'"This is good news for me and bad news for you." Who does that kid think he is?', Dali said in his mind.
Mono charged forward as he added an aura to his sword and slashed toward Dali. Dali raised his two hands in an 'X' position and his spiky bangles did the rest of the job.
"You'll suffer for what you've done!"
Mono kept on hampering Dali barrages of attacks, each one denting Dali's bangles and some even touching his bare hands.
"I cannot continue like this. I can't!", Dali shouted and created a distance between them by barragingMono with little blue blasts which he blocked some and dodged the rest.
"Come on Mono, you can do it!", Sensei shouted to him.
'He is only focused on firing. I know what to do…', Mono thought.
He stopped blocking and started focusing on dodging while getting closer to Dali. Slowly, but surely, he was closing the gap between them. He jumped forward right then forward left and the dodged two
more. Finally, he was in front of Dali and then he vanished into thin air.
'Where is he?', Dali stopped firing and looked around for Mono but to no avail. Suddenly…
Mono appeared above Dali with his two hands tightly gripped on his sword which was above his head, ready to come down on Dali. Instinctively, Dali proceeded to block by raising his hand in an 'X' position.
The sound of metal colliding with metal was heard throughout the vicinity. Dali's bangles shattered and he was sent skidding of the floor, crashing into a hill, cracking it in this process. Dust covered everywhere. Mono was confidently smiling, huffing and puffing a little. As the dust cleared, a fist appeared at Mono's face and it was too sudden and fast and close for him to react.
His head moved back in an abnormal way before his body followed suit.He landed on the floor struggling to keep his form as the aura was gone but his hair still red.
"*HUFF* *PUFF* This kid…you dare break my bangles?!"
"What's wrong? It's just a spiky bangl-"
"It's not just an ordinary bangle!", Dali cut back. "That rare itemboosts my sta-…why am I even talking to you? Die!!!", he shouted while preparing a blue blast. Though it blocked his view, Dali still blasted the
direction he saw Mono last.
That spot exploded right there, right then.
"Mono!", Josei shouted from behind.
Debris cleared and there was nothing but a deep crater in the ground.
"Who is ready to die first f*ckers?! Hahaha!"
All hope was lost. Everyone except Josei and Sensei were left to recover in the Dojo by sleeping. Sensei was recovering too. Josei was too weak to fight him, Mono was allegedlymicroscopic pieces of ash.
Considering all that happened there, something very shocking happened. Mono reappeared in that same spot where he was supposedly blasted into microscopicparticles.
Dalisaw him standing behind him, looking liked his worst nightmare, blood pouring from his mouth.
"Always make sure you know your opponent's whereabouts before attacking. A wise man once taught me that", he smiled at Sensei before looking back at Dali, "and now I am teaching you so that you can
teach your ancestors when you meet them."
"Wha-h-how? You little brat!"
Mono slowly started circling his sword up and round his head. It started to glow blue, leaving trails of blue. He channeled every ounce of his pure energy into the sword.
He jumped up, then gravity did the rest. The sword was approaching Dali's head, he was smiling. The sword was barely 10cm from his head before he whispered.
{Author Note: Switch is a skill that switches two people's position for one second but it does not switch
what they are holding. Eg, a person holding a knife switches with a person holding a stick. The stick holder will come to the knife holder's position, holding the knife, and vice versa. It can only be used once in a lifetime.}
The slash hit Mono's head and sliced his internals. He fell slowly remembering everyone, everything that
he will leave behind. His friends…and the damage Dali can cause in the city. All hope was finally lost. The rest had recovered and come out. But their energy was still low. They were thinking of taking Dali on.
Everyone looked back to see who was laughing.
"Sensei, how can you laugh at a time like this?!", Josei shouted.
Suddenly, the slash came back, slicing Dali in half.
"H-how?", those were his last words.
Sensei then replied everyone:
"The slash Mono used, it always comes back!"