In the bathroom Mallory opened her bag and pulled out a white shirt and a pair of black jean shorts. She shoved them at me as she continued looking through her bag.
"Here this will have to do. Hurry up and put it on the game will be starting soon." She ushered me into the closest stall giving me a gentle shove.
I changed as quickly as I could. Mallory was going off about how inconsiderate some people are, but I just tuned her out. It was just an accident after all. I rolled my dress in a tight ball so as not to get anything on my sketchbook inside my backpack. Stepping out of the stall I looked in the mirror adjusting the sleeves. It had small straps that went over the shoulders and sleeves around the upper part of my arms. The shirt was tighter at the bottom just covering the top of the shorts. All in all, it wasn't too bad for backups.
We headed out of the bathroom to find seats on the crowded bleachers. As we passed by the concession stand, I was tempted to grab at least a drink, but I didn't want to miss the start of the game.
"Wait please, slow down." I heard from behind me.
At first, I ignored it thinking someone was yelling at anyone else besides Mal and me. But as we found our seats and turned around to sit, standing in front of me was the man who ruined my dress. And behind him was Jayden.
Mallory squealed next to me as she jumped up to give Jayden a hug.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" she asked.
"If I would have it wouldn't have been a surprise then!" He said.
Mallory and Jayden took their seats, both talking a mile a minute.
"Geez next time I ruin a pretty ladies dress I better ask her name before she is whisked away. I've been trying to get your attention since you passed by the concession stand. I'm really sorry about your dinner. Here, please take this." He had a hotdog and Dr. Pepper in one hand and a hotdog and a coke in the other. He was handing me the one with Dr. Pepper.
"Thank you! Although, I do appreciate it, you didn't have too." I told him as I took it with a smile.
"Are you on the wrong side of the field sir? I haven't seen you around these parts. And believe me I know just about everyone around here. WE are cheering for the Windjammers. Not the Purple Panthers. So, if you are a purple fan you need to see yourself to the other side." Mallory stated rather bluntly. Jayden tried getting her attention, but she ignored him.
He laughed and took a quick glance at the field as the band was starting to play. As the cheerleaders started coming out, he quickly turned back to us.
"I am also now a Windjammers fan. My family recently moved here. I'm just here to watch my little brother. And my roommate here offered me a ride home. Can I sit here?" He motioned to the spot next to me.
Mallory glared at Jayden. Like it was his fault he brought a stranger home. As they went back to their own conversation, I turned back to the man in front of me.
"Umm sure go ahead. Wait! You said your family just moved here?" I asked.
"Yes, why?" He replied.
"You must be Colton's brother, Eric. Am I right?"
"Yes, I am. I take it you know my little brother?"
"Yes, I do! I'm Perri. That's Mallory. He works with us at Mallory's mom's bakery downtown. Have you been there?"
"Not yet but Colton says I really need to try out the cinnamon rolls because they are to die for."
Just then the football team came out and we all stood to cheer. Colton's gave found ours and you could tell he was surprised to see his brother with us. His smile, however, lit up his whole face as he took to the field.
As we sat down Eric leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Thank you," he said.
I looked at him confused. "For what?"
"For helping him pass his calculus test. I know how much this game meant to him and it means a lot to me that you were willing to help him. My parents are really thankful too."
"Anytime! Colton's a good kid. I always wished I had a younger sibling."
"Yea, they are pretty great. Hey, that's a beautiful locket. Where did you get it?
"Thank you! I'm actually not sure where it came from. My mom said it was a gift from a friend when I was little, but I don't remember much of my younger days and the memories I do have I wish I didn't." I stated honestly.
"May I see it?" he sounded almost hopeful.
"Sure, just please be careful it's already broke and won't open no more." I carefully unclasped the back and gently laid it in his hands. It made me extremely nervous to see it in his big hands. I was pretty certain he wouldn't do anything to it but just the thought that he could crush it had my hands sweating.
He examined the front for a minute then slowly turned it over. As he was looking at the initials on the back it almost looked like he was tearing up. Then his jaw seemed to suddenly clench, and he gripped the chain tighter. What in the world made him react like this? What was these boys' interest in my locket?