Chereads / During the Dark Ages / Chapter 174 - Chapter 174 Lunch and Plans

Chapter 174 - Chapter 174 Lunch and Plans

Before leaving, Alex decided to grab some seasonings, as well as pots, cooking tools, a barbecue grill and barbecue sauce. He also decided to grab some rice, as he hadn't eaten any in a while.

"What took you so long?" Lily asked when Colin flew through the window, she sitting beside Alice on a bench on the top floor, it seems the two of them has gotten quite close.

"Calm down, I've only been gone for a few hours, you couldn't have starved in such a short amount of time." Colin rolled his eyes

"You should never keep your teacher waiting. Now prepare my lunch." Lily said in a cute, commanding voice and Colin could only sigh.

"Fine, but we need to bleed the meat first and then we need to butcher it. And I need to find a kitchen to cook in." Colin said

"Oh, I can handle the blood letting and the butchering, you go and find a kitchen." Lily said and a red dagger appeared in her hand, Colin dropped the corpses on the ground and flew towards a restaurant within the city, and thankfully, it was still intact. The restaurant was two stories tall and was probably a popular restaurant in the past, but now, it was just another building. Colin quickly found the kitchen and took time to clean the entire kitchen, although he knew bacteria wouldn't affect them in the slightest, he still wanted his food to be as bacteria free as possible. He had just started preparing the rice when Lily and Alice burst through the door.

"We are done with the beasts." Lily said with a smile on her face while Alice had a look of displeasure on her face, as well as drops of blood. He could guess what had happened.

"Wow, what's that?" Lily asked as she looked at the rice in the pot.

"It's rice, have you never seen it before?" Colin asked curiously

"Nope, all the plants in the underworld look weird and/or they are sentient or poisonous. The same thing will probably happen here as well, so you'll see." Lily said while looking at the rice in the pot curiously and with a bit of apprehension, as if waiting for it to jump out of the pot.

"Pass the meat." Colin said and Lily waved her hands, causing huge, neatly cut slabs of meat to appear on the table. He quickly grabbed large pots and started preparing the meat.


It took two hours to finish preparing everything and he finally served the food to the two impatient girls. Both of them savoured the food, Lily even more so as she has never eaten rice before.

"Ok now that you are all well fed, it's time to talk." Colin said and his eyes involuntarily twitched, it was the first time he had seen two girls eat over a hundred pound of food, each, in a matter of twenty minutes. The two of them didn't even look full and were ready for fifths, but Colin had already run out of food and if he didn't eat his share already, they would have eaten it as well.

"What do you wanna talk about?" Lily asked happily

"I'm planning to move soon, along with the rest of my family members in City I." Colin said and Alice looked at him in surprise

"What about Synthia, Claire and the others?" Alice asked

"There are four Angels now, two of which are tier 4 and I'm sure Synthia will be evolving soon. We can't keep babysitting them, and besides, we have our own problems to worry about." Colin said and told her about the bounty put on him, and by extension, his family's head.

"But where will we go? City I?" Alice asked

"Well, we'll have to go there to pick up the rest of our family members, but we aren't going to settle there, too much territory to cover. So we are moving to M town, it has a mountain close by so theoretically, it should have a lot of cursed ores inside it. It is also close to the ocean, so we can probably get something from there." Colin said

"I don't recommend that, your ocean is probably infested with aquatic monsters and beasts. Also, if portals have opened up under sea in the underworld, then the house of Envy has probably already laid claim on it, so you should be careful when entering." Lily said in a serious tone

"That's something to think about." Colin mumbled, as he thought about complicated the situation is becoming. If demons started claiming Territory all over the continent, then it might lead to a war and his family would most definitely be caught in the middle.

'We need to get stronger.'