Most of the people in the common room retired early, including Mentor Shia and Froy. The librarian dimmed the lights inside the library, which gave the room a nice cozy feeling. Henry and Tina were busy in a deep conversation about a trip they had just been to, Gia and Ash were trying to act interested in the boring stories.
"Is that a travellers locket?" asked Gia to Ash when she noticed Relik. Relik definitely seemed to be a good conversation starter, thought Ash.
"Yeah, you know about them?" he asked. Gia was pretty reserved from what he could tell and he was glad to get to talk to her directly.
"I saw the symbol in a book" said Gia.
"I saw your match today, you were really good" said Ash.
"My opponent was just not that good" she said.
"It was fascinating seeing the fighting style you guys use, we have a pretty different one back home" he commented.
"Yeah, it's not going to be of much use in a real fight, especially against a monster in a long range fight, but it is part of conditioning our bodies and our cores" she said.
"Are you from the capital?" asked Ash.
"Not really, my village is just on the South Side in the mountains there, but it's really close so i pretty much grew up here too" she said.
"Aren't there monsters in the mountains?" asked Ash. He thought all human settlements must be within protected walls.
"No the monsters are up North in the forbidden woods, there are some predators and feline beasts but that's all" she said.
"Umm what's the difference, I mean aren't monsters just sort of animals?" he asked.
Gua looked at him surprised that he didn't know the difference.
"Monsters are much smarter, they are humanoid in one way or other, they don't belong here, they are the result of bad ether, while the beasts are just a product of nature" she answered.
"Are there things like ghosts and spirits too?" asked Ash. Gia's expression slightly changed for a second then it went back to normal before Ash could read it.
"Yes, they are the worst of sorts, and really dangerous since they use other means than physical as well" she said.
"How do you kill that sort of thing then?" asked Ash.
"You are in the right place then, you'll need to advance your core enough to be able to start using spiritual weapons, if you saw my fight then you must have noticed the glow in our hands" she said and put out her hand and there was again that glow just like on Relik when he was casting some spell.
"With my training, I am now able to concentrate it enough that it flows out of my body and coats the very place I want it to, it's both the best defense and offense for us humans, but as I said there is still more stages until you can finally have so much quality and quantity, that you can do a lot more" she said.
"It looks like it takes a lot of time, I wonder if there is a way to speed it up" wondered Ash.
"You have a good amount of spiritual energy, so you have definitely trained a bit and your core must be strong" said Gia.
Ash tried to keep a straight face at that remark.
"It's not an easy journey, a lot of people give up midway Or settle with less" added Gia in a somber voice.
"Why do you think that is?" asked Ash.
"It's because they do it for the wrong reasons, for fame, power or wealth" she said immediately.
"Why are you doing it?" he asked a bit hesitant.
"The same reason you are" she answered surprising him.
"What are you talking about?" he asked.
"You didn't travel all this way and left your home just for something so meaningless, and you are definitely intelligent from what Mentor Shia tells" she said.
"Yeah, but in this case I have a lot to learn" he said.
"Someone once said to me, that to become a complete spiritual warrior and have full control on ether, you must maintain all your senses and live a balanced life in all aspects" she said.
"You know, I once read a similar thing, but it was in a somewhat different context, but how do you achieve that" said Ash.
"Nobody knows, exactly, the knowledge is lost, you can just hope you are on the right path" said Gia.
"Hmm, well it's really nice finally getting to talk to someone about it" said Ash.
"You are different, maybe it's because you are not from here, or because you don't know a lot, but it's easier talking to you, I guess, you are a good listener" she said.
After that they called it a night, Ash stayed awake for a little bit thinking about Gia, he wished there was more girls like her back on earth.
The next morning started with a lot of noise, mostly created by the students getting ready in a hurry to reach the academy in time. Ash since he was sleeping in a new place never got a deep sleep and was awake early. He went down to have breakfast, and found Gia there reading a book. He approached her and sat at her table, the book she was reading titled, the Essence. He had no idea what it meant.
"Hi" he spoke to make her aware of his presence.
"You are up early, good, that's a good habit if you want to get ahead at the academy" she said.
"Honestly, I never got a good sleep, since it's a new place and all, you know" he said.
"I know, but i thought you would be accustomed to it, since you are a traveller" she said.
"Some things you can never get used to" he replied.
"We won't have any same classes, I suppose?" he asked her.
"Not unless you turn out to be a prodigy" she replied. Ash nodded and took a bite of his breakfast.
"You don't have any plans after the classes, do you?" Gia asked Ash, after he was almost done with his food and was about to leave.
"Not really" he said.
"I was planning to go out of the city, you know to the South mountains, it's a short journey won't take us more than twenty minutes on wheels, would you wanna come?" she asked to his delight.
"Yes, definitely" he said.
"You didn't even ask what we are going to be doing there?" she said.
"Doesn't matter, I know I won't get bored with you" he said.
"Yes, well I thought since you are a traveller, seeing new places and having new experiences might improve your core" she said.