Chereads / Naruto- The Strange New World / Chapter 3 - Village Hidden in the Sands… more like sand hidden in my ass

Chapter 3 - Village Hidden in the Sands… more like sand hidden in my ass

A Strange New World Part 3

Deep within the landscape of the desert was the Hidden Sand Village. It too was part of the ninja system, and like most other hidden villages, had its own ways of doing things, both obvious and not so much. This didn't apply to just their ninjutsu, but also in the manner for they had sex. If one was to visit the Sand Village, they might think it ordinary, what with orgies here and there just like any other place. And the regular attire was a thong and a sleeveless top that could almost be considered a bra, just like any other place, though with the addition of light-colored cloaks to prevent themselves from burning up in the sun. But beneath the surface, there is a secret within that not many know. Not even the majority populace of the village knew it.

So who knows this secret you might ask? Well, as one might expect, it lies with a certain group of people. That being the members of the Sabaku family, who're in charge of the Village, with its Matriarch, Risa Sabaku, as the fourth Kazekage. Her three daughters, Temari, Kankura, and Gaara, were among the Sand's elite in terms of ninjustu use and expertise, as well as their sexual prowess and class. Temari was blonde that specialized in wind jutsu, Kankura was a makeup-wearing brunette dealt in puppetry, and Gaara was a redhead that was the Sand's own Jinjuuriki.

Like the bij� in the Leaf Village, Shukaku had to have half of her chakra bonded to a human host, that being the aforementioned redhead. However, unlike her "sister," she was the weakest of the nine, and had one tail, though she was by no means a pushover. Her appearance was much akin to that of Karura Sabaku, the Kazekage's wife and the mother of the siblings, though with the exception of having raccoon-like ears and a long, thickly furry tail of sorts, as well as having darkened eyes like Gaara. Another difference between Shukaku and her "sister" Kurama was that she preferred to stay with her Jinjuuriki all the time, and the two were very close.

As for the secret itself, well, it has to do with the gradual decline of men a long time ago. The Sage of Six Paths created a technique with the lasting effect of women being able to have children together, and in the process made the world a rather sexual one to live in. However, there were those that weren't entirely satisfied with this change of it only being women, and tried to find artificial means of reviving the male population. With the founding of the ninja arts and the apparently boundless means of using chakra, these groups sought to recreate men through this. What they got instead was a technique that allowed them to create a temporary cock and ball sack that functioned in every way like a man's. Most of the people who created this deemed it a failure and gave up their quest.

However, a few saw an opportunity with this, and kept the technique to themselves as a secret. The current Kazekage and her family were the descendants of these individuals. For centuries now, they'd been secretly using the jutsu for their own pleasure and gain. Using this and another tool, they'd managed to force their way into positions of power, as well as a way of gaining love-slaves. There were virtually no members of their family that didn't have a love-slave.

Currently, within the confines of the Kazekage's mansion, was one of the village leader's daughters, enjoying herself with her new love-slave. The daughter in question was a blonde with four spiky pigtails by the name of Temari, and the brunette teen servicing her was a former Nin of the Hidden Leaf Village by the name of Tenten. The ex-Leaf girl used to have her hair tied up in buns and was an expert in the use of weapons, but since her enslavement had let her hair down and spent more time devoting to pleasuring her mistress than training.

This arrangement came about Temari and her sisters paid a visit to the Hidden leaf village for potential love-slaves under the guise of a diplomatic meeting, and only the blonde and Kankura returned with any, while Gaara didn't find a need for one. Temari had managed to trick her way into getting Tenten as her love-slave by playing to the girl's pride and challenged her to a match. The Sand Nin had won the fight, and knocked the then-Leaf Nin out, taking her to a hotel where she had performed the ritual and made Tenten into the girl gleefully giving an oral treatment to her dick at the moment.

Chocolate eyes met teal ones as the girl made loud, hungry noises, bringing pleasure to both her mistress' sight and ears. The blonde kept clutching the pillow behind her head, the other on the head of the brunette, making the slave bob up and down on the meaty pole. The whole time this was happening, Tenten was wiggling her cute butt up in the air, feeling the seed from an earlier session leak out of her asshole and over her pussy, as well as a certain ring pierced into her clit…

The Hidden Leaf Village – Five Days Ago…

Tenten felt groggy as she started to wake up. She found herself wondering what was going on as she noticed that not only were her hands bound behind her back, but that she was also in a hotel room of sorts. Realizing that she was on a bed, she quickly tried and succeeded in getting herself up, feeling the soft fabric rub against the bare skin of her buttocks.

"Ugh…" she groaned, "…where am I? And why're my hands bound? What's going on?"

It took her a minute, but she managed to recall something. She remembered feeling…pain. And…someone caused it…but whom? There were also…others watching as it happened…a woman or girl with bizarre make up…and another short red hair and dark eyes. They were…sisters to her attacker. No, attacker wasn't the right word. It was…opponent!

"That's right!" she realized aloud, "I was just in a match!"

"I wouldn't say 'just' as it was a few hours ago, but yes, and you lost," said a voice. Tenten turned around fast, and saw standing in the corner a blond-haired teen about her age with four spikey pigtails wearing a light purple cloak that covered her body from the neck line down. The brunette immediately recognized her as Temari, from the Hidden Sand Village. "And I am the victor. Also, I wouldn't try getting out of those ropes if I were you. They're specially designed with chakra, and hold you bound for as long as I choose. Plus, my sisters already checked and removed all your hidden seal weapons, so I wouldn't count on them to help you."

"I see," said Tenten, trying hard not to show her own disappointment in herself for losing, as well as the disadvantage she was at. "So what do you want? And why have you brought me here?"

"As to both of those, it's all for the same reason. I am the victor, and I have decided to claim my prize."

"And what might that be?" asked the bun-haired brunette, wary of where this might be going.

Chuckling, the blonde girl answered, "You."

"ME?!" asked Tenten incredulously. "What do you want me for?!"

"Take a look around and make a deduction," said Temari flatly. It didn't take her captive long to figure it out…partially.

"You want to have sex with me? If you wanted to have that we could've just done it out in public."

"Not that kind," corrected the blonde, "What I mean is of a more personal nature. I'm sure you're familiar with the term, 'Love Slave', right?"

"Y-You want me as your love slave?! B-But we barely even know each other! And the international law says that the love slave can only become one if she has mutual affection for her owner or owners!"

"Trust me, I'm well-aware of the law. It also says that one can be obtained in the form of an opponent who agrees to the terms of a waged match. And we agreed that the winner of our match would get anything she wants from the loser."

"But you never said-!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Could've, should've, would've. The terms were made, and what's done is done."

"But I still have to have mutual affection for you in order for this to be legal, and you can't make me!"

"Oh I assure you, by the time I'm done with you today, you'll be feeling that way about me, and begging to let me have my way with you all the way to the Sand Village. And that's a promise!" Temari stated as she dropped her cloak, revealing her attire to be that of gold bracelets on her forearms and forelegs, a golden bra with etched writings in it, and a golden thong with a hole in the front revealing her crotch area. Walking towards the nervous brunette, she said, "This is going to be fun."

"I-!" started Tenten before Temari leaned in and stole a kiss from her. The blonde girl from the Sand Village showed her dominance by moving her tongue about in the stunned brunette's mouth. She also fondled the Leaf Nin's c-cup breasts, getting to the point where she pretty much ripped off the girl's top without much effort. Breaking the kiss, with a string of drool hanging between their respective lips before it broke, Temari kept fondling Tenten.

"I must say," started the blonde, "your mouth tastes sweet, and your breasts…my-my…very firm, yet soft. I can think of good uses for these later on."

"Y-You won't because I'm not d-doing this!" growled the brunette, though she was starting to get aroused by this treatment. Still, arousal didn't mean the same as consent or mutual affection, and she hoped that she could endure whatever this Sand Village girl threw at her long enough for her to find a way to escape.

"Don't worry. For what I have in mind, you will be. Now get on your knees, I want to see how good a pussy licker you are."

Tenten tried to resist, but Temari's grip was strong as she grabbed her head and proceeded to push her down to her knees and shove her into the blonde's crotch. It had a nice smell to it, but the bun-haired Kunoichi was determined and refused.

"Lick my snatch!" ordered the Sand Nin as she used both hands to hold the Leaf girl in place. Letting go quickly, Temari grabbed a kunai from the top of the nightstand and put the pointed end close to Tenten's face. "Guess I needed to give you a bit of incentive," said the blonde Kunoichi, "now lick my cunt! It's wet and waiting for that warm, soft tongue of yours. Besides, haven't you ever wondered what noble pussy from Sand tastes like?"

Realizing how determined her captor was and how limited her options were, Tenten complied and extended her tongue before proceeding to lick the blonde's vagina. It was indeed wet, and she moved her lips around it, as well as sticking her tongue inside the other girl's nether lips. This went on for about a minute, the brunette giving it her all and Temari moaning with pleasure. The blonde threw her head back and gasped in ecstasy as she came in the other girl's mouth and on her face. The Leaf Nin drew back and took a moment to catch her breath. One look from the teen standing over her and she knew to swallow the cum in her mouth and try to lick off what was on her face.

"You do make a good pussy licker," complimented the Sand Nin. "I take it you've had plenty of experience with this?"

"…My teammates and I would sometimes help each other get off on missions…"

"Either way, I don't think I've ever climaxed that quickly before. And now, I have something special for you. Something I know you'll like." Walking towards her cloak on the ground, Temari pulled out a scroll of sorts. Unrolling out it a bit on the floor, the blonde did a series of hand seals before slamming her hand on the paper, followed immediately by a puff of smoke in the air. The puff dissipated and revealed what appeared to be a gold piercing ring falling from it. Temari caught it and held it up.

"W-What are you planning to do with that?" asked a nervous Tenten.

"Oh you will find out soon enough. And I'm not done yet, as I have one more trick to do before the best part comes." Standing up, she placed her right hand to her vagina and began rubbing it, channeling chakra to her nether region. When her hand began to leave her pussy, Tenten was shocked to see what followed; an erect, ten-inch long, one-and-a-half inch thick penis! And a scrotum sack not far behind!

"…H-How…?" was all she managed to say as the sight of the other girl's cock became bigger in her frame of vision as the said girl came closer. She as far as she knew up to that point, only men had penises and the only man in the world was Naruto.

"Let's just say it's an old family secret," was all Temari said. The Sand Nin then got behind Tenten, making the bun-haired brunette even more nervous.

"S-Stop! Get that thing away f-from me!" the Leaf Nin demanded as she tried to get away, only for the blonde girl to hold her in place by the hips.

"Oh don't be like that…" Temari said as she began to rub her new dick in between Tenten's ass cheeks. The thong was still in the way, but that provided even more stimulus on her new phallus. The blonde leaned in and whispered into the brunette's ear, "I know you want it too."

She then reached forward and down into the front of the Leaf Nin's panties before rubbing her captive's snatch. After a few seconds, Temari pulled her hand back out to reveal her fingers covered in Tenten's juices.

"I can tell by how wet your pussy is." Then she ripped off her captive's thong, leaving her completely nude, and said, "You won't be needing this anymore!"

"Please, don't do this!" pleaded Tenten.

"Soon you'll be begging me to," stated Temari as she moved in front of the Leaf Nin before getting on her knees and putting her face close to the girl's exposed vagina. Holding out the gold piercing she said, "With this ring, you will have no choice, but to submit to my will!" Before Tenten could say anything, her captor quickly moved the ring to her clitoris and pushed the sharp ends into it, piercing her. At first it was painful, but soon it faded and was replaced by another feeling, though she wasn't quite sure what. The ring itself shrunk down until it nearly disappeared behind the clit. "Now," continued Temari triumphantly, "you are my servant. Soon, your mind, body, and soul will be filled with a fog of desire that only I can fulfill. You may've gotten yourself off with your teammates, and maybe some other members of Leaf, but now I'm the only one you want and need. Isn't that right, my slave?"

"…y-n…" started Tenten, not quite able to form words for how she felt at the moment.

"Not sure yet? Well, after this you will be," Temari said as she leaned in and started licking in circles around the pierced clit. The brunette started gasping and moaning, and at first it was in surprise, but soon it became ones of pleasure. That increased when the blonde inserted a couple fingers into the Leaf girl's pussy to add to it. This lasted for three quarters of a minute before Tenten managed to scream.


And cum she did, right into Temari's mouth. The Sand Nin drank it up, wiping away what little there was outside her mouth before licking it off her fingers.

"Looks like you enjoyed that."

"Yes, M-Mistress," stuttered the brunette slowly coming to like her situation, "I-I did v-very much."

"Good to see you know your place. Now how do you feel about me?"

"I-I…I want you."

"Want me for what?" she said, having decided to push it.

"I want you take me…"

"Take you as what?"

"To take me and use me as…"

"As what?"

"Your slave."

"Excellent. Now say what you are, and I will give you want you want."

"I, Tenten, am your sex toy, your tool for pleasure, the one whose mind, heart, body, soul, mouth, pussy, and ass belong to you and you alone. Now please, claim me and use me! Make me the best slave I can be!" cried the brunette as she looked her new mistress in the eye, smiling hungrily as she did.

"Wonderful, now let us consummate it!" stated Temari as she wrapped her arms around her new slave and the two of them kissed. Their tongues danced in each other's mouths with much passion. Once they were done and gasping for air, the blonde mistress went behind her slave and used the kunai to cut the ropes that bound the brunette. Getting back in front, she pointed down to her cock and said, "Tell me what you think of my penis."

"I think it's beautiful, Mistress…the tip…the veins…everything about it. I would love for you to use it on me."

"And I shall!" declared the Sand Nin as she took hold of her shaft. "On your knees," she ordered. As Tenten did as she was told, Temari proceeded to lightly and repeatedly tap the brunette on her face with her cock. The slave was surprised, but no less excited by the action.

"Oh yes Mistress! Slap your slave with your wonderful cock! I love it!"

"Open wide!" ordered the blonde with a grin. 

When Tenten complied, her Sand mistress shoved the cock into her mouth with force. It nearly hit the back of her throat, but the new slave didn't mind, as she almost immediately began work on sucking it. She decided that she very much liked the taste, and moaned as she made loud slurping noises.

"You really want to guzzle down my semen, don't you?"

"GUMPH! GLUCK! GUK!" was all she heard as Tenten continued her blowjob. The brunette's chocolate eyes had started rolling into the back of her head.

"Yeah, you're really into it! I couldn't expect anything better from my slave!" said Temari as she placed her hand on the girl's head and kept thrusting into her mouth. While her mistress was using her for oral stimulation, the brunette had begun playing with her pussy, her wetness dripping onto the floor. It wasn't long before the slave girl had a small orgasm, and her juices added to what she'd seeped already. After a few more minutes of Tenten's administrations on her cock, the blonde felt ready to burst. "I'm about to cum!" she declared.

This made the bun-haired girl increase her efforts, and within a few seconds, the cock flooded her mouth with its seed. She was instantly in love with the taste, and decided that she would do her best later to make it part of her regular diet. Temari pulled her member out as it still leaked out her love juices, spraying some of it on Tenten's face and breasts. The brunette rubbed the cum on her breasts around like lotion while licking the bit on her face into her mouth. When she finished, she noticed that her mistress's cock had gone limp. Getting up, she went to the bed and got into the missionary position before spreading her pussy lips.

"Mistress, you're not done yet, are you?"

"I'm just getting started!" the blonde declared as her member became hard and erect again at the display her slave gave before her. Tenten saw this and gave another big, hungry grin. Walking over to the bun-haired girl, Temari lined her member up with said girl's vagina. Grabbing hold of the brunette's legs, the Sand Nin gave one good thrust before finding herself all the way in, lightly feeling the ring piercing rub against the top of her dick as she did. The bun-haired girl gasped as she felt the meaty pole rush in and make itself at home in her pussy. Then, before she could contemplate the feeling any further, her mistress soon began thrusting in and out of her. It wasn't long before both were moaning in pleasure at the action, and their movements were causing the bed to shake.

"YES! YEESS!! POUND MY PUSSY MISTRESS!! MAKE ME CUM ALL OVER THIS DELICIOUS, BEAUTIFUL COCK OF YOURS!!" Tenten cried out, her eyes already beginning to roll into the back of her head again.

"This pussy feels so good! It's so nice and tight around my cock! I should've claimed you sooner!" said Temari as she kept pushing in and out of her brunette slave.


"Keep talking slave! I want to hear more of what you want!" grunted the Sand Nin as her grip on the girl's legs grew harder.


Grunting, Temari said, "Well you're about to get it! I'm gonna cum!" And then she discharged her seed into the brunette just a few seconds after her slave had an orgasm of her own. She didn't worry about getting the girl pregnant, as her family had also learned how to control the cock-technique's potency a long time ago. After catching her breath, the blonde ordered, "Stay still, for I've found a use for your breasts." 

Getting onto the bed, the Sand Nin positioned herself over Tenten's stomach and placed her cock between the slave's mammary glands. They weren't as big as the Hogake's or a Hyuuga's, but they were still more than a handful as the brunette pushed the mounds on the meaty pole. Temari grunted as she began thrusting back and forth in between the boobs of her slave, said girl licking the tip of the penis whenever it came close to her mouth.

"Your tits feel amazing! I'll cover that pretty face of yours with my cum! And I bet you'd love that, wouldn't you?" asked the blonde, reaching down and deciding to twist the girl's nipples.

"Ah! I would Mistress! Please bury my face in your wonderful cum!"

Almost seven minutes later, Temari grabbed the top of Tenten's head and tilted it forward.

"I'm cumming!" declared the blonde, and her member went off like a fire hose on her slave. The brunette's face took most of the load, and some of it got caught in between and on her breasts. Again, Tenten rubbed the cum on her chest all over her body while licking the chunk on her face.

"You came so much Mistress," cheered the brunette as she licked some the semen off her fingers.

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it, but we're not done yet, as there's still one more hole for me to claim on you. Now get on all fours and show me that ass!"

Tenten wasted no time and did as her mistress commanded. Once she was in position, she found that she couldn't tell if her pussy was wet from her excitement, or the cum from earlier still leaking out. Temari, on the other hand, was certain of what made her excited. Seeing her slave's round, perfect rear was enticing, but before she got to work on the brunette's behind, she decided to play a little.

"What a magnificent ass you have. I could spend all day and then some doing things to it. Out of curiosity, what would you have me do to it?"

"Anything you want, Mistress. Spank it, fondle it, spit on it, use it as something to write on, rub your cock in between my cheeks, but especially pound me in the ass!" declared Tenten shamelessly, shaking her butt cheeks up and down to entice her mistress even further.

"Hmm, I may just do all that," said the blonde as she took hold of the brunette's hips and placed her erect penis's tip at the entrance to the girl's rear. Then, with one good thrust, she plunged her member into the bun-haired girl's behind.

"AAHH!" screamed Tenten as she felt the anal violation begin, "Your cock's so big, Mistress!"

"Damn, your ass is tight!" moaned Temari as she kept thrusting, using her slave's hips for leverage.

While panting between words, the brunette managed to shout, "Ah, yes, Mistress! Ah, pound my ass! I love your cock! I love it when you do my asshole! Ah, ah, I want you to use your bitch's ass everyday Mistress, all the time, day and night, every possible second!" As she said this, the blonde gave a few affectionate spanks on her slave's cheeks, which further added to said slave's excitement. After another couple minutes of this, the Sand Nin felt her release approaching, and started thrusting faster and harder.

"Agh, I'm almost there! Where do you want it?"

"CUM IN MY ASS!" the now crazed Tenten bellowed. "THEN STICK IT MY MOUTH! PLEASE, LET ME TASTE THE SWEET JUICES FROM MY ASS!!" At this point, her eyes had gone almost completely into the back of her head and her tongue was hanging out from her open, grinning mouth.

"AAAHH!!" howled Temari as she unleashed her load into the slave girl's asshole. Tenten's own orgasm soon followed a few seconds later, spraying onto her mistress' ball sack and thighs. After taking a moment to get her breath, the Sand Nin pulled her member out of the brunette's asshole, followed by the sight of a stream of cum pouring out of the reddened rosebud, down her pussy, and dripping onto the bed cover. The blonde looked at her slave's small smile and gave a grin of her own.

"I see you enjoyed yourself. Now that that's done, it's time for the final claim. Do you love me?"

"Yes…" slurred the half-awake Tenten, "…will you please let me taste my ass on your cock…?"

"I will in a minute. But first, will you swear yourself to my pleasure always?"


"And now that we have that established, it's time to mark!"

As the Sand Nin said that, she performed a series of hand seals, and in one-tenth of a second, her right hand was glowing with blue chakra. When that happened, she raised the hand up and slammed it down on the brunette's right buttock. The cheek jiggled a little and Tenten felt herself on the brink of another orgasm.

"LOVE SLAVE CLAIM!!" Temari yelled, and removed her hand, seeing the chakra stay on the brunette's ass cheek in the form of a handprint. Then the energy distorted and swirled in shape until it formed a glowing symbol resembling a stylized hourglass of sorts. The light from the chakra died down, and the hourglass image became a tattoo about the size of a tennis ball.

"Now, you're officially mine! And it's time for your reward for being so patient!" she added before crawling around to Tenten's face. The brunette just smiled and opened wide in time for the still cum-covered cock to go in her mouth. Soon she began suckling on it for all she was worth, and both knew this would be a pleasurable arrangement for the two of them…

Back in the present, Temari couldn't help but reminisce about the whole ritual as she enjoyed her slave's attentions. The ring she'd used on the girl was another jutsu that her family knew about, and was created centuries ago specifically as a sort of mind-control/altering technique. Since the rules of having love slaves required both parties to be mutual that meant they couldn't have women forced into it. At least, not openly, anyway… With this method, they could take whatever slave they wanted without breaking the rules. And the blonde haired girl was enjoying every second of it.

"I must say, Pet, you really seem to enjoy ass to mouth a lot."

Pulling her mouth off of the shaft, Tenten beamed at her mistress lovingly.

"What can I say? It's addicting."

The two of them shared a small laugh at that before the brunette went back to sucking and licking her owner's member.

"How about you show me your ass while I eat out that delicious pussy of yours?" the Sand Nin suggested. "Sound good?"

"You know it!" agreed the love slave as she got up and moved around until Temari was face to face with Tenten's snatch.

"Oh, yeah…" moaned the blonde as she felt her member being sucked, and not long after, she started licking and kissing the vagina ever so passionately.

Unbeknownst to either mistress or slave, the two of them were being observed by a couple pairs of eyes in the next room through the slightly ajar door. These eyes belonged to a certain redhead, and her friend and bij�. While a little wet from the scene they witnessed, the pair contemplated what they should do about this through a shared mental link.

'I must say, I wouldn't have expected Temari to be as bold as she was in getting that Leaf girl,' thought/said Gaara.

'You're telling me,' replied Shukaku. 'I thought you girls were supposed to be more…subtle in your acquisitions.'

'Tell that to her.'

'Does this affect our plans any?'

'Just that we may have to speed it up a little.'

'What do you suggest?'

After a moment, Gaara answered her, 'I think it's time we paid the Leaf village a little visit of our own.'

Back in the Hidden Leaf Village, Sakura was sitting in wait at her home, waiting for a certain group of people that she'd invited to arrive. Her mothers were out at the moment, so she didn't have to worry about them interrupting anything and taking away her fun for themselves. The people in question were a group of individuals that were slightly younger than her, but still old enough that they were Nin, and thus old enough to pound.

Now, however, she began to wonder about what Naruto and Hinata said. She loved them, there was no question of that, but did she love them enough to their love slave? The thought rattled around in her mind, the possibility of her staying beside and having daily sex with two of her favorite people in the world.

Hinata was Sakura's first kiss, and both girls were among the first of their class to discover that Naruto was a boy, and she at first didn't really know how to feel when she learned that he liked the two of them. Later on, after a few incidents here and there, she came to realize that she cared about him. Her fist time with the two had been after they all graduated; an experience she wouldn't forget. After a few missions together, Sakura realized that she loved them both, and knew before anyone else that they would become a couple.

Later on, as she had sex on missions with marks and assigned teammates, she decided on trying for the title of village whore, knowing it would give her more pleasure. So, when she mentioned it to her Mistress, Lady Tsunade, the older woman helped prepare her for the task by teaching her several techniques she would need to know, as well as helping her body develop and become more voluptuous. Thus, Sakura Haruno went from being a skinny, flat but cute girl to being a curvy bombshell of a young woman, ready to take on anyone in bed and last long enough for multiple rounds.

Recently, though, she wasn't sure what she wanted more. The village whore title would only last for a couple years, but it would be a lot of variety for her. A love slave would be a life-long deal, one that she could, admittedly, back out of if she chose it, but most didn't.

For now, she'd just wait and see what happened before deciding.

As she contemplated all this, the door suddenly rang, and she got up from her spot on her couch to see who it was. Opening the door, she was greeted by the sight of four smiling young genin. They were none other than Hanabi, and the members of the Best Big Booty Friends Forever (BBBFF); Konohamari Sarutobi, Udona Sato, and Moegi Katsuragi.

"Hey, Sakura," the four said in unison.

"Hey girls," replied the pink-haired girl before inviting them in, gesturing to the couch.

Once they were seated, Konohamari asked, "So, Sakura, what's up? Why'd you call us over?"

"A couple reasons, actually," the pink-haired girl explained. "Firstly, I wanted to congratulate you guys on your graduation. You're all Leaf Ninja now!" she exclaimed with a thumbs-up. "Second, I felt like helping you four celebrate with a nice five-way orgy, if you'll have me, that is…" she said with a sultry tone, allowing her barely covered breasts to sway back and forth exotically before turning around and shaking her buttocks enticingly at them.

"Such a lovely ass," muttered Hanabi, almost hypnotized and drooling at the display before them.

"Thanks, Hanabi," replied the older girl. "I hear you've been putting yours to use lately."

"I guess you could say that," the Hyuga girl replied. "Big Sis gave me a nice pounding not too long ago, and Nejimi soon after. I gotta say, before graduation, I hadn't really given much thought about using my butt in sex. Sure, we'd discussed it a few times in class and outside of school, but I didn't give it much mind. Then imagine my surprise when Lady Tsunade opened my eyes to its pleasures."

"I'll bet she did. Lady Tsunade does have that effect on some women. I couldn't tell you how much I was addicted to it when I started training under her, but later I remembered that my other holes couldn't be ignored either. So, anyway, you four want some of this ass or what?" asked Sakura again, this time slapping her left butt cheek and squeezing it for emphasis.

"I'm game!" yelled Konohamari in excitement.

"Me too," chimed in Udona.

"Sure," agreed Meogi.

"Like you even need to ask," answered Hanabi.

"Alright then," the pink-haired teen said, "just let me get a few things and we can start this party!"

With that, Sakura went up the stairs to her room and pulled out a bag from her closet. Making sure that all items needed were accounted for, she went back downstairs to show her guests what she had.

"Girls, take your pick," said the teenaged whore-hopeful, opening the sack. Inside of it, the four younger girls saw a small assortment of strap-ons and dildos. Once the four decided on their choice of sex toy, Sakura removed her top and thong, becoming completely naked, and then got on her hands and knees, shaking her behind once she was in position. The she asked with a playful grin, "So, how do you guys want to start? You want to take turns with me, or all four of you on me at once?"

"I'd like some of that pussy myself," said Konohamari confidently, her strap-on fastened and proudly erect. "What about you guys?" she asked the other three.

"I want her asshole," answered Hanabi.

"Of course," muttered Moegi with an eye roll, who then looked back to the others and said, "I'd like to see how good she is at licking pussy and rimjobs."

"Umm…" pondered Udona aloud, "Perhaps you could…maybe…lick my snatch as well."

"Sure," said Sakura. "It'll be a good sandwich for me to eat out of."

With their desired positions established, the four younger girls sought to make them a reality. Konohamari got under the pink-haired girl, who lowered her hips onto the Sarutobi's strap-on. Hanabi took her own dildo and got right behind the teen before plunging between vast and milky butt cheeks. Both Moegi got on top of Udona, and the two put their cunts in front of Sakura's face. The teen wasted no time in putting her lips to both girls' nether regions, suckling and licking between them like there was no tomorrow. Hanabi and Konohamari were a bit irregular in their movements as they applied their ministrations to the older girl's anus and pussy respectively, but it didn't take long for them to find a rhythm to work with.

While that was going on, Tsunade was discussing a mission details over with Naruto and Hinata. She was planning to send them on another one soon, and she wanted to make sure that the two knew the details. Once they had finished that chat, the Lady Hokage decided to talk about another couple of things; namely when it might be a good time for a threesome between the older woman and the two teens.

"Perhaps later this evening at my place?" suggested Naruto. "Mom and Ma will be a bit busy breaking in their new love slave, and I don't think they'd mind."

"Or why not at my place?" pitched in Hinata. "Mom and Mother left this morning on some clan business, and Hanabi and Nejimi each said they'd be spending the whole day with some friends."

"Why not now?" asked the blonde Hokage. "You two don't have anything else to do this afternoon, do you?"

"You wouldn't be proposing that just to get out of doing paperwork, would you?" questioned Naruto, a sly look on his face.

"Keep that up and I may just do it with Hinata and leave you out of it," teased Tsunade with a sultry grin. Turning to the Hyuuga girl, she added, "If that's alright with you, that is."

"I don't mind putting on a show if Naruto's watching," said the Hyuuga heiress, glancing towards her boyfriend who shrugged with a grin. "Besides, you're the Hokage."

"I guess I am at that," the blonde woman replied. "Though you probably know which hole I'm going to give the most attention to."

"My ass, I assume?" asked Hinata, knowing where the village leader was going with this.

"Not really helped by the fact that you don't wear anything," answered Tsunade. "I mean, sure, the bits that most women and girls wear leave nothing to the imagination, but still, that nude, cute butt of yours just practically begs for me to molest it."

"It gets enough of that from me," Naruto joked with a slight chuckle.

"Believe me, it does," added Hinata happily. "So I'm guessing that you want to do a threesome with me in the middle?"

"Yep!" responded Tsunade. "And it wouldn't take long to get ready. You know what, to hell with the paperwork. I want some Hyuuga ass and some man meat now!" With that stated, the Lady Hokage dropped her jacket, her thong and bra, becoming completely naked, and quickly used a hand seal to summon her golden strap-on. "I'd suggest you two get into position," she added.

Doing as she asked, Naruto stripped out of his clothes and got down on his back on the floor. Hinata followed suit as she got on top of her beloved, and kissed him as he lined up his cock up with her pussy. After strapping on her dildo, Lady Tsunade got down on her knees and bent over the Hyuuga heiress, pressing her tool to the rim of the teen girl's anus. The dildo made its way in with ease.

"You weren't kidding, Naruto," commented the blonde Hokage, "it's pretty loose back here."

"Told you so," said the boy as he started to thrust into his girlfriend. Tsunade started plunging into the Hyuuga's ass as well not long after. Hinata found herself moaning and squealing in delight as she felt her cunt being filled with her lover's penis while simultaneously feeling her luscious pillow of a rear pounding its cheeks against her village leader's pelvis. Her buttocks jiggled as her flesh kept getting slapped repeatedly by the blonde woman, and her beautiful breasts rubbed and mashed against the blonde boy's chest. The sensations drove her wild.

"Ooh…this feels so GOOD!" Hinata yelled, enjoying the double penetration.

"Oh yeah," Tsunade breathed out huskily, keeping her rhythm with the teen girl's anus, "just keep bouncing that ass back to me as I pound you! Oh I just love me some juicy ass!"

"Her pussy's great too!" chimed in Naruto. "It's so wonderful to slip in and out of. I swear to all the gods and powers in existence that I'm glad to have been born a boy, 'cause my dick and her holes were just made for each other. Wouldn't you agree, Hinata?"

"Oh yes, yes, yes, YES!!" the Hyuuga heiress called out. "My ass, mouth, and pussy are always open for you, Naruto, my love. I can't imagine a day without your loving dick filling me with your love juices."

"Don't forget me," said the Hokage, "I'm going to fill this ass of yours with my juices as well."

Naruto briefly looked at the woman in slight confusion.

"What?" she breathed. "Did you think that your folks were the only ones with special strap-ons? I may not have as many as they do, but I've some of my own as well. And with this one, I intend to plunder your girlfriend's ass and fill it with cum."

"I'm happy to have cum from you both!" Hinata declared with another moan. "My ass and pussy await your release, just keep pounding me!"

"With absolute pleasure, love!" stated Naruto, increasing his speed as he rammed her cunt.

"What's say we make abet out of this, huh?" suggested Tsunade, intensifying her pace as well.

"What do you suggest?" asked the blonde boy in between grunts and his girlfriend's wails.

"Whoever releases first wins and gets something from the loser. If you win, you and Hinata get to pound my ass and spank me at the same time as many times as you want, all for a week straight, and at any place."

"That's sounds so awesome! What do you get if you win?"

"If I win, Hinata spends the next week being my ass slut and you have to watch, filling my drinking cups with your cum as you do. She'll dance and shake her behind for me, and allow me to molest her butt cheeks and anus as much as want whenever I want, day and night."

"Do I still get to have sex with her?"

"Everywhere except in her ass. That'll be strictly reserved for me!" declared the older blonde, her vigor not decreasing even a little as her famous boobs shook with her every thrust. "At least for the week, that is. So, what do you say? Do we have a deal?"

Looking at his panting girlfriend, Naruto asked, "What do you think, love?"

"As long as I still get to be with you, my butt can take whatever Lady Tsunade throws at it!" said the undeterred Hyuuga, who's eyes had already started to roll into the back of her head. "Besides, I wouldn't mind have a go at her either."

"In that case-!" commented Naruto, increasing the pacing of his thrusts into her pussy.

Sweat glistened off their bodies, and some of it had even begun to fly off them onto the floor and even some of the furniture. The smack-smack-smack of their fleshes hitting each other resounded throughout the room, combined real well with their moans, pants of breath, and even yells and shouts of pleasure. Their rhythm was almost perfectly in sync as the Hokage and the Uzumaki boy penetrated the Hyuuga heiress with the former's specialized dildo and the latter's hardened penis.

Then, Hinata let out a wail as she released her juices onto her boyfriend's pelvis, collapsing on top of him as she did so. Shortly after this, Naruto shouted and claimed his victory by painting the inside of her love tunnel with his cum. Not long after, Tsunade filled the girl's anal tube with her own love juices too. The release from both her partners was so much that one could see it leak out of either hole, surrounding both the fake cock and the real one.

"Well, I guess that settles it," breathed out Naruto. "For the next week, your ass belongs to me and Hinata. Isn't that right, honey?"

Lifting her head up, the Hyuuga heiress nodded weakly, having been racked by her two lovers. The two pulled out of her, making slick, squelching sounds as they did so, and all three laid face up on the floor, naked and gasping for breath.

"You won fair and square, you two lovebirds," admitted Tsunade, who then started to remove her strap-on.

"Lady Tsunade," started Hinata after a moment, "I've always wanted to ask. Why do you like asses and anal so much?"

"Well…" pondered the Lady Hokage aloud, putting a finger to her chin. "…I guess you could say I grew into loving it. When I was but a little girl, fresh from the academy, I was still relatively new to the world of sex. At the time, when I lost my virginity, I was still reeling in from the experience, and I couldn't understand why I had to be pounded up the butt either. At first, it was, admittedly, the most painful thing in the world I'd ever experienced up to that point, but after some experimentation with Dan, my best friend at the time and later on my wife, I was able to get used to it, and even learned to like it. Eventually, I came to love the sensation, and I wanted to help others enjoy it too, which I guess is the reason I like it when I feel someone's butt bounce against me as I pound into them. And I've been a proud anal queen ever since."

"One with bit set of T&A that would drive most women crazy, I might add," Naruto chuckled with Hinata giggling and nodding a bit.

"Well, there's that too. But, anyway, when would you two like to start; the day you complete your next mission or afterwards?"

Before they could give her an answer, there was a knock on the door. Everyone started to put their clothes back on, with the exception of Hinata since she was a nudist. Once everyone but the Hyuuga heiress was dressed, they all returned to their seats and Tsunade cleared her throat.

"Come in," the blonde woman called.

The door opened to reveal an Anbu guard wearing an eagle mask, a velvet scarf, and a light grey bra and panties standing there. Behind her were two other women, one taller than the other, but where obscured a bit by the one standing in front of them.

"Lady Tsunade, I apologize for coming in, but there are two individuals here that wish to speak with you; Gaara from the Hidden Sand Village, and her personal assistant, Shukaku."

"Thank you," said Gaara, who stepped forward and turned her attention to the Hokage. "Lady Tsunade, we have much to discuss…"

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