jerome has utterly failed me again and I have some matters to attend to that prevent me from starting class on time. I'd like you to go over to the gymnasium and see Mr. Bryant.

"Why do I have to go over to there Mrs. Oderkirk? I'm not failing any gym classes."

"Don't argue with me young man; go over to the gymnasium and do whatever is asked of you." I shrugged my shoulders and walked over to the gym which was in a separate building. Coach Bryant worked with his wife Wendy and you could say that they had somewhat of a contentious relationship. Both always seemed to be in some sort of competition with one another and both coached teams. He was your typical football coach and she coached the girl's track team. My girl Daisy was her star athlete.

"Can I help you kid?" I found myself looking into the big barrel chest of Coach Bryant.

"Uh Mrs. Oderkirk sent me over here to do something I think?" He took his red baseball cap off revealing his bald head and started grinning in a way that made me feel uncomfortable.

"Oh yeah, you're the discipline problem right?"

"Uh, I guess so sir...wait-a-minute discipline problem?!!" I was nearly knocked three feet forward as he clapped his giant mitt to my back.

"You look a little scrawny, but I think I have just what the doctor ordered for punks with an attitude problem."

"I don't have an attitude problem sir!!" I begged off as he put his whistle to his lips and blew it right in my face causing me to nearly go deaf.

"GIVE ME FIFTY PUNK!!" Next thing I knew I was doing hundreds of pushups, running laps around the basketball court while he followed me blowing his trusty whistle and countless other calisthenics. Coach hadn't even given me time to remove my windbreaker and my jean shorts were nearly falling off my body as I did more laps around the court.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Coach and I followed the sound of the voice to his wife Stella who was suddenly standing off to the side blowing a whistle of her own.

"HONEY; HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO INTERRUPT MY WORK?!!" He looked pissed off as he stormed over to his wife and for a moment I was worried about her welfare.

"Are you trying to hurt that scrawny little punk?!!" I chaffed at her apparent first impression of me and coach's body language told me that she wore the pants in the family.

"Sophie said I could do whatever it took to teach this punk some respect."

"Well as you well know Derrick; Sophie's a fucking nut job and I'm not gonna let you lose your job trying to impress that little slut." I do believe they were talking about Mrs. Oderkirk.

"But Sophie said this kid was trouble and needed to be whipped into shape." He almost sounded like he was whining as she suddenly slapped him in the face effectively putting an end to his child-like protests.

"I'll whip 'em into shape Derrick and you can take our son Howard to ballet practice." I did a double-take when I heard that shit and had to stifle a laugh.

"But Honey, Sophie said-!" She tossed what looked like car keys and pointed towards the gymnasium exit. I couldn't stifle a complete chuckle as Coach stomped out of the building like some temperamental child slamming the double doors behind him.

"You'd better not be laughing at my husband boy or you're gonna wish he was in here smoking your dumb ass. As a matter of fact, give me fifty diamonds kid."

Diamonds were this really painful form of push up where you pressed your pointer fingers and thumbs together to create a diamond shape while doing the standard pushup. Thirty minutes later I did find myself wishing Coach would come back as his wife proved just how dominant she could be.

"Hey kid?"


"You're Shawn and you date one of my star athletes right?" I was literally dripping sweat on the gym floor in a big puddle beneath me and I just wanted to get out of there with

"Yes Miss, uh Coach Bryant, I'm dating Daisy Hartford ma'am." I continued doing the pushups and could only see her legs from the knees down. She was wearing some knee high socks and a simple pair of white sneakers.

"Tell me something kid; why would an academic prodigy and my star athlete date a shit bird like you?"

"I don't know ma'am, maybe because she likes me?"

"Is that right; well get up and let me take a good look at you kid." I didn't waste the opportunity getting to my feet as fast as I could and finally getting a good up close look at Wendt Bryant.

She was a little bit shorter than myself at five foot eight inches and had a solid build. Coach was definitely thick with a good sized rack, her hips and legs signaled somebody who worked out an awful lot. It looked like she could kill with those gams the way her muscles were so prominent. Coach was a redhead with really pale skin and a smattering of freckles across her thin nose.

"Do I make the grade?" She surprised me putting her hands on her hips.

"Excuse me ma'am?"

"It's coach to you nimrod and I asked you if I made the grade because you were checking me out just now." She was really, really confident and I felt intimidated as she walked around me doing some kind of silent evaluation.

"I-I wasted checking you out Coach."

"And you're a liar too Shawn; how disappointing." She was standing behind me and I looked over my shoulder to find her apparently looking at my ass.

"Eyes forward son; maybe Sophie was right. You do need discipline!" She suddenly brought the flat of her hand across my butt and it hurt like hell.

"Follow me kid." She started walking towards the equipment room and I had this weird sense of deja vu as I followed her. My eyes were drawn downward resting on her red form fitting gym shorts and I'll be damned if she didn't have the nicest and tightest ass I'd ever seen on an older woman besides my girl Diane. Uh, my girlfriend's mom Mrs. Diane Hartford. I don't know why I was suddenly thinking like that and it disturbed me greatly.

There were a bunch of foam wrestling matts lying on the floor and coach had me stand at the end of one while she removed her track sneakers and baby socks.

"Do you know why you're here Shawn?" I shook my head that I didn't.

"I've been really successful at coaching the track and volleyball teams here so the principal is giving me the boy's wrestling team next year." She walked onto the foam matt and I noticed a tribal tattoo of some sort on top of her small foot.

"Uhm coach; what does that have to do with me?"

"Well Sophie, that's Mrs. Oderkirk to you has informed me that you may be repeating your senior year if things don't pan out. I thought I'd give you an early tryout for the wrestling team." She got down on all fours and looked at me expectantly.

"I don't know about this coach."

"Get the fuck over here Shawn." She had this intense look on her face that actually scared me. She motioned for me to remove my flip flops and get onto the mat with her while she discarded her collared white t-shirt. I found myself looking at her in an Adidas sports bra and immediately noticed that her tits were a lot bigger than I thought they were.

"Now I want you to get on your knees behind me and-...are you FUCKING listening to me or looking at my DAMN TITS?!!"

"Sorry coach; uhm I uh got kind of distracted sorry."

"Daisy really DATES a HEAD CHEESE like you?" She had this incredulous look on her face as I realized I'd been too honest in admitting to looking at those big hooters stuffed into her top.

"Uhm, yeah."

"I'm really gonna have to talk to that girl." She sighed and for the next thirty minutes Coach Bryant put me through wrestling hell as I was tossed around like a rag doll and had the displeasure of being put in several really painful wrestling holds while she instructed me on everything I was doing wrong and tossing in a few casual insults as well.

"Don't you have any pride at all Shawn?" She asked wiping sweat from her brow and I found my eyes dipping into her cleavage once again noticing the freckled mounds bulging from the spandex top.

"Of course I do coach; but you're a girl, uhm woman and it's wrong to fight with chicks."

"Oh so you've been letting me pin you all morning; is that right?" She had a ragged smile on her freckled face that I couldn't understand as she got back down on all fours.

"I just didn't try as hard is all coach." I was lying through my teeth to save face.

"Tell you what kid; I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse and if you do...The rest of your day is gonna be REAL SHITTY!!"

"Okay coach."

"All you have to do He-Man; is simply pin ,my shoulders to this matt and hold me down for three seconds. If you do that I'll let you go back to that empty classroom and wait for Mrs. Oderkirk."


"Yeah kid; Girl Scout's honor." She wiggled her tight muscular butt at me to emphasize her words and I got down on my knees already thinking of the "sexting" I would be doing with Diane after I pinned coach to the matt. I locked my arms around her waist.

"Are you ready Shawn?"

"Yeah." My cock was rock hard and I'm pretty sure she could feel it pressing against her thigh.

"AAAARRRGHHHHH FUCK!!" Before I could even think about what I wanted to do she had tossed me onto the foam matt so hard my head bounced. Even when I tried to force her off of me she quickly grabbed my wrists and forced them down beside my ears as I strained with all of my might against her efforts.

Coach straddled my chest closing her knees on my ribcage and knocking the wind out of me with her weight.

"What's the matter Shawn? Can't get it up little boy? Can't get me off?" Her long red hair partially obscured her face as she taunted me.

"Okay coach you made your point, I totally get it and I'm sorry for what I said-okay?" At this point I was basically squirming under her body.

"Well now that I have you where I want you Shawn, it's just not going to be that easy."


"I want to get something off my chest kid, something that's been bothering me since I laid eyes on you. I've been told that you intend to what was it?-Yeah uh, "BONE" Daisy Hartford. Well I take personal exception to ANYONE fucking with one of my girls Shawn. And just what the fuck is "BONE" supposed to mean any way asshole?!! Fucking is fucking right, boy?!!"

"Look I already apologized to Mrs. Oderkirk about that shit ma'am." I continued trying to free myself and she just redoubled her efforts tightening her grip on me and damn near cutting off circulation to my wrists.

"But you DIDN'T apologize to ME Shawn."

"I'm sorry Coach Bryant; would you please let me up now?"

"That's NOT how I want you to apologize Shawn."

"What do you mean coach?" I groaned as she shifted her weight even more pinning my shoulders under her knees enough to allow her to release my arms. She grinned at me and reached down pulling the crotch of her gym shorts aside to reveal her bushy crimson mound. I struggled to get free and quickly realized I wasn't going anywhere.

"Apologize." There was a pungent smell coming from her box and I didn't really want to go there.

"Coach I can't do that, come on!" I pleaded as she shifted her weight on top of me to emphasize her position of power even further.

"Why not?"

"Uh, I'm totally and completely GAY!! I uh, I was gonna come outta the closet and shit to Daisy!!" I was completely shitting her and hoping to high hell that she'd be convinced.

"Really, you don't say Shawn? So you like getting your corn hole stuffed right?"

"Yeah, just LOVE it to DEATH coach!! Loving the D, COACH BRYANT!!"

"So you probably wouldn't mind it if I shoved a few fingers into your asshole right?" She was half laughing as she reached back quickly undoing my belt buckle.

"WHAT THE FUCK COACH?!!" She got up on her haunches trying to yank my zipper down and I saw the chance for flight pushing her over and trying to scurry away but she caught my ankle in her iron grasp. I was yanked back across the mat and lost my pants registering them flying through the air to land on the floor. Before I knew it my boxers followed and coach had me on my back with my legs up in the air.

"So Shawn, looks like you might be "BI" judging from this thick cock you've got down here. Oh you're gay right? So are you going to eat my pussy or are we going to share an interesting life experience together?" She began to press her finger against my brown eye and I knew she had me dead to rights.

"OKAY, I'LL DO IT COACH; PLEASE DON'T FUCK WITH MY ASS!!" I was relieved when she relented and resumed her position on my chest moving forward until her thighs were on either side of my head.


I tentatively ran my tongue along her slit and she immediately shook and quivered on top of me. I followed this up with a few more strokes along her crease gradually starting to penetrate her sex as she quickly started breathing heavily.

"Give me some more S-Shaaawn." Once I heard her voice go husky and quiver telling me that I'd found her one true weakness as I flattened my tongue against her prominent camel toe. A low moan escaped her lips and she moved forward placing her palms on the floor. I darted my tongue up barely touching her clit and she shrieked.

"More Shawn, lick it a little bit more and get the clit. Oh don't neglect my happy button." I continued to barely touch her clit and this was having an effect as she reluctantly eased up on my shoulders freeing my arms.

"Suck my pussy baby; that feels so fuckin good." She was taking on a different demeanor and I rewarded her for freeing my arms by scooping my tongue deep inside her crevice but intentionally avoided her clit just to torture her.

"That's so much better Shawn and you're a revelation." I brought my hands up and cupped her tight athletic butt digging under her form fitting shorts. I tilted my head a little and pressed down directly on her clit swirling my tongue on it while my hands spread her cheeks. I was still kind of pissed about the whole thing and took a chance pressing both of my pointer fingers against her brown eye.

"OOOOOOHHHHHH MY GAWD; I'M CUMMING S-SSSHHHAAAWN!!" Coach Bryant began convulsing and shaking as my tongue received a torrent of her liquid lust. I continued licking and sucking on her button until she sounded like she was sobbing and lurched forward falling onto the foam mat sated.

I was finally able to sit up and took a few moments to compose myself while she laid on her stomach breathing heavily sounding like she'd just run a marathon. Her gym shorts had been wedged up into the crack of her ass exposing one oval-shaped alabaster butt cheek and I couldn't help but knead it. The lower portion of her cheek was very soft and pliant to the touch. I pulled the other side up getting a nice view of her toned cheeks.

"I do about sixty squats twice a day...I guess it's worth it judging from your reaction Shawn." I'd straddled the back of her thighs while playing with her ass gripping both ass cheeks in each hand pushing them apart until her tight puckered anus was looking back at me.

"Oh it feels so fucking good to have someone handle me like a REAL MAN." I picked up on the subtle dig at her husband and gripped the sides of her shorts yanking them down quickly to expose her pale ass. I continued pulling her shorts down until they were independent of her body. I took a deep whiff of the crotch having become accustomed to her smell.

"I'll have some more of that angry pussy of yours coach." I tossed her shorts to the side and pulled her meaty hips into my waiting face. My large thumbs pried the slippery lips of her cunt apart exposing the hot pink inside walls of her peach. I could see deep into her snatch and she was clenching her walls in anticipation.

"OOOOOOHHH SHIT!!" She cried when I buried my tongue deep inside her box letting the lips close around me as I slurped and twirled my probing unit against the groves of her vagina. In mere seconds she was gasping and half giggling; sighing loudly in disappointment when I withdrew my mouth.

"AAAAAHHHH SSHHHAAAAAWNNN!!" I replaced my tongue with two fingers curving them downward feeling this strange lump in her snatch. I guess I'd accidentally found the so-called G-Spot of hers. Coach yelled out loud as she squirted all over my fingers and cried as I massaged her clit with my thumb.

"HEY, WHAT THE FUCK COACH?!!" I'd been caught by surprise while watching her squirm around at the end of my fingers when I quickly found myself on the receiving end of a kick to the sternum. The room seemed to spin as I toppled over onto my back clutching my chest.

She was on me in a minute like a wild cat bulldozing into me and pushing my legs up into my chest. I didn't know what the hell was going on panicking when I felt her grab ahold of my manhood. I was afraid she would rip it off for a moment until I felt a familiar sensation.

"Sorry kid, I just had to get some of this juicy cock and I haven't let someone take me the way you have in a long fucking time. Just lay back and relax Shawn." She'd grabbed my ankles and was pushing my legs far apart nearly turning me into a wishbone.

"HEY, I DON'T BEND THAT WAY COACH!!" She'd begun bouncing up and down on my cock with her eyes shut tightly. I had never felt so dominated in my life as she basically fucked me in a modified cowgirl position. It would have been completely humiliating if didn't oddly feel good.

"This is called the Amazon position; you like kid?"

"Uh, I guess so."

"I- met my husband when we were marines stationed in Germany and on our honeymoon night the brute hopped up on top of me and gave me the best three and a half minutes of my life! So now I FUCK him like this and that bitch just LOVES IT!!"

I was watching the junction where our bodies connected and marveling at how obscenely my thick cock looked stretching out the lips of her cunt. She was squatting on her haunches and leaving a milky sheen on the surface of my dick on her upward strokes. Her large tits were glistening in sweat still encased in her sports bra and I tried to cup them but she held my hands down to the matt fucking me even harder.

"Geez Shawn; stop mauling my ugly tits!! I thought you were into my ASS anyway!!"

"But they look so nice, I wanted to see them is all coach."

"But you can't because I fucking hate 'em and they've stopped me from winning several body competitions!!"

"Still it would be nice to see them."

"No." She pushed my legs even further towards my chest forcing my cock downward between my legs uncomfortably against my balls. She began huffing loudly signaling an oncoming orgasm and there was nothing I could do about it but take her rather masculine pounding.

"Well I think you h-have some amazing tits!!"

"I SAID NO SH-SHAAAAAWWNNNN FUUUUCK!!" The effects of her climax ripped right through her body causing her to shake and shudder eventually shoving me away to the mat like a discarded toy. My back was killing me and she remained there ion her haunches breathing heavily. I noticed a phone ringing in the background and looked at the clock hanging on the wall.

We'd been at it for a good forty-five minutes and it was lunch time.

"Hit the showers kid, I've got to take that call." She collected herself and hopped up walking out of the room towards the teacher's office. I could help but admire the muscular sway of her meaty squarish butt.

Moments later, I could hear the sounds of an argument coming from the office as I padded off to the boy's locker room with a raging boner. I was irritated that I hadn't been able to get off and pissed at coach for being a selfish cunt. The shower bay in the locker room consisted of a row of six shower heads against the wall. I rarely used it during school hours because I didn't like my business being on display in front of other guys.

The hot water felt good against my athletic frame and helped sooth some of the aches and pain I'd go from wrestling with the coach. I'd just finished lathering up when I turned towards the entrance of the shower to find her standing there watching with vested interest. She was smiling at me as she pulled the spandex top over her wild mane of red hair and tossed it over her shoulder. I watched as she put her hair up thinking she looked really beautiful like that.

"Wow, they DO look REALLY NICE." Her large tits sloped out from her chest resting on her rib cage and looking nearly like implants. Her areolas were nonexistent leaving only her prominent erect nipples. They had a reddish tint to them and I ached to take them between my lips.

She stepped under the shower head and took the soap from me lathering up her torso.

"Do my back Shawn." She handed me the soap and I lathered up her back running my soapy hands over her cheeks and bringing them to her shoulders for an impromptu massage.

"May I coach?" She moaned and grabbed the nearest hand bringing it up to her right breast. Her tits were heavy to the touch and had some considerable weight to them. The soap dropped to the tiled floor as I cupped the remaining globe of flesh rolling both of her erect nipples.

"That feels so fucking good kid; anybody ever tell you that you've got great hands?"

"Maybe one or two people."

"Don't get all modest on me Shawn." We both laughed and I was a bit confused by her personality and how she could mix masculinity with a kind of feminine demureness. I wrapped my arms around her hugging her from behind as my turgid cock rested between her taunt ass cheeks. I began to run my member along the length of her crack hoping to rub one out before she finished showering.

"We'd better do something about that kid, wouldn't want you walking around for the rest of the day with a case of blue balls." She reached behind her with a palm full of lather and pressed my cock against her ass while I humped like a madman.

"Push it in Shawn." She was pressing me against the puckered entrance of her asshole and I gulped knowing nervously that I'd never had anal sex with anyone before.

What if I hurt her; would she retaliate by bending me into a pretzel?

"Just be REALLY CAREFUL and I won't have to RETURN the FAVOR okay?" She must have felt how nervous I was somehow and reached back holding her cheeks apart. It was slow going at first, but I finally slid into her anal ring with a lot of help from the soapy film on my cock.

"Now, just take it slow and we can both enjoy it." She moaned as I continued sliding forward. It was tighter than anything I'd felt before and we built up a nice rhythm until I was fucking her properly. She was pressed against the wall and her hair had fallen draping her shoulders.

"This feels great coach." I was griping her hips and pushing up into her while she held the shower nozzles.

"UUUUUOOOOHHHHH, C-Call ME... OOOOHHH, CALL ME ...Wendy; th-that's my name Shawn." She was really getting into it as I grabbed a handful of her red hair and began pumping her harder.

"OOOHHHH SSSHHHAAAAAAWWWN!!" She screamed tightening her grip on my cock as she tensed up her tight buns.

"I-I'M CUMMMMING WENDY!!" I shot a powerful stream of semen deep into her rectum as we screamed together. She tensed up around me as I drew my length slowly from her taunt muscular cheeks. Wendy slid down the damp wall staring up at me with a satisfied look on her pretty face.

"Thank you." She murmured softly; hand over her heaving chest while the other was pressed between her legs. She looked like she was masturbating.


We barely said a word to each other as we cleaned up and she sent me on my way back to Mrs.Oderkirks's classroom. I sat there for the rest of the day playing angry birds on my phone and texting Diane.


Missing you ...XOXO.

She never responded back and I felt a little anxiety knowing that I had spent half the day fucking my gym teacher's wife. At one point I'd even picked up my U.S. History book and read the first few chapters. Mrs. Oderkirk never reported back to class and I just went home when time was up. She seemed really angry this morning and I hoped everything was okay with her and her husband.

I began to get a feeling of anxiety as I rode home that evening wondering why Diane hadn't returned any of my texts and even considered rolling over to her home. Common sense had prevailed just as I rolled into my driveway. I was starting to feel a little crazy as I realized that I hadn't thought about Daisy all day and that I'd even forgot about hooking up with her coach. Right at that moment I'd decided a good round with my custom bong was the right call to make while I sorted this whole thing out.

"Hello Shawn; miss me much?" My heart leaped into my throat when I found my girlfriend sitting on my living room couch. As usual she was dressed in work-out clothes showing off her sexy athletic body.

"Uh, well ah sure Daisy."

"You don't sound happy to see me and why do you have that funny look on your face?" She had got up on her knees facing me and I could see her perky boobs straining against her cotton pull over.

"I don't have a funny look on my face."

"You've got that look you always get when you've done something probably stupid that I won't like." She had no fucking idea how right she was.

"I smoked a little urb before I got here." It was probably the most believable lie I could tell my girlfriend."

"Oh well that figures; I should have known. I just came over here to let you know that I still care about you and support you. I mean- I still want you to pass your make-up quiz on Friday and everything." She sounded like she had something more to say.

"Wanna hang out tomorrow night? Maybe I could come by and pick you up for a ride along the coast." I just wanted to kind of reconnect with her somehow and get close to her.

"Sorry, coming by the house would be a very bad idea. You know how dad feels about you and all. Besides him and mom have been fucking like animals all day and he even called off work so that they could keep it up. Looks; like I might get a little brother or sister the way they're going at it." She chuckled as I smiled weakly and put my books on the makeshift coffee table in my living room. It was actually a door that had been ripped from the hinges by one of my Uncle's crazy girlfriends enraged at being dumped post coitus.

"Hey what's wrong Shawn?"


"You're doing that thing with your face again." I secretly cursed myself for being such an open book.

"Nothing, you gonna hang out a while?"

"Nah, I just wanted to see how you were doing and give you a little something."

"Oh yeah, what's that?" Daisy suddenly yanked her shirt up exposing her pert enhanced breasts for a few seconds.

"I just wanted to give you a little incentive to pass your exam on Friday. I've gotta go meet up with my coach for a quick work-out in the gym." Little did she know I'd received quite a workout from her coach earlier in the day.

"You're such a tease baby."

"But you love me for it Shawn. Pass that test and we'll see how much of a tease I am." She giggled and bounced off to her appointment leaving me alone in my home. I lit up my bong and took some big ass hits trying to get as high as humanly possible. I was tearing up thinking about her mother Diane Hartford banging the shit out of her husband and feeling neglected when my phone signaled an incoming text message.


Missing you 2 ...LOVE YOUR TONGUE

C U Soon =)

I took another big ass hit off of my bong and picked up my history book flinging it across the room. be continued.