Leaving the house Bellator stood at the bus stop, he had a backpack which was packed full of his clothes, some food and other basic necessities
Standing at the bus stop Bellator was fully alert, he couldn't help but notice the many stares directed in his direction
'Fuck when is that bus getting here'
Waiting for 15 minutes a bus finally arrived
'Finally, if I stood there any longer someone would've tried something'
Finding a seat on the bus Bellator finally relaxed, he had been alert of any thieves trying to take his stuff
Luckily nothing had happened, but feeling the fear he felt at that bus stop Bellator had a resolute look on his face
'I need to get stronger, so strong that I never feel unsafe, so strong that nothing can threaten me or my family' he thought with a resolute look on his face
As the bus started flying, Bellator was surprised, for him it was the first time he had ever been in a flying vehicle
'Woah... This is so cool' Bellator thought as the bus started going higher into the sky, seeing the view he was mesmerised
'I'm really in a new world huh' Bellator thought as he looked at the view
Underneath him he could see countless buildings each more beautiful than the rest, and next to the bus other flying vehicles could be seen some similar to Lamborghini, McClaren all other sort of vehicles each representing the sports cars from his old world
'It's beautiful' Bellator thought as he looked around
As the bus made a few more stops picking up more people, a girl approached Bellator
"Is this seat taken?" The girl asked as she looked at Bellator, a slight hue of red could be seen on her cheeks
"No" Bellator said as he flashed a smile at the girl
'It's seems my life in this world is gonna go better than I thought' Bellator thought as he let out a slight chuckle
Arriving at his destination Bellator got off the bus
Looking around he was greeted by a sight way different from the likes of District 5
Children could be seen playing on the streets, as beautiful homes and buildings adorned the streets, each house looked sadmfe and secure a big contrast from how district 5 looked
'Damn so the people in District 5 are just left to suffer while the other districts get to enjoy living like this' he thought as he noticed the difference from district 3 and district 5
Looking at his watch, Bellator followed the GPS he had been looking for a store that sold weapons
'I can't go there unprotected unless I've got a death wish' he thought as he started following the GPS
As he walked, women and men of all ages could be seen leaving work as they all started heading home
As he walked passed a hospital something happened
*Bump *
"Oh,sorry I should've watched where I was going" Bellator quickly apologised as he looked at the man he had bumped into
"Oh no it's okay" a boy with a blindfold and purple hair said as he quickly walked away
'Wait is that...'
Turning around to try and catch up to the boy he bumped into, he tried to catch sight of the boy, yet it couldn't
Countless woman and men were walking on the road obscuring his vision
'That was him wasn't it' Bellator thought as he remembered the boy
'Umbrux Lux' he thought as he kept searching for the boy
After 5 minutes of searching, he gave up
'He's probably long gone by now' Bellator thought as he started walking to the weapons shop again
'So I finally met him, my favorite character from the novel and also the one wh-'
"Oh sorry" Bellator said as he bumped into someone again
'I really need to start watching where I'm going'
Finally arriving at a weapons shop,he looked at the sign above with the stores name
[The Enchanted Armory]
He entered inside, a myriad of beautiful weapons stood on the racks
Ranging from swords, daggers, machetes, knives, clubs, maces, hammers, halberd, spears, bows, crossbows even slingshots were showcased
Surprised by all the amazing weapons, Bellator started looking for a weapon
'I came to look at weapons, but I only actually have one option' he thought to himself as he went to where the swords were displayed
Looking at the swords multiple different swords came into his view ranging from broadsword, Longswords, Katanas, Rapiers, Scimitar, Claymores,Jian, Cutlass, Sabres, Falchion and even Gladiuses
Mesmerised by the types of swords Bellator didn't know which one to pick
'Too many options' Bellator complained inwardly not knowing what to pick
But as soon as he saw the prices all of his hopes left the building
'How does the cheapest sword in here cost 5000UC' Bellator thought realising that he wouldn't be able to afford anything there
Walking up to the counter, a big man with brown hair and brown eyes, a big beer belly greeted him, his appearance looked unkempt a stark contrast fron the establishment he worked in
"Hey do you guys have any cheaper weapons?" Bellator asked scratching his head embarrassed
"No" The man said in a firm voice his tone sounded annoyed as he looked at Bellator
"Are you sure? " Bellator asked again
"Look kid we only have what's on the racks there, the only weapons we have at the back are broken products" The man said as he tried to shoo Bellator away
"Is it fine if I take a look at those weapons" Bellator asked with a sad look his face
"Fine" the man said as he went to the back of the store
Coming out from the back the man came back with a bucket of weapons
Looking through the bucket, Bellator was unimpressed most of the weapons there were too damaged to be used until he found one that seemed to be in a usable condition
'So a Jian it is' Bellator thought as he looked at the sword
"How much for this?" Bellator asked the man
"I was planning on throwing it out anyways so 100UC" the man said
"Does it come with a sheath?" Bellator asked looking for something to sheathe his sword with
"You know what kid, I should have some second hand sheath somewhere around here"
Going to the back of the store the man pulled out a sheath, marks could be seen on the sheathe indicating how old it was
"I'll give it to you for 10UC"The man said
Paying all the money, Bellator left unsatisfied
'I really need to get money' Bellator thought as he checked his current balance
*Huuuhh* letting out a sigh, Bellator continued
Next he went to a general store one which sold, general items
Buying a tent, some non-perishable food such as beef jerky, trail mix, canned soups and some other foods
He also got sleeping bags, a portable grill, and a special water bottle which was enchanted with a space rune allowing it to contain up to fifty liters of water
After paying for everything and putting it in his bag, a frown planted itself on his face as he looked at his bank account
'I really need to get money' Bellator thought again
Carrying the backpack, filled with all those items sweat ran down his face
'I won't be able to carry all of this' Bellator thought while huffing for breath
Looking around Bellator saw a store [ Enchanted Emporium]
Heading inside Bellator approached the till
"What's the price of your cheapest storage ring?" Bellator said getting straight to the point
"800UC"The woman replied immediately, prof of her expertise in her job
" I'll take it"Bellator said
"Sir, it doesn't have much space inside it"The woman proclaimed
"It's fine as long as it can fit this bag inside it" Bellator exclaimed
Paying for the ring, Bellator immediately channeled his mana inside it as the bag he had been carrying dissappeared
Looking at his bank account again a dissatisfied look could be seen on his phone
'Okay I've got everything I need, it's finally time to go'
Catching a taxi to Enchanta Grove, Bellator finally made it to the place where the item was located
Arriving there, the moon was already high in the sky shining its radiant light all over the forest illuminating it in a beautiful colour
'I should probably camp outside the forest, and try to find the item in the day' Bellator thought as he set up his tent and went to sleep
Author note :So what do you think of the story so far, I know the pacing is a bit slow, but I'd rather stretch out events instead of rushing through them, I'm trying to maintain a consistent release date and releasing every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, anyways if you notice any spelling mistakes let me know
I was also wondering if you guys could comment it feels as if no one is even reading this