Chereads / Shanaya's diaries / Chapter 5 - He never came

Chapter 5 - He never came

It was my day of the function. I went inside the college in normal clothes and my friends took me to the washroom so that I could change in saree. I don't know but I felt excited cause I had friends who were genuinely helping me get ready. It was chaotic too because wearing a saree is a task in it. However , we managed it somehow and I finally wore it. A red chiffon saree with a sleeveless blouse. When I came out of the washroom, I saw many boys and girls were looking at me and I was happy though cause in school no one really cared to even look at me. 

Tanushka and I ran to the cafeteria to show others how we looked, and to the surprise they were mesmerized. All credit goes to Ms. Tanushka for helping me wear it.

We clicked many pictures and when Sana saw me, My dear Sana !

She literally jumped and came to hug me, so many kisses landed on my cheeks from her sweet sugary lips. Some people call me lesbian just because I have a caring bestfriend, I can't do anything that. She is MY SOUL-SISTER. AND SOME MFs think I am lesbo, are u kidding me , bro I am straight let me clear that.

Sana looked at me with her pretty siren eyes which could have easily made anyone fall for her (which IT DID). I don't believe in toxic friendship cause what is even the point in that. Whoever is reading this diary, if you have a bestfriend regardless of the gender, you do know what loving each other is in terms of friendship. Not being toxic, admiring her/ him , treating them like your own, setting high standards for a person to love them. Cause they way she cared for me and showed high standards of love and how to make feel prioritise, it has a seperate feeling and thing. Wanting them to be happy even if your life is messed up. 

"ABEE EVENT MEIN JAANA HAI, ITNI KISSES TOH MAT DE !" ( Gotta go to an event, don't give me too may kisses!) I laughed after saying this. We both went inside while she shot the video my performance and danced as well. I was so happy to see that. While sometime in the backstage, all the jamming team were grooving and playing songs when the curtain was there. Audience enjoyed, jammers played, teachers shocked. 

He didn't came that time while I waited for him. Maybe false hopes are bad. After the performance, I checked my phone," Sorry I got a problem at home, I wasn't able to come to your event. I am really sad for what happened." I was like wtf , okay! I understand he may have something came up suddenly but that doesn't justify his actions. THATS WHY I SAY BESTFRIENDS ARE PRIORITY NOT ANY RANDOM GUY. I am writing this outta angerness cause this happened.

After this I got many confessions on our college confession page. Some even came up to talk to me. After that he and I had several things which I probably don't wanna share right now. Maybe all will know that eventually in the other chapters. 

The fact that first time in my life, I cried for a boy. Mental health was at stake. 

YoU KNOw That CanNON iNcidENt that TUrns YouR AngELIC SidE intO A EVil siDE, I became that!

Anyways after that several things happened...

that's such a long story.... 

To be continued....