Listening to the rhythmic sound of splashing water, Suzain felt her eyelids getting heavy as she drifted into sleep.

Meanwhile, Albert Who as standing below the shower head kept thinking about thinking about Suzain's words as cold kept splashing on his body.

"We are not husband and wife anymore."

AS he recalled,Suzain coldly saying these word to him he couldn't help but feel frustrated.

At that time, when he bumped into Suzain in front of the elevator the matter of their divorce has already gone to the back of his mind. At that time, he had forgotten they were divorced. His actions were due to the fact that he was her husband.

If Suzain, hasn't reminded him about this matter. He still would have considered himself her husband.

The strange thing was that it was him who has always looked forward to the day of their divorce but hearing suzain draw a line between them. He couldn't feel but get angry as if something precious has been snatched from him.

Thinking up to this point, Suzain has lost her memories which means she has doesn't have any feelings for him anymore.

Just thinking about this made him feel suffocated.

He realized on thing though that he no longer wished to divorce her.

He even stated cursing Su Chen in his mind. If not for him, How could they have got such a quick divorce .For the first time he felt that his efficiency in doing things quickly is also a flaw.

Su Chen who sneezed at this moment thought that his boss should be again blaming him for his own mistakes.

Albert was struck by a sudden thought

Would they have to PART WAYS one day?

He quickly dismissed the thought from his mind.

He has made up his mind, whatever happens in the future HE WOULD BE HER ONLY HUSBAND AND SHE HIS ONLY WIFE.

As for the damned divorce, he has plenty of ways to take care of it.

Little did he knew that he is getting attracted to her.

But he would have never thought that he has to bear a lot of hardships to win Suzain's heart in the future

Because he was sorting out his emotions, he took a especially long shower.

After putting on his clothes, he came out of the bathroom and was greeted by the sight of Suzain's adorable sleeping face.

Looking at her, sleeping peacefully an unknown feeling welled up in his heart and his bad mood immediately disappeared. He had an irrepressible urge to caress her face.

He started walking towards her bed but he realized a kind of piercing gaze on himself.HE looked in the direction from the gaze came from and was met with a pair of eyes staring at him fiercely.

He was all too familiar with person sitting on the sofa and his mood which had brightened up a moment ago instantly disappeared.