"I confess! I confess! The Styler family were the ones behind the cover of the abuse child, I confess!"
Before the video could finish a man in a black suit stopped the record and turned towards Bob, who was sitting in a chair, looking at the record.
"Young master Bob, you understand, after watching this video, why I am here, right?" Asked the man.
Bob looked at the man and couldn't help but trembled.
This man who wore a black suit and glasses was the… facilitator of the Styler family.
The mad dog of the Styler's.
Nobody knew his real name, so they simple call him Joe.
"I… understand…" Though Bob.
Joe nodded and grabbed a letter that was hiding in his pocket.
In had an eagle as a seal. The eagle was the symbol of the Styler family.
"This letter was written by master Styler, I shall no proceed to read it" Said Joe.
Joe opened the letter and began to read it.
"Bob, from this day onwards, you shall be banned from the Styler family, all the assets you have within the family shall be giving to your brother and sister. You shall change your surname to your mother's"
Bob trembled and felt a cold breeze on his back.
"As a last gift, I will give you one million dollars so you can live for the rest of your life. Don't try to contact me again, neither your brother nor your sister, they have been informed of this decision and they agreed with me as well"
Bob felt his world collapsing as Joe light the letters in flames.
"The media has been taken care of, but for now, I suggest you remain hidden until everyone forgets about it" Said Joe.
He stood up and turned around.
"Goodbye Young mas- , no, Goodbye Bob, I hope I shall never have to see you again" Said Joe.
With that, he disappeared in the darkness.
As Bob stood lifelessly on the bench, he looked at the starry night and saw the moon was on it's highest, he looked at the clock and saw that it was already past midnight.
"Three days"
Remembering the words of the man in black, Bob felt a rage that he had never felt before.
"Everything is his fault"
"I lost everything… is all because of him!"
Bob took out the gun on his suit and looked at it with malice on his eyes.
"Yes mother?" Answered Samantha.
Violet looked at her daughter and though that something was strange. Since that guy came to her house, her daughter had been quite… strange.
She locks in her room all day.
She rarely talks to her anymore.
And what's more… She something talks to herself in the middle of the night.
"I… I was wondering if everything is okay?" Asked Violet.
"Yes, in fact, everything is better than ever" Said Samantha.
"How… come…?"
Samantha smiled and showed her mother the mark on her hand.
"Because an angel is looking for us" Said Samantha.
Just as Violet was about to ask what was her daughter was talking about. Someone entered.
"There you are" Said Bob.
He took out his gun and pointed it towards Samantha.
"Bob! What are you doing!?" Shouted Violet.
"Shut up! Don't come closer! Or I will blow her brains out!"
Violet became still after hearing Bob.
"Please, please don't do this"
"Shut it!"
He turned towards Samantha and smiled.
"What do you think now?" Asked Bob smiling.
Samantha looked at the gun and then at Bob…
She made a sarcastic smile.
"Am I supposed to feel scare?" Asked Samantha.
Bob exploded in rage and grabbed Samantha by the collar.
"Where is that guy!?"
"The guy that came with you!? Where is he!?"
"I have no idea who are you talking about" Said Samantha with a cold smile.
"You think that you are smart?"
He grabbed Samantha and throw her into his car.
"Let's see if your 'hero' can protect you forever!"
Bob turned on the car and went out with Samantha on the back.
Seeing Bob, Samantha didn't try to resist, in fact, she just caressed her mark and smiled.
"Just as you though…"
"You are indeed my angel…"
"No… you are my god…"
Noah looked at the car from the roof of a building and he couldn't help but smile.