Chereads / Mistaken Final Boss / Chapter 21 - Serene Family Is Exploded

Chapter 21 - Serene Family Is Exploded

The Serene family exploded. Of course, it's not "exploded" in the physical sense.

Instead, its reputation exploded because of its first full marks in history.

"Did you know? My young master got first place in the Astral exam! And he got the first perfect  score in th history of Astral."

"Of course, of course, I'm not boasting about it; our young master is really talented!"

"What are you talking about? What do you mean? Are you saying that our young master cheated in the exam? Cheated on Astral's exam? Maybe you should see a brain doctor."

"Cheers to our young master, Astr Serene."

Over the past few days, the frequency of servants of the Serene family going out to buy food, daily necessities, or simply going to the tavern has skyrocketed.

When they meet people, the only topic they talk about is how hard their young master studied for the exam. Even though they didn't see it with their own eyes.

Counting on the talent of the empire's top-ranked individual, although without specific grounds for doing so, In short, how to overcome all difficulties and pass the exam of Astral But they don't do anything about it, just boast.

While there might be some exaggeration, it's undeniable that the acclaim of "Astr Serene" making history as the first perfect score winner since the founding of Astral Academy is irrefutable.

After all, the black and white words are imprinted at the bottom of the transcript in the newspaper. They loom larger than the name of the person who passed. And, though unspoken, Astr did achieve another unprecedented honour—he outperformed Rafeal Louis.

He is a dark horse that no one expected to come out of the blue. In a short period of time, the name "Astr Serene" spread throughout the streets of the Empire.

Countless people raised toasts and offered blessings in the tavern, while numerous reporters, armed with bulky cameras, persisted in surrounding the iron fence of the Serene family, eager to catch a glimpse of this prodigy and pen a few words of admiration.

People say that the Serene family has experienced hardships and happiness. It is finally going to be developed. But it is already on its way to development after Noye Serene started his business.


In the Serene family mansion.

Astr ended his meditation, He exhaled a long breath and slowly opened his eyes.

{Why don't you go out and celebrate with your father and your servants? }The voice of the Canvasbane sounded in Astr's mind, and it was a bit soft compared to before.

"Shut up." Astr got a headache when Canvasbane mentioned this.

Astr never knew that he still had "anthropophobia". Astr remembered what happened before again now that Canvasbane reminded him.

When Astr learned that he had perfect scores, he first told his old father. Noye, after learning about it, first turned into a stone as if he had been struck by lightning, and his whole face almost burrowed into the report card.

After half a minute, Noye suddenly shouted with happiness. He lifted Astr up from the wheelchair and spun him around in circles, throwing him so hard that Astr almost saw the brilliance of the Eternal Burning Sun.

Then, the distinguished Mr. Serene completely ignored his image as a rich businessman; he just waved the Astral report card like crazy and shouted in the mansion, "My son got perfect scores, Astral."

Astr was so embarrassed that he became numb all over, and he had goosebumps all over his body. From then on, he could not avoid seeing anyone. Just go out and meet those stinky old farts.

'My report card was also different from others. It was handwritten by Astral's principal.

The sentences inside are no longer called greetings, but they looked like a prescription from a doctor that only people in the medical store could understand.

It took Astr a long time to figure out and translate the sentence into letters.

[Hello! Hello! My lovely student, Astr]

[I am your distinguished principal of Astral Private Academy, Gabriel Hamlet. ]

[Are you surprised?] [How can I not be surprised]

Astr: "..."

When Astr read this, he no longer had any mood to read the letter further.

The best destination for this letter now is the trash. However, in order to prevent missing any important information, Astr still held his nose, and he read the letter further.

[I am very interested in you. You should know the reason why, right? [You really don't know how to hide anything.]

[I'm waiting for you at Astral. ]

[I look forward to meeting you, and I am seeing your actions. Bye~]

[PS. Oh, I almost forgot, you achieved a perfect score in the test, becoming the first person to do so since the founding of Astral Academy.]

[PPs. And yeah, don't forget the combat test, and I am watching you.]

This report card has completely lost its original function. He didn't even write down the time for the practical exam.

"Oh, this fucking principal....."

Even though Astr already knew Principal Gabriel's character, he couldn't help but sigh. He felt that he couldn't resist this person's personality.

'However, I didn't expect that Principal Gabriel would make an exception for me and give me full marks. It seems that this old monster, who is as naughty as a child, has developed a strong interest in me. I need to be careful, especially with his powers.'

Canvasbane looked at Astr serious face and said

{What preoccupies your thoughts so intensely? Could it be that you've fallen in love with the principal?}

Astr looked at Canvasbane with an angry expression.

"...Come out and let's play in the nightmare space. You know I am a fucking straight man, and I like girls like that black-haired girl in the exam."

Canvasbane looked with fear and said flattering

{No, no, I was just joking. I can help you with that girl if you want.}

'Fucking dream space every time on the smallest mistake'

{By the way, you actually got full marks on the exam. Were you correct about challenging every question in your mind?} 

The Canvasbane changed the topic at the right time and asked the question in his heart, 'How did you do it? You haven't studied a single bit; I didn't see you studying'

'Is it possible that his human eyes can even see through the answers on the examination paper from other people?

"Of course, with my brilliant brain." Astr said after hearing Canvasbane flattering without any effect and answered.

Canvasbane said while smiling, {Haha, you really know how to joke.}

Astr: "..."

He smiled softly, closed his eyes, and entered the nightmare.

Half an hour later, (Now back to the time flashback is over.)

Astr crossed his legs and sat leisurely on the cracked portrait, rubbing its blurred face with one foot while checking his own panel.

After more than a month, Astr's system panel has changed a lot.

[Name: Astr Serene (14 years old)]

[Template: Human male NPC] (329 days until the start of the public beta of version 1.0)

[Comprehensive level: Level 13]

[Public experience: 65] (It can be added to any job.)

[Skill points: 2]

[Health: 71%] (weakness: ALS; it will continue to decline)

 [Mana: 11]

[Nightmare Erosion: 12%]

[Job Class - First-level Wizard Apprentice Level 8 (3/35).

- Swordsman level 5 (0/25)]

[Skills: Meditation (max), Dream Catcher (level 6), Soul Thread (level 1), Basic Swordsmanship (level 7)]

The level of the Canvasbane was also raised from 13 to 15.

However, she still couldn't beat Astr.

Astr did not use up his experience points that he earned in the past month. On the contrary, he stored them just in case of emergencies.

After all, at the critical moment, you don't know whether you are about to be beaten to death in the real world or in the nightmare world.

{So well prepared you are~ As expected of you, master} Underneath, the Canvasbane said flatteringly.

{Do you expect that something will go wrong in the upcoming practical exam again? }

Astr snorted twice casually from his nose, and he did not reply.

'In fact, according to my game memory, there shouldn't be any problems in this year's Astral Academy practical exam; all the problems will start next year'

'But now that I think my little butterfly has fluttered its wings, there is no guarantee that there will be any kind of accident.

"I made you my slave. *cough* cough* no I mean my subordinate." Astr squinted and looked down at the canvas. "Will the Lust painter notice it?"

 {Uh...} The Canvasbane was startled by the sudden question, and he hesitated to speak.

{It's possible... because that evil white thread of yours has directly erased the relationship between me and that adult from my soul.}

Astr nodded, already having a vague hunch that something was going to happen in actual combat.

"It's going to be really exciting than more trouble, more exp. Points~"

Astr raised the corners of his mouth, and his icy-blue eyes seemed to be burning with blazing flames.

The Canvasbane lowered its head in silence.

At this time, a sense of trembling arose in her body spontaneously, making her afraid that if she made any mistake, she would die.