There was a world of Roy (it means they are the gods of stone for example Red )
STORY BEGINS: There were six friends name Kyro,hatin, Jonathan,nikel,fault and astro.
now they are at the age of 12.In age 12 they got there Conjuring stones They want to find there antrol(androl are the animals they can only control with the Conjuring stones) but they were playing
with the stones powers.Kyro father was the 🥷🏻androl master of Roy. King said to kyro an his friend you want to catch the antrol to become a antrol master.
But nikel said braaaaaaa because he was so lazy. hatin is so energetic he said yes!!! we want to go.
They go to Dr Shay he give there first androl. They were lefting their home.
Kyro got enthno androl.enthno is a ⚡electric type androl.nikel got 💪🏻sumo type androl.hatin got 🌊 water type androl.jonathan got🍀 nature type androl.fault got 🔥 fire type androl. Astro got 👻 ghost type androl.