Chereads / Hunter’s Sexy Snippets / Chapter 177 - AMNESIA part 1 By Yshomatsu

Chapter 177 - AMNESIA part 1 By Yshomatsu

Today didn't go as expected. The last thing I remember was... come to think of it I couldn't remember anything besides my name. Not that a name alone does me any good. Anubys, strange I know. I couldn't remember anything or why it was spelled differently than the Egyptian God. Anyways enough blabbering, I woke up tied to a chair of all things. My head felt like it had been split open.

"Look who decided to join us..." A feminine voice purred from the shadows. I tried to see but things were still blurry and dark. The woman flipped a switch and blinding light filled the room. I cried out with shock; squinting hurt too much. I had no choice but to keep my eyes tightly shut. The woman simply laughed at my discomfort. "Doesn't he look so cute my pet?"

"Mhmm," another quieter feminine voice mumbled.

"What do you want?" I fumbled with my words; mouth so dry it felt like I hadn't had a drink in days.

"Oh, nothing much. You've been a thorn in our side for months now. Disrupting all our carefully crafted plans. Funny how weak you look now though." Pain spiked in my head as I tried to think about all that. I couldn't remember damn it. Why would I care about bothering this woman? "What's with the long face?" She mocked me, "Don't you remember?"


"Oh, that's just perfect," she laughed at my expense, "guess we hit you a bit too hard, huh?" Her smug voice wormed its way into my head in a way I couldn't explain. Tied to a chair, completely helpless, and yet my body reacted. "I see something else getting hard."

The quieter woman snorted in laughter. By the way not only was I tied to the chair, but I was naked. I'm sure you didn't want to know that. It's completely embarrassing...

"Oh, hush Betty," she scolded the other woman whose name sounded familiar for some reason. I couldn't place it but hearing her voice sent an exciting thrill down my spine. "Mmm..." the woman purred, seeing his reaction. For some reason I pictured her licking her lips.

"Sorry Mistress Nyx." Betty's voice quivered with lustful need.

My body reacted in a wave of guilty pleasure after hearing that name. Like my body knew it shouldn't get excited but couldn't help it. I blinked my eyes now that the blinding light stopped dancing behind my eyelids. It was clear instantly which one was the mysterious Mistress Nyx. She stood proud and proper, while Betty knelt at her side. She had long leather boots that went up past her knees with a black skirt and matching corset, cleavage distractingly exposed. She had full lips, painted red, high cheek bones and her red hair pulled back in a ponytail.

Her outfit made me think I really had interrupted her plans. Especially with how Betty knelt with a collar and leash. They must have been in the middle of some private, extracurricular activities. The woman, Betty I mean, looked up at her mistress submissively. However, that wasn't what caught my attention. Her long blond hair made her ears blend in, but they twitched and... They weren't human, they were longer and flopped over. They reminded me of cow ears. The shock of knowing that didn't stop me from being distracted as she moved. Her large breasts jiggled, and I gulped as I noticed the wet spots on her spotted bikini. Even her outfit gave off a cow vibe.

My quick glance at them jiggling didn't go unnoticed though.

"Like what you see?" Nyx purred, reaching down to cup Betty's cheek. They both looked at me, one with lust the former with triumph. "In a way I'm disappointed you don't remember me. Then again, I can use that to my advantage." She smiled wickedly. "An empty slate to mold, how intriguing."

"There's always room for another bull for my lovely cows..." she moaned, licking her lips. A sweet scent met my nose as I breathed in. My nostrils flared and started to itch. Betty was looking up at me, drooling. That's when I recognized the smell, it was milk. Her milk... soaking her bikini, dripping down her belly. Something about it sent alarm bells off in my head. The scent shouldn't be that potent, that alluring. My mouth felt like I had been chewing on desert sand. I needed a drink and now all I could think about was her milk.

"What do you mean cows?" My voice cracked when I noticed a thin tail with a bushy tip move behind Betty.

"My pets of course. You've stopped all my shipments... all my attempts to spread their delicious milk around the world." She let a grimace slip for a split second before putting back on that seductive smile. Shipments, that rung a bell too. I had been tasked to stop a new addictive substance from leaving the city. I couldn't remember by who though. All that mattered was that I remembered why I felt cautious around Nyx. I was trying to stop her criminal activities. "Oh, did you remember something in that thick skull of yours, stud?"

Betty's hands ran higher up my legs, her eyes were locked between my legs and no matter how embarrassing I felt, I couldn't hide my erection. She squeezed my muscular calf's, tickling behind my knees until finally circling around my thighs. My body tingled wherever she touched and longed for those soft hands to go further up. I had to ignore those feelings. I wasn't trapped by choice. I had to remember that. No matter how turned on I became...

"I remember stopping you. Thwarting your plans at every turn." I replied, feeling pride fill my chest, despite my situation. I suddenly remember how good I was at my job. I had stopped every shipment they tried to send out.

"That's right baby, you've made me have to change my ways." I didn't like the way her tongue moved across her red lips. Ok, I liked it, but I know I shouldn't. "None of that matters now though does it. I caught myself the greatest prize of all. Soon you'll be a stud for my herd of Holstaurs. They'll produce their milk twice as fast with you helping me."

"I'll never..." my retort was cut off as Betty grabbed my dick and squeezed. She stroked me before angling my erection towards her drooling, luscious mouth. I was caught completely off guard when her lips wrapped around my member in a tight seal and sucked hard. My eyes must have bulged out of their sockets, and I couldn't stop myself from groaning.

"We'll see my future bull." Nyx purred, licking her red lips again. My reaction clearly pleased her as I watched her cheeks flush slightly. She stared at me like a piece of meat she couldn't wait to devour. A part of me ached for her to. Fuck, the pleasure rocked through my body, distracting my rebellious thoughts. I tried my best to stifle my moans, but Betty was relentless, bobbing her head, stroking me at the same time. It didn't help that every breath I took was filled with that sweet, alluring scent of her milk, making my mouth water.

"You know, I'm glad you're starting to remember. It'll make this so much sweeter, watching you submit to your deepest desires, falling into a crazed rut." Mistress Nyx cupped her breasts, and I couldn't look away. The way her cleavage swelled in that tight, sexy corset... damn, I needed to focus. I looked down and saw Betty's large brown, needy eyes staring back up at me. My body quivered in response. She was so sexy... the way her large breasts jiggled as she bobbed her head on my cock. This wasn't the focus I meant. Her bikini was slipping free, and it just made my mouth water more as I finally got a glance of those swollen nipples dripping fresh milk. I could even hear the liquid sloshing around within her heavy bosom. I licked my dry lips, mouth tasted like cotton. I desperately needed a drink, but part of me knew I couldn't have her milk. The way my body craved it after just smelling it, wasn't natural.

I was starting to remember. The longing to take a nipple between my lips and suckle was helping my mind. No idea how to explain that. It was like the more I craved to taste her milk the more I remembered why I shouldn't. I had been stopping those shipments for months now. I remember destroying the contents. I was told it was too dangerous to put into evidence by my superiors. And here I was face to face with the one behind it all. I struggled with my bindings again, trying to find any weakness in the rope. If I kept my movements subtle maybe I could loosen them without being noticed. I just had to play along, make them think I was too distracted to think while the rope burn helped keep my mind focused.

How long would it last though?

My head fell backwards as Betty took me deep within her tight throat. Her moans were only adding to the sensations I felt. My back arched unconsciously, giving her more access. I couldn't help but admire how she didn't gag at all. Even as her eyes watered.

"That's it my pet, earn your desert." Mistress Nyx purred. One of her hands had slid between her legs but I couldn't focus on her anymore. Betty's blowjob was consuming my entire thoughts now. She sped up her motions, moaning eagerly. "She's so good with her mouth, isn't she Anubys? I've trained her well."

"Yes..." I moaned in response without thinking. It was true though; Betty was skilled as I felt her tongue flick at my glands every time her head rose only to drop back down. The feel of her throat wrapping tightly around me was pulling me closer to the edge. My breath became heavy and short as my body tingled. I felt the irresistible urge growing within me. It wouldn't be long before I unleashed my cum down her throat. Her large, watering eyes looked up at me in desperation. As if her life depended on receiving my load. I wanted to give it to her. It felt so good I had completely forgotten about trying to break free. Betty definitely deserved her treat! I couldn't resist anymore. It felt that good, fuck, any moment now I'd cum and it felt like it would be a big one. I needed it so badly!

"That's it stud, don't fight it. Cum for her, reward your hocow..."

"Fuck!" I cried out, bucking my hips. Betty wrapped her hands around, grasping my ass and holding on tight, nails digging in. I couldn't stop it. Everything went white as my climax exploded in strong waves. I watched as my vision blurred, Betty took everything. Not a single drop dripped out from her eager lips. I couldn't explain how great my body felt. Was it the strong sent of milk that enhanced my orgasm? I've never cum that hard or long before.

"Goood boy," Mistress Nyx purred, and my body shivered in response. "Listening to me brings you pleasure you've never experienced before. Isn't that right my pet." Betty purred her response as she sucked hard one final time before releasing my dick with a pop. She licked her lips all the while staring up into my eyes. I couldn't look away, staring back with admiration. That was the best blow job I've ever received. My entire body still tingled in the afterglow. The worst part though? My cock was still hard as a rock, eager for more. No... not eager, more like desperate.

"My stud tastes divine." Betty moaned and I couldn't help but feel pride at rewarding her with my seed. I shook my head at the strange thoughts. I shouldn't be thinking like that. I had to escape... not... The mistress stood up and my thoughts derailed. I watched in stunned silence as she came around, hips swaying, and brought her hand to my cheek. She kept my head angled towards Betty as she leaned down to whisper in my ear. The swell of her cleavage filling the corner of my vision. It didn't matter which one of them had bigger breasts. I was so thirsty I just wanted one of them to... damn it! Stop thinking like that!

"Thirsty stud?" she purred, pulling on the leash. With both of them so close I couldn't concentrate on anything but their presence. Was I ever so thirsty? I licked my chapped lips and watched Betty rise from her knees, pressing down on my thighs for support. Then she straddled me, and my body responded with a powerful twitch of my throbbing dick. Her wet nether lips pressed against my ever-growing member and my eyes locked on to her puffy nipples as they danced before my vision. My mind was spinning but I knew better. This was the trap, I had to resist!

I opened my mouth to refuse but no sounds came out. I just stared, open jawed, drool falling from my chapped lips.

"You look soooo thirsty, one taste couldn't hurt, right?" Nyx whispered into my ear, her warm breath sending chills down my spine. One taste... I was strong enough to handle one little taste... No, I knew it was addictive... there would be no turning back. "You're strong enough to resist its affects." Damn it felt like she was reading my mind. Or placing the thoughts in my head. I couldn't think straight...

Betty smiled, cupping her large breasts, raising one to her luscious mouth. Her long tongue slid out, lapping up that sweet smelling milk. I watched as her lips curled upwards into a heart melting smile, tongue extended with addictive milk pooled on it as she brought the elixir towards me. I couldn't help it... her tongue came to my open mouth and my lips closed around it. I sucked like my life depended on it. The milk exploded my taste buds, and I felt my mind spin off the rails. My eyes rolled back as I groaned loudly, whole body quivering. I had been so damn thirsty how could I resist... it smelled so good!

"Good boy," Nyx moaned again, and my body couldn't handle the praise, shivering as my dick grew harder than ever. Betty rocked her hips, sliding forward, her nether lips spread around me. I continued to suck on her tongue even though the milk was long gone. I needed more! Betty bucked her hips against me, rubbing herself along my length. "I think that's enough for one day pet."

WHAT?! My mind rebelled against her words. Even though I had tried to resist I couldn't... I needed to suckle from those puffy nipples until there was no more milk to take. I've never felt a need so great.

"Come my darling hocow," Nyx pulled back but not before taking my earlobe between her lips, nibbling and tugging. The milk had driven me mad with need but Nyx's lips against my flesh sent a submissive chill down my spine. Her voice alone was so erotic I wanted to obey every word. I don't know how to explain the affects rolling through my body right now. It was like one moment my mind rebelled against everything and then the next I was desperate to comply. Mistress Nyx purred as she pulled back, tugging on my ear lobe, standing straight, and pulling on the leash.

Betty whined before complying and rising from my lap. By body felt waves of chills, sweat poured down my brow as I watched my cow back away, pulling her bikini back over her leaking breasts... I shook my head. Damn it, stop thinking like that! Even as my member twitched angrily at being denied access between her legs. "It wouldn't be much fun to break you so fast... I mean you've just begun to remember who you truly are. Betty's stud needs time to stew..."

Betty's stud... I'm Betty's... I squinted and shook my head. I couldn't shake the need to drink that delicious milk and I had barely taken a sample. I had to fight against thoughts of regretting the fact that I destroyed all those shipments. I was still hyperventilating as I watched Nyx's hips sway with each step. Her tight ass teasingly revealing itself as the skirt bounced side to side. Betty crawled behind her, glancing back over her shoulder. My heart melted at the needy look she gave me.

That was part of Nyx's plan, make me feel attached to her cows... Damn it. I couldn't stop thinking that now. The thought of being a stud for a herd of drop-dead gorgeous women just like Betty with big milk filled breasts... It drove me wild.

After a quick glance around the room, I determined one thing. I was fucked... there were two chairs, the one I sat in, and the one Nyx used. Other than that, it was a simple interrogation room with blinding lights high up. Even if I wasn't tied to the chair, I wouldn't be able to reach the lights. The walls were bricks and there were no windows.

I quickly examined the door and found exactly what I needed. A rough section sticking out from the doorframe. Now getting myself spun around turned out to be more difficult but I managed. Slowly I rubbed the ropes binding my wrists against the rough spot. It felt so tedious, and my arms started to burn from the effort.

I was about to give up. It felt like I failed and just rubbing my wrists raw but then I felt it. The rope gave ever so slightly, a piece of it had finally been cut. I just had to keep at it before someone decided to pay me a visit.

I almost shouted in triumph when the rope snapped in two.

Besides feeling relief, the first thing I did was rub my sore wrists. They were raw and bleeding in spots, but I was free. It only took a few moments to get the rest of my bindings untied.

Now I had another problem to solve. How to escape the room? With no windows I had the option of a small ventilation shaft and the door. There's absolutely no way I'd fit into the vent, so I tried the door handle.

The latch clicked... are you fucking serious? She left the door unlocked? What kind of criminal master mind leaves the only exit unlocked? She didn't strike me as a bimbo earlier. Whatever the case I wasn't going to complain. I quickly turned off the light and slowly opened the door. To my surprise the door opened to a large space. I had expected a hallway or something for a criminal hide out.

There was scattered patches of hay around the floor and the outer walls looked like you would find on a barn. She operated out of a barn? I raised an eyebrow and shrugged as I thought about it. Her addictive substance was milk, from women-like cows. Yeah, kind of made sense it would be a barn.

Something else caught my attention though. Something sweet... I knew instantly as my body reacted to it. My heart sped up as I took a deep breath. The entire structure had a thick aroma of cow's milk. I gulped, remembering the small sample I received earlier.

Thankfully I only had a taste otherwise I'd be off in search of where the cows were kept. I still had my willpower on my side. The alluring scent was nothing but a distraction. One I could easily ignore despite my dick throbbing in need. I scratched my forehead nervously knowing exactly how much of a fool I sounded to myself.

Mistress Nyx only allowed me to have a taste knowing full well how it would make me react. I shook my head after realizing I just referred to her as mistress and tried to ignore the pleasant wave that shot right down into my cock at the mere thought of obeying her.

I escaped my bindings to find the door unlocked. I hadn't escaped the trap I found myself in, I just walked further into it. The whole building was the trap and she planned it that way. The exit to the entire barn would be the locked door.

I stood there trying to think for way too long. Each breath making my head spin even more. Maybe if I just stroked one out, I'd be able to think clearly for once...

A moan in another room caught my attention, distracting me from... well you know, urges. I gulped knowing I shouldn't investigate but I wasn't thinking clearly, honest. If I had been I'd be searching for a way out. Not seeking the source of blissful, erotic moans. Did I mention my mouth was still completely dry like a desert dune?

It's not like I was a cat or anything, curiosity wouldn't kill me. I took another deep breath, feeling my cheeks flush. I slowly headed towards the sound but honestly my nose was being lured as if hooked on a fishing line, reeling me in.

Nothing in my life could have prepared me for what I found around the corner. Besides the fact that it felt like I walked into a thick wall of heavy air, coated in the unique, addictive scent. Two rows of gorgeous women seated in stalls that line the walls with a central walkway. All kinds of hair colors from natural to unnatural in all kinds of styles and lengths. They all had floppy cow ears like Betty.

If I thought the scent was strong before... this was overwhelmingly potent. I stood there panting as every breath filled my lungs with more of the scent of milk than oxygen. I desperately needed fresh air, but I couldn't think about anything beyond getting my dry lips wrapped around one of those puffy, dripping nipples. By body shook like an addict and I had only had a small taste!

Thankfully none of these women noticed me or I would have been in real trouble. In fact, none of them were really looking at anything. Their eyes were glazed over, staring off at nothing between moaning fits. That's when I noticed their large, exposed breasts had these cups attached. Oh, they were pumps, duh. They were being milked. I felt my hands scratching at my waist. It took everything I had to not allow them to go lower. To scratch that growing itch below my imaginary belt.

I tried to distract myself by looking anywhere besides their heaving bosoms. So, my eyes tracked the clear tubes and watched the addictive milk flow towards the end of the hallway. There at the end a large device, tank-like thing sucked up all the milk before it continued on through another pipe out of the building. I stared blankly at it, amazed at how empty headed I felt, I couldn't even describe a mechanical device.

I had to get out of here. I spun on my heels and the world spun with me and kept on spinning. I know what it was like to feel dizzy but nothing like this. Everything spun until I felt like I couldn't stand anymore, dots danced on my vision and my body went numb. I dropped to my knees, holding my head in my hands.

"Oh Anubys..." the most beautiful voice sung from behind me. In my addled state it sounded like an Angel's siren's call echoing in my head.

I ignored the ache in my neck as I turned, glancing in the voice's direction. In the middle of the racks Betty sat, strapped in with pumps on her nipples. Her fingers curling in a come-hither. I gulped yet again, feeling the pain of how dry my mouth felt. My body reacted on its own, stumbling over towards my Angel, my cow... she's so beautiful with the way her body glowed in the soft light.

My eyes explored her body all the way to her spreading legs and desire overwhelmed my senses. She wanted me and I needed her.

"That's it stud, come to momma..." she purred, pulling back on the invisible lure she had me hooked on.


"Your tea mistress," a soft docile voice whispered.

Nyx barely heard her, "hmm?" She questioned, not looking up from the monitor.

"The beverage you requested."

"Oh, yes, thank you." Nyx grabbed the pre-offered drink. "He got out of the interrogation room much faster than I anticipated." She took a sip, staring at the security footage with all her focus.

"Oh, he escaped your trap ma'am? I'm sorr-"

"No, that wasn't the trap. Do pay attention dear. He just walked into the trap, look." She pointed to another screen that showed two rows of Holstaurs in their stalls. The Fleece sprite maid leaned forward, her curved horns almost touching her mistress.

"He looks confused."

"That he does, walking right into the most potent part of the barn, taking deep breaths, getting hornier by the second. If he expects to escape, he better do it before he's only thinking with that hard cock of his."

The sheep maid rubbed her thighs together, lost to the moment. "Mhmm, it looks hard."

"I'm going to thoroughly enjoy watching him submit to his deepest desires." Nyx purred, a hand reaching between her legs.

"I can help with that..." the maid said breathlessly, dropping to her knees. Her mistress' only acknowledgment being a hand sliding behind her maid's head, pulling her closer.

A sinister smile spread on her lips as she watched Anubys walk blindly into the room like a drunken sailor caught in a siren's song. Betty played her part perfectly, luring him in. "Oh, that's so hot... he's been such a thorn in my side for so long and now he's all mine... fuck!" She cried out as a wet tongue slid against her desperate pussy. "That's the spot, get in there!" She cried out, enjoying the power rush. "Soon I'll rule the world from the shadows."

"Don-ret-head-o-uself..." her maid mumbled. Nyx groaned and shoved her maid harder between her legs, closing her thighs against the woman's head.

"Get back to work!"


Every breath filled my lungs with the dangerous scent. A smell I was growing to love, to need. And after only a single taste... if this substance ever got out among the public it would change everything. There would be no resistance, only those in power like Mistress Nyx and everyone else, the addicted.

It was for that reason alone that I had to get out of here. I had to alert whoever I worked for. Tell them how bad the situation was. However, I stood there, staring blankly at Betty with growing hunger I've never felt before deep within my core. All the women were gorgeous but only Betty paid any attention to me, called out to me. My body craved her touch, most importantly, her milk.

I felt my foot take a step forward even as my mind fought, yelling at myself. But my nostrils flared with each deep breath, filling my lungs... with that potent, addicting scent. I felt lightheaded by the time I stood before my beaming, glowing Angel. She looked up at me with those big needy eyes. A smile so wide my heart could have melted. A stray thought entered my mind as I looked down at how happy Betty looked. "Please me, obey me, and you'll know pleasure like nothing you've ever experienced."

My angry, desperate cock twitched, and I didn't even actually hear Nyx's voice. I was so fucked, so horny... I couldn't think straight. The mere thought of obeying that woman made my dick twitch.

"Please..." Betty whined desperately, and my thoughts derailed. That's what I needed to do! I needed to free her and the others. They were prisoners, I could free them from Nyx... I could be their owner, take care of them... but that's not what Betty meant as she inched forward in her seat, spreading her legs. The movement caught my attention and my blood boiled. "Please... fuck me, daddy..."

Her juices were pooling beneath her on the seat. When I heard her desperate plead my mind cracked. She squealed with joy as I lowered myself. I had been teased for so long I just couldn't take it anymore. If she was begging for it, why not? It's not like I was at risk of addiction, her breasts were covered by the suction cups.

"I'm so glad you're here stud, fuck me!" She cried out and I obeyed. My eyes rolled back as I pressed against her nether lips, seeking entry. She was tight, like really tight, but so soaked and desperate, blooming like a flower. I didn't realize how much I needed this until I got halfway, my whole body tingled, anticipation driving me. "You're so big!" She moaned, wrapping her legs around my waist, pulling me in like it was nothing she couldn't handle. I cried out in blissful shock as she forced me to hilt myself within her tight pussy, "much better!"

She rolled her hips and my mind short-circuited, eyes completely rolling back. All I could do was hold on to the stall as she took over from her seat. On one hand it felt like I was in control but on the other hand she had all the control. I'm not sure if I could even rationalize the difference or if I even cared who was controlling what, the pleasure overwhelmed everything else.

By the time I could look at her again I couldn't take it anymore. I started to thrust back at her, rewarded by her squeals and moans. I wanted to give her the best I could, make her melt.

Her hands came up, wrapping around my head. Her warm fingers felt good against my flesh before she pulled and brought our mouths together. I forgot everything as our tongues went to war. My need to escape, to thwart Nyx's plans... all forgotten in the moment. My body acted on autopilot, thrusting as I made out with this gorgeous woman. We moaned into each other as we could feel our pleasures mounting to a peak. It wouldn't be long before one of us broke and sent the other cascading down into orgasmic bliss.

The question became, would I survive the mind melting pleasure?

I didn't care at the moment, only reaching that peak mattered now. I thrust harder and stronger until she screamed in my arms, body shaking. I couldn't even gloat for a moment as her pussy squeezed tighter than ever. It felt like she was milking me and that's all it took. My body convulsed like a tidal wave slamming into the coast. Everything went rigid as the pleasure burst out of me in waves, filling Betty's core with my molten seed.

"Mooooooo!" She screamed and shivers shot up my spine. That sound hit me in a way I never thought possible, and it reminded me how thirsty I was. I stared down at her covered tits, mouthwatering. I had to have more! A taste was not enough I needed to drink her dry! I clawed at the suction cups to no avail, they wouldn't release their hold!

By the time my orgasmic high crashed down like an avalanche the room spun before my eyes. I had been dehydrated before the aggressive fuck and now my body was coated in sweat. What had come over me? I released my hold on Betty and stumbled backwards.

A part of me felt great pride at how satisfied Betty looked, glowing and relaxed in her chair. She had a pleasant smile on her lips as she dozed off, mumbling to herself. "Stud, my stud."

My exhausted body twitched with excitement at hearing her words. Her stud... I barely had the energy to shake my head. I couldn't let those kinds of thoughts take hold within me. I had to get out of here.

Even as I thought that my legs collapsed under me and I fell to the floor, room still spinning. Damn I really over did it this time. I needed a nap, but I couldn't take one here. Deep down I knew this was the worst place to drift into unconsciousness. To be completely vulnerable to...

Clanking of heels echoed down the hallway and my hopes deflated instantly. It was already too late.

"Bravo, bravo," Nyx clapped as she slowly walked towards me. "That was so hot. You made two women cum tonight."

I weakly moved my head and glared at the woman. Her cloths were in shambles and her thighs were soaked. The closer she got to me the more her arousal filled my nose, drowning out the potent scent of milk. I don't even know how that was possible. Something about this woman melted my resistance and made me want to kneel.

I laughed out loud with disbelief. I would never let those submissive feelings take root. I'd fight back with everything I had. Right now, I just needed to rest, to recoup and collect myself. In a moment I'd pounce, and she wouldn't know what hit her. The image of Nyx's shocked face fueled my need to fight back. She wouldn't break me!

I watched as if in slow motion as the dominate woman approached my prone body. At first it was with hate but then my eyes started to wander. She had a truly remarkable body. I watched her corset hold steady as she moved, making her cleavage shift with each step around it. I even watched the muscles in her legs shift with each step until she stood over me, straddling my waist, looking down at me with that smug, sexy smile.

"You look a little burnt out stud." That word coming from her lips did something to me, boiling my blood. She didn't deserve to call me stud, not like Betty did. "Don't tell me you don't enough energy in you for round two?"

My eyes went wide as she licked her red lips, slowly dropping down to straddle me. I was not prepared for this! Though, my aching body reacted in the natural way anyone's would, swelling between my legs.

"There's a good boy, eager for more?" My mouth was so dry no words came out when I tried to speak. I had to resist her... "let's see how you fare with a real woman." She spit out between clenched teeth, referring to Betty as nothing but a pet like she had before. I would show her! Teach her she wasn't in control... she dropped onto my stomach, and I knew instantly that I was full of myself. She slid back until my dick stood proudly between her perfect ass cheeks.

This was a woman that always had control. Which one of us would come out on top?


Chapter 3


It felt like a wet dream, in a dazed state I couldn't snap out of. One minute I was yelling at myself to resist this sinister, drop-dead gorgeous woman, and the next... she rode me like the prized bronco she was hellbent on breaking in.

I wish I could say I was simply drunk off the addictive fumes in the room. However, this woman had a dark allure I just couldn't explain. The kind of sexual attraction you know is bad for you, but you just can't say no. Even as every fiber of your being is screaming at you, you can't resist.

The way she bounced on my lap was driving me crazy. I wanted nothing more than to make her scream my name. At some point I just stopped resisting all together, preferring to stare at the way her sensual body moved. She didn't even bother to undress. There was something sexy about that, that boiled my blood. Wasn't I worthy of seeing her naked glory?

My shanking hands found her silky smooth legs and caressed their way up her outer thighs, up under her knee-length black skirt. I wanted to see how her pussy looked wrapped around my cock but honestly it was her breasts I wanted to see bared before my eyes the most. I wanted to see them free and bouncing. Or even simply get my hands on them and squeeze. My dry mouth began to salivate at the thought of latching onto a hard nipple. I wager I'd never get that newfound kink out of my system now. Every woman in this room made me crave a long, hard suckle.

All the while she continued to bounce, stifling her pleasurable moans from me. Denying me the honor of knowing I pleased her, despite how obvious it felt with how her pussy clenched my dick like a velvet glove, never wanting to let go.

"Fuck..." I couldn't help moaning, squeezing her tight ass in the palms of my hands, pulling her harder against me. The pleasure sent my mind spinning. All I could do was hang on for dear life. How did I allow myself to get into this situation? I tried to think but each deep breath sent those thoughts spiraling out of control. The room had always smelled like milk but now it mingled with the intoxicating scent of sex.

Mistress Nyx had a rare scent I couldn't place. Almost like cinnamon and brimstone? I almost laughed but Nyx brought her hips down hard and I groaned instead, eyes rolling back.

"That's right stud, give in to me, fall for me!" She cried out, struggling to disguise her emotions from me. I could tell she was enjoying herself. I just had to make her admit it.

My mind couldn't focus but suddenly I had a mission. To make her cum!

Without a second thought I waited for her to rise and then I thrust my hips, meeting her next downward movement. "Ahh!" She moaned suddenly. I watched as her eyes widened in pleasant shock. Her resolve broke for a split second before that sinister, yet sexy smirk returned to her lips, and she looked down into my eyes possessively. "Goood boy," she moaned, and my body quivered in response. I tried to get under her skin and all I ended up doing was giving her exactly what she wanted, and my body loved every second of it. "You want to show me what you've got stud?"

Her sexy purr drove me wild. "Yes!" I cried out mindlessly, meeting her next thrust and then another. I couldn't stop myself, her pussy felt that good, even better than Betty's and I can't believe I'm even thinking that. Betty drove me so wild, with her sweet-smelling milk and her submissive tendencies. Betty and I'm sure all the other hocows would keep me distracted if given the chance. Nyx just... well she carried herself with the type of confidence that could topple nations. While the cows made you feel in control, Nyx made you weak in the knees, eager to obey.

Things start to go crazy as my pleasure sours ever higher. I can barely hold on anymore, staring at her glorious cleavage and that hint of a smirk at the edge of my vision. I'm giving her exactly what she wants, and I can't stop myself. I just lay there panting, moaning, hips twitching. Everything's going white behind my vision, Nyx is glowing like a goddess. An evil mind melting fallen goddess. One I want to worship with all my being. My past life no longer held any meaning for me.

"That's it baby, give in," she moans and chills run through my body. Her voice is like a siren's call to my soul sending me over the edge. "Yes!" Her laugh echoes throughout the hall but I barely hear it since everything went white, my back arches and I hear myself cry out with an orgasmic moan. Powerful jolts rush through me in waves, sending my hips bucking wildly. A prized bronco broken in is exactly what I feel like.

And then it all goes black, my senses short-circuiting. The last thing I hear is her sexy purr, whispering praise to me as my body shuts down.


I wake with a jolt, my entire body aches but I can't move my limbs. In a panic I struggle to free myself when movement in the shadows catches my eye.

"Look who decided to join us..." A feminine voice purrs from the shadows. I tried to see but things were still blurry and dark. Then the woman flipped a switch and blinding light filled the room. I cried out with shock; squinting hurt too much. I had no choice but to keep my eyes tightly shut. The woman simply laughed at my discomfort. "Doesn't he look so cute my pet?"

"Mhmm," another quieter feminine voice mumbled.

My mind struggled to comprehend the feeling of déj� vu... the bright light stings my aching eyes, the seductive voice though? I've heard it before. This already happened, didn't it? I pry open my eyes and find none other than Mistress Nyx standing there triumphantly smiling ear to ear. Her hair isn't as styled as I remember though. In fact, it looks like she just got fucked good, she's glowing.

"Good morning, Stud," she purrs, licking her red, full lips. I feel my body react instantly at her voice. I can only gulp realizing I'm still sitting in that damn chair in the interrogation room. Only now my body has this post-climatic feeling buzzing through it along with the aching soreness.

I open my mouth to speak, but I pause not knowing what to say as I look down at Betty kneeling beside our mistress... no, her mistress, damn it! I shake my head trying to resist the aching need to give in. But the memory of how that sexy cowgirl blew me makes my member stir and I watch as she licks her drooling lips, staring right at my lap.

Nyx nudges her pet and I watch as if in slow motion as she crawls over to me. Only this time Nyx doesn't head for the spare chair. She circles around behind me. Her heels echoing like thunderbolts in my head. Her wet tongue licks my ear lobe as Betty pushes my legs apart. "Think you can resist begging this time baby?"

Chills run down my spine as I realize everything hadn't been a dream. I did get out only I passed out, of course she returned me to the chair. My body can't help but get excited at her words though. Dick twitching at the memory of thrusting between both these gorgeous woman's legs. Hearing their climatic screams...

I don't beg, I keep quiet, defiantly. Which oddly enough makes her happy as she nibbles on my ear, making me shiver.

"This will be very interesting to watch. You're already aching for her touch." She rubs her hands down my arms and squeals, "so many goosebumps!"

Betty slides up between my legs and I expect her to take me into her mouth again, but she keeps rising. I gulp as I feel her large breasts wrap around my angry cock. It's like everything is moving in slow motion as her hands go to her naked tits and squeezes them around my dick. I bite my lip to stifle the moan, but it still escapes, albeit muffled. Her chest feels amazing pressing against me like that and my head would have fallen back but Nyx is right there behind me.

"That'a boy," Nyx purrs from behind and my hips jerk forward, heightening the pleasure even more. I just can't believe how my body reacts to her words alone. As if I'm triggered to feel pleasure by just listening to her speak. It's bad enough that she has this aroma of dominance that makes my knees weak. Did I always have a weakness for strong women like her and I just didn't know it?

The sweet scent of milk starts to fill the room, pulling me back to the present, and it takes a second for me to realize it's coming from Betty. Her tits are dripping all over my waist and my body tingles from it. My nostrils flair and my eyes dilate, mouth watering. I remember that single drop and how it affected me. I moan louder, desperately trying to hold back from begging for another taste. Each deep breath fills my lungs with that scent I crave more than anything in the world. Making that futile struggle harder as I watch her soaked breasts sliding along my desperately throbbing cock.

I know I can't give them the satisfaction.

"What's that? Got something you want to tell us?"

"No..." I practically whimper quietly.

"Sure about that stud?" Nyx wraps her arm around my neck. Her other hand grabs my chin and tilts me towards her. Her sparkling eyes stare through me knowingly. "Say it one more time for me darling."

My body shivers at the intense struggle, hearing her silky words, coming from those luscious, red painted lips. When I refuse, she doesn't even get angry. She knows she has me by the balls, desperate for another taste. Eager to suckle and fill myself until I can't think straight. Dooming myself in the process.

"If you won't speak, just feel," she moans at me before looking down. Betty starts to bounce her chest in my lap. The loud slaps echo around the room and I struggle to hold back my gasps. Everything feels more heightened, more sensitive. It's the milk, it has to be! "Don't you just want to give in, cum, cum all those pesky thoughts right out of your hard dick. Spray all over your sexy hocow's face."

I whimper despite myself. Everything is spinning and I want so desperately to say yes. My jaw hangs open as I slouch in my chair. All to give Betty more access. She beams back up at me with those big doe eyes of hers.

"You haven't even played with your other cows. They're all yours... all you have to do is become mine. That's not too much to ask, is it?"

"No..." I whimper under my breath. Betty fills my vision now. All I can see is her and I want to please her. Mistress Nyx moans in my ear. I know she heard me, and the knowledge makes me crave to give in even more.

"I want you baby..." she bit my ear and the pain mixes with all the pleasure. "I want you to cum so hard you are left a brainless bimbo for me to mold into the perfect stud bull."

Betty squeals at her mistress, nodding her head to me in encouragement. "Brainless bimbo!" She moans and the words echo inside my head. I can't even remember why I've been fighting... I want to cum so badly as the resistance melts away like butter in a fire.

"Oh fuck!" I cry out, hips jerking forward so suddenly I almost shove Betty off. Thankfully she tightens her hold, squeezing her breasts even harder against my length. Her ecstatic expression melting my heart.

"That's right stud, you're going to cum so fucking hard for me aren't'cha?" Mistress purrs into my ear, sending powerful chills down my spine. I can't hold back anymore even if I wanted to!

"Yes! Fuck!"

Nyx pulls my head back, so I stare into her triumphant eyes.

"Please..." I moan, eyes so blurry I know they have to be glassy. All other thoughts are like fireflies in the night. There one second only to vanish the next. Her smile widens, eyes shining.

"Please what baby?" She purrs, leaning closer. I stare at her like she's a goddess, her red lips coming closer. I can't help but lean in too. Our lips meet and my body convulses suddenly. Betty squeals, squeezing her melons all the more and I spray my own cream against her face, my hips arching as far as they can.

Bliss overwhelms me as my eyes close and I press harder against Nyx's sweet lips. Her tongue presses against my lips and I open instinctively. Letting her take full control and it feels so... good.

Before my climax finishes, she pulls back, biting my bottom lip. The satisfied look she gives me with her cheeks flushing red makes me lean in for more, but I can't reach her as she pulls back more, releasing my lip only to bite her own. It's obvious I've pleased her, and I can't think of anything better in the world.

"Mistress..." I moan, licking my lips just to taste her again.

She brings her luscious lips back to my ear and whispers, but I can't understand her words. Heat flushes through me though as if something within me understands completely. The arm around my neck slides off but not before she possessively squeezes my neck and speaks a phrase, I'm starting to love hearing.

"Good boy," she purrs before straitening her back and pulling on Betty's leash. I'm sitting with a vacant look on my face, jaw dropped, completely spaced out of my mind. So much so that her words don't even register for a bit. I'm just staring at Betty as she scoops up my cum and licks her fingers clean. Then the leash tugs at her neck and she lets out a cute gasp before being pulled away. My eyes bulge a moment later, realizing they're leaving.

"Wait..." I cry out as Nyx heads for the door, hips swaying. I barely even notice Betty crawling after her when it all hits me, and I realize how badly I failed myself. My body aches for more despite knowing better. It's as if my mind is coming out of a dense fog, grasping for anything to hold onto. She really got to me this time and she knows it. Nyx glances back at me over her shoulder and those smoldering eyes stare right through me. It won't be long until I'm begging, exactly like she wants.

The two gorgeous women leave, shutting the door behind them. I'm sitting here gasping for breath, completely drunk off the strong scent of milk that's lingering. Then my eyes bugle even more... unlike last time I'm left with milk all over my waist.

I know how to free myself and all I can think about is getting another taste. Indulging myself stupid. Even as a part of me knows it would be a major mistake. Escape should be my top priority, but it isn't even a whisper on my mind anymore. I need another taste!

By the time I maneuver the blasted chair over to the door I'm huffing and puffing. Time is running out as I desperately try to find that rough patch of metal again. Everything before feels like a long-lost dream. My mind can't comprehend one day or the next. I'm starting to believe I never escaped the room before. "Yes!" I cry out, finally finding the spot just like last time, proving it wasn't an illusion after all.

My two sexual encounters actually happened before I woke up back in this uncomfortable chair. That makes me thrilled as I scrape my wrists against the doorframe like a mad man.

Then it happens, the rope tears and my hands are once again free... only this time it's not escaping I'm after, I have a feast to devour...

"No! This can't be happening!" I cry out after finally getting my hands on that delicious milk. But it's dried up and flakes to the ground in a useless powdery mess. "No, no no!"

I stand up, tossing the chair like a rag doll, slamming my fist against the metal door in a fit of rage and the frame warps with the impact. It takes a moment for me to calm down my shaking, bleeding fist. Then I notice the broken door and my jaw drops. The solid metal caved in like paper.

"I did that?" I whisper in utter disbelief. My throbbing hand is already feeling better. It's then that I realize I'm standing taller too. What the fuck is going on?


Chapter 4


I peeled the door off it's frame like it was paper mache, tossing it to the side. Honestly, I didn't intend on breaking it, it just happened when I slammed my fist against it. The strength it would take to damage a solid metal door like that shouldn't have been possible. And yet, I had done it. Let's just say I was dumbfounded and move on. My nose locked on to that addicting scent and completely distracted me.

I was locked in a barn run by a villain, and I couldn't have cared any less. There was only one thing on my mind, and I would let anyone get in my way this time. Just knowing that Betty wouldn't say no to me turned me on. So, off I went towards the pumping stalls, bending down. I had almost walked right into the doorframe. For a split second it puzzled me because I wasn't that tall before. Like I said before though, I had a one-track mind and couldn't be bothered by it, so I shrugged it off and continued onward.

I rushed over to the stalls with a massive grin on my face only to stop suddenly, sliding to a halt.

The stalls were empty!

"Where could they be?" I cried out, winching as my deep voiced echoed back painfully. I scratched at my ears, finding them slightly longer. It never dawned on me that just breathing in the potent fumes could affect a body so much. It should be bothering me a lot more than it was. I just couldn't get Betty out of my head. I needed to find her. Or like, any of the others. I blushed realizing I didn't know any of their names but just thought about them intimately. A part of me knew that wouldn't mind. Hell, they might even encourage it if they were anything like Betty.

I spent some time searching around the barn, ignoring anything not a hocow. Like the sharp tools I could use against Nyx, yet I barely even noticed them. The scent of milk drove me crazy but didn't lure me any particular direction. The whole place smelled of it.

Only a couple minutes had passed before I started to think about busting through the wall or the main barn doors. That's when I found a window and saw the holstaur walking past. She had brunette, shoulder length hair and bright blue eyes. I gulped, licking my dry lips as I watched her walk. The spotted apron she wore barely held back her massive breasts. I stared, transfixed on those lovely orbs bouncing and jiggling with each step she took. Her hips swayed as if she knew she had an audience.

I could see the large fenced in field and assumed it was their area to roam freely in. In fact, if I squinted, I swore I could see a couple of them lounging by a tree. So, they were on break from being milked. I let out a deep breath, they weren't gone, just not in their stalls.

My eyes snapped back to the brunette as she entered a door attached to the barn but an offshoot part of it. I had a new mission, find that side piece! I had searched most of the barn, but I didn't try any passages leading to other parts. Clearly, I wasn't thinking much today. I had milk on my mind and little else.

I found a tight hallway and squeezed through it, but it led to a small storage room. Not what I was searching for. Backtracking took more effort than I'd like to admit since I couldn't turn around.

I tried another with the same result. Finally, I returned the the milking stalls, scratching my head. They had to leave the room somehow. I leaned back against the wall, and something poked me in the back. In my panic I felt it move and a click sounded in the wall. I had leaned against a type of lever. My brain couldn't comprehend what it was for.

The main wall opened slowly and the sound of gears turning filled the room. Huh, a hidden compartment! In reality it wasn't but I didn't have the braincells to realize that. It had been there the whole time but who would think of pressing buttons and pulling levers in such a state of mind? I just needed a damn drink, okay?!?

The opening wall revealed a large bedroom with low lighting and lots of straw. My eyes instantly locked on to the brunette leaning back on a mattress that filled the room. She was staring up at me with lustful, smoldering eyes, licking her smirking lips. Behind her, curled up all cute like was Betty, snoring. Her long blond hair splayed out behind her.

I couldn't believe my luck!

"Hello there, stud," the brunette purred, curling her fingers in a come-hither motion.

I felt so excited I could feel my body shaking. My legs moved before I could tell them to, rushing over to the woman.

"Oh, quite eager, aren'tcha sugar?" She said with a southern draw, and I could only nod, licking my dry lips. Her enormous chest displayed a large amount of cleavage and side boob and thankfully she didn't mind me staring as I approached.

"So thirsty," my voice cracked, and she laughed.

"Haven't they been keeping you nourished?" She asked, reaching up and cupping her large chest. I felt my dick react and her eyes shot down my body. "Somebody else is eager too, such a big boy, come to momma!" She held out her arm while the other went for the apron's clasp, undoing it.

The cloth fell as her breasts burst from their constricting prison. My eyes bulged from the sight as her flesh bounced free before me. My one-track mind zoned in and all else faded away. That which I sought sat right before with her arms out calling me in. How could I resist?

I practically ran into her arms. Getting my hands on those breasts felt so perfect my heart skipped a beat. My fingers disappeared as her breasts molded around them. Her pleased moan filled my ears as I stared at the deep cleavage my actions caused. My mouth watering at the thought of diving in that deep cavern.

Her tongue sliding across her lips distracted me, pulling my gaze up. I couldn't hold back, leaning in to press against her luscious lips. She squealed with glee before our tongues danced together all the while my hands kept massaging her tits.

"Mmm, hello master," Betty purred, stirring from her slumber, sliding her blond hair behind her floppy ear. My immense weight shifting on the bed must have woken her. I glanced at her as she stretched and my heart melted, watching her stretch. That perfect, curvy body of hers drove me wild. "I see you've met Rachel." She said all sweet like with that cute smile.

I tried to pull back to reply but the brunette, I mean Rachel, wrapped her arm around my shoulder. Her other hand sliding along my neck, into my hair. She held me tight, kissing harder too.

Betty slid up along side both of us, caressing our backs. She brought her lips to my ear, whispering, "I dreamt of you all night lover."

Chills ran through my body and Rachel squirmed against my erection. My steel was trapped between our lower bellies'. While I continued to kiss her, I couldn't help but watch Betty's every move. She still had on that spotted bikini that molded against her breasts like a second skin. I've been craving milk for a while and now I had four breasts to play with. I gripped Rachel's tongue between my teeth and lips and sucked hard. Watching her eyes roll back as she shivered hard.

Her grip on my head and back loosened and I made my move. I pulled back, looking down at her enormous breasts. I took a split second to admire how my fingers disappeared as I squeezed them together.

They both looked at me with smoldering, knowing eyes. Their lips curved in mischievous smirks. And then Betty spoke words that I'll never forget, "does master," She pushed for effect, "wanna suckle?"

My dick must have jerked hard because Rachel squealed, grabbing hold, and I couldn't hold back. Without even answering I lunged into action, right at a big puffy nipple.

"Good boy!" Rachel moaned as I sucked, desperately. The moment fresh, warm milk met my tongue I knew I had made the best mistake of my life and I never wanted to turn back. I drank until my head spun and then continued to drink. Eventually one of their hands directed me to her other breast. I was far too out of it to know which one of them did it. The only thing I cared about was that long moment between nipples where I felt like my life depended on getting another taste.

All the while Betty kept whispering in my ear, but I couldn't focus on any of her words. My body was tingling as if I was high, and I loved every second of it. My hands couldn't stop squeezing either, enjoying the feel of her large breasts.

By the time I was shoved back I whined, not willing to let go. Everything spun though as I was pushed back onto the bed. Laying there with a dumb expression on my face, eyes glazed.

"Master, won't you come taste me now?"

I looked towards Betty's voice and saw double. Two women staring down at me with smoldering eyes. In my daze they kept phasing into four women and back. All I could do was smile back at them, completely lightheaded.

The milk I never should have indulged on filled my belly, sloshing around. I could feel it spreading throughout my veins like a drug. As weird as that sounds. My body reacting to it in ways I couldn't begin to imagine.

"He's like totally out of it, teehee," Rachel giggled, looking over at Betty.

"Mistress Nyx has plans for him. He's been primed. Our milk isn't just addictive to him." She leaned forward, cupping her large breasts and squeezing them together. "Still thirsty baby?"

Her words floated around in my skull. I understood them and a part of me felt fear. But, it was like a dream. Knowing you were in trouble and not being able to stop yourself. Betty came closer, pulling the right bikini to the side, and I found my mouth opening instinctively. She propped my head up, "there's a good boy."

Tingles spread down my back, from her words and the milk. Hers tasted different, more potent. In the back of my mind, I couldn't stop thinking about what she said even as I suckled, drinking deeply. What did she mean I was primed? Captured and toyed with. Kept in a small room kept potent with the scent of their milk. No, not their milk, Betty's milk.

My eyes shot open wide. I realized everything all of a sudden. The changes with my body, the need for a taste growing stronger by the day. I pushed back, releasing Betty's nipple.

"Stop..." I gasped, licking my lips before catching myself. I could feel my body growing. Two spots on my head itched like the worst mosquito bites.

Betty sat there smirking down at me, playing with a breast with one hand, her hair with the other. Of which I couldn't take my eyes off of. The need was growing within me, and she could tell. I stared back at her trying to resist my own urges when Rachel suddenly straddled my waist. "Fuck!" I cried out in bliss. Her pussy squeezing me perfectly, like a velvet glove.

"I found something fun to ride!" The brunette squealed, making Betty giggle. Then she bit her lip, curling hair around her finger while looking down at me.

Thankfully Rachel just sat there, or I would really have trouble thinking straight. I mean it it still wasn't easy! But there was something really bothering me, and it kept slipping away like an important paper taken by the breeze.

Mistress Nyx was one step ahead. After all those times I thwarted her plans, now she had me... right where she wanted me. The holstaur on my lap couldn't be happier about it either. I grabbed her hips as she tried to move to keep her still. She whimpered and they both giggled.

Something was building up inside me that felt like rage only I wasn't angry. I was thirsty. The more I tried to fight it, the more I craved Betty's special milk. It didn't help with her leaning over me, dangling her teat like a fishing lure!

Think damn it!

I shook my head, looking off to the distance, trying to distract myself. Nyx wanted me here, indulging to my heart's content. Submitting to her, while dominating these submissive bombshells with an endless supply of addictive... mouth watering, body altering milk!

Betty's hot breath blew over my ear as she leaned down. Her dripping breasts pressed against my side like pillows. "Doesn't it feel so gooood to just, give in?"

I cried out, hips bucking, making Rachel squeal. That was enough to get her moving. Even with me holding on to Rachel's hips I couldn't stop them from rocking back and forth. The pleasure sent my head spinning so I tried biting my lip to no avail. Nothing could keep the waves of bliss from flowing up my body.

"That hard cock wants to play. It's totally throbbing inside me!" Rachel moaned, bringing her hands up into her long brown hair. Her enormous breasts jiggling with each move of her hips.

I tried to resist turning my gaze towards her, honest! Betty licked my cheek as I turned. Her tongue was longer than any human's I've ever seen. She beamed as I couldn't stop myself from watching her busty friend.

"That's it baby, watch her mommy milkers bounce for you." She purred before kissing the corner of my mouth. My lips responded instinctively and before I knew it, we were making out, gazes locked together. Her eyes had a golden hue to them that drew me in like a hypnotist's spiral.

"Mistress told us you would be fun to play with!" Rachel squealed, now bouncing on my lap. Her hips were slapping against my thighs so loud I worried it would attract more Holstaurs from outside. My eyes rolled back at the blissful shiver that just ran down my spine at the mere thought of all those hocows waltzing in here... smothering me with their...

Damn it! I'm losing it!

"Ow!" I cried as Betty bit my lip. She pulled back, giving me those doe eyes, blinking rapidly.

"Thirsty?" She tilted her head, licking her lips. I found myself nodding, staring into her big golden eyes.

My eyes were dilated, nostrils flared. I was breathing heavy with Rachel bouncing on my dick. "Listen," I tried to reason with her, "we could get away, just us."

She winked, "how romantic," she leaned in kissing me softly and briefly. I felt her hefting a breast up towards our lips. I wanted it so bad but that little part of me was still resisting. I just couldn't do anything from this position. "Can't go while you're so thirsty though master."

That's when I remembered one very important piece of information. Betty was like, super submissive. I had to shake myself. I was starting to think like a Rachel talked! I gulped as my eyes looked down, watching as if in slow motion as she brought that mouth watering nipple higher. My mouth suddenly went dry like a desert, and I longed to wrap my chapped lips around it.

I grunted and acted before it was too late, rolling to the side. Rachel squealed for the umpteenth time only this time sliding right into Betty. The two women fell onto the bed with me on my knees between Rachel's legs I slid down and off the bed, absentmindedly pulling Rachel with me. She quickly wrapped those legs around my waist, holding me tight. My hands went back to her hips.

"Fuck me baby! Yes!" She cried out, grabbing hold of her massive tits. I gulped again, watching them bounce and I couldn't help myself. I thrust, groaning loudly.

Betty rolled gracefully before crawling around, off the bed until she stood behind me. I tried to get the upper hand only to get distracted in a tight vase-like pussy.

"Mmhmm, pleasure sure is hard to ignore baby." She moaned in my ear. "Isn't it?"

"Yes!" I couldn't refrain from groaning back, thrusting in short, hard bursts.

"Fuck me harder!" Rachel screamed.

"Making you soooo thirsty." Betty's words hit me like a stampede as I visibly quivered. She wrapped her arms around me, kissing my shoulder blade. I rationalized that was the highest she could get with us standing. How had I grown so tall so quickly?

Despite everything I found myself staring at Rachel's bouncing breasts.

"Yes baby! Stare at them, I know you wanna suckle again." She moaned, "make me cum first!"

I felt her vagina tighten like a vice and it caused my cock to swell. Betty reached around, one hand sliding down my belly, the other pinching my nipple. "Fuck!" I cried out, my body tensing. Betty's lower hand cupped my scrotum and squeezed lovingly.

"Cum for me master," my blond bombshell purred and set my off. My pulsing dick unleashed like a volcano, setting Rachel off. Her scream rang in my ears until they felt like they'd pop. My entire body tingled as I held myself deeply within the gorgeous woman, body twitching in tune with my orgasm. Rachel's entire body shook as she held on for dear life. Everything went white when I heard Betty purr, "there you go, master!"

Gigging from multiple women pulled me from my daze and I found myself laying atop Rachel, face nestled between her breasts, her arms around my neck. I angled myself and my heart dropped.

Four more of the hocows had entered the bedroom. The lustful gazes they were giving me made my body react, swelling once again within Rachel. If I thought I was lightheaded before now I felt beyond drained, and dizzy.

Betty rolled me over onto my back, Rachel reluctantly released me from her hold. My limbs flipped like noodles. Barely able to keep my eyes open. I felt the four women climb onto the bed and I knew I was in for a wild night. I looked up into Betty's pleased eyes as I felt a mouth take my growing cock.

"Look at you baby, you can barely move," she whispered, lightly rubbing my cheek. "I can fix that," she purred so sexily that I couldn't resist as she placed a nipple between my lips.

I drank like a dying man found fresh water. My eyes closed as my mind clouded. Several more Holstaurs entered the room, joining the party.


Heels echoed on the stone floor as Mistress Nyx walked into the room. She laughed, finding Anubys passed out in the middle of all her hocows. "My my, what a lovely sight this is."

Betty stirred and smiled, "good morning mistress."

"You've done well my pet. I think he's ready for the chair."

"The chair?"

"Oh yes, you've let him indulge. It's time to make him beg for more. He'll be wrapped around my finger by the time I'm done with him."

"And then he'll be our stud?"

Nyx laughed loudly, "yes my dear, he'll be all of my sweet hocow's stud muffin." She waved her hand out at all her pets. "You'll produce the sweetest milk for the whole world to get addicted to."

Betty smiled and woke up her sisters. It took several of them to move Anubys' limp body, slowly following their mistress. They brought him to another side room that had a much sturdier wooden chair. Lightly placing him into it, they strapped him in.

With their stud properly restrained Nyx dismissed them. "Back to your stalls ladies, this will take a while."

"Yes mistress," they each said in unison. Nyx sat down in a much more comfortable chair and waited. She collected her hair over one shoulder and started to braid it to pass the time. She had been longing for this moment for a long time. Soon all her plans would come to fruition.


Chapter 5


I woke with a start. My neck felt stiff, and I tried to stretch it, but found I couldn't move at all. I felt tight straps around my limbs, waist and chest, another around my forehead. This time though I was standing, my arms stretched out to the sides. It frustrated me to be bound again but truth be told something else kept my focus from getting angry. I was starving and not for food. I had this deep seeded need to suckle my lovely Holstaurs.

Only one problem, they weren't here. That addicting scent I had become addicted to was absent from my current room. I ran my tongue over my chapped lips and swallowed, mouth tasting like cotton. I could feel the withdraw quickly rising, boiling my blood. I needed a drink!

"Good morning handsome..." the most seductive voice purred from before me. My eyes focused finally, and I wish they hadn't.

Nyx sat before me looking smug as always. She had this triumphant smirk as she looked me over with those smoldering eyes. I felt my body react and her right brow arched in response. This goddess of a woman sat there in the same tight black corset and black skirt. Though this time she also wore dark green stockings and lace gloves. The only thing missing was a matching lace mask. Otherwise, she looked ready for a ballroom dance. She had her long red hair pulled back into a ponytail that completed the dominate appearance.

"I couldn't believe it when I found you passed out among the girls. I thought you wanted to resist me, stud..." She drew out that title before licking her lips. When my dick twitched to her words, she threw her head back and laughed. "So much for that strong willpower you jested earlier. You just couldn't resist getting another taste, huh?"

Her silky words kept sending chills down my spine. When she mentioned a taste though, I felt my cheeks flush. I had given in and now it's all I could think of. Suckling at a puffy nipple, filling my belly with their ambrosia.

"Oh, I know, some things are simply too irresistible, aren't they, darling?"

I felt ashamed but I couldn't stop myself from nodding. Thankfully the strap holding my head kept the motion from being noticeable. The minx could still see my blush though, and she smiled knowingly.

"P-please..." I said even as my voice cracked, barely above a whisper. The following sultry look she gave me really turned me on, and I watched as her eyes trailed down my naked flesh. She looked hungry and it made chills run down my spine. This woman had once been my enemy and now my dick twitched eagerly before her presence.

"Tempting, but not yet hun. Soon you'll do anything for another suckle. You can already feel it, can't you?" My cheeks flushed so hot I knew I had to look embarrassing, but I couldn't deny her. She was right, so very right.

"Yes," I said in shame. I could feel it within me. A need so great like nothing I had ever felt before. All because I gave in and indulged, dooming myself. I wish I could say I held out for my friends to recue me, but I didn't stand a chance. She gave me one little drop right away and that had been enough to seal my fate from the beginning. By the time anyone even started looking for me I'd be exactly what Mistress Nyx wanted me to be. And I'd do anything for another suckle, just like she said. Damn I really needed a drink right now!

Mistress Nyx stood up and I watched her amble bosom jiggle in their tight prison. She approached me, cupping my cheek in her lace gloved hand. Our gazed locked and I felt my heart shudder. "Did you have fun with them?" She asked all sweet like.

I gulped and couldn't stop myself from replying, "y-yes."

Nyx smiled wide before sliding around me. I felt her soft bosom press against my back before her lips came to my ear. "Did you enjoy getting fucked until you couldn't stay conscious? Drinking yourself stupid for me... Just like I knew you always would."

"Yes," I moaned, loving the way her breath felt against my sweating skin.

"Obedience is pleasure." She whispered before biting my earlobe softly. My breath caught in my throat. Then her gloved hands trailed down my sides to my hips like a lover's caress. The lace gloves made my flesh tingle pleasantly.

"I told you, obey me, and all of them are yours. To play with, to suckle." Her hands came around my waist and my body twitched in anticipation.

"Yes!" I cried out in anticipation as her hands slid towards my crotch, sending my stomach fluttering with butterflies.

"Obedience is pleasure." She whispered again, taking my ear lobe between her lips again, this time sucking. I groaned because at the very same time her hands wrapped around my desperate member and squeezed.

I found myself repeating her absentmindedly and each time I did she gave me a strong stroke. So, I did the only thing my rational mind could think of, I sped up my chanting and her hand followed suit, speeding up. The other hand kept firmly wrapped around my base.

"Obedience... pleasure!" I cried out, no longer able to focus on anything else as she sucked on my ear, lightly nibbling. Her quiet, sexy moans were driving me crazy.

Even though I was bound tightly I managed to get enough slack to rock my hips slightly. Just enough to add more power to her strokes. My body tingled, so close to a powerful, mind melting orgasm.

I groaned and my body tensed. Her lace covered hands felt amazing against my throbbing flesh.

"Obedience!!" I screamed, arching my hips as far as I could. Nyx giggled and squeezed her other hand hard. My climatic bliss hit as my cock twitched powerfully, but nothing came out. I groaned and whimpered at the same time, humiliating myself. I had been so lost to the chanting it took me a moment to realize what happened as my cock spasmed violently absent climax. "Why?" I whimpered pathetically.

"Good boys wait until they're given permission." She calmly stated, squeezing my sensitive tip playfully.

My entire body shook, calming down from the denied climax. Despite everything I was still hard and eager for more. She let me recover but never took her hands off me, just lightly caressing me with one hand, the other holding on tight.

"There you go, my stud." She purred softly in my ear, "breathe"

I felt overwhelmed with emotions. That part of me that hated her had been crushed to a small ember. All that remained swelled with love and devotion. At least the part that wasn't shaking with desperation for another gulp of milk. If you had told me a week ago that I'd be addicted to milk, of all things, I would have laughed in your face. But here I was thinking of doing anything this gorgeous woman wanted just so I could suckle gorgeous Betty or any of the other lovely ladies. Just thinking about their massive mommy milkers made me lip my dry lips.

I stood there strapped to whatever device this was and found myself daydreaming of my encounter with all of the Holstaurs. Nyx cooed sweetly in my ear as I pictured myself latched onto a hard nipple, sucking hard like my life depended on it. Nyx's hand lightly stroked my angry cock.

The word obedience floated around in my mind the entire time. Time stretched on, and before I knew it Mistress was stroking me hard again, panting in my ear as she rubbed up against me.

"I want you..." I whispered, hips starting to buck once again.

"I know," she purred, bitting my neck, placing her mark upon me. The pain flushed through my system and mixed with the intense pleasure I felt. Her hand sped up, twisting at my tip. I reached the edge much faster this time and groaned as her other hand once again squeezed my flesh tightly.

"Goood boy," she moaned when I didn't cry out in complaint. "You sure do learn quick."

I felt my cheeks flush at her praise. My mouth opened to say... I'm not quite sure honestly. What came out though didn't even surprise me. "Obedience in pleasure, my queen."

"Oh, flatterer," she giggled, kissing her way back to my ear. "You're mine now!" She moaned possessively.

"Yes!" My body already on edge for the third time. I don't even remember recovering this time, it just hit me suddenly.

"Cum for me stud!" She bit my ear lobe and my pleasure soared into the clouds. Both of her hands were stroking me now, short, fast strokes, both fists twisting around my cock.

"Fuck!!" I screamed as the flood gates burst open like a volcano. My entire body tensed as burst after burst sprayed out from me. All the while Nyx whispered praise into my ear. Words that seeped into my subconscious mind.

My vision blurred as the climax stretched on. It felt like my entire body had climaxed and it was simply too much to handle. My mind couldn't withstand it anymore and the lights went out, my body went limp.

"That was so hot mistress," a shy voice whispered from the sidelines.

"I know, my wrist is sore, and I don't even care!" Nyx replied with a giggle, licking her hand clean, savoring his seed. She walked around her prize and admired his bulging muscles. His body had changed so much in the brief time since she captured him. She found herself wondering how much more it would change now that he had indulged for the first time.

All the addicting milk she had tried to send out--The shipments Anubys had ruined before she captured him--had been diluted so it would have only been addicting, with no side effects. Now she got firsthand experience with what happens when you drink from the source. Imagine how powerful he'd become if she wasn't here to keep him in line, wrapping him around her finger like a good puppy in training. Without her solidifying her control of the situation he might have become a rival of hers. Stealing her source of milk out from under her feet. She shuddered at the thought. However, she'd be lying if she said it didn't send an exciting chill down her spine when she thought about how dominating he would have become. Would she have submitted to him? The powerful bull the milk appeared to be forming from the once human male.

Nyx saw the mess he made on the floor and smirked. Though she then glanced at his penis and blushed. She was caught off guard with her feelings as she watched his semi hard dick twitch, dripping the last of his spunk. She waved a hand in front of her face to fan her flushing face and turned back towards her maid.

"He sure does look like a snack." The fleece sprite said, looking him over, biting her lower lip.

Nyx jumped slightly, remembering she wasn't alone. She felt vulnerable as she felt her face heat up. She straightened out her cloths and turned to leave quickly before her maid noticed her discomfort. Her long ponytail whipped around as she spun on her heels. "He sure does. Umm, have some fun... but... don't release him."

Nyx fled from the room flustered and horny. She wanted to get back to her security station so she could watch things unfold and rub one out in private. Her cheeks flushed brighter, knowing full well that one wouldn't be enough.

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