The ship sailed onwards, the mist reaching out to wrap around the entire ship.
At first, there were only faint wisps layered across the deck, but as they continued, the mist grew thicker and thicker, so that they were totally enveloped within it.
Outside, the view of the ocean had been replaced by a pure white, and David could only make out the surroundings of the ship, thanks to the bright lights that had switched on.
Marek had switched from looking out the windows, to now staring at the orb set in the controls, carefully watching the bottom of it.
Looking over his shoulder, David could see jagged ridges of rock jutting up from the sea floor, one wrong move from Marek would rend the hull of the ship open, and send them all to ocean floor.
"One of Atlantis' many defenses. Without one of their ships, you'd be hard pressed to even near her shores." Marek said, while suddenly heaving the wheel to the left, a sudden wall of rock had appeared ahead.