Chereads / Hunter’s Sexy Snippets / Chapter 143 - SUCCUBUS MASTER PT. 01 By mandingo1234

Chapter 143 - SUCCUBUS MASTER PT. 01 By mandingo1234

"HELP!" a loud shrieking voice called off at a distance. Confirming that it was not the wind.

"Oh shit," then on instinct, I started to run towards the person in distress. Call it hero complex, or just plain stupidity, but I was running towards the danger. By the time I rounded a rather large tree trunk I saw two figures. One was a small woman who wore a shirt and jeans that might be a size too small for her, plus it also looked like she had large black smudges across her body. As for the other figure, he was tall, lanky, with whispering balding white hair. Then I looked lower and I saw that he had a sword in his hand.

"STOP!" I yelled as I kept running towards them.

The lanky man then raised the sword in the air and yelled. "DIE SPAWN OF SATAN!!!"

He was about to take her head off, but he never got a chance to finish his swing. I rushed headfirst and tackled the guy to the ground. I didn't know why I did what I did, but something in me lurched into action. Something that refused to see some slay an innocent woman.

"Who the fuck are you, one of her enthralled!?" he yelled at me after gaining his balance. But he sounded like a complete nutcase to me.

"What the fuck are you talking about. I'm just...," but I never got a chance to finish my sentence as a whooshing sound came out of nowhere, followed by sharp pain and a large-sounding splat. I looked down and all I saw was a bloody stump where my arm used to be. It was laying on the ground twitching. I was about to scream to high heaven but a boot landed on my gut, sending me flying against the nearest tree trunk. Stunned and completely out of breath, a bloody blade was now near inches from my face. I followed the blade to the owner, and through a hazy state, I saw that he was wearing the robes of a priest.

"It's too late to save your soul. This foul beast has already tainted you. The only mercy I can now give you is to purge you from this mortal plane. Pray to God that he would grant you sanctuary." He spouted nonsense. Then he began to mutter under his breath, a prayer for the newly departed

Shocked, stunned, bewildered, and about a hundred different things were running through my mind as the priest began to raise his sword over his head. Ready to strike me down, for some unknown reason to me. Then just before he could deliver the final blow, a long black whip came by and struck at the priest's arm. That stopped him from taking his swing at me and also caused him to drop the sword as blood started to seep from his forearm. He cursed as he tried to stem the blood flow, but then someone came by and attacked the deranged priest. The woman who was down on the floor came up fighting; saving me while fending off the man. But what I saw shocked me even further. Wings, black glossy leathery wings were protruding from her back. In my near death, due to blood loss, I just assumed that my hypoxic brain was thinking up weird things as it tried to process what was happening right in front of me.

The two struggled to gain the upper hand. She was fighting back, but he was slowly gaining ground. Finally in a fit of desperation the priest reached down and pulled out a shiny dagger from his thigh holster. The woman howled as he sliced through her forearm. She fell to the ground grasping her hand as what appeared to be black vapor escaped her wound. He now stood looming over her, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"You filthy hellspawn. It's finally time to banish you; you unholy abomination. With the dagger of Raphael, I hereby smite thee by the grace of our Lord almighty." he proclaimed as he brought the dagger over his head.

The man was crazy, and I knew once he killed the girl, he was going to kill me. I tried to think of a way out of it, but with one arm chopped off, and what I can assume is a punctured lung; I was nearly at death's door. Then like a light shining down from the heavens itself; a shiny glint could be seen at the edge of my dark vision. It was the sword the priest dropped when he was struck by her black whip. It was within arms reach, so in a fit of desperation I mustered up as much strength as I leaned over and grabbed it. The blade hummed in my grasp, sending out a warm sensation throughout my entire body; giving some newfound energy and strength. Using my newfound strength I turned the blade over and gritting my teeth, I plunged the tip of the sword into the priest's back. A crack of lighting sounded through the forest, drowning out the priest's screams, then just like that he vanished in a cloud of smoke and ash.

"Hmmm, that was interesting," I said as I dropped the sword, all strength that I had left me, but before I could pass out, two lovely hands caressed my face.

"Hey, are you alright... Stay with me..." I heard as my mind was drifting in and out of consciousness.

"Just hold on. I can fix this," she took the tip of her fingernails and slid it across her tongue. A thin line of blood started to bubble up from her self-inflicted wound. She proceeded to do the same thing to me, and even though I wished I could stop her, I was too exhausted to do anything.

"Blood for blood. Life for life, may this union forever change you," she chanted as she brought her soft lips to mine and began to give me my first kiss. It was not entirely true. My first kiss was with Jenny Wilkins back in seventh grade during seven minutes in heaven, but that was a peck on the lips. What I felt that day was a true soulful passionate kiss. Her tongue darted in searching for mine. She tasted spicy but also sweet, like roasted cinnamon. It was a flavor that one could get addicted to. Then I felt something shift inside me, something that could change everything. A deep warmth inside my chest started to bloom outwards, as the darkness around my eyes started to recede.

"It is done," she said as she broke contact with my lips. A flushed panting face greeted me. "You should feel the change coming soon. Hopefully, you could survive it, but first I need some of your strength, and more importantly. I need to be bound to you. So just relax; I promise you would definitely enjoy this." she said in a very sinfully sensual voice as she reached down and began to pull on my blood-soaked jeans.

"What... What are you doing?" I asked, my voice hoarse and weak.

"Shhh. Don't use your strength. You're going to need it for what's about to come." she purred as she managed to unzip my jeans and pull out my cock which was soft as a wet noodle. Then just like magic my cock began to stand up straight. To think the amount of blood loss I've sustained that the mere thought of getting an erection was an impossibility, yet there it was standing at full glory. She leaned forward and began to give it a few tentative licks, making sure my cock was ready to go. Then once she was satisfied with her handy work, she warped it around her warm soft lips. Electricity surged through me as a sensation I didn't know was humanly possible swept through my entire body. A woman who I barely met, who was on the verge of being murdered was giving in my opinion the best blowjob in the world. Granted it was my very first blowjob, but the way it felt, made me think any that I have afterward would only be a letdown.

"Oh god. Here I am stuck in the middle of the woods, missing an arm, probably killing a man, making his body disappear, and now having a raging hard-on. Then to top it all off a very attractive girl is giving me a blowjob instead of calling for help. God, I really am a freak. But if I die like this. It is one hell of a way to go." I moaned to myself as she began to become desperate in her fellatio skills. A tight bubble started to form deep within my core, inside it, is what I proceed to be a raging electrical storm that just wanted to be let out. Then faster than lightning, the bubble burst, and all my strength and energy rushed through my body, down my chest, and straight through my cock. I erupted deep in her mouth, a climax that was so powerful that I started to see stars. As for my damsel in distress, she just kept on sucking. Her whole body hummed and vibrated as she took all of my load like a champ. Once she gulped down my entire load she began to lean back, a low shimmering light radiating around her neck. Something solid began to take its form, but before I could take a closer look, everything went black.

As I fell to unconsciousness, the only company I had was a fevered nightmare of raging storms, burning fire pits, and a sea of any monsters that would make Lovecraft's hairs stand on end. It felt like my body was being ripped apart then put back together so that someone could rip it apart again. Then in a fit of fright, I opened my eyes and saw the familiar poster of top anime waifus on my ceiling wall. I was back in my room, in my bed with the morning rays of the sun bearing down on me. At first, I thought everything was just a very vivid dream, or a nightmare, especially when I turned to my left side and saw that my arm was still there. It did feel a little weird, but I chalked it up to sleeping right on top of it. Realizing that I was parched, and in desperate need of fluids. I swung my legs over the bed. I stood up and noticed that something felt off. I didn't know what, but I knew something didn't feel right. Then everything was clear when I walked over to my full-length mirror that was hanging from my closet door.

"What the fuck," I said to myself as I looked at the mirror, and looked back at myself. I did this several more times, just to make sure what I saw in the mirror is what I saw up close. I was ripped, no I was jacked and ripped. It kinda reminded me of Peter Parker, when he woke up from bed and found himself staring at a new body. The only difference was instead of looking like Tobey Maguire Spiderman, I looked more like Chris Hemsworth Thor. Before he got fat. I still couldn't believe what I was looking at. Before I was a bit of a rolly polly. 6'2 about 230 pounds but all of it around the gut area, due to my excess gaming and late-night junk food. Now It looked like I was still 6'2 but maybe just shy of 200, but all muscle. I still had no idea how it happened, or if all of it was a dream. Still shocked and stunned by the whole thing. I needed to take a breath. So I walked back to my bed and just dropped down on it hard.

"Ohfff," sounded beneath the sheets."

Frightened, I quickly scrambled off the bed to the other side of the room.

A slender figure began to rise out from my covers. As soon as my sheets began to fall over, I was greeted by flawless creamy white skin, messy brown hair, and a pair of modest but still full C cup tits. A woman, I had an actual naked woman on my bed. Not only that but it was the same woman from the forest. The one I saved, and who would later on give me a kiss, followed by a mind-blowing blowjob. She sat on her haunches, tits bare to the world. She was rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she tried to wake herself up. Once she did, she saw me and smiled.

"Oh good you're up." she yawned as finally rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Then she took a full look at me, "I must say, you look much better than you did before, and much yummier too." she purred as she just sat there like a sexy kitten.

"Whoooo. Who are you?" I asked as panic filled my voice.

"Oh, you don't remember. You saved me from that wicked priest and his misguided ways. But you were badly injured so I had to do something to heal you. I must say your arm healed up quite nicely. The only thing left is a scar, but that will fade over time."

I looked down and found that there was a scar on my arm. Right where the priest cut it off. Then the color drained from my face.

"It was real. It was all real," I said in a whisper.

"Yes, sweety it was. And thank you for vanquishing that evil man. He may be a member of the cloth, but he lost his way long ago."

"Who are you?" I asked again, this time demanding an answer from her. A wicked smile formed on her face, as she stood a little straighter on my bed. Then before I knew it, glossy black wings started to sprout from her back. A long black tail with a spade tip started swishing back and forth like a cat's tail. After that two horns started to protrude out of her head, and finally, a dull metal collar began to form around her neck.

"Who am I? Well, I am a succubus, and you are my new master."

"Succubus!? Master!?" I yelled as I tried to comprehend what she was trying to say, or the mere fact that she had actual bat wings on her back, with a tail and horns.

"Shhhh Master," she whispered. "Keep it down or else your mother, and sister might hear you."

I quickly covered my mouth holding my breath to see if anyone was rushing up the stairs to check on the commotion. When nothing happened I let out a sigh of relief, but still remained focused on the task at hand. I had a million questions at the top of my mind, but one of the first ones was.

"Is this real or is all of this a dream?" I asked out loud, pacing back and forth around the room.

"Oh Master you're so funny, of course, it's real. I mean these sure do feel real," she teased as she cupped her own tits.

"Stop that and focus," I said, as I tried to keep her on track. "Ok if this is real, then explain to me how I got here. The last thing I remember was that you were...Ummm."

"Sucking your cock," she purred her gaze fixating on my underwear which at the moment was a little tight in the groin region.

"Yes, well after you... well you know what you did, everything went blank. How did I get here?"

"I carried you, of course, my dear Master. I may look small, but I'm stronger than I look. Plus with that little boost from your cum; I managed to carry you up the stairs when no one was looking. Then I reattach your arm and let yourself heal. That was yesterday afternoon. You've been asleep for over 14 hours. Frankly, I thought you were not going to survive the change.

"Wait, attach my arm? Change? What do you mean by all of that?" I asked as panic started to fill my voice once again.

"Well there is no way to put this delicately, so I did something that my kind kinda forbid. You were dying. That priest really did a number on your body. So to save you I had to... change you." she said this time a little more tentatively.

"Change me how?" I tried to act all brave, but deep down I was shaking in my boots if I were wearing some.

"I've infected you. I gave you some of my blood and in turn, it turned you into me. Well half of me. You are now Cambion." she explained to me

"A Cambion? What the hell is a Cambion?" I tried my best to not yell at her and to not draw attention. But I think I ended up failing at that.

"A creature who is half-human, and..." she paused, hoping what she said next would not cause me to blow up. "A half-demon."

"Demon. Oh god, I'm a demon." I sighed, strength leaving my legs causing me to plop down in my gaming chair. Head in my hand. I just mumbled into my hands "This can't be real. This can't be real. This can't be real."

I almost lost myself until a pair of warm soft hands came by and lifted my head out of my hands. A warm smile greeted my face. "It's ok. I can understand that this is a lot to process right now, but don't worry. I'll be right by your side every step of the way." she whispered. Then she brought her lips to mine as the taste of roasted cinnamon filled my senses. It had the same passion, but none of the urgency, or eagerness behind it. It was a kiss one would get from a lover. One who cares and considers their partner. And just like that all my fear and anxiety just melted away. I leaned in and brought her in closer to me, a gesture I would never have done before. She didn't resist, she straddled my legs and sat right on top of my crouch. I moaned as she began to grind her tight mound against my now aching shaft. Feeling bigger than I remember, but at the time I never really had a girl on my lap before.

"Hmmm. You taste sweet, even more so back in the forest." she purred as she broke our kiss.

I finally opened my eyes, and finally began to realize that even though I knew she was on my lap, she was still as naked as the day she was born, or in her case created. I blushed and looked away." If you don't mind, could you put a shirt on? I can't think straight when you're all naked like this."

She pouted at that but figuring that it would be best to comply with my simple demand she got up and found one of my old t-shirts. And I must say, my old star wars empire strikes back t-shirt had never looked sexier.

"Thank you ah. Ahhh. I'm sorry, but I don't really know your name." I said as I tried to distract myself from the beautiful woman with ideal chit-chat.

"Name? Oh, name. That's what you mortals do to distinguish yourselves," she said before blushing and turning away, a first for her. "I don't really have a name."

"What really? That doesn't seem right."

"You would think so, but I guess you don't know much about my kind."

"No, I guess I don't. Succubus or demon lore isn't something that is taught in a normal school system."

"I guess not. Well before we get into the topic of my name. I need to tell you everything you probably going to need to know about succubi, and this." she said as she lay a hand on top of the metal collar around her neck. I nodded to her as she took a seat on my bed.

"Well I guess you can say that I was not exactly born like a normal human baby, but we were created by our mother. She goes by many names, but you probably know her as Lilith, also known as the primordial demon, the first demon, or the first succubus. But what not a lot of people would know is that before she became a demon, she was in fact Adam's first wife."

"Wait, Adam. As in the Adam. you know from Adam and Eve."

"Yes, and if you ever have the misfortune to meet Lilith in person, please don't mention Eve right in front of her. They don't exactly get along ever since Adam cast her aside and asked God to make him a new wife. See while Lilith was a creature of creation, she was not exactly human, like Adam. Hence the whole God took one rib from him and made it into Eve. Anyway back to Lilith, she was Adam's first wife. A being that was created to satisfy and serve men and all of their sexual needs. Unfortunately for Adam, she was too strong-willed to fully submit to him. Disappointed in his creation and for attacking the first man; God banished Lilith from Eden. Once banished he changed her from serving one man to a being that must serve all men. So this." tapping on her metal collar, "Is a sign of that change, and just like that, Lilith was made into the first succubus."

"Wow, that's... Really fucked up.'' I said not seeing myself ever to that to a girl.

"That was only half of the story," she warned before she went into greater detail.

As my new succubus explained to me, her mother/creator, teamed up with Lucifer after his banishment from heaven. Together they plagued God's favorite creation: mankind. She wasn't the only one who joined Lucifer, as several of the other creations that were sent to hell, were banned together under Lucifer's rule. Using his power he changed them into demons and sent them to torment mankind. They would be known as the primordial demons with Lilith being the first demon. Once transformed into a demon, Lilith spawned her daughters using the tormented souls from hell as their building blocks. They were merely copies of her, although far less powerful. But since they were copies they also suffer from the same affliction as she does. They need men's lust and energy to survive, but instead of serving them, Lilith found another way to sustain themselves, by taking human souls. This is why in the lore, one must never sleep with a succubus, or else they will run the risk of losing their soul.

"So wait, if that were true then have I already lost my soul?" I asked her as color started to leave my cheeks.

"No Master, you have not lost your soul. Let me finish. Yes, while taking human souls does sustain us for long periods, we do not have to. We can take small portions of one's life essence and survive for a while, but the drawback is that we need to feed more often."

"Ok, that makes some kind of sense but is with this whole master thing. And you called me Cambion. What exactly is that?"

"Don't worry, all your questions will be answered, but please let me finish my story. You need to know this stuff since you are now fully indoctrinated into my world. You see while yes most succubus loath being a slave to man, I am one of the few that actually find your kind interesting. Unforchanetly that is not the only reason I became your slave." she pulled down her shirt, exposing her soft supple chest. At first, I thought she was trying to entice me, but out of nowhere a black circle, the size of a baseball started to appear on top of her cleavage, right where her heart is supposed to be.

"That nasty priest that tried to kill me, placed a really powerful binding spell on me. I am unable to travel from your mortal realm back to my homeworld, hell. Also in doing so, blocking my connection to my other sisters. He trapped and isolated me, and while he is dead the binding spell is still in effect. And that left me defenseless to outside attacks. Rogue demons, priests, angels, witches, and any number of magical beings could now track me down and either capture me or kill me. I needed a way to get off one's radar, so it only left me with one option."

"Me becoming your master," I said, finishing her sentence.

"Yes, in doing so I become your property, and in turn, I can no longer be easily tracked by any outside force. I became your slave to save my life. It was the only way you see. These bind spells while powerful aren't impervious. I could dispel it, but that priest and his nasty holy swords had left me pretty weak."

"So you are using me as your personal cloaking device," I muttered to myself, not liking the fact I was her Morty.

"Yes, and I'm sorry for that, but I had no choice. Even so, you saved me, while you could have just run away. For that, I would be eternally grateful."

"Ok, will get back this whole master/slave thing, and how you manage to do that, but..."

"Oh, that's easy. For a succubus to be a slave, she must perform fellatio or a blowjob in your modern term."

"What? Seriously? A blowjob?"

"Yes, one of the ultimate acts of submission for a woman. If you manage to get a succubus to suck your cock, and not have her bite your dick off, then she is yours until you release her. It's that simple."

"I find that hard to believe. You can't be someone's slave after giving a man a blowjob. It just sounds absurd."

"You would think, but you forget, you are a man. A blowjob to a woman is nothing more than satisfying your partner's urges. To please them, and worship them. To be on your knees while looking up at them. It was why Lilith never could do it, and bite down on Adams dick when he tried to force himself on her. So for irony, God made the binding spell activate when a succubus successfully sucks a male cock and swallows his life essence."

"Ok I can see that to punish her, but why me. You still could run. You could've left me there to die."

She blushed at me, acting all shy, even though she was a sex demon. "Well you saved me, and I felt it was kinda wrong to just leave you there to die. So I figured, if I want to bind myself to someone to hide, I might as well be with someone who saved me. But I had another problem. You were dying, and I had no means to heal you. So to save you so you could be my master. I did something while not forbidden is highly frowned upon for all demon kings. I turned you into one. Half demon, half-human. A Cambion."

From there she explained to me what a Cambion was, how they were made, and why they were mostly frowned upon to make. According to the lore, how Lucifer changed Lilith and all of the other creations into the primordial demons, was by giving them his blood. The mixing of blood is a powerful union, one of which would create new and powerful beings. When Lucifer mixes his blood with Lilith she became more powerful, and in turn, has the ability to birth children, and uses human life forces as an energy source in combination with lust energy. Since Lucifer had that ability, he passed it down to all of his children. That was why she cut my tongue and hers. She needed our blood to mix together to perform the change. The process would be painful as I found out from my night terrors, but if you survive the process, then you are officially a half-demon, half-human creature. A Cambion. At one point Cambions used to run rampant around the world causing mayhem and destruction. Humanity fought back the plague by sending out men of the cloth to seek out and eliminate all half-demons in Europe during the 15th century. That event would be forever known as the Spanish Inquisition. Thousands of people died to kill half-breeds. To make sure nothing like that ever happens again, Lucifer declared the act of turning humans into half breeds was forbidden, as he wanted to hide the existence of hell from mankind.

"So why risk it. Why risk turning me into a half-breed?" I asked as the weight of the entire world started to bear down on me.

"Because without the fast recuperative powers of a succubus, you could have died from your wounds. Changing you was the only way to save you."

"Oh. Well, thank you." I said meekly. Unsure how I should thank someone for saving my life.

"Oh, it was no problem. Once I took a look in your mind and saw you were a decent person. I knew I wouldn't regret my decision."

"WHAT!" I yelled as I heard her read my mind.

"Oh sorry, I guess I haven't told you about succubus and their demonic powers.

Oh yes. Well to put it shortly, when you bind someone, or in this case a succubus, the owner must bestow a name, or else the binding won't hold. Think of a name, and at the same time think of what you want me to look like. Once you do, say my name, and the slave binding spell would be complete."

"Ok, I get the name part, but what do you mean by your appearance? Isn't it fixed or something?" I asked confusingly.

"Well one thing a pure-blooded succubus could do is shapeshift out appearance to fit the region they are in, or the target you are getting."

"Ok, but are you happy with the way you look? I could just give you the name and you could keep that appearance."

Her face soured when I mentioned, "Actually I don't like this appearance, it was what the priest thought of when he lured me into a trap. Apparently, he had rather fond memories of a niece he once had. He had impure thoughts about her, and it may have led him to rape and kill. I don't know, but I felt something unsavory when he looked at me in this form. I only stayed this way so it wouldn't be a shock for you to wake up with a complete and total stranger. So by all means, I don't mind, in fact, I want to have a permanent form to change back into. I'm tired of changing at the whims of every man out there." she said, then she grew a wicked grin. "I could be whatever you want. Young, mature, blonde, brunette, even white hair. I could be as small as a midget or even taller than you. Petite, plump, or just the right amount of curves. I will even be someone from your fantasies. An actress, a pornstar, or even someone in your deepest darkest fantasies. All you have to do is choose, and I could be whatever you want."

"Whatever I want," I said mainly to myself.

It was a tempting offer, one of which I would probably regret if I passed up. Plus the way she is described to always be changing one's appearance can really question who you are. I knew then that she wanted something that no one else could give, but me: an identity. Something to define her, to call her own, to give her a place in this world, a place to belong. I guess that's why she also chose me to be her master. It allowed her to become something, to become someone.

"Ok, let me think," I said to her, and just like that her eyes lit up like the northern lights. Solidifying that I made the right decision.

I thought over what her name and what her appearance would look like, and I already know that it can't be someone famous, or someone I know in real life. So I had to think of someone from my fantasy girls. I looked around the room, trying to get ideas, but none seemed right to me. It had to be something that will remind me of her, something that screams her. So I thought about how I met my little succubus. I found her in the forest after school, nearly dying. But she saved my life by turning me into a half-demon and I found her in my bed naked. I almost laughed at myself realizing that they were almost the same events out of High School DxD manga, and anime. Then right there and then I knew who she was going to be: Rias Gremory. Her red hair, her shiny black wings, it was a match made in heaven, but in my case hell, since we were demons now. But before I could shout out her name, I realized that I would still be giving her something that wasn't hers. So with the body in mind, I thought about her name. Something that would make things click. I started off with Rias, knowing the name had to start with an R. I thought of the character herself, a princess of hell, love of chess pieces. How she is a king but wanted to be Issei's queen. Then in a bolt of lightning, I knew the right name for her.

"Ok, I have what I want. Are you sure you want to do this? We can think of something else." I asked, making sure it is what she wants. She may be my slave, but I will always give her the right to choose what she wants in her life.

"I do want this. There is something special about you. Something I felt back in the forest. For better, or for worse I want to know in some part, we were destined to meet. Please give me a name, and a body I can call my own." she declared, closing her eyes, and stretching out her arm to the side.

I picture her form down to the last centimeter. I recounted Rias Gremory's body type and measurements since she was my ultimate waifu. Standing at 5'6 or 168cm tall, with a bodyweight of 119 pounds. Her body measurements would be B102-W60-H89 cm or B40-W24-H35 inches. Creamy white skin as smooth and as soft as silk, blue-green eyes that just want to make you drown in them, and finally her signature look. Crimson red hair, that flows all the way down past her nice plump ass.

I kept those numbers and dimensions in my mind as I looked up at her, then in a firm clear tone, I said. "From this day forth, you would be known as Rayna"

After saying her new name, a black mist surrounded her, covering up any chance to see her body change. It swelled and swelled as it picked up speed. Then faster you could say poof, it was gone, and there stood in front of me was a real-life version of Rias Gremory, only she looked even hotter. She stood at about the same height, but her bust size was substantially more noticeable than her last form. In front of me, stretching out the front of the shirt was a pair of mouth-watering melons the size of cantaloupes, but more teardrop-shaped than round. As I would find out later that her breast size would run closer to an upper G or a low H, which is far smaller than what is depicted in the anime. Which made sense since anime girl bodies are heavily out of proportion. Even so, she looked absolutely beautiful. From her angelic face to her body that was made for absolute sin. She was sex personified, and she was mine.

She looked all over her body and smiled at what she saw. "I didn't know they could make breasts this big, but I must say, I like the way they feel, and my skin. It's so soft. I can just spend the whole day rubbing it." she purred before taking a look in the mirror. "Oh my. I look so beautiful. This is what I am going to look like for a really long time, and I wouldn't want to change a single thing." she turned to me, with love and devotion in her eyes. Something I never saw in a woman before, at least not to me. "Thank you, Master. Thank you for this wonderful gift. And thank you for my name, Rayna."

She repeated the name several times just to see how it feels on her tongue.

I love the name by the way. Rayne, meaning Queen/Princess in Spanish right?"

I nodded," Ya, the character I modeled your body after, she was a demon, who was also the princess of hell. She saved this guy, by turning him into a demon, just like you did, except that I'm only a half-demon."

"Hmmm, that does sound like us. It was a perfect choice to make." then she pressed herself against my body. Her ample tits, pressing hard against my new chiseled torso. "Well, it's time for this queen to kiss her king." She encircled her arms around my neck and brought me down to her, while she stood on her tippy toes. That roasted cinnamon flavor washed over me, as she devoured my lips with her soft ones. I was so lost in the moment that I didn't even realize how hard I was. How all I wanted to do was throw her on the bed and just ravish her until we both had our fill.

"Hmmm. I know you want this to be deep inside me," she purred as she stroked the outside of my underwear where my aching cock lay. "I would also love to show you what your new incubus cambion abilities are and what they could do. But your mother is waiting for you and could get suspicious if you don't leave. But don't worry, when we have time, I will be glad to show you all the perks of being a sex demon."

I don't want to talk about it," I said embarrassingly. Then I went over to my table and placed down the few fruits I did manage to bring with me. "I thought you may be hungry so I brought you some things to eat. Unless succubi don't eat people's food?" I asked, not knowing anything about them.

"Oh we do, so what you bought is very much appreciated. But first, we need to alleviate some of the tension you've built up down here; before you rape the next woman you see," she said with a smile as she leaned in and planted another passionate kiss on my lips, something that I would look forward to in the many years to come. "Hmmm, your lips are almost as sweet as your cum. I wonder if that is an incubus trait or if it's just you."

"What do you mean. You haven't seen a male sex demon before?"

"No, all succubus are all women, so male succubus, or incubus as they are formally called, are extremely rare. Even so, they share many similarities with their sister demons. One is this." she said, yanking down my shorts and underwear in one go. Springing forth something that was a complete surprise.

"What happened to my cock?" I asked nearly shouting to the world.

"Just like your body, your dick got an upgrade. Here let me tell you while I take care of this bad boy," she said, whipping away her only piece of clothing. Her big lush tits came tumbling out. "I think you are going to like what comes next." she purred as she sank down to the ground, and began to wrap her orbs around my shaft, which as of yesterday grew three inches, and was noticeably thicker.

"Fuckkk," I monad as she began to give me a titty fuck, another first for me, and thanks to her smooth, and soft supple skin, I was in heaven.

"That's right Master, let me take care of you. But first, watch this."

As I looked down at her, I noticed how incredibly sexy she looked, I also noticed something else. My cock, it was getting bigger, and longer. I was nearly panicking but Rayna managed to calm me down and tell me that it was completely normal. By the time it was done, my cock was about 10 inches long, and very very thick, making most of the black porn actors' cock seem small. Lucky for me though, Rayna's large breast could handle my new leviathan.

"You see, just like a succubus, incubus could change their body to fit the partner's needs, and desires."

She then went on to say that all succubus, and in turn incubus have an innate ability to shapeshift their body to fit their partners' needs. They could be tall, short, pleasantly plump, or thin as bean poles. They could even change hair, and body-color, being any person they want at any given time. As for me, as a half-breed, my shapeshifting is very limited, mainly centering around my genitals. The goal of it was to generate as much lust from your partner as possible, so if a woman was a thoroughbred size queen, then she was getting the biggest cock she could ever handle. Which was Rayna at that moment as she began to give out a blowjob, while still giving me a tittyfuck. I was lost at that point since all my attention was focused on the way her tits and mouth felt on my cock.

"Oh shit, I think. I think I'm cumming," I groaned out as I felt my balls beginning to tense up. She hummed as she began to suck for all she was worth. Thick heavy blasts of white cum launched from my heavy shaft and straight into her wet waiting mouth. I grabbed onto her head as my legs started to feel like jello.

"Oh shit. That was fucking good," I moaned out as my legs finally gave out and I landed on my gaming chair. As for Rayna, she was wiping her face and tits, dragging all the stray cum, and placing them back into her mouth. Worshiping it like it was a gift from the gods. Then once all of it was safe and sound deep within her stomach, she shuddered, almost as if she just came from that one act alone.

"Hmmm Master," she purred through hooded eyes. "Your cum. It's not only sweet, but it's powerful. More powerful than I ever could have imagined. It must be your incubus powers, but I'm not entirely sure. All I do know is that your sperm has more life essence than if I fuck five men. Not only that, but it's thick and rich" she purred, her skin visibly flush as she couldn't seem to control her own arousal. "Will you feed me more, Master." looking at me with predatory eyes.

A little afraid I said, "I don't know Rayna, I just came, and it felt like the biggest load of my life. I think I am going to be out for a while."

She had a devilish smile on her face as she began to crawl on all fours straight to me. "Oh, but you're the wrong Master", told me in a sensual tone. "If you are like me, then you also share the same... perks, as I do. We sex demons have an insatiable sexual appetite. We can fuck for hours and hours, and still have plenty left in the tank for more. They say one of my sisters went into one of Caligula's famous orgies of over a hundred men and women. She would walk right in, and fucking them all to exhaustion. Even Caligula himself, and his sisters, couldn't keep up with her... Oh look," she said, looking towards my crouch. "Looks like someone has picked up on my arousal. I think I need to drain your dragon one last time."

She was right, I caught the scent of her arousal and my cock began to stand at attention, waiting for its next victim. Unfortunately, while I would love to explore more of my new demonic sexual powers, my alarm blared on phone, warning me that if I didn't leave, then I would be late for my morning class.

"Shit I have to go," I said as I scrambled to get dressed. Upon doing so I realized that while my old clothes still fit me, they didn't fit well to my body. A trip to the mall was in order, but first I had one more problem to deal with, Rayna. I couldn't just leave her at home. She could run into my sister and I won't be there to explain everything. She had no clothes either, the only thing she had was one of my old t-shirts. Luckily she had the solution for both problems.

"Wa la," she said as she twirled, as new clothes started to form around her. "You see clothing is not an issue, I can make any clothes you want, although the moment I take them off, they will disappear back into the ether," she said, explaining that while it was a neat trick, it was still all an illusion.

"Ok, but what am I going to do with you? I can't just leave you here. Liz could find you, or my mom if she came back home for lunch."

"I thought about that Master, and while it is not ideal, I will have to accompany you to your school. You see, normally for me and my sisters to go unnoticed we can turn ourselves invisible or walk in between the shadows. And before you ask, I don't know if you could do that. I know pure-blooded succubus could, but I don't know about Cambions. All the information about your kind is lost to time. Anyway, there is another skill I could use, my unique skill: Dreamwalker. It allows me to astral project myself and infiltrate a sleeper's mind, or in some rare cases, shift my whole body and infiltrate yours if you are open to me. A kind of hitchhiker if you will. But alas, the powerful binding spell the priest placed on me has hindered that function. I should know, I tried this morning when you went downstairs. I could do an astral projection, but not full body dive. It was why he did it so that I could not escape.

"OK, I see why now we need to remove that binding spell. But first, I didn't know you could do that, your Dreamwalker ability. Do all Succubus have that skill?" I asked finding her skill to be quite fascinating

"No Master, as I said, all succubus and incubus all have common skills we can use. Enhance strength, sharper reflexes, heighten senses. But we also have a skill that is not common; a unique skill that only a few could have. Mine is Dreamwalker, where I can infiltrate my target's mind and learn all that I can, and do a little mess around. Like giving a straight guy the idea of trying out gay sex. But in your case, I can slip into your waking mind, and use you as a way to transport myself. And I promise I won't harm you. One because I kinda like you, and two even if I try, I can't because of this," tapping on her metal collar. "This prevents me from harming my master."

"Really?" I asked, more focused on the collar aspect than her Dreamwalker skill.

"Yes, I can't defy or harm you. Doing so would cause tremendous pain, and in some cases death. That is the nature of the slave collar binding spell."

"Wow, you really have given up your freedom for me. I don't know if I am worthy of such a sacrifice." I humbly realized just how much Rayna had given up.

"Oh don't look, sad Master. There is more to you than meets the eye." she smiled, trailing her fingers up and down my hoodie that I was still wearing. Showing me that she did not regret her decision.

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