Leo was angrily walking towards the filed. He was going to meet Courtney to explain what he had just seen, coz he knew Ivy would never open up. And even if she will, he could not wait up till that time. He needed an urgent answer.

On his way to the field, someone stopped him and the face looked really familiar. He kept wondering where he had seen that particular person.

"Hi" the person greeted.

"Hey" he answered.

" I would love to speak to you" the familiar male student said.

"Uhmm, who are you please?" Leo questioned.

"Don't you remember me?" He asked and Leo shook his head.

"I'm Ivy's twin brother Alvin" he said and Leo's eyes widened.

"Oh so sorry, my bad, forgive me" Leo said smiling .

"Oh no it's nothing" Alvin shrugged, and Leo nodded.

"So what is it you wanna speak to me about?" Leo asked and Alvin exhaled deeply, before speaking.

"I know you care about my sister and all that" he started.

"I know you're not a bad person, and you may not be like your brother Chris. But I'll appreciate it if you stop taking Ivy places and leave her to focus on her studies" Alvin explained, and Leo was totally confused.

"Huh! What do you mean?" Leo questioned.

"Why are you acting all ignorant? You don't have to, Ivy told me already"

"Told you what?" Leo huffed.

"There was a day she came home late, she confessed that you took her to Chills, and that was during schools hours" he mouthed, and Leo just stood there looking confused.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with you being Ivy's friend. But the thing is Ivy may be acting tough, but she's not at all. Ivy's a soft person, and I do not want you to complicate things for her"

"You being close to her is as much as Chris being close to her, and I do not want that. It's 70 percent sure that anyone you know, Chris is likely to know that person as well, and we all know Chris is a ruthless person. So please, I'll appreciate it if you let Ivy concentrate" Alvin explained politely.

Throughout Alvin's speech, Leo was taken aback. That means even Alvin does not know about Ivy's meeting with the C4's, what she is hiding must be really strong.

What would she be doing with the Walter's card? And now, she's with the C4's, and her own twin brother isn't even aware. This is strange!

"Hey can you hear me?" Alvin nudged him, coz he was looking really lost.

"Yeah, yeah I've heard you, and I promise you it would not happen again" Leo said quickly, and Alvin nodded.

"Thank you man, I was on my way to the lab, I'll talk to you later" Alvin said and they exchanged handshakes, before Alvin walked away.

"This is serious, so it has gotten to the point that Ivy would cover up with my name. God alone knows where she went that particular day, and told her brother that she went out with me" Leo muttered, and started walking away.


Leo did not get to meet up with Courtney, coz before he got there, lunch break was already over, and she had left.

Courtney was his classmate, but it seems they were not having the same class that day, coz he could not find her in class. Courtney never skips a class, so he assumed she was not having that particular class.

This only means they have just closing hours to speak, and he's gonna utilize it no matter what.

Who knows if Ivy is in class now, or has she even returned from wherever she went? Has she even ended whatever she was doing with them? Questions kept running through his mind.

What if Courtney doesn't open up, coz they are best of friends, and Courtney would never want to go against Ivy's wish. Or what if she doesn't even know anything concerning the issue?

Could it be possible that Ivy's hiding it from everyone, and she alone knows about it?

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He thought of asking Chris, but that would be a bad idea as Chris disrespects everyone, even his mother. So disrespecting him would not be hard at all, he loves keeping his distance coz Chris's behavior was really a bad one. He rather try Courtney instead.


Leo could not wait for closing hours, he was not even able to concentrate, as he kept checking the time.

And soon it was a dream come true for him as the final bell rang for school dismissal. He quickly hung his school bag at his back, and started walking out of the class with other students, not minding the stares he was getting from some female students.

Just as if God was on his side, immediately he came out the building, he saw Courtney standing close to the pole outside. She was with Ivy's bag pack, and he wasted no time in walking up to her.

"Hi" he greeted as he stood beside her.

"Hi Leo" she smiled.

"Yeah, where's Ivy and why are you with her bag?" Leo threw the question impatiently.

"Uhmm she said she had to see someone" Courtney said.

"Really? And who is that, did she tell you? I know it is not Alvin coz I saw him with Sophia not long ago"

"She we...went to see her..f...friend" Courtney stuttered.

"Friend? Ivy does not have any friend here for crying out loud! You are her only friend. Courtney please do not lie to me, let's save Ivy together, I know you know something. Tell me, what does Ivy have with the C4's?" Leo questioned looking so serious.

"Leo please I am not in the position to answer that" Courtney quickly said with pleading eyes. Coz if Leo pressures her much, she might say something.

"Courtney please, she is your friend, she needs our help" Leo pleaded, and Courtney blinked rapidly. She was under pressure now, and could talk at anytime.

"What's all this about?" Ivy suddenly asked as she stepped in front of him.

"Leo you are prying in my affairs and I don't like it" Ivy said, rather rudely.

"What do you mean by that Ivy. I saw you go up to that room to meet with the C4's, what are you doing with the Walter's credit card? And what is wrong with you?" Leo half yelled.

"I'll appreciate it if you would just leave me alone, let me be!" Ivy barked and Courtney who was standing beside them, felt really surprised.

"I see you like the torture you're getting from them" Leo huffed.

"Why don't you just mind your business and leave me alone" Ivy snapped at him.

"Mind my business? Really?" Leo scoffed.

"If you really want me to mind my business why would you call my name in your plans, why would you lie with my name, why involve me?" Leo fired.

"What do you mean?" Ivy asked, being soft this time.

"Oh so now you wanna know. Anyway, I met Alvin and he warned me against taking you places. He told me that there was a day I took you to chills, when none of that ever happened"

"Now let me ask you, who did you go out with Ivy? Where did you go? Why are you missing your classes? What is going on Ivy?" Leo questioned repeatedly, going soft on her.

"It's no big deal Leo, you wouldn't want to know anyway" Ivy muttered.

"No tell me, what is it? I might be of help"

"You can't be of help Leo, you can't, I'm being tortured by the C4's! They are frustrating me, they do not even want me to attend classes, they are making my life a living hell" she yelled out, frustration clearly written in her voice.

"Then why didn't you call for help, why didn't you at least talk to any of us. Even your brother" Leo huffed.

"What would you have me do Leo? Tell you or talk to Alvin. What can any of you do, I don't wanna put any of you into trouble. Alvin has been in this school for years now without getting on their wrong path, but me I'm barely two months, and all this are already happening."

"Everyone would be disappointed in me, even you Leo cannot do anything about it, and that's a fact. Just let me be, I believe it will all end one day"

"If Alvin eventually gets to know about this he's not gonna let me attend Crestfield anymore, and that's not what I want for myself. I don't wanna be a dropout, and I don't want my parents having pity on me either. So just let me be please, nobody can help me!" Ivy yelled as she broke into tears.

Leo looked at her and took pity on her. He was sincerely feeling her pain, and it hurt him so much to see Ivy in that manner.

He drew her close to him, and rested her head on his chest. He began patting her, and she continued crying and sniffing.

Some students that were passing were watching this exercise. Courtney also was watching, she was really hurt, but what can she do? She just joined other students in watching.

"You'll be fine" Leo cooed and continued patting her, while Ivy continued sniffing.

