Chereads / Hunter’s Sexy Snippets / Chapter 259 - STEPSISTER SUCCUBUS Ch 7 By GadenKerensky

Chapter 259 - STEPSISTER SUCCUBUS Ch 7 By GadenKerensky

Marc was feeling a little bit weird; Chaney had left town due to a family emergency. Nothing catastrophic, but serious enough she wouldn't be around for a few days. And yet, before she left, she had made a not-so-subtle remark to Sophia to keep him 'entertained' whilst she was gone.

Their dating had only accelerated since that fateful day, but Chaney had become enamoured with Sophia, and even Marc found it strange how comfortable she was with the whole arrangement. That, in her eyes, Sophia was just as entitled to her boyfriend as she was.

Not that they weren't getting it on plenty as well. They'd only had two threesomes since that first one, but Chaney and Sophia had been intimate together plenty of times since.

And Marc didn't mind it at all. He rather enjoyed hearing them regale him with their antics, and sometimes he got to watch.

Part of his feelings of weirdness stemmed from his own blasé attitude to his new social circumstances. It felt like it was a dream at times, too good to be true, the item of two hot girls who were hot for each other, one of which was a literal demon who could do things that no human could do.

It was obscene and absurd, and yet, he'd grown used to it. Bored and numb? Absolutely not.

But no longer was he so stunned all the time. He relished his time with his girlfriend and his stepsister, even if that time might become scarce soon enough, with him, Sophia, and Chaney all narrowing down university courses they'd like to take. And there was no guarantee they'd all be in the same campus.

He knew there'd still be plenty of opportunities. But right now, he was looking forward to tonight. Sophia might've known, she could skim surface thoughts and feelings, but Marc was eager to try something different this night.

Either way, his feelings of weirdness were easily reconciled, and he reclined on the couch in the living room as he watched a movie.

It was the first time in a while his parents were out together, and for some time. Seems things had gotten busy in their world, but now they had some free time that wasn't going to be interrupted.

He did not think on what they were up to in private.

It did mean he could be more candid with Sophia when she came down from upstairs, her body subtly glistening and just slightly damp from a shower.

Her hair shone brilliantly as she walked into the kitchen, Marc tracking her rear notably.

"You've had your face buried in there, and you still can't help staring even when I've got clothes on," Sophia remarked without turning her head as she got herself a drink.

"Picked up on that, huh?" Marc muttered.

Sophia was getting better and better at sensing thoughts and feelings and ascertaining their meaning. She knew when he was leering without even looking now.

"You don't exactly hide it," she quipped, turning around with a mug in one hand and freshly-boiled kettle in the other, making herself some tea, smirking.

"You don't exactly hide it either," Marc retorted, looking up at her as the movie played in the background. "I've seen how people look at you, and I know you enjoy it."

"True, true~" Sophia conceded as she poured milk into her tea and sipped. "But feelings of desire are important in my kind. It lets us find suitable prey, it makes us feel strong. And you could say we like being in the limelight... though, there are legends about the opposite."

"The opposite?"

Sophia walked over and sat down next to Marc, her natural perfume gracing his nose.

"You know we don't 'love' exactly like humans do, though we do get close. Well, it's said that if a demon were to fall in love like a human does, truly, willing to devote body and soul to their love alone... rejection could be fatal."

"You mean, actually dying of a broken heart?" Marc quipped.

Sophia nodded.

"It is just a legend, but rejection in general can be painful for us, especially from Soul Mates. It can cause physical discomfort and lingering doubts in the mind of any rejected demon, though it has to be genuine rejection. A fear-based rejection hurts, but not nearly as bad as being shunned by one you revealed yourself to willingly, and it wasn't a panic reaction."

"So, if I turned you down those months ago..."

"It would've made me miserable for a while. If you wanted to take my offer of memory erasure, it'd be even worse. I'd have to come up with a suitable excuse for why I'd become so depressed."

"Damn... you never said it'd be quite like that for you."

"I didn't want you to make a decision purely on my account. I may be a manipulator and 'man eater', but I do actually like and respect you, Marc. A bond with a Soul Mate is at its best when the affection is mutual."

Marc smirked and reclined into the couch.

"Well, I don't think you have to worry about that anymore. Me asking for a brain reset. I wouldn't want to give this up," he assured.

She giggled, and leaned over to peck him on the cheek before returning to her tea.

"Glad to hear it~" she crooned.

"Still," Marc continued. "The idea your people have legends... that implies you've got a culture, yeah?"

She leaned forward and gave him a curious look.

"I wouldn't call it a 'culture' exactly... our ways are more instinctual than with humans. But, we do have legends, stories, a history, a language that's not exactly our own but ours to command, though art is a different matter. We didn't exactly create communities. You know that part of our history. We're so intermixed with humanity, that our cultures kinda blend... though, go back far enough and I think you'll find parts that are entirely our own thing. Just... we don't know a lot about that time."

"Why's that?"

"Well, the purges by human hunters didn't help, but many of us just... weren't interested in preserving a lot of our ancient history that didn't pertain to our abilities. And now... well, who's going to go looking, and where?"

"That's kinda sad," Marc said.

Sophia shrugged.

"Plenty of human cultures that have lost connection to their past. We're not so different in that respect."

"But what about now? You're not just scattered individuals. There's a loose connection, keeping your kind from getting out of hand again, keeping dangerous succubi and incubi in check, yeah?"

"There is, but as you can imagine, as much as we enjoy occasionally fucking each other, we're not fond of sharing. More than one lust demon in an area can cause competition for prey and cause friction that threatens to expose us again. And with how few of us exist... there's plenty of places to be. So, even with magic, I can't say we're interconnected enough to have a real culture."

"I'd say it counts, just that it's not the same," he mused.

Sophia sipped her tea and looked at him.

"You know, for someone who's looking into studying the sciences, you're awfully interested in cultural studies," she remarked.

"Hey, I find it fascinating," he admitted.

"I don't mind~" she assured with a smile. "It's nice knowing you're interested. Adds some depth to it all beyond the sex and the feeding... not that I think you mind that part~ I don't~"

Marc chuckled drily.

"And feeding? You make it sound like there's a distinction."

She playfully swung a pillow into him.

"Smartass. But yeah, I appreciate the other things in life that make it worth living~"

Marc smiled and pressed against his stepsister, the two leaning against one another affectionately as the movie entered its climax.

"Same~" he agreed.

That night, he strolled into Chaney's room, the succubus sprawled out on her bed, gown just barely clinging to her body, tilting her head further to glance at him as he entered. She smiled, and rolled onto her belly, giving him a nice view of her cleavage, as well as her ample rump.

"Hey Marc~" she greeted, giving him an enticing wiggle as he smelled the perfume that filled the air; it wasn't something she put on, it was something her body just exuded to entice her prey, filling the air with supernatural pheromones that affected whoever smelled them with a subtle desire and arousal.

In Marc's case, he was already bulging in his pants.

He smirked, and walked over, and gasped softly when Sophia took advantage of his incarcerated dick, gently grabbing the bulge and giving it a soft squeeze, fondling and massaging his growing erection with masterful handwork.

"You never waste time," Marc observed with a breathy tone.

"Only when I want to tease... of course, I can tease in other ways~"

She giggled deviously, and slowly dragged Marc down to the bed, laying him on his back as she straddled his hips, rocking upon his tent.

He sighed out, feeling Sofia's soft grinding touch, watching as her gown sagged and hung from her body, her breasts just visible through the material in the low mood lighting, Sofia always enjoying the appropriate ambience.

He watched her spine bend and flex as she put pressure on his erection, the sensual way her hips rolled back and forth, her body slowly rising and falling, especially when she leaned down and placed her hands on his chest for support.

"Mmm, you like this, bro~?" she purred, changing her gyrations up with a side-to-side swaying. "Though, I think the answer's obvious~"

She gave him a wry smirk, and clenched his shirt in her hands, scrunching it up a bit as she rubbed even more firmly.

She then licked her lips, and let one hand go, so she could slowly and sensually pull her gown off her body, sliding it over her curves before dumping it over the side of the bed.

Now she was naked, and she flicked her hair out of her face, smiling.

"You know, I could always change things up a little... a bigger bust, a fatter ass, maybe a bit of belly chub... whatever really gets you going~" she said.

At that, Marc hesitated slightly, before answering.

"Actually... I was meaning to ask you something along those lines... except... I want to see you in your demon form. Like that first night, like when you were trying on clothes, and with Chaney... but I want to see what else you can do," he explained, blushing a bit more fiercely at the request.

She paused for a moment, looking at him with an unreadable expression. And then she smiled deviously, and rocked her torso backwards and moaned softly, as her body became blurry and indiscernible. It made him blink as if he lost focus, but he still saw shapes growing from her back, spreading to the side, something winding its way out of her lower back, and bumps forming on her head.

Clarity returned, and she sat atop Marc in her full glory, though he noticed a few additional changes; her eyes were sharper and brighter than ever, her face just that bit more angular, though no less sensual, her nails longer and almost clawlike, and her skin taking on a subtle red hue atop of her 'normal' olive tone.

Her wings fluttered slowly, and her tail twitched behind her back.

He stared in marvel, and brought his hands up to slide them over her thighs and hips, and up her waist slowly and reverently.

"You're fucking hot," he said quietly, also referencing how much warmer she felt.

She smiled, tracing a nail along his chest through his shirt carefully.

"It makes me happy every time you want to see and do me in this form... but you said you want to see what else I can do..." she trailed off ominously, drawing that sharp nail up Marc's throat, making him twitch and gulp, before she traced along his lower jaw, and then over his chin, pressing a fingertip to his lips. "Do you trust me?"

Now he was a little nervous, but he nodded, actually rather eager to see what she had in store for him.

Sofia smiled, and then brought her hands to his wrists, and took them first to her breasts, letting him grope and squeeze them, rubbing thumbs over her erect nipples, gently circling them like joysticks. He sank his fingers into her supple flesh, feeling the warmth envelop his digits.

Then, she pulled them away, and pinned his wrists above his head, towards the corners of the bed.

"I hope you got a good feel in~" she said with a tone of almost erotic warning.

Then, he felt a warm, buzzing tingle form at his wrists, seeing glowing lights from her palms out of the corner of his eyes. She let go and made intricate motions with her index fingertips... and when she pulled her hands away and sat up, he discovered that he couldn't move his arms; he tugged on them, but his wrists felt like they were bound by incorporeal shackles. Tilting his head, he could see a band of energy, and perhaps symbols, locked around each wrist.

He looked to her in mild surprise, and she licked her lips in return slowly and lecherously, before she turned around and spread his legs, doing the same to his ankles, until he was bound spread eagle upon the bed. Her tail brushed over his chin teasingly, before she rotated back his way, twisting upon his raging bulge.

"... kinky," he remarked. He'd never really tried bondage before, but at least it was comfortable, because he couldn't even really feel the magical shackles... just their immobilisation.

"Some lust demons like to completely immobilise their prey before feeding~ Mum told me about another succubus she knew, who fancied herself something of a spider... loved stringing up her catch before draining them dry... harmlessly, of course~"

She giggled as she traipsed fingers up his chest and then brushed them up off his jaw.

"But I have a spell I want to try on you, that I think will make this an interesting affair~ You still trust me, yeah~? It might make you go crazy~"

The warning was filled with dripping lust, Sofia clearly wanted to show him what a succubus could do to some hapless human. And as nervous as it made him, he was excited, and he trusted her enough to keep him safe.

"Alright... consider me 'scaroused'," he joked.

She giggled and bit her lower lip, before she stood up and sauntered across the bed, her feet somehow barely sinking into the mattress, causing barely any sag.

She loomed over his head, and promptly dropped to her knees, hooking her legs beneath his arms.

Beyond her physical changes, the perfume-like aroma she exuded had only grown stronger and more enticing, and with her crotch and thighs crowding his head, it was far more alluring, and inescapable. He groaned, feeling her rock her hips against his face, her pussy gliding over his lips and imparting her pleasant taste upon them, before she rocked down and her felt her pucker press to his mouth.

He extended his tongue, and lapped at the tight ring of muscle, making her shiver. She swapped between either orifice, making him eat out her ass, and her pussy, Marc changing methods each time; circling her sphincter slowly and firmly, and gently wiggling against her clit and rolling his tongue between her labia, whilst his lips kissed both ass and vulva.

And of course, he could feel that tingle across his countenance, his lips and tongue getting an especially noticeable buzz as she ever so subtly siphoned his energy.

Her tail snaked across his chest, sliding beneath his shirt through the neck hole and gliding down his body with a sensuous touch, brushing over his nipples deliberately, before it found its way to his pants, forcing its way beneath his underwear until he felt it coiling around his girth, pressing the broader, flatter tip to his glans, and briefly pulsing a potent drain that arced right down his cock and into his very soul, making him buck briefly.

And Sofia smiled lecherously down at him, grinding her crotch against his face.

"You look so cute down there~" she purred, reaching down and gently raking her fingers through his hair, her luminous eyes proving hard to look away from. "So helpless and vulnerable~ And so obedient~"

The way she could flit from one personality to another was impressive and a little scary in some ways. It made sense though, and it wasn't like it was a completely different person.

But she was definitely domineering now, and he couldn't answer back, not with a mouth full of pussy and ass, and a dexterous tail luxuriously wringing out his cock and interrupting anything he'd like to say by drawing a moan out of him.

Sometimes, her wings blocked the dimmed lights of the room, leaving her eyes to really stand out, in all their entrancing glory.

She kept caressing his brow, circling her thumbs across it whilst her palms rubbed the temples of his head, keeping him trapped against her groin.

Sofia loosed a sensuous croon, tilting her head back and unfurling her impossibly long tongue. All the while, any dollop of precum that dribbled from his tip that didn't get soaked into his stretched underwear, was smeared onto that leathery tail tip, and lathered into his length, the pace just enough that even with the occasional pulse of a strong drain, it wasn't enough to send him over the edge.

She rocked her hips from side to side, with enough force to gently shake his head, Sofia letting out a devious laugh. However, she soon changed up tactics, as she rotated herself atop of Marc's face, unhooking her legs and sliding them back beneath his arms once she was facing the other way, her tail luxuriously unwrapping from around his cock and sliding out from beneath his shirt.

Now he was thoroughly trapped within her ass, and her aroma was even more inescapable. She laughed, and leaned down, still sliding her hips across his face so he could orally please her pussy and ass.

He felt her breasts against his slightly exposed midriff, nipples just barely brushing his skin, before her hands moved to his pants.

She cupped and caressed his bulge, massaging it with a slightly stronger drain buzzing his junk through the material, a thrum deeper than any vibrator.

He moaned against her pucker, and then gasped when he felt her pull down his pants, exposing his crotch and leaving his genitals at the mercy of her direct touch, one hand grasping his sack, the other wrapping around his mast.

She started stroking his member and massaging his balls, gently sucking energy through the skin of both and leaving them tingling.

He even felt her tongue curl off the slope of his glans, earning a twitch from him. Sofia giggled, though he could barely hear it with his head pretty thoroughly encompassed by her thighs and ass, which were impossible to get free from, her feet curling around and pressing to the back of his skull, lifting his head up and keeping his face firmly trapped in her rump, a rather impressive display of how flexible she was.

Then, he began to feel her tracing signs against his dick, his jewels, and his belly just above his shaft.

He couldn't see what she was doing, though when he felt a snap-like sensation course through his loins, he figured she just cast her spell.

Nothing seemed changed yet, but he trusted her to have some crazy thing prepared.

With that done, she returned to attending his manhood, pumping the rod and fondling the orbs, gently tugging on the latter, as Sofia teasingly lapped at his glans.

She drooled onto his cock, her demonic saliva plenty slippery enough to work as lube. Her tongue caressed his tip several times, making him wince in pleasure, as she was using a stronger drain through her tongue to make it feel like its touch was almost electric.

It was an incredible ability for her to be able to alter the strength of multiple individual drains, weak as they were, in order to keep the stimulation different in different places, opposed to a single, encompassing pleasure, even if they all tingled his core in similar ways.

Occasionally, he tugged on his limbs in reflex, but those magical bonds weren't ready to let him move however he wanted.

It made her giggle, vibrations teasing his length as she licked up its sides from root to tip, before finally clasping her lips to his glans and suckling firmly, slurping fiercely and imparting a stimulating suction. He groaned, but still did his best to eat her out, thrusting his tongue in between her walls as deep as he could manage, moaning in the process.

He stirred her walls up, tasting her sweetness, feeling her contours and folds, how her heartbeat pulsed through her flesh, and of course, feeling just how hot she was.

Her lips were dropping further down his shaft, clasping tight and tugging whenever she pulled upwards, her tongue rolling against his glans and curling and sweeping side to side against his cock, her pumping hand retreating further and further as she took him deeper, until it joined her other hand in fondling his balls, still buzzing from her drain.

Her breasts compressed against his gut, nipples poking his skin even more, her hot belly pressing to his chest, and her warm lips wrapping tightly around his root.

Her head retreated, but her tongue lingered, coiling around his mast like a tentacle and imparting a slippery spiralling caress, causing him to gasp during a brief moment his mouth wasn't covered before her pucker was pressing firmly to his lips.

Her own withdrew to his helm, but quickly returned to his root, gliding over his skin and her own twisting tongue in equal measure, making sure she kept them tightly clasped so the rolling over her tongue didn't really detract from the sensation.

And every time his tip came to a stop in her gullet, he felt her throat ripple around him, and a small spike in the draining sensation.

He was beading more precum, which did not last long before being greedily lapped up by a rolling tongue, Sofia murmuring luxuriously at the tasty treat, a fundamentally more appealing flavour to her succubus tastes.

He could feel a pressure building in his loins already, a demon's masterful blowjob impossible to resist for long, atop of her constantly tingling and tugging drain, leaving him extra sensitive.

Her head started bobbing even faster, and she put pressure on his face, rocking her hips until he felt that clit prodding squarely between his lips, a clear enough sign for Marc; he latched onto the nub and began to suck, waggling his muscle at it mercilessly, intensifying the pitch of Sofia's moans.

His own must have been providing additional stimulation for her, because he could feel her twitching, even as she erotically ground her crotch against his face with that sensual control over him. It was just further encouragement, Marc practically whipping her clit with his tongue; he'd learned that he could be rougher with Sofia than Chaney, and often needed to in order to keep up.

He was only human, after all.

Sofia's shivers were intensifying, but they seemed to possess a certain focus to them, as if she were concentrating her pleasure, controlling it until the right moment, pulses of tension coursing along his tongue as she bobbed faster and faster.

His tongue started to get tired, but he still kept going, until she seemed to release her lust and let him drive her over the edge, plunging his cock deep into her throat as she moaned and spattered against his face, surging sweet fluids into his mouth.

Her cries of pleasure made her walls ripple powerfully against his glans, the drain strengthening thoroughly until he could really feel the flow of his energy out through his cock, into her quivering lips, her rippling gullet, and her clenching tongue; it was too much for Marc to resist, bucking hard into her throat as orgasm took him.

Yet, he felt strange... very strange; nothing was coming out.

He was bucking forcefully, but the pressure that was built up did not seem to be easing slowly.

Gradually, Sofia calmed down, and the drain from their shared climax weakened. She got off of him, but he was still weakly bucking impotently, his cock as steely as it could be.

His face was soaked, making his incredulous look at his demonic stepsister seem all the more silly.

"What did you do!?" he demanded, prompting Sofia to grin and point to his crotch. He craned his neck and looked down at his belly, and saw glowing marks in his skin and around his root and his testicles; the symbols were indecipherable to him, but they were luminously pulsing in rings around his junk.

"The spell I told you about... it won't stop you orgasming, exactly, but it will prevent you from cumming. But the thing is, it doesn't let you calm down all the way. And more, it's making your body magically gather every load you would have had if it weren't for the spell, until it's finally lifted. That's when you release everything you've stored up in one big, endless ejaculation~ It's not physically possible, but you said you wanted to see what I could do~"

The explanation left Marc dumbfounded and a little scared, not having expected this. And yet part of him, against his better judgement, found it exciting and fascinating, and curious about how far this magic could go... even if it felt like the haze of orgasm hadn't exactly left him. His cock was exceptionally sensitive now as well... and she was going to make sure she got him cumming numerous times.

"That's... crazy..." he muttered.

"I did warn you~" she teased, before she moved to manipulate his arms; as unyielding as the magical bonds were to him, she could move them with ease, and this allowed her to slide his shirt off, and then his pants, before leaving him spread eagle once more.

She also began weaving another spell, this one around his waist, and before he knew it, another magical bond was looping his body. This one felt a little more lenient, he could shift and move, though too fast and it fought back with ethereal elasticity.

She applied a similar bond around his chest. And this allowed her to lift his body up until he was levitating above the bed, though gravity still tugged on his body, suspended only by the magical bonds.

As if she knew what he was thinking - and she probably guessed by skimming his mind - she smirked and began to explain.

"I'm not powerful enough to make you float directly, to manipulate your body physically in any way I please like telekinesis. That's not a power many have, but this is the next best thing~"

It was a bit trippy for him, but he was only a foot off the bed, the perfect height for Sofia to get on her knees and rest her bust upon his crotch, sliding his member in between her breasts. She grasped her boobs and sandwiched his length between them, prompting Marc to moan softly, feeling her hot skin envelop his length in burning softness, the pliant flesh applying pressure all around his member, his glans just barely visible at the top of her cleavage.

He was still slick, her saliva lingering for longer than normal, allowing her to give him a few teasing strokes with her supple breasts with gliding ease.

With his state of near-climactic euphoria and sensitivity thanks to her spell, however, he was quick to buck reflexively, and dribble precum from his tip. She giggled, pumping her breasts a few more times to lather it into his skin and her bust, unfurling her inhumanly long tongue to lap up the rest from his steely glans.

"Fuuuck... my head feels so fucking weird," he remarked, tugging against his restraints. Part of him wanted to beg in seriousness to end the spell, let him go, and let him cum. But a bigger part was enjoying this entirely unnatural experience; this is what a succubus could do.

"But you feel good, right~?" she answered teasingly.

"That's mostly the problem," he groaned, sighing out once Sofia began to pump his length once more, the veil of light indicating a more encompassing drain forming around her, that flowing, tugging pleasure wending through Marc's body as his life essence gently flowed out of his cock into her breasts.

Her motions were masterful and wonderful, the succubus altering her techniques seamlessly, going from her up and down strokes to a circular milking sensation, squeezing her breasts upwards against his cock and then loosening, reversing direction and crushing his glans on her downwards strokes. With fluid subtly, she shifted to pumping in opposite directions, one breast gliding down his mast, the other up, and vice versa. And every now and then, she'd change to slapping his meat between her globes, either clapping her breasts together against his cock, or shaking her chest to lewdly smack her mounds against his helpless cock, before melting into any of the other techniques with no obvious notice.

She started picking up speed, and now Marc could hear her breasts gently slapping against his crotch. Watching her breasts bounce and move was mesmerising, though it was a bit tricky holding his head up in the air.

She seemed to notice this, and promptly slipped her tail up his back until the tip was pressing to the back of his skull, supporting his head enough for him to watch her properly.

It was nice to not have to strain his neck, but now he was less distracted from the enveloping arousal and euphoria her spell had inflicted upon him, having yet to even remotely calm down from his last orgasm, still feeling the pressure of an ejaculation that had been denied holding within his loins. This was on another level entirely compared to typical orgasm denial, especially since that part was never prevented.

Every now and then, he bucked up between her slick breasts, purely out of reflex. He huffed and moaned, and all he got in return were salacious laughs and devious murmurs, taunting and teasing him before Sofia unfurled her tongue again and let its length hang down just at the top of her cleavage, swirling around his glans and wiggling at its slopes, trickling more of her saliva down upon his member and keeping everything nice and lubricated.

He was approaching another orgasm, and he did his best to mentally prepare himself for what would probably be another ejaculation's pressure stacked atop of the one brimming and rumbling in his loins already, unable to be released.

Her tail left his head, leaving him to support it once more, all so Sofia could bring it around to brush and rub his balls, fondling and teasing them with juggling touches. It was an unfair sneak attack, but all he could do was moan.

Her drain intensified a little, sapping his stamina just slightly, before Marc couldn't take it anymore.

He cried out loudly, bucking his hips hard into Sofia's bust, but like the first time, nothing came out. His balls throbbed, tugging upwards like he was trying to ejaculate, but his dick remained dry. The pressure within, however, increased, only barely lessening once he started to partly calm down from climax. He was thankful whatever spell Sofia used meant the pressure didn't become physically painful.

The effect on his mind, however... that he couldn't be sure of.

"Fffffuuuuuck..." he whined, wincing as Sofia's incredible breasts slid away.

She giggled and sidled around until she was behind him, and lowered his magical restraints until he was resting the back of his head upon her soft thighs.

"I guess it's a bit late to tell you this, but if you really want to stop, I'll do it. But I really hope you don't~" she purred.

He fixed her with a dirty look, though it was twisted with unfulfilled ecstasy. And he also wasn't about to disappoint her either, because as maddening as this experience was, he was riding a high that just wasn't easing, incredible in its own way.

She giggled, and let one of her hands drift to his twitching member, fingers wrapping around it delicately, beginning to pump his sensitive length once more, earning a long, luxurious moan from him.

His toes curled tightly, trying to at least block some of that euphoria out to keep a grip on his mind. He realised now that a Succubus could easily torture a human to near madness, or all the way to insanity, for whatever reason they wanted.

It was scary, in a way, what a succubus could do to a person. That at any moment, they could turn pleasure into its own hell and torment a person until they broke.

It was no wonder they were hunted centuries ago by the few that knew how. And no wonder the demons that lived now ensured they nipped malicious actors in the bud.

He still trusted Sofia, of course, and he was curious to see just what kind of ejaculation he was going to have when she lifted her spell.

Her thumb rolled over his glans, precum leaking profusely, but that was all that could come out. She lathered it into his glans and his shaft, keeping him nice and slick, before she suddenly lifted him up into the air again. But this time, she flipped him over until he was facing downwards, Marc letting out a startled yelp, before he was placated by a luxurious suckle on his balls, smooth and soft ever since Sofia convinced him to get shaved down there, and despite the harrowing upkeep, he'd never regretted it. The way her lips slid over his orbs, wrapping around his sack, enveloping his jewels in her warm mouth and caressing his balls with her tongue was exquisite, and well worth the peril of sharp implements.

She murmured seductively, sending vibrations into his balls that made him whine cutely, before she released his sack with a pop and a parting lick.

He hung limply in her restraints, cock bobbing.

"Fuck, that felt good..." he muttered.

"I can make you feel even better~" she ventured with a probing seductive tone. "As long as you trust me... remember that spell I used on Chaney~? To give her a 'deep clean'~?"

"Yeah... wh--"

Marc cut himself off as he swiftly realised what she was suggesting. Initially, he was hesitant to it, ready to protest. But then, he considered everything she'd done to and for him thus far. How good everything felt. Nothing had repulsed him yet, and she had the magic to ensure that.

He pondered for a moment, and then nodded.

"I trust you," he said.

Sofia murmured in satisfaction.

"Good boy~" she answered, making something stir in Marc's mind. He didn't have much time to question it, before feeling a hand to the small of his back, running down his spine. A buzzing, tingling warmth began to fill him, coalescing around his anus. A strange feeling followed, and then a jolt right up his spine left him feeling a little rejuvenated and refreshed, putting that disorienting ecstasy from his accumulating ejaculations at bay, just a little.

Immediately afterwards, she pecked him on his pucker, her tongue dabbing at the tight hole before circling the ring of sensitive muscle, making him flinch.

He gasped, and she giggled, both of her hands wrapped around his manhood, one gently caressing his glans, the other slowly pumping his shaft, whilst she worked her mouth away at his back door.

He wasn't sure what her plan was, only that his ass was surprisingly sensitive to gentle touch, as well as some firmer strokes. Her lips suckered to the ring of muscle, gently tugging on it, whilst her tongue probed the hole at the centre. Her muscle traced the sensitive creases around the centre, and occasionally she applied greater pressure with slow, broad strokes with her tongue, curling against his ass carefully.

Every now and then, she dropped low to suckle on his sack, and tease his perineum, brushing her lips over that firm stretch of flesh, licking along its length, or peppering it with successive kisses.

Her long licks were especially stimulating, starting in the depression at the back of his scrotum's root, and pressing firm enough the sides of her tongue slightly wrapped around the edges of his taint, and leaving a moist trail all the way to his pucker, earning stimulated flinches from him.

It was something else, getting his ass eaten, but it felt good, especially that extra little tingle from her drain, which made her suckling kisses feel like they had an extra tug to them.

He sighed and moaned, leaking precum onto the bed, though neither cared.

Her hands twisted around his girth, stroking with a bit of extra speed... but it was when she began to press her tongue firmly to his pucker that things really intensified.

And he realised exactly what Sofia was about to do... groaning in strange stimulation when her tongue began to push past his sphincter, gently stretching it open as her tongue wormed inside, elongating inhumanly and flexing with impossible dexterity, making him sputter and gasp from how alien it felt, bucking reflexively into her hands.

Her lips still worked away at his pucker, ensuring it was never left untended, whilst her tongue wormed deeply into his ass.

He was with Chaney on this one, that cleansing magic was enviable.

His moans filled the room... and then he gasped sharply, when he felt her tongue apply pressure to a specific part within his ass.

And the moment she found it, Sofia grinned against his rear, and began to massage that spot relentlessly.

A strange feeling filled him, and it was making his sensitivity and stimulation skyrocket further than before. He twitched relentlessly in her magical restraints, bucking his hips and thrusting into her hands, which began to pump faster and twist more fluidly, smearing his constantly leaking precum into his skin.

She was wringing him out, driving him towards another orgasm and another banked ejaculation.

"Dammit, fuck, holy shit!" he blurted out, no real logic to his choice of words, feeling the vibrations of laughter course all the way through Sofia's tongue right against his prostate.

And atop of it all, he could feel her drain, siphoning energy up through her tongue, leeching it right out of the walls of his ass and leaving them tingling and sensitive, whilst his prostate was lit up like lightning, pleasurable static filling it utterly.

It was hellish pleasure, but at least she wasn't edging him; it only took several more moments of mercilessly prostate tonguing and cock wringing for him to loose yet another ecstatic moan into the air, thrusting into Sofia's hands. But only a sputter of precum came out, the rest of the load once more magically subdued and kept in waiting.

He thrashed, and then calmed, though his panting was far from composed, his face beginning to bead with sweat.

He didn't dare question how much longer she planned to take it, afraid of the answer... mostly because he knew he'd try to cut it short when part of him wanted to see how far she'd go.

She let go of his cock, and withdrew her tongue from his ass, smacking her lips and giggling as she gave his glutes a playful grope.

"You sound cute like that~ I should eat you out more often~"

"I... won't say no to that... but maybe when I'm not... losing my goddamn mind..." he said, pausing to pant.

She giggled and gently teased one of his nipples with a fingertip, her tail moving up to coil around his throbbing cock and give it a few teasing strokes.

"It'll be like nothing you've ever experienced, I promise...~"

She then let go of his member, flipped him around, and dropped him to the bed.

She stood before him, looking down with her lower lip pinned by her teeth in a seductive, domineering expression... before she lifted a leg up and brought her foot down upon his cock gently, pressing her sole softly to his mast and pinning his length to his gut.

He pushed the back of his head into the bed as she began to stroke, gently fondling her breasts with one hand, toying with her clit with the other.

"Shiiiiiit..." he groaned, feeling Sofia sandwich his cock between her big toe and the adjacent just below his glans. She started stroking with this tight grip, occasionally tilting her foot to brush her heel against his balls.

The way her foot twisted at the ankle between its downward strokes and the upward was mesmerising, fluid and graceful.

Then, she brought her other foot up and softly brushed the knuckles of her toes against his jewels. Which meant she was no longer standing on the bed, her wings beating languidly, Sofia floating in the air.

She giggled, and let go of his mast, tracing a big toe down its length, before letting his cock stand firm, so she could grip his glans with the toes of one foot, giving it a firm, twisting massage, whilst her other foot alternated between tilting sideways to glide her sole along the flank of his member, or gripping it between two toes like her other foot before.

Fresh precum dribbled from his tip, providing equivalent lubrication, lathered in by her caressing feet. He felt the caress of her soles, the balls of her feet, the heels, the crooks of her toes twisting to his helm, and the teasing prods to his balls.

She laughed softly, letting go of his tip and trapping his cock between the soles of both of her feet, starting to pump up and down with speed, slowly sliding until his length slotted into the crooks of her toes and the balls of her feet, earning a groan from the helpless Marc.

And through it all, she was there, sitting on air and quietly touching herself as she leered at him with those luminous eyes, a gentle, devious smile affirming her dominance over him.

Fuck, it was hot.

She changed tactics again, pressing his cock down against his belly, and rubbing her feet to either side of his length, big toes tugging against his glans deliberately with every backwards rub.

He strained in his bonds, feeling another climax looming, ready to store another load for the inevitable release.

Each touch came with a small whorl of faint light and a tingle that 'kissed' his skin, Sofia able to drain him no matter what part of her she was using.

His dick jolted beneath her feet, daring to resist their pressure and force them back. The strength of the throb made Sofia giggle, and shift to rubbing his length with one foot, whilst caressing his balls with the other. But eventually, she sought to go in for the kill, slotting the root of his length between the big toe and its neighbour on one foot, making short, firm pumps, whilst the other began to rub up and down aggressively.

Again, she made short work of him when she wished, Marc whining as his body shuddered, chest lifting into the air, limbs tugging fruitlessly against their restraints.

But nothing more than a small dribble of precum wet his gut, the pressure within him still building to levels that didn't seem physically possible, the haze around his mind getting far more intense.

He thrust against her soft feet, doing his best not to beg, partly because that'd be rather pathetic. But also to try and last as long as possible.

Sofia giggled, and then pulled her feet away, floating down until she was straddling his thighs; his member looked so pained, swollen and throbbing as if it had a mind of its own and knew all those pent-up ejaculations were just waiting to be released.

His breathing had devolved into heavy, hot huffs at this point, doing his best to maintain some semblance of composure whilst his stepsister continued her wicked deeds, grinning dangerously down at his cock, before she brought her hands near it.

She didn't touch his manhood, she simply splayed her fingers wide around it as if she were about to marionette his penis... what she did was the next closest thing, as her palms began to glow and her fingertips lit up with magical light.

Marc's eyes snapped wide as he felt an intense tugging sensation, energy wending its way up from his core with force.

He tilted his head up to watch as the veil formed around him, the familiar eddies in the currents leeching out of his skin converging on his dick. But directly around his mast, he could see how her fingers ripped strands of his incorporeal life force right out of his cock, and he could feel each plucked strand with a pulsing tingle of euphoria, precum coating his glans with each throb of his penis.

Fatigue weighed on him with this stronger, direct drain, imparted directly upon his beleaguered penis. Meanwhile, his whole body felt the euphoria of her drain, moans ripped from his mouth as effortlessly as his energy, starting to shiver.

Sofia laughed wickedly and seductively, swirling whorls of light twisting upon her palms, spirals of his essence flowing up her forearms.

Even his mind could feel the vigorous caress of her drain, the euphoria making it harder to think.

It was not a new sensation, he'd endured her stronger drains before, though it was always surreal when she did it without touching him... especially since, this time, it was with her hands.

With the way his cock was, it took no time at all for him to start orgasming, bucking into the air involuntarily, sputtering only a small amount of precum to mix with the rest that had coated his tip.

Sofia grinned, licking her lips. She flexed her fingers, and the drain faded, leaving Marc to slump against the bed, panting in exhausted pleasure.

If this was what hell was like, an eternity of this would genuinely be a terrifying penance.

"Thanks for getting your dick all nice and slick again~" she teased, before she lifted herself up with an eye-catching shimmy, giggling deviously. She rotated herself around, until her back was facing him, those wings flexing and buffeting him with air warmed by their heat.

She gyrated her hips, hypnotically swaying her ass before him, that tail of hers snaking over to coil around his neck and head, pressing its broad tip to his brow.

He watched as she lowered her rump, still twisting it enticingly until her pucker pressed against his glans.

She groaned in delight, prodding her back door with his swollen tip, enjoying that threatening pressure on her anus... before she pushed down more firmly, and took his whole cock with ease.

The crushing, warm tightness of her rear never failed to earn a strained, breathy groan from Marc. It was always incredible, he adored feeling the squeeze as much as he always felt nervous by it.

Her glutes squashed to his waist pleasantly, before the demonic stepsister began to rise and fall, shrill moans and breathy laughs leaving her as she set the pace quickly, her cheeks slapping against his rear rhythmically.

"Fuuuck"! Marc protested, pushing his head back into the bed and panting hard, his face so red and his brow glistening with sweat, the spell proving to be quite an endurance test for his body.

At this point he'd given up trying to hold out against orgasms; she was barely giving him any time to rest, and the spell denied any real period to calm.

So he let his attention be stolen by the pleasing, erotic motions of her back, twisting and bending with all the fluid sensuality expected of a lust demon, seeing how her hips rolled, how her spine flexed and twisted.

And of course, how that correlated to the feelings on his cock, her passage twisting and forcing his manhood into her tightly grasping walls.

She stopped bouncing, and started grinding, rocking back and forth, side to side, or in a slow circular motion, the changes all seamless and focused on letting him feel the pliant squish of her luxurious glutes against his crotch, sliding exquisitely across his skin.

It was now that he most regretted the kinky bondage, wanting nothing more in that moment to reach out and grip those glorious cheeks, mesmerised by how they tautly rippled when they collided with his crotch. And with her tail wrapped around his head, keeping him from turning away, he was partly convinced she was trying to taunt him on that front with something so close, yet so far.

Eventually, she resumed her bouncing, her moans starting to increase in pitch and heaviness, the breathy gasps and chuckles, in conjunction with the spasms he felt from her pussy through the intervening flesh of her ass, a good sign she was getting close.

He bounced too, now starting to hear the squeaks of the bed as he was repeatedly pushed down into the mattress.

Words were hard to form now, Marc just groaning in euphoria as his shaft twitched, nearing climax again, swirling eddies of light spiralling up from his hips around Sofia's, the demon siphoning more of his energy into her rear, her clenching walls leeching it right out of his cock.

He thrust upwards hard and without warning, Marc moaning loudly, intensely, feeling no resistance to her pleasure now. As expected, nothing but a mere sputter of precum from his tip, but it still resulted in another crash of his spiritual barriers, one of many he'd experienced already, a surge of energy, combined with his harsh thrust, sending Sofia over the edge, his stepsister crying out shakily in bliss, shuddering atop of him as she firmly pushed down against his twitching hips.

He felt her spasms of ecstasy, the sputtering of her pussy fluids over his thighs, and the seething hiss of ecstasy escape through her clenched teeth.

After a while, she loosened up, and her drain faded, giving him the longest moment to try and rest since they began. She regained control of her breathing, and eventually rose up off him, both of them groaning as her still tight walls scraped harshly along his girth.

The veins on his dick bulged so much he was afraid they were going to burst. His glans was so tight, each throb so strong. His balls felt swollen and spongy. He could practically feel the accumulated loads churning in space much too small to hold such a volume. He had to release it soon, or he'd go mad.

Then, Sofia cast him a curious glance, and stood him up.

He was thankful for the bonds, because he collapsed immediately. He eventually regained some his strength, as fatigued as he felt, but he was more interested in what she was doing, as she promptly laid herself down upon the bed, her legs parted.

She then clapped her hands... and the magical restraints keeping Marc so obedient dissipated in a burst of light particles.

He almost collapsed again, dropping to his knees with a tired gasp. Sofia giggled.

"Easy, Marc... don't waste your strength trying to stand... muster everything you've got... and fuck me~" she purred.

She clapped her fingers again and said something in the demonic tongue, and the feeling of magic in Marc's gut diminished. Not entirely, but he knew that his ejaculations were no longer locked.

He looked at her, Sofia's expression enticing and devious. She licked her lips in hungry anticipation, knowing what was coming next.

"Come on~ Empty everything into me~ Like you're giving me your soul~"

Part of him felt threatened by that phrase, but another part was supremely turned on. And he couldn't stop his cock from leaking precum. And her sweet aroma was making her impossible to ignore.

He crawled over to her, panting heavily, sliding his hands along her legs and her voluptuous curves, cupping the sides of her breasts, before resting his hands on her shoulders. He angled his throbbing member at her pussy, teasing her entrance a few times.

But only a few, because he had no patience left. His sanity couldn't afford it.

So he thrust inside with force, earning a delighted, shrill moan and a shouted, pleasured 'Yes~!' from his stepsister.

Her walls clenched immediately, and their veils formed within seconds, as that parasitic drain started leeching stamina from him already.

She was going to get quite the feed from him, and he was already exhausted.

But reserves of strength remained, and they didn't fail him; with grunts, he began to thrust, gripping tight onto Sofia's shoulders for leverage.

Her folds rippled in those pleasing waves he'd become familiar with, tugging against the underside of his corona, squeezing his glans, and otherwise massaging his shaft and leeching energy right out of it into her walls.

He rolled his hips with speed, going as fast as he could immediately, knowing he didn't have the strength to slowly increase the pace.

His fatigue impacted his efforts, his thrusts sometimes stilted and interrupted, but Sofia's sweet moans and gliding touch along his back and sides were all the encouragement he needed.

Her breasts were squashed beneath his chest, but he could still feel how they rippled from each of his thrusts, especially with her erect nipples poking into him.

He only barely noticed as her wings started to fold in around him, wrapping him up in a loose embrace, her legs sneaking up his thighs and hips, the balls of her feet gliding along the back of his legs.

Her hands drifted up towards his head, and his cheeks were clasped in her palms.

She fixed her eyes to him, her gaze almost hypnotic.

He knew it was coming before he even saw her mouth open and that familiar twisting flow pour out of his throat and into her own, the vaporous plume arcing pleasure across his lips as she drained him.

She pulled his lips to hers, and he was lost in her draining kiss.

But that didn't stop him. Somehow, despite his increasing fatigue, he started thrusting faster, grunting loudly into Sofia's mouth as she moaned hotly into his, the lewd, wet slapping of their bodies picking up in frequency.

His cock plunged deep into her possessive womanhood, walls clenching with reluctance to let him go.

But time wasn't on his side, and after all he'd endured, there was no chance of holding out this final time.

It felt like something exploded inside of him, and he buried his cock firmly against her vulva.

Instantly, her legs wrapped around his waist tightly, locking him in, her tail snaking around his midriff, whilst her wings hugged even more closely.

He could feel her drain all around him, sipping wisps right out of his skin, trapped in her devilish embrace, left to shudder and spasm with her, her own orgasm reached.

But it was his that made his head spin; he could feel his energy flowing freely with his spiritual barriers down, but his ejaculation was like nothing he'd ever experienced, his hips bucking involuntarily, if little more than short, sharp jerks, with each rope of cum he poured inside her. And they kept coming, spurt after spurt deposited into her ravenous pussy. He could feel his balls contracting with every shot. The ecstasy was beyond incredible, crying stupidly into her kiss, a stark contrast to her erotic moans.

His ejaculation lasted what felt like forever. Perhaps, in reality, just over a full minute, but in his euphoria-twisted state of mind, that was a long time, unable to pull free of the demon's lusting pussy as she fed on him at both ends.

He felt like he was about to pass out, Sofia not breaking the kiss at any point.

It was as if he were being drained both physically and spiritually.

Shadow began to dance at the edge of his vision, but he was still pushing into Sofia's crotch with every heavy rope.

Until, finally, he felt her drain vanish, and the last vestiges of her magic fade away, Sofia releasing the kiss with a gasp, taking in a deep, satisfied breath. Her wings loosened, her tail unwound from around him, and her legs, though they didn't unlock, stop squeezing so tightly.

And Marc... he collapsed his head between her bust, groaning and breathing shallowly, feeling utterly exhausted.

They both relaxed together, Marc's cock softening in the soup of Sofia's fluids and his immense ejaculation. His chest heaved against hers, despite his shallow breaths, and he could barely think.

At length, Sofia finally spoke, affectionately caressing his head.

"How was that, Marc~? Enjoy sex with a succubus~?" she asked him teasingly.

He didn't answer immediately, trying to regain some strength, before tilting his head up to look at her; she still wore that devious, domineering expression, teasing and playful, but it was also warm and happy. Even if she didn't look quite human.

"That was... incredible... but also kinda scary at moments," he admitted softly, still trying to catch his breath just enough to hold a conversation. "I think... 'hellish' is the best description."

She smirked, and gently caressed his cheek.

"Succubi and Incubi pride themselves on the ways they can inflict overwhelming pleasure on a person's very soul, as much as their body~ It can be too much for the mind to handle... and it is quite straining on the body~"

"No kidding... I felt like I was losing my mind. Orgasming, but never cumming. Fuck. And that load... felt like I was in a hentai."

Sofia giggled and hugged him close, squishing him into her bust.

"Feeling all of your cum filling me, all that warmth, all that energy... fuck, Marc, I wanted to lose my mind a little too~ Buuut... it's not something I'd want to put you through very often. Like, barely ever. That's a special treat that can quickly turn to misery."

"Yeah... I don't think... I'd want to try that again any time soon... I'm surprised I even enjoyed it as much as I did," he admitted.

She poked his nose and giggled again.

"You've got a masochistic streak in you. Not a big one... but you enjoy being overwhelmed with pleasure~"

"I blame that on you," he shot back drily.

"You're welcome~"

Marc chuckled, though it came out more like an unsteady huffing, before he groaned and nestled back into her bust.

His mouth felt a little dry, and a mild discomfort fell on his head.

"I feel like I'm dehydrated," he muttered.

"With as much as you came, I'm not surprised. Here, let me," she said, as her tail snaked over to her bedside table, straining its length to reach. It pulled out a draw and reached inside, producing a small water bottle. Her tail brought it to her hands, and she gave it to Marc, who groggily popped its top and drank it near empty.

He sighed, and handed it back to her, his mouth now sufficiently moistened.

"Thanks... you always keep that in your drawer?" he asked.

"It's not like it's the weirdest thing I keep in here... sometimes, a drink a water is what someone needs," she explained.

Marc responded with simple nodding, once again sinking into her bust as weariness now weighed heavily on him. No amount of discomfort now was going to stop him having a heavy slumber.

"I think... I'm gonna fall asleep now..." he said, not even caring that he was still buried inside her pussy.

Her wings wrapped back around, though they had no tightness, and her legs unlocked, sliding against his as she embraced him gently.

"Don't stop on my account, bro... just stay inside me. I'll keep you comfortable~"

Her words started to sound a bit ephemeral as his willpower faded. He moaned softly, his vision darkening a little. He closed his eyes, and in the warm, demonic embrace of his stepsister, he quickly drifted off the sleep, the last thing he felt being her hands gently running along his head and back...

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