Chapter 73 - 25

chapter 5 the fall of Kramer)

The last part he heard was a loud thud coming from behind him. Someone was shooting at him; the sound of metal colliding with something was clear, so he knew that he wasn't being hallucinating. But he ignored them as they tried to approach him again, and focused on the dogs instead. They were almost upon him when he jumped out of the way and ran into the trees.

He wanted to call them back, tell them that they needed to go and leave him alone, but that would only scare them and cause them to chase him once again. So he ran deeper and deeper into the woods. As he entered the forest he could hear the animals growling in anger, and he knew that they were close behind him. Their footsteps grew louder and louder, but as they kept running their speed became slower and slower.

They must be tired. The adrenaline from fighting against them was wearing off, making them tired. Krass smirked; that was exactly what he wanted. Once they were exhausted he was able to overpower them easily, and capture the animal that was chasing him. But then, after the adrenaline was gone, exhaustion took over. Even though Krass was fast, it seemed like they were faster than him.

He continued to run through the forest, not paying attention to where he was going, and before he knew it, he stumbled across an obstacle, which stopped him in his tracks. He turned around to discover that it was a tree trunk. Looking at it confused, he couldn't see what kind of tree it was. He was getting dizzy, so he laid down on the ground, put his hands under his head and started to close his eyes, when something caught his eye and made him open them. The dog, which had been chasing him through the forest, was now lying motionless in front of him. A shot had hit it straight in its head. It was dead.

Chapter 6 the fall of Krauss

While Krass was trying to find the best place to land for the plane, he realized that he wouldn't be able to reach it anytime soon if it landed on a tree, since he was in the middle of the forest, so he decided to land it on the ground. He slowly started to lower it down, trying to keep it in a stable position, and once it finally touched down the engine died; Krass had no idea how to start it up again.

Krass got off the plane and closed its door. He walked around looking for any sign of life. He found none and figured that nobody was around, since they must have left in order to avoid being detected.

"Well then, this will probably not be so hard after all." He said, laughing bitterly.

Looking at his surroundings, Krass noticed that there was a path leading out of the woods; it looked like it led directly to the main road. If someone was waiting outside, then he would have to pass them, and then he was sure that there would be no chance of escaping.

He decided to go with the path, but as he approached the end of it he realized that it ended abruptly. What he wasn't expecting was that there was a small stream in front of him. He looked to see who it was heading for; a few meters in front of him he saw a boy, and as Krass continued to look at him, he realized that he looked familiar, and that he should probably try to speak to him.

"Excuse me, is there anyone else here?" He asked.

The other boy looked in his direction and answered without missing a beat "Yes. I am. Who are you? Why are you asking? Do you want to hurt me?"

After hearing the boy's response, Krass realized that he really shouldn't have spoken to him. 'Great, now he thinks that I'm here to hurt him.' He thought to himself as he tried to decide what to do next; whether or not he should pretend that he did not know the kid, or if he should try to explain to him how he was saved.

"No, no, no! No…" He tried to say, but the boy was not letting him finish.

"You just told my mother to leave me alone. She is going to tell my father, and we'll both come after you."

Krass could feel his heart pounding rapidly. His stomach was turning, he was scared, and his mind was telling him that everything was going to turn out very bad. 'Shit! Shit! Shit!' That moment everything became clear to him: he had been captured by that girl Krass had met the previous day; it was her brother who had attacked him; her brother had escaped with the prisoners, who were going to use him as a hostage, and they would take him to their master. And he would probably be hanged soon enough.

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud noise coming from far away. The sound of guns firing. The sound of the soldiers chasing him was becoming stronger and closer, and suddenly Krass remembered what Krass had done, and he started running, as fast as he could, towards the direction of the gunfire.

But he didn't make it. As soon as the gunshot rang through the air, he felt a sharp pain in his side. He looked down and saw a long knife protruding out of his flesh. He looked back at the sound of gunshots. There were two more bullets and then silence. Krass turned his gaze towards the source of the shots, and then he understood what happened: it was the two men he had chased through the forest. One was laying on the ground motionlessly, blood pouring out of the hole in his chest. The other one had collapsed on top of him and was breathing heavily, still alive, although he was not getting back up. As much as Krass didn't want to believe it, he knew that he was responsible for their deaths.

"Damn you…" he muttered.

He stood up and tried to walk forward, but he soon found himself falling to his knees. He grabbed the man's arm, and pulled him up; luckily the man didn't lose too much blood, and was able to stand on his own without too much difficulty. Krass let go of him; the last thing he needed was to have him fall asleep next to him and become unconscious himself. He dragged the wounded man away from the bodies of the soldiers