Ivy woke up that morning feeling nervous and tensed at the same time. Today is gonna be her first day at Crestfield.

Her mom already arranged her stuffs happily, and now she was already in her room this morning again, trying to set her up.

"Mom I'm not a kid anymore" Ivy groaned as her mom was In her bathroom, setting her bathing water.

"I don't care baby, today is your first day at Crestfield High, so even if it's just for today, you are my baby. So now come on get up, your bathing water is ready" her mom said pulling the blanket away from her body, and she grunted.

"Mom!" She cried.

"Up princess, up"

Her mom made sure she got into the shower before leaving the room.

Ivy had her bath and came out quickly, she put on her uniform, and then she started dressing in her long socks and shoes. She wouldn't deny the fact that their uniform was really beautiful.

She stood in front of the mirror and packed her hair in a ponytail, her black and brown colored hair touching her waist.

She took her new bag pack loaded with books given to her from the school, and threw it over her back. She looked into the mirror and breathed lowly with her eyes closed.

Then slowly, she walked out of the room and headed downstairs.

"Wow! You look beautiful" her dad complimented, before she could even reach the dinning.

"Good morning dad" she greeted smiling, it was just her dad seated on the dining table alone.

"Morning baby, you look pretty" he said again.

"Thanks dad" she said smiling as she took a seat beside him.

"Oh my goodness Ivy! You look just like a cute little baby" her mom smiled cheerfully, dropping a bowl of pancake in front of her on the table. She was coming from the kitchen.

She quickly dipped her hand into it and took one.

"Hmmm, this is tasty, anyway thanks mom for the compliment" she smiled cheerfully.

"You're welcome honey" her mom replied, as she sat down, and soon they started eating.

"Where's Alvin?" Mr Crownway asked, few minutes after they started eating.

"Alvin's right here" Alvin replied coming down from the stairs with his hands on his tie, he was knotting it.

"Wow, who's this lady seated here?" He teased Ivy, and she stifled a laugh.

"Our uniform looks really good on you, it suits you perfectly" he said flashing her a smile, and Ivy was busy blushing.

"Thanks" she said beaming with smiles.

"We're almost running late Ivy and you're just seated there" Alvin said as he reached for a pancake, he lifted it into his mouth and took a bite.

"Wow this is so good" he said as he took another bite, chewing on it softly.

"Ivy get up!" He nudged her as he took another piece of pancake and headed out.

"Bye mom, bye dad" Ivy said as she stood up to catch up with her brother.

"Alright, bye baby" her mom answered.

Her mom sighed as she watched Ivy walk out, she hopes her daughter's gonna be okay.


Ivy and Alvin got down from the cab they had taken earlier, Alvin payed the cabby and he took off.

Ivy stood in front of the gate, getting the view of the structure very well this time. The last time she visited here it was already late and also dark, but this here is a clear view of Crestfield.

What a masterpiece!

Alvin came and stood close to her, having a view of the building too.

"Are you ready?" He asked, and she looked at him and sighed.

That's a nice question, was she really ready?But this is it, she's going to Crestfield today weather she likes it or not.

"I guess I have to be" she shrugged.

"Come here baby sis" Alvin said as threw his hands over her shoulders and she laughed as they walked into the building together.

Students were coming in with cars, and only a few came on foot like them.

"So you mean to tell me that that little boy owns that car?" Ivy asked in amazement, as she was busy looking at a young guy who just stepped out of his car.

"Ivy almost all the guys in Crestfield own a car, it is just a few of us that don't. Parents and drivers drop more of ladies at school, even some of the ladies here own a car. So please do not let it bother you" Alvin explained with his hands still on Ivy's shoulders.

They were gisting and chatting as the walked into the main building.

Gosh! The ladies here were really beautiful, even the guys. The school was looking so expensive, compared to West High.

"Uhmm Ivy" Alvin called.

"Hmmm" she answered.

"I'll take you to the principal's office right now, I have classes going on now, so I'm afraid I'll have to leave you after that" he explained, and Ivy just simply shrugged.

"Come with me" he added and started walking away.

She never wanted him to go, she wants him to be with her throughout the day, at least just today. But all the same, he has to attend his class, he cannot miss classes just because of her.

"What are you thinking about? I just asked you to come with me" Alvin said to Ivy when he turned and could not find her, he was already ahead of her.

"I'm sorry" Ivy muttered, as she walked briskly to him, and they strolled down to the principal's office.


When they got there, she was attending to some persons and so they had to wait. But Alvin could not wait because of his class.

"Look sis I have to go now, when she's done with others she's gonna attend to you, don't worry it will get to your turn soon okay? I trust you, and I know you're really smart, so you can do it. Answer whatever question you're asked" he lectured, and she was busy smiling.

"Please and please Ivy you have to be at your best behavior, and do not go about looking for trouble. This isn't West High, the students here are violent and most of them are wicked! So please I beg you, mind your own business" Alvin pleaded.

"What do you mean by that Alvin, do I look troublesome to you?" She scoffed.

"Alright that's great I gotta go now, see you during lunch break" he said and pecked her cheeks before hurriedly walking away.

"Phew! I guess it's just you and I now" she said to her pink notepad which she held in her hands. That was her favorite book, it was given to her by her grandmother who's currently down now.

Ivy watched as people trooped in and out of the principal's office. She's been there for a while now yet she's not been called, but some people who just came in, went in and came out quickly.

This is not fair at all, isn't she supposed to be learning now, does she not have any class now?

She waited for a few more minutes before she was finally called upon.

"Miss Crownway you can go in now" the messenger informed, and she nodded before standing up.

She gently opened the door, and a girl was coming out of the office, the face looked so familiar.The girl flashed Ivy a smile and the walked away.

Hold on! Isn't she Fiona, her co scholarship benefactor. Guess she also came for the same assignment she's here for.

She looked at her one last time and shrugged before going in.

"Good day ma'am" she greeted standing in front of her.

The principal was a chubby and cheerful woman, and she had glasses on. She looked really friendly.

"Ivy Crownway right?" She asked and Ivy nodded.

"Congratulations girl, well I must say, I am impressed by your performance, keep up the good work and you're gonna go far" the principal commended.

"Thank you ma" Ivy responded smiling.

"You're welcome. So here's your class number, it's in Block B" she said handing her a sheet of paper, and Ivy quickly collected it.

"Crestfield is a really nice school and the dream school of so many students. You're gonna enjoy your stay here, okay?"

"Okay ma" Ivy responded.

"Goodluck Ivy!" She added. And with that, Ivy bowed and left the office.


"Now it's time to search for my class, it says 48DB. First of all where's block B" she said to herself, as she walked along the hallway. She had walked some meters away from the principal's office.

This is really bad! She needed help, and this hallway was so quiet. All the students are in class now, that's why she could not find anyone to ask for directions.

She decided to use the paper she was given, if she could maybe find a guide there.

So she brought out the paper and began studying it. Her eyes were stuck right into it, that she did not know that a student was coming.

Suddenly! She bumped into him and her sheet of paper fell to the ground, alongside her notepad, the student's phone also fell down.

"What the f*ck!!!" He growled and raised his head in anger.

