"Are you hiding something from me, Ai?" Asked Noah.
"No… is just a hunch… but as my data is limited because of your own level so I think that this 'hunch' comes from my own database that, although it has the information, is blocked "
"I understand" Said Noah.
Noah looked back at Lei and saw her smiling carefreely while taking a sip of her coffee.
"Do I look that scary?" Asked Fei.
"You are making a face that seems that I am about to eat you, are you scare of little old me?" Asked Fei with a sarcastic smile.
"No, anything like that, it just that… I think is time for me to go" Said Noah.
"You are running again? As I though, you are scared of me, the question is… why? If you answer me that, you are free to go"
"Like I said, I am not scared of you, I just… have things to do" Said Noah.
"That sounds interesting , why don't you tell me about that?"
Noah's eyes flashed a light of green.
"I have to get information of Eri-"
"STOP!" A voice inside Noah shouted.
Noah immediately closed his mouth with his hand.
"What the hell????" Though Noah.
"? What's wrong?" Asked Fei.
"Nothing, here, use this to pay, I have to go"
Without waiting for Fei to finish, Noah run out of the store, leaving the girl with a surprised expression.
"What's wrong with him?"
"Well, we will eventually meet again, sooner or later…" Though Fei.
"Well, I might just go home, huh?"
Fei looked at where Noah was and looked at the sides.
"Where's little Moon?"
Noah run out of air after running at full speed from the cafe.
"What…what… was that?"
"What do you mean?" Asked Ai.
"If you… if you hadn't stop me, I would have told her everything"
"I notice that, but I thought that you wanted to do that, I didn't feel anything strange inside you"
"It was like my consciousness melted, I… it just feels right that I told her everything, I didn't feel anything wrong, I don't know what was that" Said Noah.
"That girl is more dangerous that I though, stay away from her, the further you are, the better" Said Ai.
"I think so too" Said Noah.
"By the way"
"How long are you going to have that on your head?"
Noah looked up and saw a pair of gris colored eyes looking at him.
"When did she…"
Noah grabbed the little kitty who, apparently, had followed from the shop and had been resting on his head this whole time.
"Why did I didn't notice?" Though Noah.
Noah looked at the little kitty, he put her on the ground.
"You are a smart one, go back" Said Noah.
"Shop, back" Repeated Noah.
The black cat walked towards Noah and purred cutely on his leg.
"Meow~ Meow~"
"Maybe isn't so bad, you know?" Asked Ai.
"What do you mean?"
"Are you aware of the term… familiar?"
"Familiar? What is that'"
"Every demon can tame or summon a familiar, depending on the affinity of course, but still, that familiar awakes some of their natural powers, although the creatures of earth are not exactly good familiars, maybe you can practice with this little one"
"That sounds a bit farfetched"
"Try it, although don't be disappointed if this little one doesn't awake any kind of power, he is just a creature of earth after all" Said Ai.
Noah kneeled and cuddled the face of little Moon, who in response, purred cutely.
"Little Moon, I know that you are smart, I don't know how, but I know. So I ask you, do you want to be my familiar?" Asked Noah.
Noah made a small smile and bite his mouth, letting some drop of his blood fell on little moon's forehead, then he touched the head of little Moon. Ai already send the information of how to make a contract with a familiar to his brain.
"Little Moon, in the name of Noah Afterlife, become my familiar!"
A red little flashed in the forehead of Little Moon and her eyes changed to a beautiful scarlet.
In a second, a small invisible window, like the one in the video games, appeared in front of Noah.
"What is this?"
"Is the information of little Moon, I am showing into you in a way you understand… but man, I was wrong"
"What do you mean?"
"This little fellow… is not just 'a' cat but rather… 'the' cat" Said Ai.
"What do you mean?"
"Look at her information"
Noah took a peek at the information in front of him
"What the hell…"