Levels and Energies

Aura Levels (Aura is just dense mana that is tougher to deal with than mana.)

(Tryo) Level (0 - 49) - A person who has Aura, but isn't able to use it. 

(Inceptor) Level (50 - 210) - can only use Aura to coat their weapons making them sharper. 

(Expert) Level (211 - 400) - can use Aura to make long ranged attacks and use sword telekinesis. 

(Master) Level (401 - 740) - Can use Elemental Aura and make an Aura sword.

(Grandmaster) (741+) – Can use mental Aura

(Note - those with mana can perfome the above attacks (even at a lower level), but the attacks will be weaker compared to an Aura user of the same Level.

- A person can not have Aura and Mana in the same body.)


Mana Levels of Mana Heart

Non-circle/ 1st stage (Level 1) - 0 – 69

1st circle/ 2nd stage (Level 2) – 70 - 149

2nd circle/3rd stage (Level 3) – 150 – 210

3nd circle/ 4th stage (Level 4) – 210 – 300

4th circle/ 5th stage (Level 5) – 301 – 700

5th circle/ 6th stage (Level 6) – 701 – 800

6th circle/ 7th stage (Level 7) – 801 –1000

7th circle/ 8th stage (Level 8) – 1001 –5000

Demigod (Level Max) – 5001+


Anergy (Mana used by Demons and Demonic Humans)

Demon Level (All Demons look the same)

Regular Demon – Level 1 - 100

Semi Advanced Demon - Level 101 - 300

Advanced Demon - Level 301 - 500

Arch Demon - Level 501 - 666

Demon King - Level 666+


Axergy (Anti-magic body) and Dark Mana Level of Mana Body (Dark mana is something similar to Anergy but more pure than Anergy.)

1st stage (Level 1) - 0 – 200

2nd stage (Level 2) – 101 - 500

3rd stage (Level 3) – 501 – 800

4th stage (Level 4) – 801 – 1000

5th stage (Level 5) – 1000 – 2000

6th stage (Level 6) – 2000 – 3 500

7th stage (Level 7) – 3 501 – 5000

8th stage (Level 8) – 5 000 –7 500

Demigod (Level Max) – 7 500 +