It was the eighteenth day of January. It was indeed the midnight. Everybody across the town was in sound sleep holding onto their blankets tightly to soothe themselves from the chilly and frigid winter. Suddenly a loud , shrill scream broke out in the middle of the frozen darkness. Then another scream, one more ! and then absolute silence. The village stood still for a moment or so as people ran out from their houses and cottages to check the matter out. "I think the scream came from the house of Mr. Vince's sister's house! " - declared a civilian. The horde ran towards the big architecture only to find that the strong wooden door made up of imported teak wood from India was broken completely from the frame. Shortly after, the whole town of Kindleshire woke up in a sensation of delusion and terror. It is obvious so not to tell that the Vince family from the adjacent villa rushed into the house. This scenario in the town at that time, in the frigid cold weather was itself creating apprehension in the heart of the dwellers.
When Mr and Mrs Vince , Mr. Vince's younger brother, Shelly and her husband, Joseph climbed the stairs to the first floor, the picture in front of their eyes was horrifying as anything bad they could think of. Mr. Vinces sister , her daughter and her daughter's husband were lying on the floor in complete red blood. Some rascal had stabbed them brutally in the stomach and slaughtered the entire family except the four-year-old son of Mr. Vince's daughter. The little boy was crying to the loudest tone and was shivering both in extreme terror and cold. The Vince family along with the town-dwellers broke in tears. The ones who didn't cry , consolidated the family and sobbed in themselves. Joseph was trying his fullest to handle the situation at that moment. Mr. Vince almost, if not completed fainted at the spot and the situation was getting worse. Within some time, the three along with Mr. Vince were taken to a hospital in Birmingham. As everybody expected, there was no miracle and Mr. Vince's sister , her daughter and her daughter's husband had died. However the husband , Noel, was the last one to die and tried to say something which sounded nothing other than gibberish and before gave up his life.
"We should contact the cops as soon as possible, the killer must be published" said Joseph
Shelly weepingly replied " But will that make any difference? Will I get my aunt , my sister and Noel back ?"
The reply from Shelly had shaken Joseph for a while. Anyways, they contacted the police department . In early morning two inspectors knocked the door of Mr. Vince's house. They made their way to the hall room where a couple of weeks ago Shelly's family finalised her marriage with Joseph. The maid placed five cups of tea on the table. One of the inspectors was from India. His name was Jay Patil. Inspector Patil had spent most of the years of his life in Great Britain when his parents emigrated due to the unrest and violations in India. Inspector Patil and Senior Inspector Robbin Fowlds joined the discussion with Joseph, Shelly and Mr. Vince's younger brother. Senior Inspector took the first sip of tea and straight away asked "So Mr. Vince , are you sure you don't have any rival either in or out of your family? ".
Mr. Vince's younger brother replied " In our whole of lifetime we all haven't been able to find someone who has some grievances with us or any rivalry with any of our family members " .
" Vengeance is a thing much like a Saguaro Cactus plant which grows very slowly with time and when mature, becomes thorny and never thinks twice to poke and hurt the hands of the one who touches it " replied the Senior Inspector making an eye contact with them. The three members were left speechless after his reply. "But we need at least some information to proceed with the case , so you are requested to think a little bit hard and name a few suspects" said Inspector Patil and continued " This murder definitely portrays the brutal nature of the man , the victims were stabbed several times until they perish". Finally someone spoke up , not anyone from the Vince family but Joseph Craigston. Joseph said that his business rival was once visiting Kindleshire. At that time his rival opened up a fact to him regarding the Vince family as Joseph was vouching for them. His rival said that Mr. Vince had destroyed the life of his mother. His rival also added that one of the reason of him opposing Joseph was because of the fact that the Craigstons always spoke in favour of the Vince family. His rival presented a whole opposite scenario to what everybody knew about the Vince family. He said that the Vinces had also destroyed the lives of several poor as well established business persons. Although Joseph didn't care much to his adversary but the things he spoke about the Vince family had left behind a mark in his sub-conscious mind. Shelly and Mr. Vince's younger brother tried to deny to it however it was noted down in the investigation records.
On the same day, at night, there was a burning question session by Shelly to her husband.
Shelly - "Do you even think Daddy could have destroyed anybody's life or career"
Joseph - " I never said that , I only spoke about what my rival told me , that's it "
Shelly - " So you believe your rival more that us ? Isn't it so? "
Joseph - " What could I do ? The inspectors were insisting so much "
Shelly - " So wouldn't they assume that it's just our family's fault? They might think that our victims have avenged us"
Joseph - " Ah ! You are getting too deep into it ! Don't worry, you don't think so much about it , please, or else you will fall ill. You should take rest now , we have to look after our family you understand, and your father is also ill on top of it"
Almost half of the night went in quarrels and debates and everybody's hope were on the inspectors and their outcomes of investigation.