The supposedly daughter of the Mayor who is currently approaching Hutton's area has a silky and glittery long black hair which was packed with a hairband to form a rather long ponytail, a seductive but cold looking dark eyes which complimented her smooth, fair but cold looking face and a sexy looking body that was covered with a blue tracksuit which revealed her curves.

Overall, this lady has a dignified and aloof aura around her which made her to be unapproachable and a height of exactly 6 foot.

"Is this running mill taken?" The lady asked in an indifferent tone. When Hutton heard this question, he answered back indifferently and in a straightforward manner.


Although Hutton was a bit surprised for encountering the daughter of the Mayor, he only stayed surprised for just a moment before bringing back his indifferent expression on his face.

When the lady heard Hutton's reply, she was silently surprised but she later came back to normal as she said.

"That's good then"

While saying that, she unhurriedly took off her tracksuit. When the others in the gym saw this, they quickly began to have sparkling eyes. As for Hutton, his mind momentarily went blank.

'Why are you taking your time in removing your tracksuit?'

Although what was underneat the tracksuit was a body hogging exercise wear that was on curvaceous body that was out of this world, Hutton wasn't even moved by the discovery. But unfortunately, some people couldn't remain calm like Hutton after seeing this destructive body.

"Hey punk! I will be using the running mill so get out of their this instant!" a man with an intense body yelled as he walked towards where Hutton exercising. When the other people saw this man, they began to whisper amongst themselves.

"Looks like Iron steel is going to make his move on the Mayor's daughter"

"Well that is expected, Iron steel just can't sit still right after seeing a great beauty walked past him"

"But this is the Mayor's daughter we are talking about here, I don't think Iron steel will make any move to her"

"Are you new in this gym?"

"Then you don't know why he is named Iron steel"

"Then can you tell me?"

"Of cause, why he is named Iron steel is because he had the courage to court the president of the country last daughter when he was in the capital"


While the gymnist were whispering among themselves, the man named Iron steel finally arrived at the running mill Hutton is currently using.

"Didn't you hear me punk!?" Iron steel exclaimed with a look of arrogance on his face. Although Hutton wanted to ignore Iron steel like he doesn't even exist, but when he felt Iron steel's saliva touching his face, a vein suddenly popped on his forehead.

"I will give you just a second to get lost" Hutton said in an incomparable deep voice.

"Huh?" Iron steel said with a confused expression on his face. But before he could even react to what Hutton has said, the simple looking businessman suddenly sent out a punch.

Unlike the other punches he has given so far, this punch seem to be make the air it passed through to make a booming sound. Not only that, but the wind that was trailing along the punch was so fierce that it even made the Mayor's daughter to almost loose her footing on the running mill


As soon as this punch landed on Iron steel's face, it sounded like a bomb exploding in the gym as iron steel who was a staggering 7 foot tall to fly across the room and heavily crashed on the gym wall which made that side of the wall to crumble on him.


Other than Iron steel who has clearly gone unconscious, the rest of the people in the gym currently looked at Hutton with a dazed expression on their faces.

'How is he so strong!?' the lady thought with a shocked expression on his face. As for Hutton, after sending Iron steel flying across the gym, he immediately stopped his running mill and began to walk out the gym with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Please wait!" But before he could walk out of the gym, the lady hurriedly called out as she also stopped her running mill

"Am sorry for causing you trouble in the gym, my name is Vivian and you can ask me anything and I promise to fulfill it as an act of apology to you" The lady said with a apologetic expression after she approached Hutton.

But unfortunately for her, Hutton didn't seem to relax from that as he blandly said while resuming his walk out of the gym.

"There's no need"

When the remaining people in the gym who have come back to their senses heard what Hutton said, they immediately gasped.

"Who is he? I can't believe an ordinary person has the mind to reject the Mayor's daughter goodwill"

"I think I have seen him before, he seems to be an owner of a relatively famous restaurant in the area"

"Pfft, just because he is an owner of a mere restaurant, he thinks he is on top of the world"

While the people in the gym were whispering in the gym and criticizing Hutton, Vivian had a creased brows on her face as she thought.

'He actually rejected my goodwill'

But she didn't dwell on it for long as she went back to resume her running exercise. As for Hutton, after walking out of the gym, he quickly took a cab that drove him to his apartment.

'Looks like Veronica has gone back to her house' Hutton thought as he noticed the locked door.

'But I still haven't asked her how she got the key to my apartment' Hutton with a confused expression on his face. With the memories he acquired from the previous Hutton, he couldn't remember when he gave her a key to his apartment.

"Ah well, I will sooner or later" Hutton muttered to himself as he got into his house. And so, after taking his bath and putting on a black tracksuit, he quickly left his home to go get a cab.

'Oh I almost forgot haven't eaten, I can't perform in that childish competition on an empty stomach' Hutton suddenly thought as he was waiting for a cab.

Currently, Hutton can be categorized as a 'Pauper' due to having not a single penny on him. Because of that, he had to run back to home and get something to eat from the reserves he has.

After putting something into his stomach, he came back to get a cab and not long after, he saw a cab that drove him to the Mayor's office.

"Vivian, how many times do I have to tell you that you can't just wander off on your own in this city without a bodyguard by your side?"

In the Mayor's office, Vivian could be seen sitting right in front of a man that seems to be in his early 80s as he has a mixture of black and white hair, a completely white beard that surrounded his mouth, a rather solemn dark eyes and a body height of 6 foot 3 inches.

Although he looks like an old man, his body was showing the opposite as his body was brimming of life while he was on a simple tuxedo.

"Dad you don't have to tell me this every single time I want to just take a stroll alone. Can't you see I always come back safe and sound" Vivian said as she secretly rolled her eyes.

"That doesn't mean you won't ever be in danger every time you go out alone. Remember that there is always someone planning against you in the dark" Vivian's dad said with a exasperated expression on his face. But Vivian didn't budge as she said back.

"That's why am learning martial arts for self defense"

"That isn't enough for you to go out alone, what if the one planning against you is a veteran combatant that has ample battle experience" Vivian's dad said back as he didn't budge either. Right before Vivian could talk back, she suddenly remembered Hutton back in the gym and his explosive strength.

After remembering him, a mischievous smile suddenly appeared on her face as she said..

"Then I will just hire someone that is way stronger than those weak bodyguards"