Chereads / Guy Donnelly / Chapter 5 - CHAPTER 5

Chapter 5 - CHAPTER 5

Three hours or so later I make it in the door to find the whole house asleep and not a soul looking for me, no surprises there. Gingerly I make it through the weekend tending to my face and ribs as I have for the past three years now, quietly on my own. I discover that there is a video 'Trashman goes to homecoming' circulating the internet only to find it's of me staggering into the dance covered in crap and looking for Sydney. More shit to deal with on Monday which comes quickly enough and I am sitting in the back of the second period when I hear some football players talking, a skinny black guy and a big white one.

"Hey man I saw you leave with the girl/boy from the dance," skinny says too thickly.

"Yeah, her date was gone for maybe five minutes and she was dancing with me. Half an hour later we're getting a hotel room and I'm tapping that ass," thick remarks and they both laugh.

Wonderful, left me at the dance to fuck someone else, thanks Syd. I get to lunch and find myself sitting outside looking at the loss of a deposit on the tuxedo and new cell phone costs when Sydney finds me and slowly makes her way over.

"Where the hell did you go on Saturday," she asks and my face answers when I look up to her," Oh shit, you were the kid who got beat up at the dance?"

"Unless there was another one then yeah it was me," I remarked returning to my lunch.

"I'm sorry I left you there, I was told you left to go to a party with some guys and ended up doing my own thing," Syd says trying to explain what happened on her end.

"Whatever," my witty remark when I have nothing worth saying.

"I found your phone," Syd says holding it out to me," It must have fallen out of your pocket in my car. It was under the seat."

I take the phone and return to my food ignoring Sydney who is still waiting for something to happen. It takes her a minute to realize it's not going to come from me.

"Mind if we talk," Syd asks and I shrug," I'm sorry okay. Let me make it up to you."

"No and not no thank you, just no," I retorted quickly.

"I screwed up," she starts but I'm quick to cut her off.

"No you left me there and got screwed. We agreed to watch each other's backs and as soon as I was out of the picture you decided to go to a hotel room and fuck some guy you met at the dance," I say the words and see the shame in her face," Yeah, he's talking all about how he tapped your girl/boy ass."

Apparently my words hit enough of a chord that Sydney leaves me there and I settle in to finish my meal in silence.

Next couple of days I have an epiphany. I need sex. Yeah I've been masturbating for a couple years now but sex has been completely off the table and I need to get it done once before I leave this dump so that when I'm out in the world I don't seem like a complete douchebag. I know a couple nerdy guys, one in particular that is close to Abigail who might know someone. His name is Romeo and he's been dating her friend Marta mostly on and off since I've known them but during the off period I heard about fighting because he hooked up with someone else. I figure that's the easy way to start, it's either that or see how much an escort costs. I take the time to catch him at lunch on Thursday as he's heading to meet his girl and my step sister. Abigail sees me stop him and he's confused why the school's punching bag is pulling him aside.

"Hey remember when you and Marta were going through your shit and you hooked up with a girl that puts out easy," I ask and he blushes that I know," Yeah I know but I don't give a shit. Who was she and where did I find her?"

"Seriously, you pull me aside at lunch for a hookup," he asks and I pull out forty dollars.

"Name and where I find her," I offer as he takes the money.

"Her name is Alyson, just call her Aly, and she's in my fifth period class," Romeo informs me and I nod.

"Tell her to meet me after school by the back of the gym," I leave the message and walk away.

I am waiting at the back of the gym for what seems like forever when a I see a white girl, about 5'6", in a long loose knit sweater with the button front open showing her light yet curved build and knee length skirt and leggings, she has blonde straight hair down to her shoulders and a curious look on her face.

"Are you the one Romeo talked about," she asks and I nod," seriously I'm not really into virgins or charity and I don't want to date anyone. I just want to get past my second senior year and make money."

"Okay… how much," I have to think because she kind of threw me off, not that it takes much.

"More than you have," she scoffs and I scramble to come up with something.

"How much do you charge," I ask and she glares at me.

"Romeo fucking told you," she asks and I shake my head.

"I heard him and his girlfriend arguing about it once and he said the girl he was with he paid for to make her mad so there would be no drama. I'm not looking for drama or bullshit, I'm looking to spend a bit of money on your time," I try to keep it tactful as she thinks.

"One hundred, all in advance and I'll be free to do it tomorrow," she says but I shake my head.

"I'll give you twenty now and the rest of the hundred and fifty when we start but you have to find us a place," I countered, hoping money greases the wheels of negotiation, I heard the term in a movie.

"One hundred and fifty and you want the full treatment," Aly asks and I nod," Deal, meet me at the city bus stop after school tomorrow, if you aren't there no deal and don't set me up for some stupid shit."

I nod and watch her leave; she's got a little ass, nice though. I head home on the city bus today as I missed my regular bus but I don't care since I have a date that will actually pay off. I stop on the route home and take out the money I'll need and a little extra, it never hurts to have some spare cash I guess. My arrival home is mostly unnoticed as Loretta sees me from the kitchen and asks me how school was before Bethany pulls her attention back to homework. I generally ignore everyone else and head to my room. It takes a half hour to actually finish my homework and another hour for dinner which sees me take my plate into the kitchen island and eat while everyone else talks in the dining room. I've done it so often that Mom doesn't even comment on it anymore, also it helps to hide the recovering bruises on my face since I'm wearing a hat or hood most days. I'm alone in my room at eight watching some moron play a video game badly when a soft knock at my door causes me to pause then resume without saying a word. The door opens and Abigail steps inside in sweatpants and a t- shirt. The years since we first met have changed my step sisters a bit as they don't look so much like twins anymore. In Abigail's case she went from a cup to d in a matter of a year and a half. Add to that her nerdy glasses and quiet demeanor and you have the smart one of the twins. Bethany's popularity only increased when she dyed her hair blonde like my mother's but her development was more rounded in the boobs to ass ratio since she is barely pushing a c cup but has a cheer squad worth ass. Not to say Abigail's ass isn't nice but it's more pillow than plump. Yes I've looked and ogled, I'm eighteen not a Buddhist monk.

"Hey Guy are you alright," Abigail asks and I shrug not looking at her.

"I'm doing as well as I can be," I remarked watching the video.

"I saw you at the dance, before and after. I tried to get Beth to have someone help you but she," Abigail begins but I finish.

"She doesn't give a shit and enjoys watching me suffer just like you and your brother," I finished my version of her sentence.

"No, she didn't want to ruin our night. I know it's stupid," she says and I shrug again.

"My life is my life and not anyone else's and when my life begins I will breathe free air and never look back," I feel very poetic and write that down as she stands there confused.

"What did you need to see Romeo about," Abigail asks and now we get to the point of her in my room.

"Nothing that concerns you or your family," I remarked, returning to watching my video," I won't expose the deep dark secret of me living with your family."

I don't look to her for a reaction, I just ignore her till she leaves and lock my door from unwanted guests. I have everything prepared for tomorrow and even put on double deodorant, spray and stick before leaving in the morning. I've never had anything to look forward to in a school day or more so at the end of a school day but now I'm living in the time drag that everyone else must have complained about. I exit my last class and head to the bus stop, hopefully the one Aly told me about. I'm waiting there for a minute or so when my paid date walks up in jeans and a long sleeve shirt with three buttons at the top, all undone.

"Hey didn't know if you'd show up," she says moving next to me.

"You said be here so here I am, still think I'm setting you up," I ask and she shakes her head.

"I did a little digging, people don't know much about you and those that do don't think that much about you around school. It's okay, a lot of girls don't like me either so we have that in common," she says before turning her attention to me," Have the money?"

"Yep and when we start you'll get it," I reply holding my ground.

"Good enough for me, so I need to know since yesterday I was guessing. Are you a virgin," She asks and my face gives me away," Not judging but I need to know how much I'm going to have to do to get you to where you enjoy what you paid for."

"Meaning," I ask embarrassed but curious.

"You're a virgin so you won't last long, I need to make sure you do so you don't get pissy and demand your money back," Aly says with a bit more curiosity than I expected.