"Who is talking?"
"Ivanna! Wake up!"
Ivanna felt a familiar voice calling her name.
She slowly open her eyes and saw that her girlfriend, Ramona, was hanging with a rope tied on her hands.
"Ramona!" Ivanna tried to help, but she was also tied up on her hands.
"You woke up"
Ivanna turned to the voice and saw a man dressed in a black suit looking at her.
"Who are you!?" Asked Ivanna.
"My name is… Unjustice" Said Noah.
"Unjustice?" Asked Ivanna.
She had a lot enemies, so she tried to recall someone that looked like this man or have that particular name, but couldn't recall.
"That's right… Ivanna Ravona, I came here to collect the interests"
"Interest? So this is about money? Dude, you could just say so, there is no need to do this, how about you untie us and we resolve this little misunderstanding" Said Ivanna.
Noah shook his head and took out his phone.
"I am talking about THIS interest"
He showed Ivanna the picture of Nivell.
"It seems that you remember him" Said Noah.
"I don't know what are you talking about… but I have nothing to do with that guy" Said Ivanna.
Noah smiled and walked towards Ramona.
"Hey! What are you doing?"
Noah took out a hammer from his pocket and looked back at Ivanna.
"It seems that I have to show that I am not playing around"
With precision, Noah hit the stomach of Ramona, who bended and immediately after, threw up.
"AJHHHH!" She cried in pain as Noah lifted her hammer once more and, this time, he aimed to her shoulders.
The sounds of breaking bones could be before as Ramona cried once more.
"PLEASE STOP!" Shouted Ramona.
Noah lifted the hammer once more, this time, aiming to her face.
"WAIT!" Shouted Ivanna.
Noah turned around and looked once more at Ivanna.
"Please, please stop it! I… I will confess…"
"Talk" Said Noah.
"…" Ivanna was unsure on whatever she should and shouldn't talk.
"AHHHHH!" Ramona cried once more as Noah hit her leg with the hammer.
"Talk" Repeated Noah.
"I… I know that guy, he was once of my classmates"
"I…we…no, we did bully him a bit but that was on Bryan's orders! He force us! We didn't mean to-!"
This time the hammer hit Ramona on the face, breaking her teeth and her nose.
"NOOOOO!" Shouted Ivanna.
"Last chance, the next one would go to her brain" Said Noah.
"Okay, okay, okay" Said Ivanna.
"We bully him okay? We did bully him!"
"Why?" Asked Noah.
Noah lifted his arm once more.
Noah walked to Ivanna, he grabbed her face and looked at her eyes.
"You kill an innocent boy… because it was fun?" Asked Noah.
"No! I didn't kill him!"
"IT'S TRUE! I told Bryan that it was too much, but he didn't want to let go, it was him that order Leo to kill him! It was their fault! It wasn't me!" Shouted Ivanna.
"So you were there…"
Ivanna's face went white.
"When you were unconscious, your girlfriend was kind enough to unlock your phone… And I happen to found and interesting video" Said Noah.
He put the play button, in there, a young man who clearly was at the verge of dying was looking at the camera.
"Come on little shit, say hello to the world" Said the voice of a woman, who was the one recording.
"You… you promise… that you… you wouldn't… touch my sister…you promise…" Said the boy with a tired voice.
"Didn't I live up to my promise? I didn't touch her! But that bitch! Today, she dared to insult me!"
Bryan, who appeared in scream, shouted at the ear of the boy will toying with a knife on his hand.
Noah paused the video and looked back at Ivanna.
"I sent this video to his sister" Said Noah.
"I…" Ivanna wanted to refuse, but she didn't know what to say.
"She then asked me to give you… and I quote… an experience worse than dead"
"I…I don't know how much is paying you… but I will triple nor…quadruple the amount, so please, let us go!" Said Ivanna.
Noah smiled at Ivanna's desperate face.
He grabbed Ivanna's phone and began recording.
"I will give you new material for your… hobby" Said Noah.
He took a new hammer, this time, the head of the hammer had nail incrusted.
"The night has just began" Said Noah.