Chereads / Hunter’s Sexy Snippets / Chapter 161 - A WORLD WITHOUT MEN, UNTIL NOW By dave110256

Chapter 161 - A WORLD WITHOUT MEN, UNTIL NOW By dave110256

It was summer in Alaska and I certainly wasn't going to waste what good weather we did get up here, which amounted to a few months out of the year, worrying about such foolishness. I had vacation days to take, hunting and fishing trips planned, and maybe a trip to the lower 48 for a little R & R with real warm weather, instead of calling seventy degrees a heat wave. My hormones were raging after a long, dark winter and I had hopes of seeing bikini clad women on the beaches.

Being a single man in Alaska means there's just not a lot of women to choose from on the dating scene. So, in order to satisfy those manly urges I get from time to time I either frequent a little bar I know of that has a select group of ladies of the evening or do things the hard way and go online. Oh, how the computer has changed our lives up here in Alaska, or for that matter, everywhere.

On a warm summer evening, at least by Alaska's standards, I decided to go to the local bar, hoping to mingle a little and maybe even get lucky enough to bring a young lady home with me. The bar was about a twenty mile drive, located in a small mining town. About ten minutes into the drive, my car started acting unusual, sputtering and lugging as if it weren't getting any gas. I pulled over and lifted the hood, hoping to find a quick fix to my problem, not wanting to walk the final ten miles or wait for a passing vehicle to hitch a ride with.

As I lifted the hood I started to feel dizzy and had to catch myself before I lost my balance and fell. I felt groggy, almost drunk, although I hadn't had a drop to drink. I left the hood up and got back into the car, steadying myself by grabbing the door handle as I slid in. I sat back, trying to catch my breath when everything went white. That's the last thing I remember that evening.

As I started to come to, a chill ran up my spine making me shiver, startling me. But I couldn't move, everything was dark and cold.

"Hey, where am I?" I shouted, hearing only my own echo in response.

As I became more aware, I noticed my hands and feet were restrained and it felt like I was on a cold table. I struggled a bit but couldn't move, I had no idea where I was or how I got there.

"Is anyone here? This isn't fucking funny!" I yelled, still no response.

My eyes should have adjusted to the darkness by now but hadn't. I couldn't see a damn thing, not even a shape. This was odd as the nights were never this dark during these few months in Alaska. I knew I had to be in some sort of a darkened shelter or smething. I heard nothing, not a sound. No passing traffic, no voices, no birds chirping, no water running, no wind blowing, nothing.

"Hey you motherfuckers, let me outta here!" I yelled frantically.

"You will not be harmed, please be calm," a soft female voice sounded. "We will explain everything soon, you are being screened."

"What the fuck? Screened for what? Let me up!"

"Everything will be explained to you very soon, please relax and comply with our requests," the sexy voice calmly said. "The screening is almost complete."

"Someone better fucking let me up, NOW! Fuck you and your screening!"

"We are not going to harm you. It would be in your best interest to remain calm."

Gradually, the room became light, a soft glow overhead illuminated my naked body. I lay shackled to a table in what appeared to be an operating room. As my eyes adjusted, figures came into view. I was surrounded by seven females, but they didn't look quite right. They all had identical body types, height and weight. Each woman was very tall, probably well over six feet and well endowed. Each woman had perfectly shaped breasts outlined by their form-fitting uniforms.

If I didn't know better, I'd say there was something non-human about them, they were just too perfectly formed. They all had hair but the colors were fluorescent. One had bright pink hair, another orange, two had purple and the other three women had hair color I didn't even recognize as being a color.. I must admit, they were stunning, beautiful women. Their uniforms, or clothing, was skin tight, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination, nothing. I couldn't take my eyes off their bodies, their uniforms were so tight and the material was so thin. None of them wore underwear, their nipples were hard and large. I could even see the outline of their pussies. Each woman appeared to have a solid, rock hard body.

I was actually a little aroused at this point, lying naked on the table as all of the women looked me over, especially my cock, which was now swelling to a semi-erect state.

"You seem to be a fine specimen," the woman who appeared to be in charge said.

"I will now give you the information you requested. You have been selected with several other males from your planet to return to our planet with us."

"What? What the fuck are you talking about?" I yelled. "What fucking planet? OK, joke's over, let me up!"

"Please, give me a chance to explain this to you, we are not going to hurt you." The leader gave me a stern look, almost threatening this time. "I'm trying to tell you what's happening. Our planet is located thirty seven light years from your planet Earth and is very similar in size and atmosphere. A few years ago, a plague claimed the lives of our entire male population. Females were unaffected by this virus but as you may have figured out by now, if we don't have males, we can't reproduce and our species will cease to exist within a generation."

"We have searched the universe for a like atmosphere and species and were fortunate enough to find your planet. We've done extensive research and you match up almost perfectly with our deceased males making you the perfect replacement to re-populate our planet. You appear to be a perfect specimen, and quite well-endowed if I may so. I may keep you for my own if that is acceptable to you. You will be given the opportunity to mingle with all available females on our planet and procreate. After our female population is bred, you'll have the option of staying with us or returning to Earth. I think you'll find our planet and people very accommodating, pleasant and likable. The climate on our planet is much like what you're accustomed to, except we do not have four seasons. Our weather is constant, much like your summer months. The average temperature on our planet is eighty five degrees Fahrenheit. You will be treated with respect, our only requirement is that you must fornicate with our mature females."

"Can you take the restraints off me now?"

"Only if you understand that any violence will be dealt with in a swift manner, please behave yourself. You will have the chance to mingle freely with our people and the other Earth people on board. We should arrive at our home planet of Unionite shortly."

"I understand. Are you saying I may have sex at any time with anyone?"

"Within reason. Of course, there's a time and a place for everything."

The shackles were removed automatically, I sat up, rubbed my wrists and ankles until the feeling started to come back. I was quite light headed and took a few minutes to get my balance back before I could attempt to sit up, then stand. Eventually, I stood, noticing the females were all taller then myself, but their bodies were incredible. Actually, I couldn't wait to sample one.

"So, are there any side effects or anything I need to know about before I get busy with one of you ladies?"

"By getting busy I suppose you mean having sex? No, there are no side effects and we find it as enjoyable as your species does. We only wish for respect and dignity, we're not objects. We are breathing, feeling beings as you humans are." She reached down and gently touched my semi-erect penis, it reacted immediately as she touched it, bringing me to a full erection.

"You are a fine specimen, I would like to sample you if it's acceptable to you," the leader suggested.

I touched her breasts noticing how firm and hard the nipples were, my cock reacted to the stimulation.

"May I see your breasts? Would you remove your shirt? Hell, could I have all of you remove your clothes?"

"Certainly. Ladies, please disrobe for the gentleman."

They all got naked, standing motionless before me. It was going to be difficult to choose, the only difference was hair color, their bodies were identical in almost every way. Hell, life could be a lot worse then this!

"Is everything the same on all of you? Are there any differences?" I asked.

"We all appear to be the same physically but we each have our own personalities, likes, dislikes and preferences. We are all different sexually as some are better then others at different things. For instance, oral sex is my specialty, but we require the male's orgasm to be vaginal only until we're impregnated. Personally, I love to suck on a man's member and especially love the taste of a man. We each taste a bit different, you will see."

"Please show me," I said.

"First, my name is Oglacious, I would like to know your name as well. You may call me Og. I will make an exception once for you orally if you like, I suppose it's the least I can do."

"My name is Jacob, you may call me Jake as most of my friends do."

"Well, Jake, I'm not sure what your preferences are so I will just give you a sampling of how we have sex in our culture. We're quite liberated sexually and enjoy group sex as well but I would like for you to enjoy what I have to offer first, one on one."

"Sounds good to me. Where do we go and when can we get started?"

A door opened, leading to a bedroom suite featuring a huge bed in the center of the room. The bed was much larger then a King sized bed and was round.

"Please follow me," Og said. I watched her walk, her ass was as firm and tight as any I had ever seen, she had a J-Lo ass for sure. Her tits hardly moved as she walked, they were huge yet firm. I couldn't wait to see how her pussy felt and what I had gotten myself into..

She sat on the edge of the bed motioning for me to come closer, curling her finger, smiling.

I moved closer, her hands grasped my hips, pulling me even closer. She immediately parted her lips, sliding my cock into her moist mouth, forming a tight grip around the shaft. She easily stuffed all eight, hard inches of me into her mouth, doing things with her tongue and throat I'd never felt before. It felt like tiny fingers tickling my shaft as her throat milked me. Her tongue was so long it wrapped under my balls, the tip flickering into my anus. It was too much too soon..

"Whoa baby, hold it," I said, pulling back out of her mouth. "At this rate you'll break your own rule inside the first minute. Nobody has ever sucked my cock like that before, you'll make me come in an instant. How the fuck do you do that?"

"That's OK, you do what comes natural, we'll have plenty of time to do it again," she said just before she stuffed my cock back into her mouth. Her tongue snaked around my cock again and fondled my balls. Her tongue was as long as my cock and had unbelievable abilities.

I grabbed her fantastic tits, more like groped them. They were like nothing I'd ever felt either. This was going to be an unforgettable adventure to say the least. I felt the surge coming of an impending eruption, also sensed by Og who wrapped her long, talented tongue around my shaft as a snake would to suffocate it's prey.

The feeling was incredible, her tongue squeezed my cock and the suction was intense, like a vacuum. My cock swelled and burst into an eruption like no other I had ever had, cum shot from my shaft like a cannon as Og gobbled every sticky drop. Her tongue milked my shaft while at the same time her throat muscles caressed the head. Each time I spewed was more powerful then the last, feeling the tingling pressure deep within my groin and ass, almost lifting me off my feet.

"Argggg, shittttt, fuuuck, feels so good!" She continued sucking and stroking me to the ultimate orgasm until I collapsed onto the bed. "Damn! How did you do that?"

"We aim to please our male counterparts and this is normal treatment for us. We each have different skill levels but most females are quite adequate in the sexual department. We are taught from a young age to please the man sexually. Our females attend sexual training programs as they reach the age of maturity."

"That was the best ever, you can have me any time. I only hope you can fuck as well as you suck."

"Would you like to see now?"

"Can I have a bit of time to recover please?"

"Certainly, maybe you'd like to sample another woman or two as well?"

"I can have more then one?" Things were looking really good..

"You may have as many as you like. We also have medication that will allow you to have sex as often as possible. The medication will also replenish you sperm supply immediately as well."


"Why don't I give you an injection and in twenty minutes I'll send in two other women for you to sample. We won't land for another few hours, in Earth time. We aim to please you."

"OK, give me the shot, I'd love to see if this shit really works." She injected me, then I roamed around the ship a bit exploring my options. All of the women were beautiful, actually perfect.

I wandered around the ship for about a half hour, taking special notice of two women in particular. Of course they looked identical except for their hair color. One was a bleach blonde, the other was a redhead, so I decided to choose them. What set them apart from the others, other then hair color, was that they appeared to have larger nipples. I couldn't wait to see just how talented these two were compared to their leader.

The medication was working it's wonders, my cock was rock hard so I chose the two and asked them to join me in a room, they eagerly complied. They led me to another room with a large, round bed. Both women disrobed and were exquisite. Their nipples were large and long, their bodies perfect in every way. They crawled onto the bed in unison, motioning for me to join them.

"Please take your clothes off," the blonde said, patting her palm on the bed, inviting me to climb aboard and take my place between them.

I stripped, my cock bounced in mid-air, throbbing. This medication was something!

I had no sooner gotten onto the bed and they were both on me, passing my cock back and forth as they slurped and sucked, feeding it to each other. Their tongues were also incredibly long, able to completely wrap around the girth of my cock applying pressure as a snake would trying to strangle it. The sensation was like no other as they shared me. The redhead's tongue was talented in ways unimaginable. Her tongue wrapped around both of my testicles while sliding the tip into my anus as the head of my cock was halfway down her throat. These women had no gag reflex and inhuman abilities sexually. Their skin and genitals were silky smooth and firm.

I couldn't imagine how well they fucked but was ready to find out, even though it was tough asking them to stop their oral assault on me.

"Fuck me ladies!"

The redhead pushed me onto my back and quickly slid onto my cock. Her pussy gripped my shaft like a vice. She stuffed my entire cock into her, then worked wonders with her inner muscles. She never rose or fell, instead pressed her huge breasts against my face as her vaginal muscles stroked my cock. She had layers of muscles in her pussy, all working in unison as they stroked my cock, holding it so tight I couldn't have pulled out even if I had wanted to. The only way to describe it would be like having a hand coated in baby oil inside her pussy sliding all the way up and over the top of my cock, lifting the foreskin over the head, then coming down with the same feeling and pressure. All this without moving her body. I lost control, had no choice in the matter as she milked me. I took her nipple into my mouth, sucking hard trying to muffle my moans and grunts. Her nipple grew in length, resembling a small clam neck. From the tip of her nipple a small amount of sweet liquid emerged. It didn't taste like milk, more like honey. It tasted so good, I sucked harder, turning me on even more.

I wanted so badly to push upward into her but she held me in place, giving me the most erotic fuck of my life until my cock swelled, jerked and exploded.

"Ahhhh, fuuuck, argggggggg. Feels soooo fucking good!"

I couldn't believe how powerful my orgasm was, the tingle from my asshole to my balls, erupting in wave after wave, filled her with my hot sperm. The blonde wrapped her long, talented tongue around my balls, almost squeezing the cum from me as her friend's pussy continued contracting around my cock, milking it. I kept cumming, yet not one drop leaked from her pussy, it was as if it had it's own vacuum sucking my semen into her reproductive system, not wasting a drop.

Everything about sex with these women was pure pleasure, I couldn't get enough. Luckily the medication they gave me worked continuously, even after orgasm, just as Og said it would.

The redhead lifted off me, the blonde took her place, sliding onto my cock. Once again, my cock felt like it was grabbed and held onto as she started milking it. Her inner muscles paused at the head of my cock, lifting my foreskin, flicking it again and again over the head as the tip of the redhead's tongue wrapped around my balls and flickered in and out my anus.

I reached for her tits and sucked hard, again getting a sweet treat. This one tasted something like molasses, only not as thick. 'Did every woman have a different flavor?' Her deep, low moaning quickly put me near orgasm again as her pussy contracted and caressed my manhood.

I exploded, without warning, wave after wave felt like it was being extracted from me, sucking my cum from my body. The tongue, the pussy muscles, the sweet nectar from her breast, all had me screaming and clutching her ass as I came. Again, when it was over, not a drop escaped her pussy and I was still horny. Viagra had nothing on this shit, I felt like I could fuck forever!

The blonde lifted from me, releasing my stiff cock.

"Bring another one in please," I panted.

"Our pleasure," the blonde said.

The blonde and redhead left the room, immediately replaced by another woman with bright green hair. She entered the room naked, her tits even larger then the other ladies. She paused at the foot of the bed, saying nothing, just looking me over in a very sensual way.

"What's your specialty?" I asked.

She said nothing, instead leaned toward me and wrapped her huge tits around my cock. Without touching her tits, she had incredible muscular control, wrapping them around my cock as she slid up and down my body. I could only stare as she moved, her tits wrapped around my tightly around my cock as she milked me into a frenzy.

"I want to taste you!" I said.

She turned around and sat on my face as she devoured my cock, stuffing it entirely into her mouth as the others had.

"Suck me hard." I said, dipping my tongue into her honey-hole.

She tasted like no woman on earth. Her pussy was moist, tasting like mild strawberries. She was delicious! She tasted so good that I'd almost forgotten the great blowjob I was getting. I bucked upward into her mouth, unable to hold back, and broke their rule by exploding into her mouth. I couldn't help it, she practically sucked the semen from my body.

Immediately, she sat upright and leaned forward in a seemingly impossible position as her lips touched her own pussy. Then I figured out what she had done. She held my semen in her mouth, spread her pussy, bent down, and let my cum flow into her vagina, not wanting to waste a drop. Damn, these women were incredible! I may never want to go home!

I felt a slight thud as I was getting dressed again, after already having had+ sex with more women during the past hour then I had in the past year.

"We are home." The soft female voice announced over the intercom system. We had landed on planet Unionite.

I quickly left the room searching for my friend Og, finding her in the main room just as the large door opened. Fresh air rushed in, sweet smelling warm air. I moved toward the entryway, feeling the energy given off by the atmosphere. There must have been a higher oxygen level in the air as it seemed so fresh, fragrant and warm.

The first thing I noticed was the pink hue in the clear sky, dotted by only a few small puffy clouds. I noticed mountains far off in the distance, we appeared to be in a valley. The landscape was somewhat like that of the earth's with trees, hills and mountains. The trees were unlike any species I had ever seen though, they looked a bit like our weeping willows. I was later told that all trees on the planet were fruit baring. I stood in the doorway staring at this strange place, unsure of what kind of life I could have here. Then I noticed people approaching the ship, all females and all beautiful, running like children coming downstairs on Christmas morning. Little did I know that they were excited to see and sample the males from another planet. It had been a while since they had seen or been with a man so they were all eager and horny. That's when I really started to question going back to earth or not. This could be paradise, all the sexy women a man desired, at any time with no restrictions.

"These women may become aggressive, you're free to do as you please but I'd like for you to be my mate," Og said, reaching for my hand as we stood in the doorway together. I was aware she had already claimed me as her own, but as long as she was willing to share me with the other women, this could be just what the doctor ordered.

"You mean I can fuck anyone, but you still want me to be your mate?"


"Sounds great to me. BUT, there's really NO strings attached, I can fuck anyone else, any time?"

"You may. In our culture, sex is purely recreational, or was until we lost our male population."

"Damn, this sounds too good to be true," I said, looking over the crowd forming around the ship.

"Go ahead and mingle, I will introduce you to our people," Og said.

"Fellow citizens, we have brought this male back from our journey to Earth, a planet much like ours, far away. I think you'll find him to meet your needs and desires. All I demand is that you treat him with respect, only do as he requests and repopulate our great planet. The man next to me is Jacob but prefers to be called Jake. I have claimed him as my mate, with his consent. Any or all of you may sample him sexually but are not to bond with him on a personal basis. You may say a few words if you like Jake."


"Hello ladies, you're all very beautiful and I can't wait to sample as many of you as possible. Let's get this party started!"

"We all have our own pods, or you would call them apartments. You are welcome to accompany any of our ladies home, take your pick!" Og said. "But first I will take you to my pod so you may become familiar with your new home."

Og and I worked our way through the crowd of females gathered to get a glimpse of the few men from earth, finally reaching our mode of transportation. There were no automobiles, trains or airplanes here. I'm not quite sure how the 'tram' we boarded was powered but it was silent and silky smooth. The trip to Og's pod was lightning fast, taking only a few seconds to reach our destination. We actually felt weightless traveling in the small compartment connected to a rail system, each compartment programmed to stop at the destination selected by it's occupants.

The transport stopped abruptly at our location, Og's pod. Og was a high ranking official and was housed in one of the nicer sections of Unionite, perched high on a hill overlooking the valley below. The landscape was beautiful, immaculately maintained with lush vegetation and housing that blended with the surroundings. There was no sign of pollution in any form, everything seemed spotless, quiet and organized.

The front door to Og's pod opened, triggered by an eye sensor, programmed to Og's eyes only. She assured me that she'd also program the sensors to recognize me. The technology was amazing, almost everything was automated. The lights came on automatically as we entered each room. The quarters were small, but cozy and efficient. Og led me directly to her bedroom. A large, round bed rose from the floor as we entered.

"Please make yourself comfortable, I'd like for you to impregnate me if you are willing. It is the correct time of the month for my fertility and I would like to take this opportunity."

"I have a stupid question Og, how long does the pregnancy last with you people?"

"That's a great question. On your planet, your females carry the child for approximately nine months. Our females carry their young for only thirty days, giving birth to fully functional children, averaging fifteen pounds at birth. Unlike your helpless infants, our newborns learn and grow quickly, children can speak and walk at two months of age and there is no potty training as we are naturally clean and quickly learn the basics. Our children excrete bodily fluids and solids in what you would call the bathroom immediately. Our children also grow quickly, reaching sexual maturity and size within the first two years of life."

"How long do you people live and will my life be longer or shorter if I stay?"

"Our lifespan averages 150 of your earth years, never becoming dependent of care until death. We have no health issues at all, no common colds or ailments as your people suffer with. Our medical technology is so advanced that all diseases and ailments are avoided by a series of injections given at birth. We were shocked when this virus began taking the lives of our males, completely eliminating every male on the planet within two weeks. There was nothing we could do to treat the virus."

"So, are the men from earth susceptible to this virus?"

"That's something we don't know yet, but will soon. We're hoping your species will not be affected."

"OK, let's get down to business, I'm horny!" I said as I removed my cloths and jumped onto the bed. "Hey, do you have fresh clothes for me too?"

"Of course, we will honor most of your requests and you will be treated well."

Og stripped naked and crawled toward me, her long tongue already reaching for my swollen cock, wrapping around my shaft as she plunged downward. My entire cock disappeared as her tongue worked it's magic again, almost making me cum instantly.

"I'd like to fuck you this time!" I said, pulling away from Og, flipping her over onto her back.

She wrapped her legs around my torso, guiding my stiff cock toward her pussy. I slid in easily, again feeling like my cock was 'grabbed' by her pussy as her muscles started milking me. I lifted her tit and sucked her nipple, enjoying the sweet nectar oozing from her nipples. This was fantastic, her pussy muscles did all the work and I got a sweet treat while sucking her tits.

"Let me do some of the work, relax," I said, hoping to stall my impending orgasm.

She relaxed her muscles and I began rocking back and forth, sliding my cock in and out slowly while gyrating side to side. I wanted to see how turned she could get. Og stiffened and grunted, a sure sign that I had done something right. Her pussy became very moist as I quickened my pace, now slapping my balls against her pussy with each push forward, her muscles tightened around my shaft. Her breathing quickened, I thought she was hyperventilating but was later told that was one of the effects of a female orgasm with them. As she came, sweet nectar oozed from her nipples, I licked and sucked her tits as she threw her head from side to side, moaning in delight.

I couldn't hold back, erupting time after time into her, feeling the suction her pussy created as it consumed my hot semen, not wasting a drop.

"Arggg, shit, fuck!" I grunted, my cock spurted and jetted a heavy stream with each push.

Og's lips covered my mouth as her long tongue swirled and explored mine, practically going down my throat as I came. I could feel the sticky sweet discharge still leaking from her tits, smearing my chest, creating a suction that seemed to lock us together. As the final surges of cum oozed from my cock, I withdrew and sucked each tit again, loving her flavor.

I rolled off her, totally satisfied yet sure I could go again. I had an unexplainable ability to fuck almost continuously. The drug she had given me was great!

"I have another question Og. How many times a day can I cum using this medication?"

"As many times as you like. One injection will last up to a month and will give you the ability to have an erection whenever you are aroused and you can have an infinite number of orgasms. The medication replenishes semen and sperm count immediately. Our females also excrete a natural lubricant so we are always well lubricated. I encourage you to have as much sex as you can with as many women as possible, we need to repopulate our planet.

"Bring 'em on, I'll fuck as many of your beautiful citizens as I can!"

"I think on earth you may use the term as an orgy or group sex. Would you like for me to arrange multiple women for you at the same time or would you prefer one at a time?"

"I think a dozen or so at a time might be interesting. Do I have the ability to impregnate that many at once?"

"You sure do, and we'll do all the work if you like. You have witnessed our ability to have oral sex and still utilize your sperm too so just tell us what you want. We will do everything to please you. I can bring you a varied selection of women, all having special yet different talents."

"What are we waiting for?" I asked.

"Let's give you a bit of a rest and schedule something for this evening, something of a meet and greet," Og suggested. "You would probably call it a meet and fuck though."

"OK, a good meal wouldn't hurt about now, I've worked up quite an appetite."

"Our foods are quite different then the selection available on you planet but I'll try to find something to please your palette. Why don't we go to the common area and get comfortable and I'll have my staff fix something for you."

"Sounds great, thank you."

Surprisingly, the food was quite good although I have no idea what I ate. The meal consisted of some sort of grain product I guess with desert being a very strange, yet tasty fruit indigenous to their planet. All and all it was OK and filled my stomach. All I could think about was sex though, as her staff was very accommodating by serving me while being nude, at my request. Nudity in their culture was a natural thing, not considered sexual or naughty as in our culture.

After desert I figured why not sample the staff's tits, just to see if they were indeed different tasting as well. They were, both again were very sweet but one was tangy, like a cross between an orange and a lime. My cock was soon hard but I was asked not to fuck the staff by Og so I didn't pursue them, just sat there with my dick standing up straight. I was assured by Og that I would get my fill of sex in a few hours, she had invited a bunch of her friends over who were in hopes of all becoming pregnant.

I felt like a rooster in a hen house as Og's friends arrived, each looking me over as if I were the special of the day, I loved it.

"Ladies, our friend Jacob has asked that you all join him in the resting room, (That's what they called the bedroom) where he would like to have you all at the same time. He has been medicated and should be up for the challenge and I assure you, you will all leave with a smile on your face. If you're fortunate, maybe even with child. ." Og said, then introduced each woman by name.

I couldn't remember all of their names but two in particular stood out. Astasia was much shorter then the rest, actually a little shorter then me, standing at about five feet, ten inches. But, her tits were as large and succulent as the others. Her hair was beautiful, she didn't wear it long and straight like the other women, she tied it back into a braided bun and the color was unlike anything I've ever seen. Nothing on earth is the same color to describe it but I'd say it was a cross between a bright purple, with a hint of green and orange. I couldn't take my eyes off her as she disrobed. She was a perfect specimen.

The other woman who got my attention was Wondrina, she preferred to be called Dina. She was a bit more athletic then the other women, her tits were so round and firm that if she were from our planet, they would have had to have been fake, but they were all natural. Her hair was a brilliant white with natural pink streaks. As she disrobed the first thing I noticed were her huge nipples, they were erect and over an inch long. She was also very flirtatious, flipping her hair behind her ears and staring at my crotch, licking her lips. Dina rolled her nipples between her first finger and thumb of each hand, resulting in them slightly oozing, just enough to glisten.

I practically jumped onto the bed, pulling down my pants and removing my shirt as quickly as I could. I was surprised that the women just stood watching me, without making an advance by joining me. Og nodded her head, giving the signal for the ladies to join me.

I looked directly at Dina, motioning for her to join me, then looked at Astasia and repeated the motion, curling my finger and giving her a wink. Dina slid on top of me, snaking her tongue into my mouth as her hand wrapped around my already erect shaft. Astasia crawled onto the bed, running her long tongue from my toes to by balls as she slithered upward. She wrapped her tongue completely around my balls while Dina continued passionately kissing me, her tongue at times rolling around the back of my throat. I swear she licked and caressed each tooth in my head, then the roof of my mouth, then wrapped around my tongue.

By this time, Astasia had my entire cock in her mouth, halfway down her throat as her tongue wrapped completely around my balls, almost pulling my cock deeper. What an incredible feeling, her tongue seemed to have a life of it's own and she had even better oral skills then the rest. She gobbled my cock down, massaging it and rolling it around inside her mouth while keeping just enough pressure with her lips as she rose and fell.

Dina slid up, giving me a sample of her nipples. She was delicious, one tits had a hint of chocolate, the other a hint of vanilla. I know, you wouldn't believe it unless you were there but it was just perfect.

I paused sucking her tits just enough to say "Hey ladies, there's room for everyone, join us!"

The other eight women crawled onto the bed, each trying to get a piece of the action. I lost track of who was doing what but I had long, wet tongues exploring every part of my body with tits everywhere. I sucked them as they were presented to me, each tasting different then the one before. Three or four of them were taking turns sucking my cock, three or four took turns stuffing their tits in my face and the other few hovered over my face, giving me a tasty sample of their pussies.

"Astasia, fuck me please," I panted, so horny I knew I would cum almost instantly.

She slid down the length of my throbbing cock, her pussy gripping and stroking it with her inner muscles. Damn, these women had talents that nobody would ever believe. Just when I thought I'd seen it all, Astasia's pussy spread and sucked my balls inside, a feeling too good to describe. Her pussy muscles were sliding up and down my cock, begging for my release as her labia caressed my balls, letting one fall out, then the other. Then her pussy sucked them back in.

I was being kissed by one of the women, tits were rubbing against my chest, I finger-fucked a woman on each side of me, two women were snaking their tongues inside Astasia's pussy, tickling and wrapping around my balls.

I lost track of what was going on just as I tensed, ready to explode. Astasia slid off me, another woman shoved my cock deep down her throat, wrapping her long tongue around the shaft as I swelled and erupted like never before. Someone's tongue tickled my ass as I pushed upward, cum seemingly being drained by the suction of the mouth surrounding my pulsating member. Thick streams of cum shot from me like a cannon. I grunted and growled with approval as they knew how to make an orgasm even more intense by applying just the right amount of pressure around my shaft and balls.

I came for what seemed like minutes, I must have cum a quart!

All of the women except the one sucking me joined me on the bed, all sitting upright with legs spread. Then, as I settled back into the bed, completely drained, each woman was awarded by the cock sucker depositing a small amount of my seed into their pussies, not spilling a drop, each hoping to become pregnant.

I lay exhausted, my cock still semi-erect and noticed Og standing over the bed, admiring me.

"Nice job ladies, you may all dress and leave," Og said.

"Can't we keep just one here, maybe Dina, please?" I asked.

"Of course, as you wish. Dina, please stay," Og said.

Dina slid in beside me and cuddled, pressing her big tits against me. I became hard instantly and Dina reached down to fondle it, running her thumb over the head, pre-cum already oozed from the tip. I pulled the sheets up, covering us as the others dressed and left, each thanking me. Thanking me!

Under the sheets, Dina was already slowly and gently stroking my stiff cock. I slithered down, covering myself with the sheets as I made my way down her torso, stopping to suck her delicious tits again. I couldn't get enough, she tasted so good and her nipples were so hard. But, I wanted to sample her pussy and was so glad I did. She tasted like honey, sweet and juicy. Her pussy lips contracted around my tongue, guiding me to just the spot she wanted me to touch.

She tensed and started panting, then clutched my head with both hands, forcing my tongue deep into her as she came. She quivered and shook as she released, letting herself completely go. She soaked my face, I lapped up every drop, making me so horny I almost came again without being touched. As she relaxed, I slid upward hoping for a reward. That's just what I got!

Dina pushed me onto my back, devouring my cock, her tongue frantically massaging and milking me. Both of her hands cupped my balls, her tongue slid between them, grazing my ass as her multiple throat and mouth muscles rolled along the length of my shaft. As all this was happening, a vacuum effect practically sucked me into a mind-blowing orgasm again. She gobbled me up, making gulping noises that put me over the edge, then I exploded without warning.

Cum erupted into her mouth in waves. I couldn't believe how she gulped it down, swallowing it. She moaned and purred as I unloaded with stream after stream of milky semen. My entire body seemed to push outward and down her throat as she greedily sucked and swallowed my offering. Her tongue wrapped around the shaft, milking every drop I had as she sucked like a vacuum.

I swear that this medication increased the volume of semen as well as making me a constant stud, able to fuck continuously.

I had never had sex like this in any form, orally or otherwise. Sex here was as close to perfect as could be imagined. In one day, I had already fucked a couple of dozen women, probably fathering children with each of them.

After having sex with Dina, Og said she had something to talk about. She asked me to dress and meet her in the common area.

I sat in a comfortable chair and asked "OK, what's up?"

"Well, you've only been here for a day but I'd like to get a feel for how things are going," she said.

"Things are going great!"

"That's not what I mean. You need to make a decision soon whether or not to stay. You will need to make a choice within the next day or two, a choice of returning to earth or remaining here."


"Yes, forever. You will have all of the freedoms you have now. If you prefer to live in a unit of your own, you may do so. I would like for you to stay with me."

"Would I have a job or specific duties required of me?"

"Only what you choose. If you stay with me, you will be considered royalty. Either way, males are scarce here as you know and you'll be treated well and highly sought after by all females. You will still have the freedom to procreate with others, even if you decide to stay with me. Either way, we will make only one trip back to Earth in two days."

"OK, I will think about it. In the meantime, do I continue with what I'm doing? Can I still have as many women as I like?"

"Absolutely! Just say the word and I will bring more for you."

Damn, I loved having great sex with perfect females but had second thoughts about never seeing Earth again. I'd just have to keep fucking for the next few days and make up my mind then. I was exhausted after my first full day here so decided to retire for the evening.

"Og, I'm really tired. I'd like to go to bed."

"Very well. I'd love to join you and really show you how good life can be."

"Sounds good to me, but I'm not sure how much energy I have."

"Just relax and let me do everything," Og said with a huge smile.

She led me to the bedroom, inviting me to undress again and get in bed. I slid under the blankets and started getting horny as she removed her top, revealing her perfect tits. She slid under the covers and joined me, her hand reached for my growing erection.

"I'd like to show you something a little different tonight," Og said, her hand gently grazed my shaft, actually tickling it with just her fingertips. It almost felt like a tiny electrical current bringing my cock to life.

"Mmmm, that feels good," I moaned.

"Just enjoy and relax," she said.

She peeled back the sheets, exposing my rock hard cock. She held it, examining it, then leaned forward, her lips parted slightly as her long tongue dipped into the tiny hole at the tip of my cock. My thick pre-cum trailed from the tip of my cock to the tip of her tongue as she scooped into it, then smacked her lips, exaggerating her movements and sounds for my sexual benefit.

She cupped my testicles with her palms, her tongue ran around the head of my cock, circling it again and again until it actually wrapped around my cock several times, looking like a snake coiling around it's prey. Then her tongue started sliding up and down the entire length of my shaft, stroking it, all the time applying pressure. Then the pressure increased, pulling the foreskin up and over the head of my cock, coiling along almost the entire length of my shaft now. Her tongue must have been a foot long.

The tip of her tongue grazed my ass now, I felt her hot breath over the head. She tightened her grip with her tongue, the tip now darting slightly into my ass, her lips surrounded the head.

Og's hands cupped my ass cheeks now, holding me still and pulling me into her mouth, her tongue now milking me, sliding up and down the entire length of my shaft, the tip still darting in and out of my ass.

She applied more pressure, lifting the skin over the head of my cock, then the suction began. Her lips locked around the head and her cheeks deflated. I knew that was it, a powerful surge rushed through my body as my balls tightened. The harder she sucked and tighter she wrapped her snake around my shaft, the less control I had.

I blew a load like never before. This one even made her pause as she gargled and swallowed the first eruption but she never let up. Her tongue touched my ass, triggering another huge load erupting the length of my shaft, splattering down her throat. Her tongue jerked feverishly, stroking me up and down faster then imaginable, faster then I could with my own hand. I kept cumming, she kept swallowing, jerking and sucking. I felt like every muscle in my body tensed, pushed up and out the head of my cock, erupting like a sleeping volcano coming alive. She continued milking me, even after I thought I was finished, but I wasn't. I started cumming again!!!

More waves of pleasure erupted. She uncoiled her tongue and quickly slid onto my cock, giving it a death grip with her tight pussy. She never moved, instead let her inner muscles did all the work. Her pussy chocked my cock, milking it for all she had. She smothered me with her breasts, then she tensed.

She came hard, sweet nectar squirted from her tits. I greedily sucked them hard, drawing as much as she had to offer as I exploded again, filling her with another huge load of hot semen.

She moaned with content as she felt my cum splash inside her, knowing that I would be the father of her child. Again, not a drop leaked out as we lay still, holding each other. We remained that way for several minutes before she rolled off me, smiling and snuggling.

"I'm staying."

"What?" Og asked.

"I'm staying right here and I'd like to stay with you, be your mate."

"I was hoping you would."

"What's not to like? This is like living in a fantasy land. The women, especially you, are incredible, the weather is perfect and I couldn't be happier. Coming from where I lived, summer year round doesn't hurt either."

"I am so happy you have chosen to stay."

"You are the woman of my dreams Og, I can see spending my life with you. I don't know a man alive who wouldn't love to be in my shoes."

"Thank you Jake, you have made my life complete. In thirty days we will have a child to raise together as well. You are exactly who I had hoped to find."

"Were you mated before the virus?"

"Yes, we will talk about this another time. For now, get some sleep. Tomorrow I'd like to take you on a tour of your new home. There is much to see and learn about our planet."

"Are there any nude beaches here?"

"Jake, all beaches are nude here. Our people don't wear clothing when we swim."

"Damn, life just keeps getting better!"

"We will visit a few beaches tomorrow if you like."

"I would love to."

"Goodnight Og, thank you for choosing me."

"Goodnight Jake."

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