In the beginning the universe was from the Aether, From it comes light, an explosion of tremendous Of color, brightening the dark void of the universe,
From it comes stars bright and shining a show of force declaring to the universe of their existance, Asteroids, comets, sprout out of nowhere as drawn to the shining of the stars, and stars are happy their adorning followers
As time pass the asteroids and comets the surrounds the star begone to coalesce and gather into each forming planets and one of this planets was called Earth but isn't that one the story was about
In another time, in another world, even whole another universe entirely a world same as this aroused but this was different the same asteroid that killed the dinosaurs in the other one it did something entirely new,
What is the difference you may ask?, well this contains a whole an element or more like an energy yet known the other universe it grants this unimaginable-
Instead of the world staying in form shape similar to universe, This begins to grow and evolve not needing the stars that it revolve around it begins to generate its energy, it's heat, and it's own light
As if the universe was conspiring against it the star that it previously suddenly emits a burning light to scorched the planet that dares out shined it
But the didn't if was far to powerful for star to hurt it, even the world was thankful for star it also didn't take that slight lightly!, and with pressure crush the star that previously holds it
For once in the whole universe something thought to be impossible happened a planet rebellion and a of a STAR, The echoes of this rippled through out the universe causing more and more rebellion but survive, only this one, this planet manage to survive without it's star
Every other world just accepted fate of being hold down by a star, So what have to this planet after it's evolution you ask?
Well it's not the only one that evolves those dinasaurs also evolves, Some of bigger, stronger and angry, some develops the ability to breathe fire, ice and many more, and some of them begins to ponder, to grow intelligence, a thought and that thought, an idea and from that idea, comes wisdom And with that Wisdom they noticed that the world is to bright and many dies because of it
They cries out to the world that it was to bright it blinded them and the hears this call and response with the moon as it carves out a piece of of self and created the that turn the world dark as it shadows it
They living in the world then response it was to dark they we light to survive and so the once again responded it gather most of it's light and create an sphere the will revolves around like it have have Aeons before
The living beings in the world was thankful and go on with their merry ways, Where do humans comes into this story? Well just and listen for we are going there now
In a remove pond sat a creature in was tiny meek, and most all it was weak, it wasn't light the other it posseses non of the traits the makes the other creature powerful, but what it have was grit and determination
It began to observe the beings around and see what are they doing and how they're doing but most importantly what it was looking for was a way to make them fall
And many many attempts it finally comes to a solution using the things around him as his own ability, his power! It then begins to craft tools such as sharpened rocks to imitates claws
They began to bash stones together to mimic those who breaths fire and craft shelter to fight against the called and from that slowly but surely the once weakling, the prey some may says became the the predator as it begins to hunt those that previously hunted them as they are fueled by rage from of those that was lost to them and driving their enemies to extision
It also aided that as time as more and more of that kin of this creature begins to get killed something was born out of it's hatred a only it have seen to the most powerful creatures
After a grueling war against those who have slighted them, they to propagate expand and spread out through out the world, along side was the wisdom pass to them by the ancestors.
And what is this creature? It was a Human